Dark Convergence Online

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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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  • TechMaybeHic
    Good lord is there ever a ton of DC during Whitestrake. Just zergs of players spamming caltrops and time stop.
  • Roztlin45
    This set was warned about over and over before live. Matter fact I remember people scream from the rooftops.about how bad this set was and it went live anyway. Wonder why?
  • FluffWit
    This is no where near as annoying as the bombers were last pvp event.

    30k health, 25k resistance is pretty much a minimum at the moment so you can survive good DC bursts. I was running with less then those numbers today, got wrecked by DC several times and have no complaints- I knew I was too squishy going in.
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    ZeroDPS wrote: »
    Man Stop !
    this is fun set and was already adjusted, in pvp just roll-dodge out from it.

    You cannot roll dodge our of Dark Convengiance, especially then a necromancer dropped it with Unnerving Boneyard, the groupmate trigger it and used Colosus on top. Even if you break the CC you freeze on the spot.

    It only takes 2 magcro to just clear our any amount of people without any resistance.
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    ZOS designers have not understand something many of us complained from the start, 8 years ago.
    They have to remove all types of CC Cyrodiil.

    Let player skill, class/weapon abilities to do their job. Have combat lasting for some time.

    And what we have? A fragfest of series of broken skills and sets time and again. ZOS has spend more man-hours and money trying to add or fix broken sets and skills over the years for Cyrodiil than do the only thing needed. Do not have any CC in Cyrodiil.

    Stamina players will always be in disadvantage as they have to use the same pool for damage and CC break. And many of the CCs are added and even we break from one another one is added on top.

    Pause all and think. One of the most successful PVP games over the years is World of Tanks. Why? Because you do not get 1 hit nuked all the time. To lose your tracks is a CC true, but you are not defenseless, you can fight back and win. You can be low HP and still carry the team to victory due to clever tactics and skill. Worth to mention Darkfall Online handled the situation much better and this was a full on PVP fantasy MMORPG with full loot left on the corpse like with Ultima Online.

    Personally going to abuse DC and PB over the next few weeks just to have the forums filled up with complains for their removal, like it happened in 2014 with the Fighters Guild skills who got a huge nerf against vampire players in Cyro after I started one shoot nuking vampire DK emperors >:)
  • LukosCreyden
    For all people defending this set: could you please detail a reliable counterplay or defence to it?
    Simply dodge-rolling out doesn't really work. I would like to learn from those who have enough experience to survive and counter it, as I am still a novice in cyrodiil.
    Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    FluffWit wrote: »
    This is no where near as annoying as the bombers were last pvp event.

    30k health, 25k resistance is pretty much a minimum at the moment so you can survive good DC bursts. I was running with less then those numbers today, got wrecked by DC several times and have no complaints- I knew I was too squishy going in.
    This patch it is no longer, damage went up, so even if you have 40K health & 25k resistances it is too low. Even single target ganker (not bomber) hit for 40 - 50K in a single 1 second burst combo.

    At this point idk how much resistances & health one might need to survive. 50K health + 33K resistances and maybe you could... but people are very creative so I would not be surprised if it was too low, especially in lag where "time to react" does not exists & even if it did exist - break free, potions skills etc usually don't work either...
  • SgtWinnie
    I agree it's annoying and its usually the worst type of person/pvp'er using it [in PVP] but don't worry it won't matter soon.

    Soon we'll have pvp card games...
  • mocap
    no counterplay atm. DC + Colossus + Grave Robber + VD = insta death
  • Eric_Prince
    Died yesterday like a million times to this set. In particular, to the combo Dark convergence + Colossus + any other AoE that either killed everyone in a split second or kept us in stunlock until zerg nuked us anyway. Yes, sometimes, if your timing is perfect, and you're at the very edge of Dark convergence circle, you can rolldodge. Otherwise, you're dead.

    I'm not against dying in Cyro. It's part of the fun. But when you die ALWAYS and ONLY from this set, it's just boring and not cool. And not fun at all. You just can't do thing against it.
    To be the Chosen One really sounds like lots of fun,
    But in the end you'll just be someone's lunch
  • mocap
    forgot: Mist Form help a lot. Block + Mist Form. But if there is lag, slow mo bug, skyrocket ping, only Alt + F4 can save you.
  • Tranquilizer
    Personally going to abuse DC and PB over the next few weeks just to have the forums filled up with complains for their removal, like it happened in 2014 with the Fighters Guild skills who got a huge nerf against vampire players in Cyro after I started one shoot nuking vampire DK emperors >:)

    I had the same idea. Was in Cyro yestarday and man, everyone and their mother seemed to use DC, VC and/or PB in one way or the other. So today I dusted off my necro, invested some gold and transmutes and built a harmony/dc/vc magnecro myself.

