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[Murkmire Celebration] What's your final score

  • Willock
    1 collectible completed, used crown store tickets
    Yeah this event is a miss for me, not enough tickets to buy everything coupled with too many layers of RNG (RNG to get a drop, RNG to get more than one box, RNG to get a fragment from the box).

    I sadly had to use event tickets to complete the Voriplasm pet, going to miss out on the memento unfortunately.

    ZOS, if your intention is to get people to spend crowns to get the items, you might as well just stick them in the crown store instead of pretending there's a reasonable way to get them through gameplay.
  • Willock
    1 collectible completed, used crown store tickets
    Willock wrote: »
    Yeah this event is a miss for me, not enough tickets to buy everything coupled with too many layers of RNG (RNG to get a drop, RNG to get more than one box, RNG to get a fragment from the box).

    I sadly had to use event tickets to complete the Voriplasm pet, going to miss out on the memento unfortunately.

    ZOS, if your intention is to get people to spend crowns to get the items, you might as well just stick them in the crown store instead of pretending there's a reasonable way to get them through gameplay.

    *had to use crown store tickets
  • Aelorin
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    I have the pet and probably could get the memento, but I think it is not worth the tickets. I'll probably save some tickets for a new event, or for an indrik.
    And so the Elder Scrolls foretold.You will be shy, and I will be bold.
  • spartaxoxo
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    I got the pet. Didn't get stake done. Meh
  • Alienoutlaw
    2 collectibles completed, used free tickets only
    vapour pet [x]
    wooden grave stick [x]
    12 tickets for next event [x]
    No gold or crowns spent [x]
  • InvitationNotFound
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    Probably the first event I wasn't able to get everything.

    But i neither farm random drop boxes for hours nor do i waste money on event tickets (wtf...).
    We want firing off Dark Exchange in the middle of combat to feel awesome... - The Wrobler
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    Verrätst du mir deinen Beruf? Ich würde auch gerne mal Annahmen dazu schreiben, wie simple die Aufgaben anderer sind. - Kai Schober

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  • redgreensunset
    No collectibles completed
    5 gravestake fragments, none for pet, no tickets spend because I couldn't care less about an idiotic emoteand had no idea the droprate would be this lousy. I kinda wanted the pet but then I guess I ahould have started buying fragments on day oje since they intended to screw players over.
    Honestly, once I get the final berry for the ghost undrink I'm just gonna skip events entirely, they've become purw cash grabs by all appearances.
  • MasterSpatula
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    Might have done a bit better, but I lost three days because I couldn't get the game to download and my Strongbox and Tickets didn't drop tonight. (Or they did, but they dropped on a mob that a group mate killed that I never even saw to loot, which is the same thing.)
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Grianasteri
    No collectibles completed
    I need one more bit for voriplasm... so it looks like I wont manage it :(

    Depends on what time the event ends in the UK...
  • Túrin_Vidsmidr
    No collectibles completed because you did not participate in the event
    I denounced the call of the bog!
    The best techniques are passed on by the survivors.
  • Tigerseye
    No collectibles completed
    Did event every day, by doing all three dailies (and sometimes more).

    Didn't complete either collectible.

    One short to complete the grave stake momento and (in what may be some kind of record!) 0 fragments collected for the slime pet.
  • Danikat
    No collectibles completed
    I didn't try to complete either of the collectables because I don't want them. I was intending to sell the fragments until I found out they unlock automatically so that's impossible.

    Because I didn't want the collectables I was only getting 1 box per day (for the tickets) and only until I had all the indrik feathers and berries and 12 tickets, then I stopped doing it entirely, so I never got enough boxes to complete the collectables and didn't spend any tickets on them.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Anne13
    2 collectibles completed, used crown store tickets
    I only purchased 1 extra ticket and used several free tickets. Farmed for hours and hours and you guessed it, more hours... It seems they forced people to have to buy tickets by putting in an extremely low drop rate, in a short amount of time. Worst event to date...
  • Tigerseye
    No collectibles completed
    I'm quite excited by how badly I did, in a weird kind of way.

    If you're going to lose, lose big. :lol:

    Hopefully, some nice person, who really wanted the pet, got it instead of me.

    Of course, they may not be nice, in which case... :neutral:

    I denounced the call of the bog!

    That can be bad for the bladder.
    Edited by Tigerseye on March 3, 2020 10:24AM
  • Foxhearted
    1 collectible completed, did not use tickets at all
    Got the snot pet, was mainly doing just one daily.
  • daemonios
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    Anne13 wrote: »
    I only purchased 1 extra ticket and used several free tickets. Farmed for hours and hours and you guessed it, more hours... It seems they forced people to have to buy tickets by putting in an extremely low drop rate, in a short amount of time. Worst event to date...

    And yet you validated their choice by purchasing that ticket. What do you think are the chances they will revert to better drop rates and tradeable event drops next time?
  • DBZVelena
    No collectibles completed
    none completed because they don't interest me. So i got some feathers instead.
    What are Natch Potes? Can you eat those?
    I believe in Genie-Gina.
  • Michae
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    My final score is:
    - 33 tickets (I missed two days, I forgot to log in on the first day of the event and I missed another one due to patch),
    - 12 boxes, got only one additional box despite few hours of killing and gathering, the only things of note I got from those besides the fragments is two huntsman motif pages,
    - got one indrik berry for the tickets, had all the rest from previous events, both berries, feathers and basic indrik,
    - pet completed, 3 pet fragments in boxes, the rest I bought for tickets,
    - memento not completed, got two fragments in boxes, didn't bother with buying any,
    - 6 tickets left at the end of the event,
    - 0 tickets bought in the crown store.

