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[Murkmire Celebration] What's your final score

  • Kahlis
    No collectibles completed
    I managed enough tickets to get a new mount. As for fragments, and the pet(s)? In the total period of the event I managed exactly 2 fragments total.
  • GenjiraX
    2 collectibles completed, used crown store tickets
    I don't think there's anything wrong with having to spend event tickets on event rewards. Personally, I was happy to spend 500 crowns on the two tickets I needed to get that last fragment. If it was a lot more than two, I wouldn't've bothered and would've waited until next year to finish the collection off.
  • Starlock
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    Kahnak wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    While I expected a ratcheting up of predatory monetization in this game, I didn't expect blatant coercion.

    As much as I find offering event tickets in the cash shop to be objectionable in of itself, I can grant a reluctant pass to offering them provided their purchase is genuinely optional to complete an event. To put this another way, it is begrudgingly acceptable (though hardly ideal) to offer event tickets in the cash shop provided it is possible for ALL players to complete event rewards by simply playing the game for a reasonable amount of time.

    This event was something different. It was NOT possible for ALL players to complete event rewards by simply playing the game for a reasonable amount of time. This is a blatantly coercive attempt to force customers into the cash shop to win event rewards. This is about the WORST form of predatory monetization a video game can have in it. Deliberate coercion of a customer like this is straight up a con game and if it isn't already illegal, should be.

    Coercion, huh? Ok.

    You can nitpick choice of words or you can realize that regardless of that, customers are being manipulated in ways that are blatantly predatory. Fact stands that this is the first time we've had an event where most players (well, basically all of them except the lucky ones) are forced to pay money in the cash shop if they want to complete event rewards. It sets a troubling precedent.
  • jaws343
    2 collectibles completed, used free tickets only
    I completed both by Sat morning and got the berry day one. Was forced to spend 10 tickets on fragments midway through the event to avoid losing them. Probably would have completed both without spending tickets but it was easier to not lose so many. As it stood, I left the event with 12 tickets and lost out on like 6 additional tickets from the last few days of the event because there was nothing to spend them on.
  • Vevvev
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    Got all the parts for the pet. Even had one box drop 2 parts!!!! Yet not a single memento fragment.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Brandathorbel
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    Starlock wrote: »
    Kahnak wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    While I expected a ratcheting up of predatory monetization in this game, I didn't expect blatant coercion.

    As much as I find offering event tickets in the cash shop to be objectionable in of itself, I can grant a reluctant pass to offering them provided their purchase is genuinely optional to complete an event. To put this another way, it is begrudgingly acceptable (though hardly ideal) to offer event tickets in the cash shop provided it is possible for ALL players to complete event rewards by simply playing the game for a reasonable amount of time.

    This event was something different. It was NOT possible for ALL players to complete event rewards by simply playing the game for a reasonable amount of time. This is a blatantly coercive attempt to force customers into the cash shop to win event rewards. This is about the WORST form of predatory monetization a video game can have in it. Deliberate coercion of a customer like this is straight up a con game and if it isn't already illegal, should be.

    Coercion, huh? Ok.

    You can nitpick choice of words or you can realize that regardless of that, customers are being manipulated in ways that are blatantly predatory. Fact stands that this is the first time we've had an event where most players (well, basically all of them except the lucky ones) are forced to pay money in the cash shop if they want to complete event rewards. It sets a troubling precedent.

    ignore him. He is incapable of saying anything bad about Zos.
  • Kahnak
    No collectibles completed
    Starlock wrote: »
    Kahnak wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    While I expected a ratcheting up of predatory monetization in this game, I didn't expect blatant coercion.

    As much as I find offering event tickets in the cash shop to be objectionable in of itself, I can grant a reluctant pass to offering them provided their purchase is genuinely optional to complete an event. To put this another way, it is begrudgingly acceptable (though hardly ideal) to offer event tickets in the cash shop provided it is possible for ALL players to complete event rewards by simply playing the game for a reasonable amount of time.

    This event was something different. It was NOT possible for ALL players to complete event rewards by simply playing the game for a reasonable amount of time. This is a blatantly coercive attempt to force customers into the cash shop to win event rewards. This is about the WORST form of predatory monetization a video game can have in it. Deliberate coercion of a customer like this is straight up a con game and if it isn't already illegal, should be.

    Coercion, huh? Ok.

    You can nitpick choice of words or you can realize that regardless of that, customers are being manipulated in ways that are blatantly predatory. Fact stands that this is the first time we've had an event where most players (well, basically all of them except the lucky ones) are forced to pay money in the cash shop if they want to complete event rewards. It sets a troubling precedent.

