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PTS Update 21 - Feedback Thread for Racial Passive Changes

  • zaria
    Personally not a fan of these changes.

    Altmer was fine before and didn't really need to be nerfed (if anything, a slight buff to Spell Recharge from 575 to 590 would've been the wiser decision) but the current form of it isn't particularly useful nor does it make much sense. Revert the change entirely.

    Dunmer, I feel, is now too front loaded. With only 125 less resources than Altmer and Orc, while having both their 258 Weapon/Spell Damage buff, Dunmer just feels like they received too much of a buff and now sort of overstep the boundaries of being a solid Dual Spec role as the difference in Altmer's Damage and Dunmer is almost non existent while also having 2k extra stamina and Fire Resistance. I'd like to see their Max Stats brought down to 1500 each, while also giving them some slight regen buff of 75 to Magic and Stamina regen on their Fire Resistance passive so that they aren't completely powerless.

    Orc changes just sort of feel off. They're a bit overloaded in Racial Passives, which I'm fine with adjusting but their current iteration feels a lot less unique than it once was. I could've seen a Health increase to 1000-1500 in exchange for losing the 4% healing received, while also slightly lowering their resource return from 380 down to 300 Health and Stamina but the current iteration just feels like an old version of Imperial with slightly better damage.

    Speaking of Imperial, the Red Diamond change is exactly what I wanted to see be done with Imperial, although I kind of wish that they would have gotten a magic buff to go alone with it to complement Imperial Battlemages more. Just giving Imperial an even split of 1k Magic+Stamina would satisfy me entirely with Imperial as a whole.

    Khajiit did not need a buff, like at all. It's damage is already among the highest of all DPS races and coupled with the Shadow Mundus Buff, I don't see this being a good change in terms of balance. It should just be reverted.

    I honestly wish you'd stop Shoehorning Argonians into Healers. For the love of god, it's among the weakest bits of lore for Argonians but instead of augmenting their rich lore as Shadowscales (which is constantly flaunted in our faces in game) or their mastery of Guerilla Warfare, we just get more of the same Overhealing crap as always. Cut the Max Magic in half, to make room for some Stamina, reduce Healing done to 3% and give us a conditional Weapon/Spell Damage upon healing or consuming a potion. Just something to help out Argonian DPS and make it more lore friendly.

    Bosmer change I'm on the fence. I don't think its bad but I don't think its good either. If ZOS is worried about Bosmer being too OP, how about giving the 1500 Penetration to Bow abilities only. It's lore friendly, not overtly powerful but still useful to a point that it gives a unique flare to Bosmer and makes it so that their DPS does get a mild boost to help Bosmer keep up. I'm still of the mindset that the speed buff shouldn't be a thing and would've preferred that Bosmer got the snare reduction Redguard got instead since it would make more sense. I've no opinion on the Stealth Detection passive but would like to see Bosmer retain some of their own stealth based gameplay so maybe change it to a sneak speed buff instead so that Bosmer are quicker to steal vs a Khajiit being harder to detect.

    Redguard didn't really need the snare reduction personally but it's a minor thing overall.
    Agree 100% outside the Khajiit part, undo the shadow mundus change solves it.
    Perhaps also Piercing Spear change down the line, and it probably come they don't want the race=class setup.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • zaria
    Trippe post here so
    Edited by zaria on February 5, 2019 10:46PM
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • zaria
    Eareindur wrote: »
    bardx86 wrote: »
    Eareindur wrote: »
    The changes look promising. But to wrap everything up, Imperials need something more/different and sadly their changes can't be tested for now... And without any testing to comment on and though I tried to, I can't understand many of the new complaints.

    Bosmer got a nice OP ability (speed) in exchange for their stealthy bonus that now is getting a well deserved nerf. However, that's not all, because they are being compensated with a damage bonus and still we keep hearing whinings. I understand the disappointment of people who built a Bosmer stealthy char, but everything else is beyond me.

    Altmer complainers need more perspective. After all, it was about balancing races, you know? ZOS want them to be the equivalent Magicka race of Orcs, raw damage without sustain, and nobody can seriously say that Orcs won't be a competitive race. Don't miss that raw damage has an obvious advantage over other kind of bonus to damage (Khajiit with crit) or resources (Bretons with sustain): the succesful use of these bonuses is conditional to certain classes/builts or tweaks. And don't forget that Altmer would still have more raw damage than Dunmer. Besides, sustain in PVE is not that big issue with well organised groups.

