Pulling off walls IS bad though, when it can pull an entire group of people and when no skills can do that. Pulling off walls is bad when a few well-timed DCs can pull an entire group of defenders off of siege and into a waiting group to pick everyone off because of fall damage yeeting a good portion of their health.
[snip] One person's balance isn't the same as another's though, and there have been arguments for all sides(hence your balance isn't the same as mine, or the person next to us) to me, pulling off walls isn't such a bad thing. It might go a bit far so I'll call it a grey area depending on what mood you catch me in. Pulling THROUGH a wall is too far.
My point is it's ALWAYS something for SOMEONE. Wings are too strong, swift is too fast, x class heals too much, armor type is too tanky, x skill is too loaded. If I were a developer I'd probably create these sets just to watch us all burn.
Pulling off walls IS bad though, when it can pull an entire group of people and when no skills can do that. Pulling off walls is bad when a few well-timed DCs can pull an entire group of defenders off of siege and into a waiting group to pick everyone off because of fall damage yeeting a good portion of their health.
/Shrug I have a different viewpoint. Some of these ledges on keeps are low enough to toss a basketball up to ya. Why can't I use a grappling hook or a polearm to yank you down? What's the difference . But that's my opinion. I think we limit our creativity and fun due to what some think is "fair"(and it will never be unanimous). In my opinion unfair would be letting one side do things the others can't. If it's accessable to all, go, make chaos and have fun!
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
How about because every other time since the dawn of ESO that we have had people being able to break into a keep or pull people out of the keep without taking down the wall, ZOS has stepped in and corrected it because its not an intended mechanic. And even when they couldn't immediately fix something, people have been suspended for exploiting the very same issue.
Every other argument about this set aside, this alone should be enough for an emergency hotfix and if they cant fix it, the set should be disabled until they can.
But you DID hit the ONLY fact in ANY of the crying for nerfs, opposition of nerfs, arguments for why it should be how any one player wants. It's Zos's game! I'm fairly certain they're aware of alllll the arguments by now. If they want it fixed, they will. If not, they wont. And WHEN they want to change it( and zos being zos, change is the only constant) they will. And it won't have anything to do with my opinion, or yours.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
[snip] You are certainly entitled to believe whatever you want. I am explaining in clear terms why this particular set should not exist as is. It violates the rules of the game as we the players have known them for years. It's out of line with EVERY other set in the game. [snip]
The problem comes from the fact that no Skill is capable of a) pulling at an elevation like DC can, and b) all pull Skills in the game are, afaik, single-target. They also have to be targeted at specific players, whereas DC can be dropped pretty much wherever and yank anyone in that area (and even outside of it, as has been noted oftentimes it will pull you even if you're not in the AoE). Even the lower walls are high enough to cause fall damage, and when people are stacking Colossus ults or a bunch of AoE at one specific point (which is on your head), having that missing health can be huge.
/Shrug I have a different viewpoint. Some of these ledges on keeps are low enough to toss a basketball up to ya. Why can't I use a grappling hook or a polearm to yank you down? What's the difference . But that's my opinion. I think we limit our creativity and fun due to what some think is "fair"(and it will never be unanimous). In my opinion unfair would be letting one side do things the others can't. If it's accessable to all, go, make chaos and have fun!
The problem comes from the fact that no Skill is capable of a) pulling at an elevation like DC can, and b) all pull Skills in the game are, afaik, single-target. They also have to be targeted at specific players, whereas DC can be dropped pretty much wherever and yank anyone in that area (and even outside of it, as has been noted oftentimes it will pull you even if you're not in the AoE). Even the lower walls are high enough to cause fall damage, and when people are stacking Colossus ults or a bunch of AoE at one specific point (which is on your head), having that missing health can be huge.
Everyone being able to use it doesn't mean it's not a problem. If everyone is using a single set because it's too overtuned, that's a big red flag that it needs to be scaled back (or fixed, since I'm certain the pulling off walls and siege is a bug). It can also be frustrating. People using it might not enjoy doing it but are because they have no choice if they want to have a chance of winning themselves.