    Apparently, pointing out hyperbole is nitpicking. It's not blatant coercion though, is it? You can have an opinion on this game and levy perfectly valid criticism without going out of your way to misrepresent it.

    Fact stands that this is the first time we've had an event where most players (well, basically all of them except the lucky ones) are forced to pay money in the cash shop if they want to complete event rewards.

    The fact also stands that all players did not have interest in all of the event rewards.The fact also stands that they will have the ability to get the rewards next year along with additional, new rewards. The fact also stands that people would rather blame ZOS for their compulsive behavior than acknowledge that it exists regardless of whether they play the game or not.
    Tombstone Reads: "Forgot to get good"
  • Tigerseye
    No collectibles completed
    Kahnak wrote: »
    PizzaCat82 wrote: »
    Kahnak wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    xbobx15 wrote: »
    Tatanko wrote: »
    I went to PAX East and still managed to get the next Indrik berry and both collectibles with 3 extra tickets this morning before the event ends on top of it all.

    well you got lucky. That was no where near the norm as you can see

    it's 26% of the vote.... 30% got 1 completed with nothing extra. So 56% got one or both with no cash store.

    I'd say it's well within the "norm".

    (statistically relevant is <5% (or <1% if being extra precise))

    Yeah, well, some people will cling desperately to their alleged personal victimization no matter what statistics are provided. A quick look at the numbers here really flies in the face of the "ZOS is forcing people to buy tickets" narrative. Even in the cases where people did spend crowns, most people only bought one or two additional tickets. I missed two days of the event and still managed to get exactly what I wanted, which didn't include the pet or the memento.

    The only acceptable outcome was everyone who "tried" to get the rewards would get them. Just because you're okay with nothing doesn't mean those who invested time in the event deserved the same.

    Everyone doesn't get a trophy simply for participating where I come from. Better luck next year.

    Well, very clearly, you don't come from ESO, because that is not how events have ever worked, here.

    It's never been like participating in a competition, where you know in advance that the stakes are high, but the odds of winning are low.

    Previously, these events (for better or worse) were more like a paid job.

    If you did the work, every day, you got the (normally, rather underwhelming) reward(s) and if you didn't want to do the work, every day, you could buy a ticket, or two and/or buy fragments (or similar), in guild stores, instead.

    Whereas, now, they seem to have suddenly shifted this event in the direction of a competition, without warning and without even reducing the workload involved, or improving the items to reflect that they are now more like a prize, rather than a guaranteed reward.

    Doing that, without warning, is moving the goalposts and not in a positive direction.

    So, of course people will feel cheated.

    Especially as most put in quite a lot of hours to try to get the items and normally would have got them, if the event had worked like all other previous events have.
    Edited by Tigerseye on March 3, 2020 4:58PM
  • LanteanPegasus
    1 collectible completed, did not use tickets at all
    I got lucky, the RNG decided to go for the pet with my reward boxes. :)

    Got 1 box per day, missed the day of the download. One additional box that dropped randomly on day 2.
    Those opened to give me all fragments for the Voriplasm (the last one from the box today), and three of the Grave Stake memento. I'm really glad it didn't go the other way around.

    Since I'm quite up to date with the Indriks I was thinking about spending 5 free tickets on the last pet fragment, but was still undecided - not too big a fan of green slime - so I don't know if I would've done it in the end. Luckily I didn't have to make a decision.

    So, basically, I did the two Murkmire dailies almost every day, got some motif pages from that, and acquired the reward boxes while doing that. Relaxed event.
    Edited by LanteanPegasus on March 3, 2020 5:03PM
  • Tigerseye
    No collectibles completed
    Kahnak wrote: »
    xbobx15 wrote: »
    Kahnak wrote: »
    PizzaCat82 wrote: »
    Kahnak wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    xbobx15 wrote: »
    Tatanko wrote: »
    I went to PAX East and still managed to get the next Indrik berry and both collectibles with 3 extra tickets this morning before the event ends on top of it all.

    well you got lucky. That was no where near the norm as you can see

    it's 26% of the vote.... 30% got 1 completed with nothing extra. So 56% got one or both with no cash store.

    I'd say it's well within the "norm".

    (statistically relevant is <5% (or <1% if being extra precise))

    Yeah, well, some people will cling desperately to their alleged personal victimization no matter what statistics are provided. A quick look at the numbers here really flies in the face of the "ZOS is forcing people to buy tickets" narrative. Even in the cases where people did spend crowns, most people only bought one or two additional tickets. I missed two days of the event and still managed to get exactly what I wanted, which didn't include the pet or the memento.