    Will use it now until it got nerfed seriously. As I always say: If you can't beat them, join 'em^^
    Did the same with crimson and werewolf some time ago, it was fun as long as it lasted, but I was happy when it got nerfed at last.
  • Iron_Warrior
    I wasn't in the pvp for months but for this event i bringed out my pvp armor again and went to cyrodill. [snip]

    This is RvRvR pvp right? Then why the hell are you punishing players for grouping up? I'm getting hit with 20k plaguebreak because someone near me died? What kind of balancing is this? "Kill one player and the set will kill 3 more for you". It's not PvP it's PvSet. You want to do something about the zergs? Then do something about cross healing, people have been saying it for years, [snip] This event reminded me to only play eso for pve and switch to another game when i get the pvp itch.

    [edited for bashing]

    I made a point about dark convergance too but it got removed, i'm sick of dc+colossus+boneyard combo in every fight.
    Edited by Iron_Warrior on February 18, 2022 5:30PM
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    I nominate @ZOS_RichLambert for the darkcon+harmony+grave robber+colossus+viciousdeath challenge!
    *jokes, but would kinda like to see it*

    It's like ice bucket, but it's just so our leading team can see that it's bazooka regression again.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Wow, it is so bad in this event. Of course, there is lag. There is always lag, but in Mayhem primetime, its worse, we new it would be.

    This set basically turns zerg balls into giant vacuum cleaners. It is so obnoxious. I have been pulled through doors, off walls, been pulled when I am 10 feet outside the AOE circle, and once you are pulled, game over. So much delay in any type of roll dodge or break free, because the second you are inside the vacuum cleaner its stuns, snares, and immobilizations.

    What on earth where they thinking with this set, especially with how bad cyro is right now from a performance standpoint? Did they think this would somehow be a counter to zergs? Quite the opposite. Did they think that zergs were underpowered and needed a buff? These arent rhetorical. I would really like to know the thought process here.

    This set should either be banned from cyro, or disabled in groups of more than 4. Let the bad PVE tanks run it if they want. No self respecting trial tank is using it, so I dont think anyone on the PVE side would mind the 4 man cap.

    ZOS your game cannot handle this set in its current state from a performance standpoint.

    This set is ruining my favorite event of the year.. Sigh....

    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on February 18, 2022 4:44PM
  • LukosCreyden
    So, any ideas for counterplay yet??
    It is responsible for 90% of my deaths in Cyro and like to learn how to overcome this.
    Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    So, any ideas for counterplay yet??
    It is responsible for 90% of my deaths in Cyro and like to learn how to overcome this.

    The only counterplay is the Miyagi Defense. No Be There. If you see a zergball, just move on. Let them have the keep, resource, whatever.
  • EdmondDontes
    If ZOS was trying to make PvP miserable and unenjoyable, they succeeded with the creation of Dark Convergence.

    A free pull that doesn't have to be aimed is a god mode mechanic. The set was clearly created by a dev with very little to zero experience with PvP.
    Edited by EdmondDontes on February 18, 2022 5:03PM
  • SickleCider
    Playing today, I ran into this set a lot, and there's definitely something wrong with it. I've been routinely pulled into the proc when I am not and never have been in the AOE. I'm talking in a different zip code distance from the proc. I'm talking needing to renew my passport so I can go get a glimpse of the proc.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    For all people defending this set: could you please detail a reliable counterplay or defence to it?
    Simply dodge-rolling out doesn't really work. I would like to learn from those who have enough experience to survive and counter it, as I am still a novice in cyrodiil.

    Anyone saying roll dodge is the counter play is either using this wildly OP set in their zerg, or they havent actually played PVP in the last 6 months. I play a roll sorc in all well-fitted with 20k stam on mag toon. I can roll halfway across the map. When used by a zerg that is also spamming any number of CCs, and Immobilizations, roll dodge simply doesnt do anything 9/10 times, and when it does, it seems it can just pull you again. Normally, your character just sort of stutters and you die.

    To be clear, this set is not really a problem if one random guy is wearing it. Its not really a problem when a lazy tank uses it to auto chain adds in PVE. Its a problem when a zergball uses it in combination with talons, boneyard, colossus, and whatever else they stack on top of it. It allows a tightly stacked zerg to wildly expand their radius of attack, again a giant Roomba comes to mind.

    As far as I can tell, this set either doesn't respect the normal rules of CC, or the rules of CC as I understand them are broken beyond repair. In either event, the set shouldnt exist in its current state. I have CC breaked and been pulled two seconds later. I have been pulled, barely escaped and immediately pulled again. I have used an Immovable put and then been pulled. I have been pulled through block. I have been pulled through doors. I have been pulled off keeps. I have been pulled mid dodge roll.