Also the point about not being able to pull people off low ledges is answered by the fact that that's not how pulls or AoE are designed to work in the game. They don't work at elevations above or below you after a certain height even in PvE; if you try to use an AoE on a ledge above you or on the ground way below you, it'll instead just hit the ground as close to the intended target area as it can get without actually reaching it. It might be a coding thing, or it could be another issue. Iirc there was a problem with DK chains years ago doing the same thing, where it could pull through walls and doors and stuff.
At the end of the day everyone will have their own ideas and beliefs on what's fair and balanced, yes. And individually no one is wrong or right, at least most of the time. However, when a large number of people can agree that certain things don't feel fair or aren't balanced, that's when something needs to be looked into.
(I meant to post this hours ago and completely forgot I never did until now x__x.)
It's not the only set that can "check zerg groups", unless they're highly coordinated zergs. Most aren't, though. The number of times I've seen a massive group get burned down by one a quarter of its size is pretty substantial, and I don't even PvP all that often.PileggiPileggi wrote: »Its the only set that can actually check zerg groups and its the only set that makes necro fun to play in PvP. It needs to stay in the game for that reason. Being pulled by multiple though is probably a bit much, there should be a short cooldown before you can get pulled by DC again, maybe 5 seconds.
9/10 times you can roll out of DC and block in between, it is not a big deal. When I die to it I feel it is preventable.
Right now I am more annoyed by the 35k+ hp DKs who don't die ever then still able to do massive damage, running around in small buildings in groups of 2-3 crosshealing. Think I would rather watch paint dry than fight these people.
PileggiPileggi wrote: »Its the only set that can actually check zerg groups and its the only set that makes necro fun to play in PvP. It needs to stay in the game for that reason. Being pulled by multiple though is probably a bit much, there should be a short cooldown before you can get pulled by DC again, maybe 5 seconds.
9/10 times you can roll out of DC and block in between, it is not a big deal. When I die to it I feel it is preventable.
Right now I am more annoyed by the 35k+ hp DKs who don't die ever then still able to do massive damage, running around in small buildings in groups of 2-3 crosshealing. Think I would rather watch paint dry than fight these people.
Danse_Mayhem wrote: »Ridiculous set. Should never have been a thing.
- Blocking it barely works, and when groups start staggering their procs, the ground AOE prevents seeing the second one go down so it’s impossible to know when to block.
- Pulls people off walls, causing siege to be botched and loss of lancers etc.
- It’s created a meta where every player thinks they are some hot shot bomber by pairing it with VD/PB and spamming ele ring to decimate entire crowds, at max range, without even engaging combat, and without using a single class ability.
- It’s the #1 tool of ball groups and zergs. If you think it works against those players, you haven’t been in pvp enough. The larger group always wins. No matter what set / tactic you use. Dark convergence is just another tool for them to use to decimate small scale play as they snatch you in from miles away to a stack of negates / mines / other AOE.
- Since release I’ve never seen so much hate ever for a set / mechanic / anything by so many players, and have never personally see one thing mess with balance as much as this set.
- Listen to your players ZOS. I get that you have never removed anything before, but you can completely rework this set to something usable. Not a black hole of CC that just makes necros god mode with zero effort.
That's the thing. It's fine for PvE, where it doesn't pull other players off walls and siege and through doors and all, nor does it get paired with half a dozen Colossus ults to nuke players within seconds. It doesn't yank players into the AoE despite those players being way out of the AoE's range.LuC1ll3atTh3Wh33L wrote: »a bit late to the discussion, i am but my 2 cents still have value....
i absolutely love DC.
i only do pvp quests when the territory is in my favor. i don't kill other players. some would say with that in mind i don't really play pvp. ok. i'm fine with that.
i absolutely love DC.
i don't need it but it greatly adds to my enjoyment when i can complete delves in cyro with relative ease (get the shard, kill the bosses).
i really enjoy rounding all the baddies up in a group, throwing down some DC love and blasting them with lightning...this is fun for me.
i would love zos even more if they could find a way to nerf DC in pvp but leave it alone in pve.
i also accept that in a few months i could be bored with DC and stop using but i'll cross that bridge if i get to it.