    The only acceptable outcome was everyone who "tried" to get the rewards would get them. Just because you're okay with nothing doesn't mean those who invested time in the event deserved the same.

    Everyone doesn't get a trophy simply for participating where I come from. Better luck next year.

    for events, yes that is the way it is supposed to be. Its not suppose to be a competition, it is supposed to be a celebration. Its supposed to bring back players and keep them not push them away. Please, you may want to ask yourself why you feel the need to defend a company that does not care about you so much.

    Christmas is a celebration. Have you gotten everything you've ever wanted for Christmas? Better luck next year, Bob.

    You're just making yourself sound like you started playing yesterday and don't have a clue about anything ESO-related.

    Is that your intention?

  • FierceSam
    2 collectibles completed, used free tickets only
    1 strongbox per day max (got 2 fragments once and no fragments at all multiple times)

    Got the berries and both collectibles and have 2 tickets left over. Could not care less about any of them.

    Loathed the event and the contemptuous methods of ticket distribution. Really makes me feel that despite the niceness of the dev team, ZOS simply doesn’t care about its players.

    Never going back to Murkmire, even though I do like the two world bosses very much. This event has made me despised the place.
  • Jaimeh
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    I managed to get the voriplasm pet, I had to use some of my free tickets because there were a lot of days where I didn't receive a fragment from the strongboxes. I gave up trying for the grave stake memento, it was a bad move to make these non-tradeable, at least I could have gotten the rest of the fragments from traders, but as it is I will have to wait for next year.
  • Purgatorium
    No collectibles completed
    I attended the Murkmire event almost everyday ...spent 2-3 hours and killed thousands of of adds. I also always grouped to do dailies. Never received a single ticket, but got my daily Murkmire lootbox except twice. Unfortunately, I never received enough fragments to get anything. The only benefit I got were the double crate rewards from doing dailies and the higher frequency of motif pages associated with them.
  • Thannazzar
    2 collectibles completed, used free tickets only
    And 12 tickets banked to take into the next event. Joys of the life where you don't want any pokemon indrik mounts.
  • spectralpulse_ESO
    No collectibles completed
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    I don't think there's anything wrong with having to spend event tickets on event rewards. Personally, I was happy to spend 500 crowns on the two tickets I needed to get that last fragment. If it was a lot more than two, I wouldn't've bothered and would've waited until next year to finish the collection off.

    This is why we won't see any changes in the RNG. People will buy the tickets with crowns.
  • Veinblood1965
    What's sad is I haven't use any tickets for anything except the original Indrik, I didn't know there was a cap of twelve so I started the event with twelve. I played the event every day and was short a few fragments and use my tickets for the booger pet last night but not enough left over for the Grave thingy. If I'd have known about the twelve ticket limit I'd have spent them as I got them as I can't stand the farting indrik beast.

    I've gotten the Murkmire box on every WB the first time and one fragment in the box each day. Never two boxes. Last night I got the box on the first WB but no fragment. Then like 2 minutes later got a second box with two fragments. Makes me wonder if it's not totally RNG? Anyone else not get any fragments then get a 2nd box with two?
    Edited by Veinblood1965 on March 3, 2020 6:18PM
  • 1mirg
    2 collectibles completed, used crown store tickets
    I wanted the spectral berry along side the new collectibles.

    I regret nothing.
    ┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┤ ⅽ[ː̠̈ː̠̈ː̠̈] ͌ ├┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴
  • LanteanPegasus
    1 collectible completed, did not use tickets at all
    Never received a single ticket, but got my daily Murkmire lootbox except twice.

    That should be technically impossible, because the (first) lootbox and the three tickets of every day were always in the same drop.

    Except if you are maxed out on tickets (12), in that case you'll only get new ones after spending some of them. (Just posting this in case you didn't know about the limit, so you don't miss out on the tickets next event.)

    Edited by LanteanPegasus on March 3, 2020 6:22PM
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    1 collectible completed, did not use tickets at all
    Got the pet. Only used tickets for berries and feathers. Wasnt even close on the memento or whatever it was. I didnt grind. Got one box every day except in the wee hours of this morning.
  • I_killed_Vivec
    No collectibles completed
    1 Voriplasm fragment - the guidebook. So I'm officially qualified to look after a creature I didn't get.

    Though having seen them... no thanks, I don't need a lime green cowpat following me around:)
  • Salvas_Aren
    2 collectibles completed, used free tickets only
    i got both collectibles, as well as a nascend indrik, 4 spare feathers and all berries in store, and i left with 10 tickets.
  • Jayne_Doe
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    Lesson learned for me. Spend all your tickets on what you really want and then on other things if you still have any left over. I had thought I'd get more than 4 pet frags during the entire event, since I had 3 by the end of the first weekend. I thought, ok, I've got all these tickets, so why not get some of the indrik berries, even though I don't really care about that mount.