    Overall I didn't really enjoy the event, the grind felt really unrewarding. Locking goodies behind fragments in collections menu removed a lot of flexibility, I usually got the missing pieces from friends, guildies or guild stores since I don't really have that much time to burn grinding. The fragments locked behind the triple rng gate (not all mobs drop loot in the first place, then you get rng on dropping strongbox and then another rng on fragments) are a really bad idea and the drop rate was awful. I give this event a 2/10 score ;).
    "I bear the cruel weight of certainty. Total, absolute, relentless certainty. People rarely comprehend the luxury of doubt... the freedom that comes with indecision. I envy you."
    Sotha Sil

    @Michae PC/EU
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    2 collectibles completed, used free tickets only
    Event could have been much better if at least fragments were tradeable. If that would be the case, it would pretty fun & decent event. But it looks like people will simply have another medical condition which makes them hate swamps & argonians :/ .

    I really don't like that my fauvorite DLC / zone was once again used as a "testing grounds" for a weird monetisation experiments, to see "how far" they can go.
    It is up to us, as a community to provide feedback and make a clear message - this went too far. There is no reason for a painfull and boring grind in an event that is suppoused to be fun and engaging. It was the total oposite. Especially that it is a DLC event.

    I somehow managed to collect all fragments... But by god, so much time wasted on killing mobs... :#:s
  • redlink1979
    You should have added "Other" to poll options.

    I got 2 mementos, used 10 tickets twice (I bought 4 parts: 3 voriplasm n 1 grave).

    Drop rewards "ratio" was even more horrible in the last 3/4 days: I only got trash in a single box per day, per server.

    PS - I only bought the parts because the indrik is ready for the next evolution, I got 3 berries n I just need a feather to get another indrik which I can't form yet.
    Edited by redlink1979 on March 3, 2020 11:16AM
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother [PS5][EU] 2165 CP
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  • Cirantille
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    I got the pet

    Since I don't like the new indrik and event tickets are piling up I didn't know where to spend them
  • huntgod_ESO
    2 collectibles completed, used crown store tickets
    Ended up 1 fragment short, had to purchase 2 tickets from crown store to purchase it.

    I played everyday, played for 4+ hours four times trying for a second box and had no luck, so gave up on that.

    I came into the event with 9 tickets, purchased the berry on day 1, then had to purchase more of the fragments after going 7 days straight with no fragments.

    If they do RNG non tradeable again, I will likely cancel my sub, I'll keep playing but I'm not going to support a company that abuses it's players.
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • Luke_Flamesword
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    I've got memento - I was 2 pieces short so I bought them with free tickets. Didn't get a pet - only 4 fragments collected.

    RNG was awful. I spent a lot of hours in Murkmire (farming resources, stealing, killing mobs, making achievements and dailies) but I had only couple times second strongbox. On first day i got tickets and 2 strongboxes from one mob - not sure it was bug or just extreme luck :D

    I liked better Midyear Mayhem rewards - there was boxes all time from playing. Yeah, I know that was trash in 95% boxes, but feeling of constans rewards and hope for something good was so much better than pointless grind and no reward at all.
    PC | EU | DC |Stam Dk Breton
  • Linaleah
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    early on in the event, every ticket I got, was spent on pet parts, because they just didn't drop for me (to clarify - NO fragments dropped for me 90% of the time). when fragments continued not dropping for me, pet OR memento, I realized that this is too much of an exercise in frustration and spent the last 10 tickets I had on the new berry, because if these are my droprates, its likely they will continue to be this bad during jester's festival.

    which means I cannot afford to leave buying of 2 berries for that event - too much risk of ending up with incomplete indrik AND incomplete pig pet (and I really want that pig). that decision was made when there was nearly a week still left on the event and I was 1/7 fragments for memento. I'm 5/7 now, and as it is, going into jesters without my typical cushion of "can buy a berry with tickets on hand, the moment event starts"

    making these parts untradable with such low droprates for fragments within boxes, let alone droprates for extra boxes.... not a good decision long term. I don't think number of people caving in and buying tickets is going to compensate for number of people getting disillusioned and spending less money on a game as a consequence.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • tmbrinks
    2 collectibles completed, used free tickets only
    Finished grave stake yesterday, voriplasm pet a few days prior.

    Bought no tickets with crowns/gold, got 1 berry for the next Indrik, and have 7 leftover to carry to next event.

    Only got 1 "extra" strongbox above and beyond my first of the day while questing a character through the Murkmire questline (so no grinding for them)
    Tenacious Dreamer - Hurricane Herald - Godslayer - Dawnbringer - Gryphon Heart - Tick Tock Tormenter - Immortal Redeemer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
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    61,405 achievement points
  • Ri_Khan
    No collectibles completed because you did not participate in the event
    Poorly planned, bad timing and lame rewards. This event was pathetic. I'm not here to grind for pets and mementos. I'm also not trying to play this game with no add-ons, at 10 fps, while randomly disconnecting for a week.
  • Brandathorbel
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    that is sad. the whole point of these events is to ensure that if you take part you will be able to get all the rewards. The fact that the majority didn't says how poorly thought out this was. Events are supposed to bring back players and hook them, not bring them back only to send them away forever.

    So, due to that, it is guaranteed they will do this again.

    The decisions they make really do astound me.
  • Nanfoodle
    1 collectible completed, did not use tickets at all
    Spent all my tickets on feathers. But got the snot pet by drop only.
  • Tatanko
    2 collectibles completed, used free tickets only
    I went to PAX East and still managed to get the next Indrik berry and both collectibles with 3 extra tickets this morning before the event ends on top of it all.
    Silvanus the Gilded
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  • Brandathorbel
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    Tatanko wrote: »
    I went to PAX East and still managed to get the next Indrik berry and both collectibles with 3 extra tickets this morning before the event ends on top of it all.

    well you got lucky. That was no where near the norm as you can see
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