    Altmers don't have more raw power than dunmers now. 200 magicka difference is nothing.

    Well, it's something and can be further increased adding % bonus to stats. But, anyway, why should the gap be greater? Why should Altmer have what no other race has? If we are talking about changing the flavour of Spell Recharge, let's see the proposals, but Altmer can't regain the ability as it was.
    Altmer was not OP previous setup, no need to nerf.
    Dunmer has the the benefit of going stamina or magic on respec, something who is unique to them and Khajiit.
    Major nerf resistance.
    Edited by zaria on February 5, 2019 10:50PM
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Eareindur
    zaria wrote: »
    Eareindur wrote: »
    bardx86 wrote: »
    Eareindur wrote: »
    The changes look promising. But to wrap everything up, Imperials need something more/different and sadly their changes can't be tested for now... And without any testing to comment on and though I tried to, I can't understand many of the new complaints.

    Bosmer got a nice OP ability (speed) in exchange for their stealthy bonus that now is getting a well deserved nerf. However, that's not all, because they are being compensated with a damage bonus and still we keep hearing whinings. I understand the disappointment of people who built a Bosmer stealthy char, but everything else is beyond me.

    Altmer complainers need more perspective. After all, it was about balancing races, you know? ZOS want them to be the equivalent Magicka race of Orcs, raw damage without sustain, and nobody can seriously say that Orcs won't be a competitive race. Don't miss that raw damage has an obvious advantage over other kind of bonus to damage (Khajiit with crit) or resources (Bretons with sustain): the succesful use of these bonuses is conditional to certain classes/builts or tweaks. And don't forget that Altmer would still have more raw damage than Dunmer. Besides, sustain in PVE is not that big issue with well organised groups.

    Altmers don't have more raw power than dunmers now. 200 magicka difference is nothing.

    Well, it's something and can be further increased adding % bonus to stats. But, anyway, why should the gap be greater? Why should Altmer have what no other race has? If we are talking about changing the flavour of Spell Recharge, let's see the proposals, but Altmer can't regain the ability as it was.
    Altmer was not OP previous setup, no need to nerf.
    Dunmer has the the benefit of going stamina or magic on respec, something who is unique to them and Khajiit.
    Major nerf resistance.

    Something interesting and unique, as you say, that doesn't imbalance the races. Sadly many complaints seem more related to getting straightforward buffs to Altmer rather than something as unique.
  • Ragnaroek93
    kojou wrote: »
    Rehdaun wrote: »
    Preface, this is coming from an end-game magicka player.

    What gets me is I don't understand how Zos can say their vision is this with regard to Dunmer and Altmer when it comes to playing magicka.


    I see two nearly identical races as far as combat stats are concerned.


    I was hoping they would do something like what they did with Breton this time around with a burning oriented passive on Dunmer, but alas... at least they have more resources. I wonder if this will put Dunmer completely over other choices for stamina DPS.

    I don't get the Altmer change at all. It will basically promote a perma-blocking damage oriented build. I know of one player that has an Altmer tank that might even like this change, but most people that I have talked to are giving a collective "huh" to this one.

    Why play Dunmer as stamina DPS when Orc does the same just better? And let's just ignore that Dunmer players never wanted the race to be top PvE DPS race...
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • Ozby
    Guess I am never touching Altmer ever again now. So sad my poor wizard is ruined.
    PC NA
    Aurora Bravepaw (Healden), Basks in Fire (DKTank), Bran Artlion (Magplar), Brindel Seedthorne (Stamden WW), Brugo Gargak (Stamcro), Casimir Delmar (StamDK), Falco Bastion (Stamsorc), Fus Ro Dah (Stamplar), Gandalff the Gay (Petsorc), Jo-Qinan Betula (Magden), Laveera Hex (Magcro), Raine Whitestag (Stamden), Raised by Bears (Wardentank), Ralak Rotheart (Healcro), Selene Sunshadow MagDK), Shadow Mirage (NBTank), Slythe Rattlebone (Healplar), Ulfnor Dragonslayer (Tankcro).
  • BlueRaven
    Ozby wrote: »
    Guess I am never touching Altmer ever again now. So sad my poor wizard is ruined.

    Yup and my Bosmer is ruined as well. I hope they buff your race! Good luck!

  • silvereyes
    As disappointed as I am with the "flavor" passives for Wood Elves so far, I don't think the race as a whole are going to be bad for combat.