    Big mistake. I only got one additional pet frag during the rest of the event, despite 7.5 hours of grinding for just 2 additional boxes. I did have enough tickets to purchase the final pet frag (and thus spent 15 tickets on the pet), but now only have 6 tickets going into the Jester's Festival. I really hope the drop rate for the Sovereign Sow pet is better for me than the Voriplasm pet, as I'll need at least 15 tickets for it if my luck holds the same.

    I expect that moving forward, we'll need to spend event tickets for the specific event rewards due to RNG and no trading. Which means that if you're going for the mounts, it'll be difficult to get everything you want.

    Sure, events will return, but will we get Murkmire again next year? Last year, they skipped the CWC anniversary and we didn't have a Summerset or Murkmire anniversary as would have been expected. Instead, we had two events for the brand new content - Dragon Rise and Dawn of the Dragonguard. I suspect we'll get two similar events this year, and thus some of the DLC anniversaries will be skipped.

    ETA: They were pretty generous with the tickets for this event, but I just didn't expect my luck to be so bad that I would have to spend more than 10 tickets to get the pet, and so I decided to buy a couple other things with all the tickets early on. I didn't care about the memento, but I did get 6/7 of those, LOL. Of course, if my luck had been reversed, and I had gotten 6/7 pet frags, I'd have only had to spend 5 tickets.

    If we could hold onto more than 12 tickets, then we could plan better, but once you hit 10-12, you need to spend them on something.
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on March 3, 2020 6:49PM
  • Jayne_Doe
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    i got both collectibles, as well as a nascend indrik, 4 spare feathers and all berries in store, and i left with 10 tickets.

    Lucky you. I got one collectible, 3 berries, 2 spare feathers, and only 6 tickets leftover. RNG for the win!
  • Linaleah
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    Kahnak wrote: »
    PizzaCat82 wrote: »
    Kahnak wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    xbobx15 wrote: »
    Tatanko wrote: »
    I went to PAX East and still managed to get the next Indrik berry and both collectibles with 3 extra tickets this morning before the event ends on top of it all.

    well you got lucky. That was no where near the norm as you can see

    it's 26% of the vote.... 30% got 1 completed with nothing extra. So 56% got one or both with no cash store.

    I'd say it's well within the "norm".

    (statistically relevant is <5% (or <1% if being extra precise))

    Yeah, well, some people will cling desperately to their alleged personal victimization no matter what statistics are provided. A quick look at the numbers here really flies in the face of the "ZOS is forcing people to buy tickets" narrative. Even in the cases where people did spend crowns, most people only bought one or two additional tickets. I missed two days of the event and still managed to get exactly what I wanted, which didn't include the pet or the memento.

    The only acceptable outcome was everyone who "tried" to get the rewards would get them. Just because you're okay with nothing doesn't mean those who invested time in the event deserved the same.

    Everyone doesn't get a trophy simply for participating where I come from. Better luck next year.

    I'm sorry I guess i confused in game event participations with competitions where there can only be one winner and a runnerup or something.

    event rewards are NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A COMPETITION. it should be - you put in the work = you get the rewards for it.

    now, I hate comparing gaming to jobs, because its not the best comparison, but in this case - its all I have. imagine you have a job. its a company so a whole bunch of people are working with you, you all have the same job description, and the same hours. you all come in, punch in, do the work, punch out. except... your boss decides that they are not going to just pay everyone salary - they are going to roll a dice who gets paid and who doesn't. imagine that roll of the dice didn't favor you and you didn't get paid, while someone next to you - not only got paid, but got a bonus, because dice favored them more. imagine being told that if you want to get that paychek - you need to pay extra for it, or accept that you are not getting a paycheck.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Linaleah
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    Kahnak wrote: »
    xbobx15 wrote: »
    Kahnak wrote: »
    PizzaCat82 wrote: »
    Kahnak wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    xbobx15 wrote: »
    Tatanko wrote: »
    I went to PAX East and still managed to get the next Indrik berry and both collectibles with 3 extra tickets this morning before the event ends on top of it all.

    well you got lucky. That was no where near the norm as you can see

    it's 26% of the vote.... 30% got 1 completed with nothing extra. So 56% got one or both with no cash store.

    I'd say it's well within the "norm".

