ESO Class Representative Program

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Community Manager
Hi everyone,

We’re excited to announce a new initiative we’ll be spinning up over the next couple months and would like your help! We’re looking for about 10 players to fill the role of an ESO Class Representative.

The selected players should have a deep understanding of at least one class, with extensive knowledge involving abilities, itemization, solo and group play in both PvE and PvP scenarios. Representatives will be asked to work together to compile a list of the top concerns and bugs for each class, and present these notes to members of the ESO Development Team on a quarterly basis. Note that we’re not looking for general class suggestions or ideas at this time; our focus will specifically be on some of the current pain points.

After these meetings are held, we’ll provide a summary of what was discussed so everyone in the community has visibility.

The goal of this program is to make sure we’re focusing on what’s important to YOU, and work together to ensure we’re taking your main concerns into consideration for future updates. This doesn’t mean every piece of feedback will be acted upon, but this will ensure your voice is being heard.

If you’d like to nominate one of your fellow players – or even yourself – for consideration of this role, please email us at by April 8 with the name, the class (or classes) your nomination specializes in, and a short reason why. The ESO Development and Community Teams will ultimately make the final decision on our final group of representatives.

Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks!
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
Staff Post
  • NirnStorm
    This. This is exactly what the community has been asking for.
    Sounds like an amazing idea, and I can't wait to see the results of it!

    Thanks for the efforts to help balancing the game, Gina :D
    Characters: (PC NA)
    Ruerock | mDK ___________________________________ Nirnstorm | Magplar
    Ruepork the Magsorc | Magsorc __________________ Nirnshade | Magblade
    Pay To Warden | Magden _________________________ Moar Siege | Stamsorc
    Necrotic Orb | Magcro ____________________________ Bluerock | mDK
    Thelol Kadjit | Magplar ___________________________ Chalman Keep | Stamden
    Characters: (PC EU)
    Reurock | mDK ___________________________________ Nirnstorm | Magplar
    Refrigerator Boy | Magden _______________________ One Button AoE Stun| Magsorc
    Why So Spearious | Stamplar _____________________ Ree ee ee ee | StamDK
    Faction Locked | Magblade _______________________ Bae Blade| Stamblade
    You Shalk Not Pass | Stamden ____________________ Frag N Cheese | Magsorc

    🔥 - Top Tier PvP Builds & Guides 🔥

    ESO Stream Team Member
    Community Discord:

    PvP Guild - Flame - [ Videos ]

    Faction Lock contradicts the One-Tamriel concept.
    Please do NOT keep it in the game.
  • Elsterchen
    @Joy_Division; @Minno Just kidding Minno, don't forget stamplars, please. <3

    edit: Awesome idea, thanks!
    Edited by Elsterchen on March 14, 2018 7:27PM
  • WillhelmBlack
    This just shows how little the combat designers know.

    It's also a bad idea."The selected players should have a deep understanding of at least one class". No, that should be all classes, and that should be the devs.
    PC EU
  • Dottzgaming
    This is an amazing idea. I've always wished for this type of program in an MMORPG and I am thrilled to see you guys doing something like this!
  • Mureel
    Elsterchen wrote: »
    @Joy_Division; @Minno Just kidding Minno, don't forget stamplars, please. <3

    edit: Awesome idea, thanks!

    I was just going to say @Joy_Division for Templar! Sending mail in a few!
    Edited by Mureel on March 14, 2018 7:31PM
  • Ragged_Claw
    Very nice idea. I'd jump in to rep Magicka Sorc, but alas, I don't PvP much. Looking forward to hearing the results though.
    PC EU & NA
  • xaraan
    Great idea. If they right people are involved.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Sixty5
    Gotta say, @Gilliamtherogue would be the perfect man for the job here.

    I'd apply, but I don't think my knowledge of Stam Sorc is quite good enough.
    Lord and Savior of the Association of Serious S***posters.

    I play a character called "Gives Me Wood Elf" because I am a mature and sensible person.
    Stam Sorc main in Battlegrounds
  • Irylia
  • enzoisadog
    How do i leave cyrodiil?
  • Minno
    Elsterchen wrote: »
    @Joy_Division; @Minno Just kidding Minno, don't forget stamplars, please. <3

    edit: Awesome idea, thanks!

    Yea don't pick me, Joy beats me to the punch everytime with the awesome threads!

    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • T3hasiangod
    I vote for @LZH for president.
    PC/NA - Mayflower, Hellfire Dominion

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor - Voice of Reason - Gryphon Heart - The Unchained - Extinguisher of Flames

    Tank - Healer - DPS (all classes, all specs)

    Youtube - Twitch
  • Apherius
    I wonder if we can talk about " useless morph and skill ", i mean ... it's a concern, and we don't even need to give suggestions or ideas about this.