    That 258 stam regen is pretty significant. When buffed by 75 CP into Mooncalf, it becomes 294 regen.

    If that's enough to throw away your Artaeum Takeaway Broth and use bi-stat blue food instead, it'll net you an extra 1237 stamina and 1408 health to your base stats, not to mention a ton of gold from not using the broth. And now those base stats from food are increased 20% by CP as well, becoming 1484 stamina and 1689 health, respectively.

    My main problem with the Bosmer racial changes aren't that they are nerfed or ruined. It's that they've been made boring compared to khajiit and orcs.

    They are still the cutest, though. ;) As long as that's the case, it kinda makes up for the other stuff a little bit.
  • BlueRaven
    silvereyes wrote: »
    As disappointed as I am with the "flavor" passives for Wood Elves so far, I don't think the race as a whole are going to be bad for combat.

    That 258 stam regen is pretty significant. When buffed by 75 CP into Mooncalf, it becomes 294 regen.

    If that's enough to throw away your Artaeum Takeaway Broth and use bi-stat blue food instead, it'll net you an extra 1237 stamina and 1408 health to your base stats, not to mention a ton of gold from not using the broth. And now those base stats from food are increased 20% by CP as well, becoming 1484 stamina and 1689 health, respectively.

    My main problem with the Bosmer racial changes aren't that they are nerfed or ruined. It's that they've been made boring compared to khajiit and orcs.

    They are still the cutest, though. ;) As long as that's the case, it kinda makes up for the other stuff a little bit.

    But stat wise their final trait might as well not exist in PvE. Why even put a point into it?
  • Eiron77
    I really, really hate the Hunter's Eye passive.

    I don't want a racial ability tied to Roll Dodge, that thing is expensive as hell to cast. And when I do use it, this "bonus" is not much of a bonus. I get to spend 3.6k stamina to be slightly faster and slightly stabbier. They're like a used car salesmen trying to make a P.O.S. sound like a good idea to me.

    Also, they took away any benefit my wood elf has while in stealth, when I've had this character for 5 years specifically to be in stealth. I'm not going to play a catman. I don't even like cats. I like dogs.

    Why are they taking all the Bosmer stealth benefits away? Stop it. Don't do it. Almost ALL of us Bosmer players are going to be pissed off, because that's the reason we created Bosmers to begin with!
  • Ozby
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Ozby wrote: »
    Guess I am never touching Altmer ever again now. So sad my poor wizard is ruined.

    Yup and my Bosmer is ruined as well. I hope they buff your race! Good luck!

    You too Buddy :smile:
    PC NA
    Aurora Bravepaw (Healden), Basks in Fire (DKTank), Bran Artlion (Magplar), Brindel Seedthorne (Stamden WW), Brugo Gargak (Stamcro), Casimir Delmar (StamDK), Falco Bastion (Stamsorc), Fus Ro Dah (Stamplar), Gandalff the Gay (Petsorc), Jo-Qinan Betula (Magden), Laveera Hex (Magcro), Raine Whitestag (Stamden), Raised by Bears (Wardentank), Ralak Rotheart (Healcro), Selene Sunshadow MagDK), Shadow Mirage (NBTank), Slythe Rattlebone (Healplar), Ulfnor Dragonslayer (Tankcro).
  • Savos_Saren
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Ozby wrote: »
    Guess I am never touching Altmer ever again now. So sad my poor wizard is ruined.

    Yup and my Bosmer is ruined as well. I hope they buff your race! Good luck!

    Would you rather your Bosmer have the Dunmer's permanent 650 stamina and 650 magic resources? That should allow for more dodge rolls, cloaks, etc. Most likely, Bosmer NBs aren't banging down the door for weapon penetration considering that their main spammable gives major fracture. Same with Bosmer StamDens- their shalks give major fracture.

    Dunmer would happily give it back if we could get 1500 weapon/spell penetration permanently. That would help with our "hybrid"... er... "versatile" builds.

    @ZOS_Gilliam get my drift?
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • StarOfElyon
    Okay, this is serious. Even with 1895 magicka recovery using Witchmother's my Magicka Templar is still have problems sustaining in PVP. I need magicka recovery, ZOS. I can't imagine what it will be like after this change. This is very bad.
  • Savos_Saren
    Okay, this is serious. Even with 1895 magicka recovery using Witchmother's my Magicka Templar is still have problems sustaining in PVP. I need magicka recovery, ZOS. I can't imagine what it will be like after this change. This is very bad.