    (statistically relevant is <5% (or <1% if being extra precise))

    Yeah, well, some people will cling desperately to their alleged personal victimization no matter what statistics are provided. A quick look at the numbers here really flies in the face of the "ZOS is forcing people to buy tickets" narrative. Even in the cases where people did spend crowns, most people only bought one or two additional tickets. I missed two days of the event and still managed to get exactly what I wanted, which didn't include the pet or the memento.

    The only acceptable outcome was everyone who "tried" to get the rewards would get them. Just because you're okay with nothing doesn't mean those who invested time in the event deserved the same.

    Everyone doesn't get a trophy simply for participating where I come from. Better luck next year.

    for events, yes that is the way it is supposed to be. Its not suppose to be a competition, it is supposed to be a celebration. Its supposed to bring back players and keep them not push them away. Please, you may want to ask yourself why you feel the need to defend a company that does not care about you so much.

    Christmas is a celebration. Have you gotten everything you've ever wanted for Christmas? Better luck next year, Bob.

    even rewards are not gifts. they are rewards for doing event tasks.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Jayne_Doe
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    Got the pet. Only used tickets for berries and feathers. Wasnt even close on the memento or whatever it was. I didnt grind. Got one box every day except in the wee hours of this morning.

    Again, lucky you. I got 4/7 pet frags to drop and 6/7 memento frags. I grinded 7.5 hours for 2 extra boxes. Had to use 15 tickets for the pet. Did get the 3 berries, though, which I wasn't all that interested in. Again, lesson learned. RNG may not be kind enough to you to get what you want from the event drops, so use your tickets on event items early, if you really want them.
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on March 3, 2020 6:55PM
  • eklhaftb16_ESO
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    Strongboxes gave me four slime fragments, one plank fragment and three motif pages. Never had any strongbox drop other than the daily guaranteed one (stopped trying after the third day).

    Will probably ignore next year; already got the slime, and the rest of rewards isn't worth three loading screens a day.
  • Dusk_Coven
    1 collectible completed, used free tickets only
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    I don't think there's anything wrong with having to spend event tickets on event rewards. Personally, I was happy to spend 500 crowns on the two tickets I needed to get that last fragment. If it was a lot more than two, I wouldn't've bothered and would've waited until next year to finish the collection off.

    I don't think there's any guarantee it's going to come back next year though. Next year they'll probably need to do "Greymoor Celebration" instead.
    I think we'll be lucky if they have a dump of event parts at the Impresario during New Life at the end of this year.

    So, if you were keen on the collectibles, it was safest to get them during the event.
  • Number_51
    2 collectibles completed, used free tickets only
    Across 7 accounts I completed both pet and memento on 5 accounts. The sixth account bought all 4 feathers and ended with 4 of each fragment, the 7th account bought all 3 berries and end with the memento and 4 fragments of the pet.
  • Kahnak
    No collectibles completed
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Kahnak wrote: »
    xbobx15 wrote: »
    Kahnak wrote: »
    PizzaCat82 wrote: »
    Kahnak wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    xbobx15 wrote: »
    Tatanko wrote: »
    I went to PAX East and still managed to get the next Indrik berry and both collectibles with 3 extra tickets this morning before the event ends on top of it all.

    well you got lucky. That was no where near the norm as you can see

    it's 26% of the vote.... 30% got 1 completed with nothing extra. So 56% got one or both with no cash store.

    I'd say it's well within the "norm".

    (statistically relevant is <5% (or <1% if being extra precise))

    Yeah, well, some people will cling desperately to their alleged personal victimization no matter what statistics are provided. A quick look at the numbers here really flies in the face of the "ZOS is forcing people to buy tickets" narrative. Even in the cases where people did spend crowns, most people only bought one or two additional tickets. I missed two days of the event and still managed to get exactly what I wanted, which didn't include the pet or the memento.

    The only acceptable outcome was everyone who "tried" to get the rewards would get them. Just because you're okay with nothing doesn't mean those who invested time in the event deserved the same.

    Everyone doesn't get a trophy simply for participating where I come from. Better luck next year.

    for events, yes that is the way it is supposed to be. Its not suppose to be a competition, it is supposed to be a celebration. Its supposed to bring back players and keep them not push them away. Please, you may want to ask yourself why you feel the need to defend a company that does not care about you so much.

    Christmas is a celebration. Have you gotten everything you've ever wanted for Christmas? Better luck next year, Bob.

    You're just making yourself sound like you started playing yesterday and don't have a clue about anything ESO-related.

    Is that your intention?

    You're just making yourself sound like you're so intent on dismissing people with a different opinion that you have to convince yourself that I can't possibly know anything about ESO. I mean, the alternative is that you're not being victimized and god forbid anyone even consider that.
    Tombstone Reads: "Forgot to get good"
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