    Even if for the sake of argument this is the greatest and most balance set ever on paper, it is clearly not functioning within the rules of the game as most of us understand them. It feels like a cheat engine or like we are deliberately being trolled by the devs.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on February 18, 2022 8:54PM
  • ZeroDPS
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    You really need to setup this set for a great kill count. I may have died 2-3 times out of the last 20+ times hit by DC, and those times I died was well done and deserved on my end. Die and learn, this is the way.

  • averyfarmanb14_ESO

    You cannot roll dodge our of Dark Convengiance, especially then a necromancer dropped it with Unnerving Boneyard, the groupmate trigger it and used Colosus on top. Even if you break the CC you freeze on the spot.

    It only takes 2 magcro to just clear our any amount of people without any resistance.

    Cannot be stressed enough. Spent more than a little time yesterday at the receiving end of this in action, to the point where I've bowed out of this Whitestrake's Mayhem (at least in Imperial City.)
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw

    Cannot be stressed enough. Spent more than a little time yesterday at the receiving end of this in action, to the point where I've bowed out of this Whitestrake's Mayhem (at least in Imperial City.)

    LOL, its way worse in Cyro. Never found ball groups to be too much of an issue in IC. But I do play IC a little differently. I pick and chose my battles much more carefully in IC.
  • EozZoe1989
    wish there was a non pvp place for places because i need get some quests done in the main pvp area and can not because most people killed me in past it would be nice to have a non battling person map.. and a pvp version because i think its the one with quests were can kill anyone... and its sad because never going be able finish if never gets changed its fin it just means wont be going there or getting it finished lol
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    While we are at it, I want to try to understand the mechanics of this set a little better. My experience is 100% anecdotal, as I have never actually used it.

    My understanding from the tool tip is that it pulls you, a snare is applied inside the AOE and you are stunned. In a perfect world that means once pulled, you have to Break Free, then roll dodge to get out (similar to a fossilize on DK, where you first must break free, then also complete a roll dodge). Technically its not an immobilization, so roll dodge is not required, but because of the snare, its probably the best way out of the AOE once you have broken free.

    Have people tested this in a controlled setting, AKA not cyrodiil? Does that stun simply not grant or respect any type of CC immunity? Because that seems to be the case. It seems you can be pulled when you should be CC immuned and you can be stunned again afterwards as if the pull did not grant immunity. I know CC immunity has always been a very questionable mechanic and often simply doesn't work properly, but it seems way worse with DC.

    If any of the above is correct, ZOS needs to remove the stun from the set or the set itself until they can fix it.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on February 18, 2022 10:43PM
  • Roztlin45
    The cast should be limited to 8 meters from the person else it should not proc. Also remove the stun , so.that if you do survive you have a great chance actual pvp.with the caster. No more wall pulls.
  • RevJJ
    Went back into pvp for the first time in ages. Unsurprisingly this trash set is still overused and takes away a lot of the fun in pvp. It needs to be deleted from the game. Give anyone who golded it out their materials or gold back and then just completely remove it from the game. Whoever designed this hates pvp, that much is clear.
  • Wolfshade
    I know there are other threads on the subject, but I'll just post it here. During the event I play this set for the first time myself. Try it out and see what is possible.

    Short explanation: When the set came out, I was mostly on the road as Tanky Guy and must say, even before it was nerft I laughed about it. If you know it, easy to counter and except in said combination, no problem. Now I tried it on a Mage and NB. Both not tanky.

    This set is strong, the biggest problem I see:

    - too many effects that trigger it
    - too easy to get (everyone has it after 1 week)
    - the behavior on and with walls

    As a caster or not tanky guy, in most cases I get out of it, provided I see it at all. In almost every death by this set:

    a) I didnt see it
    b) vd is with it

    Not to mention the tripple breakfree! Horrible...

    The whole game in Cyro, espacially during this event, is now characterized by this set. In general, however, it seems that exactly this gameplay is finding its way into the entire gaming world. Fast fights, no skill necessary, one click and on to the next AP. I like this set, can also imagine it well in pve. The points mentioned and especially in combination, however, provide for the one or other, more than desired and usual moment, where I think: For the PVP, in that mass, it has not done a good job for Cyro.
    This comment is awesome! It`s just a test comment!

    **End of the Internet**
  • Kory
    Maybe one day the developers will play pvp for more than 10 minutes, more than 2 rounds of battlegrounds, to understand what this set is doing to pvp. :D Assuming it didn't dawn on them that this set is overpowered and overperforming for what it is.
  • pecheckler
    This set is being abused by half the players in PvP content 😂

    How many sets are there that see little use in comparison?

    The developers clearly don’t play PvP content.

    Welp, I’m off to abuse the proc some more. Oh what fun it is to suck in a dozen players and watch ice comet and colossal smash kill them all!
    End the tedious inventory management game.
This discussion has been closed.