    What race? Tell me you're not a Breton.
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • silvereyes
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    silvereyes wrote: »
    As disappointed as I am with the "flavor" passives for Wood Elves so far, I don't think the race as a whole are going to be bad for combat.

    But stat wise their final trait might as well not exist in PvE. Why even put a point into it?
    Which is why I said I was disappointed with it.

    Although maybe I'll still use it to move slightly faster between wayshrines and guild traders .... Bah, who am I kidding. If I'm power-shopping, I'll just use my orc.
  • Nox_Noir
    Unhappy with that Bosmer flavor gimmick passive. That's only gonna be useful for PVP roll dodge cancer builds, and pretty much useless for PVE. At the very best you could maybe argue that it's a tiny damage compensation for when you have to dodge in a trial, but wait - it's penetration, which we already optimize to be near the cap, so this situational bonus is most likely just gonna let us overpenetrate. Redguard's new snare reduction looks so much more appealing and would seem more fitting on the woodelf actually :/. Why can't we get a flavor passive for Bosmer that is genuinely useful like most of the other races got it. Something permanent, even if it's just a tiny thing like 1% crit just please not this gimmicky roll dodge stuff. At least the DPS gap between races is now a bit smaller, but as it stands, Bosmer looks to remain on the bottom of the league for stamina DPS and only BIS for some specialized PVP builds. Is this what ZOS wants? What a waste of opportunity. :(
  • IzzyStardust
    Stam regen. On an Altmer. What in the name of why is going on?!

    I took a nap today and I am really legitimately wondering if I’m still sleeping and having a nightmare (no I mean it).

    The High Elf change makes zero sense. High Elf needs something else that either benefits damage or tank ability if they are taking away all magicka sustain from them.

    Why what? Why tank ability. I’m sure no one uses Altmer for tanking...
  • technohic
    I am concerned about Nord. How is it other classes get more stamina and just as much health, then something like resource or health return, and speed, and weapon damage? If we say just for the sake of argument more armor = weapon damage and Ultimate gain = resource return, and movement buffs = chilled resist, then the stats are definitely lower. Id argue that those are not equal but there it is anyway

    Then the ultimate gen is 10 seconds while most returns are at around 5 seconds. I'd rather it be like 3 ultimate every 5 seconds than 5 every 10 seconds.

    I am also concerned how do we test this? Seems like it would be hard to get a practical sample of how much chilled resist actually does or if ultimate is actually generating better to substantiate the performance.
  • ToRelax
    technohic wrote: »
    I am concerned about Nord. How is it other classes get more stamina and just as much health, then something like resource or health return, and speed, and weapon damage? If we say just for the sake of argument more armor = weapon damage and Ultimate gain = resource return, and movement buffs = chilled resist, then the stats are definitely lower. Id argue that those are not equal but there it is anyway

    Then the ultimate gen is 10 seconds while most returns are at around 5 seconds. I'd rather it be like 3 ultimate every 5 seconds than 5 every 10 seconds.

    I am also concerned how do we test this? Seems like it would be hard to get a practical sample of how much chilled resist actually does or if ultimate is actually generating better to substantiate the performance.

    That ult regen is far superior to Orc's measly health return. That's more comparable to the frost resistance.
    Races that get stamina or magicka returns don't get as many max stats.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • VeiledCriticism
    Quoting from the farewell letter from Loremaster Lawrence Schick:
    So be the person in Tamriel whom you want to be, coming from the culture you want to role-play, with the belief system that best expresses your character’s personality and background. Whoever you want to be, there’s a place for you here. The lore is yours.

    This is our lore.

    The world presented to us in the game makes High Elf's magical beings. Summerset, the Homeland of the Altmers, is THE most magical place on Tamriel, maybe even Nirn. Making them even worse spellcasters then men and beastmen alike is completely absurd. (At least, for balancing purposes, they should just as well and offer unique traits).
    When Elves came to mainland Tamriel, they were immune to all men diseases, thus, bosmers should be immune to disease not poison.
    Argonians, living in swamps full of venomus treats and being inclined to alchemy, should be immune to poison. And they perform rituals using poison. Also, they should be immune to diseases since is the only race (I guess also Nagas) to survive plagues that infested the Blackmarsh. Which wipe out races like the Fox-like-people.

    This what concerns me the most when it comes to lore. And it not even taking from previous established in the rest of the franchise, this what Elder Scrolls Online showed us.

    Some of the decisions behind this changes does not make any sense.
  • Faulgor
    Befor this change, we had 3 races with raw weapon/spell power:

    - Spell Power
    - Moderate sustain
    - highest magicka

    - Weapon Power
    - Moderate sustain

    - Weapon Power, Spell Power
    - no sustain
    - highest stamina

    While Dunmer were noticably behind Altmer, overall the triad was balanced. Dunmer had the raw damage but no sustain, whereas Orcs had lower stats but a bit of sustain. Dunmer just needed a little bit more magic ability to close the gap to Altmer and it would have been fine.

    However, with removing sustain from Altmer and Orcs, and homogenizing their max stats to 2000, Dunmer don't have anything. Whereas before it was a give and take between raw power and sustain, now Dunmer are just weakest in terms of power and still have no sustain.
    I'm not sure how best to solve this dilemma because the whole balance between power and sustain races has been turned upside down with this patch - first, Altmer, Bretons and Khajiit need to be balanced, as do all the stamina races. Afterwards, Dunmer should be adjusted. Either by giving them a bit of sustain to be closer to a hybrid race like Khajiit, or they should have weapon/spell power replaced with weapon/spell penetration of slightly greater magnitude, which would make them the hardest hitting race without sustain and no benefit to their healing.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • twing1_
    This is the official feedback thread for the racial passive changes. After you have a chance to try out different combat scenarios, let us know what you think of the current balance and changes.

    Spell recharge, as it is now (restoring the lowest resource pool) does not fit the altmer lore. Altmer are pure mages, and as such their passives should reflect that. I agree their sustain shouldn't compare to that of Breton, but the sustain passive should still contribute to their max stat, albeit less consistently than that of Breton as to solidify their spot as the top magicka damage dealer (where sustain is not an issue) in a lore friendly way.

    That being said, spell recharge in its current iteration does have a place, though not in the altmer passives. This belongs to the dunmer. Dunmer are notoriously athletic warriors that are also adept in the ways of magic. As such, their passives should reflect both athletic and magical prowess, though not to the extremes of the top magicka race (altmer) nor the top stamina race (Orc). I feel that with a little playing around with these two races, the race changes of 4.3.2 would be near perfect.

    Here are my proposed changes:

    Keep the 2000 max magicka and 258 spell damage
    Spell absorption (in place of spell recharge): taking direct damage from a spell projectile restores your magicka by [X]. This can occur once every 4 seconds.

    Explanation: allowing altmers to have access to magicka sustain will keep them toward the top of end game magicka dps parses, as their lore suggests. Tying that sustain to something outside of the user's control (an enemies magic attack) puts them far behind Bretons in the sustain battle, yet gives them an edge over other magicka races who do not have this benefit. This should ultimately result in altmer being the superior magicka bursty dps with Breton being the more prolonged sustaining dps, and the other races, particularly dunmer, following not far behind. This change would not only keep them balanced in the dps race, but also reflect proper TES lore.

    Reduce both max magicka and max stamina down to 1500. Keep the 258 spell and weapon damage.
    Add Combat Mastery: dealing direct damage restores your lowest resource pool by [X]. This can occur once every 5 seconds. (similar to spell recharge in its current form)

    Explanation: reducing dunmers max stats puts them clearly behind both the top contenders for magicka and stamina burst dps (altmer and orc, respectively), although the sustain for the lowest resource provides them with a great deal more utility than either of these other races offer. This would add a very unique highlight to the duality of their nature as both skilled warriors and adept mages, allowing for both more combat ready mages (with greater access to roll dodge, block, break free, and other combat mechanics requiring the use of stamina) and more magicka utility warriors (with greater access to crowd control, buffs, and escape mechanics relying on the use of magicka). This change would put any doubts to their hybrid nature to bed, while also keeping them competitive in end game content.

    I love this game, largely in part because of the lore behind it. Please do not throw that away for the sake of balance, when there are other lore friendly alternatives.

    Here is a thread I go into this into more detail.

    Edit: link to a more detailed thread
    Edited by twing1_ on February 6, 2019 8:33PM
  • Cundu_Ertur
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Ozby wrote: »
    Guess I am never touching Altmer ever again now. So sad my poor wizard is ruined.

    Yup and my Bosmer is ruined as well. I hope they buff your race! Good luck!

    Would you rather your Bosmer have the Dunmer's permanent 650 stamina and 650 magic resources? That should allow for more dodge rolls, cloaks, etc. Most likely, Bosmer NBs aren't banging down the door for weapon penetration considering that their main spammable gives major fracture. Same with Bosmer StamDens- their shalks give major fracture.

    Dunmer would happily give it back if we could get 1500 weapon/spell penetration permanently. That would help with our "hybrid"... er... "versatile" builds.

    @ZOS_Gilliam get my drift?

    If I want a Dunmer, I roll up a Dunmer. I don't want a Dunmer, I want a stealthy freakin archer, and that was supposed to be Bosmer.
    Taking stealth away from the Bosmer is like taking magic away from the Altmer, making Nords allergic to mead, or making Orcs pretty.
  • DeathStalker
    This is the official feedback thread for the racial passive changes. After you have a chance to try out different combat scenarios, let us know what you think of the current balance and changes.

    Ok, after taking my toons through some battles here are my thoughts. Now I just tried out my toons on NPCs in the summerset public dungeons and a parse dummy. I changed nothing out except race.

    Everything being said about Brenton being superior to High Elf in every way is dead on. Damage, sustain, it really doesn't matter, because Brenton wins every time. I'll just say this. If Brenton and High elf go live as they are I'll switch to Brenton on all my High elf toons. The reason being, I get better sustain on Brenton with damage even higher than a High Elf. So exactly why be a High Elf? High Elf needs to be given back a little sustain to be competitive with Brenton. I really think it's to late though. Brenton will be the new meta for magic classes.

    In regards to Dark Elf. I have a Dark Elf DK. I created this toon because of the Dark Elf bonus to Fire damage. I did better with High Elf and Brenton on this toon. I don't understand how a Dunmer is supposed to be competitive or why I should choose a Dark Elf. Once again, Brenton came out on top.

    I really don't like the Wood Elf changes and would like the sneak given back.

    The last thing about the race changes I want to mention is about the orc. I play Redguard Stamina toons. Now, I still did better with Redgaurd than anything else. But the Orc changes are interesting. Close second. But I can't see changing from Redguard unless Orcs were given some kind of sustain.

    In conclusion, if the goal is to give options on different races to be used, then a grade of F should be given. All that has happened is the Meta changed from one Race to another. Please consider listening to all the feedback given by this community that has been overwhelmingly the same. High Elf changes bad, Dunmer changes bad, Wood Elf changes Bad.
    Edited by DeathStalker on February 6, 2019 8:23PM
  • Nevzuavyer
    Soul Shriven
    Actually I'm playing as Altmer Templar Healer, being gutted from 9% magicka recovery feels somehow bad. Even first change of passive was very troublesome to maintenance as healer, but still manageable. But now it feels mostly useless in any given situation. I don't mind Breton to be better in everything, just give us some love in term of sustain in order to be (at least a bit) closer to him in usability. I really don't want to change my race which I have for almost 3 years. I've really got attached to it. I believe I would still be effective as Altmer in PvP and PvE, but this gap between those two is killing me inside.
  • xaraan
    The more I look at the racial changes from start til now and 'dev comments' on them, the more I think this entire en-devour was a huge waste of time on their part (and ours).

    The imbalance of the system is the same, just in different places. All those build videos (no matter how many people put up charts saying bottom dps is only X away from top) will still be saying "play khajiit or orc" for dps (because every little tiny bit actually matters in a game made up of little tiny bonuses) or "nord or argonian" for tanking, etc. Not sure who thinks that b/c a couple different races (or same race in some builds) are getting their turn in the sun, that it's a good thing or has anything to do with balance. And I realize the Elswyr patch is coming, but it doesn't mean it needs to be the year of the cat balance wise.

    If you (zos) are putting all this effort and using an official quarterly update for racial balance pass, you should be actually balancing. The ability to have made racials work for a variety of builds are there, it wouldn't even be as hard as they are making it. Not saying everyone would love any change, there will always be people not happy with change; but this whole thing makes me just shake my head.

    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Urvoth
    Altmer now have no real racial identity or uniqueness compared to Dunmer, and there really is no reason to pick Altmer over Dunmer. Compared to live where picking one over the other is a trade off and both are viable, the pts changes are terrible.

    The Altmer 5% dmg reduction while casting or channeling is also only useful on magplars.
  • tomex
    Soul Shriven
    By the amount of Nord related posts, I can guess that almost no one plays with them except noobs that played skyrim.

    So Nords are going to be the best race for court jesters, yet again!?

    And how about the balance between alliances? I know you can get any race any alliance if you pay.

    Stalwart: Gain 6% Max Stamina and 20% Health Recovery → Increases your Max Stamina by 1500. When you take damage, gain 5 Ultimate. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds. So after 1 min of taking damage I can get the incredible amount of 30 ulti. WOW! Run away from the nords zergers or they can use a ulti that hits like a wet noodle.

    Resist Frost: Gain 9% Max Health (20k would be 18k) and 2079 Cold Resistance → Increases your Max Health by 1000 and your Cold Resistance by 2310. You are immune to the Chilled status effect. Tons of ice damage in Cytodiil. Battlegrounds have a bit more.

    Rugged: Gain 6% (the same as 4k resistance) damage reduction → Increases your Physical and Spell Resistance by 3960. No change here or maybe it will work this time. But if you go over the cap it's useless, and in the live server you can go over the cap, if the 6% work.

    No sustain or damage, just a punch-bag until you die.

    Now ZOS look at Orcs:

    Brawny: Gain 6% Max Health and Stamina → Increases your Max Stamina by 2000.

    Unflinching: Increases Healing Received by 5% and 20% Health Recovery → 1000 Max Health and heals you for up to 600 when you deal damage with a weapon, with a 4 second cooldown. 7 legion and barkskin with more 600 health and you almost will heal less = sustain = survival

    Swift Warrior: Increases Melee Damage by 4%, 12% Sprint cost reduction and 10% Sprint Speed → Increases your Weapon Damage by 258. Reduces the cost of your Sprint ability by 12% and increases your Movement Speed while Sprinting by 10%. Weapon damage affects abilities = stronger abilities (ulties too) = quicker kills = sustain = survival. Speed + reduced cost of speed = survival
  • technohic
    tomex wrote: »
    By the amount of Nord related posts, I can guess that almost no one plays with them except noobs that played skyrim.

    So Nords are going to be the best race for court jesters, yet again!?

    And how about the balance between alliances? I know you can get any race any alliance if you pay.

    Stalwart: Gain 6% Max Stamina and 20% Health Recovery → Increases your Max Stamina by 1500. When you take damage, gain 5 Ultimate. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds. So after 1 min of taking damage I can get the incredible amount of 30 ulti. WOW! Run away from the nords zergers or they can use a ulti that hits like a wet noodle.

    Resist Frost: Gain 9% Max Health (20k would be 18k) and 2079 Cold Resistance → Increases your Max Health by 1000 and your Cold Resistance by 2310. You are immune to the Chilled status effect. Tons of ice damage in Cytodiil. Battlegrounds have a bit more.

    Rugged: Gain 6% (the same as 4k resistance) damage reduction → Increases your Physical and Spell Resistance by 3960. No change here or maybe it will work this time. But if you go over the cap it's useless, and in the live server you can go over the cap, if the 6% work.

    No sustain or damage, just a punch-bag until you die.

    Now ZOS look at Orcs:

    Brawny: Gain 6% Max Health and Stamina → Increases your Max Stamina by 2000.

    Unflinching: Increases Healing Received by 5% and 20% Health Recovery → 1000 Max Health and heals you for up to 600 when you deal damage with a weapon, with a 4 second cooldown. 7 legion and barkskin with more 600 health and you almost will heal less = sustain = survival

    Swift Warrior: Increases Melee Damage by 4%, 12% Sprint cost reduction and 10% Sprint Speed → Increases your Weapon Damage by 258. Reduces the cost of your Sprint ability by 12% and increases your Movement Speed while Sprinting by 10%. Weapon damage affects abilities = stronger abilities (ulties too) = quicker kills = sustain = survival. Speed + reduced cost of speed = survival

    Thank you! I was down on Nord with the initial changes. Then they went and gave a bunch of races even more while Nords just sitting there looking awful. And the notes made it sound like people think the ultimate gain is too much? FTMFL
  • MartiniDaniels
    ^ ZOS decided Nords are tanks, you will receive second horn several seconds earlier.
    Also there is one important detail about resistance. This 4k sums with other resistances, while previous 6% were extracted as 6% from already mitigated damage.. so you may invest less in resistances as tank and spent on something useful for dps of your groupmates ^^
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