    Something like " Crystal blast is useless because .... ".
    Edited by Apherius on March 14, 2018 7:56PM
  • SirAxen
    Nobody to nominate, but I would just like to say this a very cool thing ZOS. This is the kind of community engagement people like to see.
  • Glaiceana
    Fantastic idea! Thank you all for deciding to do this :)<3
    Priests of Hircine
    Werewolves who bite for FREE! PC/EU
    Our total free bites: 7000+
    Guild Subreddit | Forum Thread | YouTube Playlist
    Total Champion Points: 1000+
    Main Character: Ithaera - Stam DK, Nord, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Rothelnog - Stam NB, Orc, Male, DD, Werewolf.
    J'Xena - Mag DK, Khajiit, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Dances-With-Frost-Dragons - DK, Argonian, Male, Tank, Werewolf.
    Raziel The Paradox - Mag TP, Dark Elf, Male, DD, Vampire.
    Swims-Through-Starlight - TP, Argonian, Female, Healer, Werewolf.
    Glaicean Mag Ward, High Elf, Male, Ice DD, Werewolf.
    Hjurne Hircine's Forsaken - Sorc, Redguard, Male, PvP DD, Werewolf.
    My Total Free Werewolf Bites: 400+ (Ask me about bites if you need one!)
    Playing since July 2015!
  • Elsterchen
    Minno wrote: »

    Yea don't pick me, Joy beats me to the punch everytime with the awesome threads!

    Your numbers don't lie ... and you do put alot (I really admire that) of time and patience to testing, and as far as I understood its oral communication. In short: I think you fit, just as well as joy does.

  • Ragnarock41
    This is a good but a little late move ZOS.

    I would like to apply myself, but I'm afraid my personality is venomous at best and I am known to have a bias favoring stamDks :)

    So please, if there are any other stamDK mains left, do apply, and make sure the class isn't garbage for yet another year.

    also @Liofa , I think you might want to take a look at this.
    Edited by Ragnarock41 on March 14, 2018 8:05PM
  • sirinsidiator
    @ZOS_GinaBruno While I do welcome some open discussion, I feel that one point needs some clarification. Should these representatives just collect and compile the concerns of the community posted here on the forum or via other channels and discuss these with the devs so you don't have to read every single post, or is this an invite for people with in-depth knowledge to bring up points they think are an issue with that class?

    If it is the first, I have to say that's actually a bit lazy and insincere since that should be a job for someone working at ZOS and not for unpaid volunteers, if it's the latter, it might easily turn out to be a bad idea since every one of them will have their own agenda and they likely won't provide objective feedback. In either case it could easily happen that a huge part of the player base and play styles gets underrepresented - especially since people with in-depth knowledge don't think or play like more casual players which should make up the larger part of the community.

    Maybe it would be better to instead start using some platform like uservoice so everyone can participate and you can easily keep track of what's been requested? - My Addons - The Vault (Early updates and experimental projects) - My patreon - My blog
  • NyassaV
    For nightblade Gilliam and @NightbladeMechanics would be good choices. Both these players know a lot about other classes too as well as the base game.

    @stileanima has done some awesome stuff with Warden in PvE and I've seen her do stamplar as well!

    @GandTheImpaler and @BagOfTatoes (not sure if Tatoes has a forum account) would be great for sorc in a PvP sense but as for PvE I'm not sure who to recommend. I've seen @Inigo play a sorc successfully and he has knowledge of the game and it's mechanics so he would be a good choice.

    For Stam DK I can only think of @Highpolicy and for magic DK @Quantum_V comes to mind but there may be someone else

    Mag Templar has been left in the dust so much IDK who to mention for that.

    I've got enough free time on my hands to help and give suggestions and would love to give my own feedback but I don't see why anyone would pick me for anything while Gilliam still lives. I've seldom heard of more constructive and unbiased feedback than from him.
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • badmojo
    This should have happened in 2014, but still glad it is.
  • Valor
    I definitely second (or third) @Joy_Division He's always been around to help me with questions about PvP and PvE. I heart u Des!
    Miniskirt Enthusiast

    Jacob Black|DC|Nightblade|Emped on 9/8/17

  • Asgari
    DK master is here to save the day.
    Formerly @Persian_Princess .. Now @Asgari
    Princess Asgari | Sorc
    Asgari | NB
    -Asgari | Stamplar
    Ariana Kishi | DK | True Liberator of Haderus
    Banner Down!
    No Mercy
    Youtube: Asgari
  • NobleGuardian
    there is multiple magplars who could feel the role in any type of content in any scale of content. Manoekin, Nihilos, and myself have all been playing magplar for years now on both the PvE and PvP front on every scale of each. there is people who could represent the class very well.
  • technohic
    For as long as theres been Templars; there has seemed to be @Joy_Division for information and none that do as much work as @Cinbri in every test cycle. Just lets not forget about Stamplar as I think they are both mainly magicka there.
  • Leandor
    @ZOS_GinaBruno have you considered including maybe one or two players who are average and not top end? This usually gives a different point of view that ensures that whatever comes out of this council is applicable to the masses instead of only the top end.
  • NyassaV
    @ZOS_GinaBruno While I do welcome some open discussion, I feel that one point needs some clarification. Should these representatives just collect and compile the concerns of the community posted here on the forum or via other channels and discuss these with the devs so you don't have to read every single post, or is this an invite for people with in-depth knowledge to bring up points they think are an issue with that class?

    If it is the first, I have to say that's actually a bit lazy and insincere since that should be a job for someone working at ZOS and not for unpaid volunteers, if it's the latter, it might easily turn out to be a bad idea since every one of them will have their own agenda and they likely won't provide objective feedback. In either case it could easily happen that a huge part of the player base and play styles gets underrepresented - especially since people with in-depth knowledge don't think or play like more casual players which should make up the larger part of the community.

    Maybe it would be better to instead start using some platform like uservoice so everyone can participate and you can easily keep track of what's been requested?

    If they won't fix the game, then let someone else
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • enzoisadog
    @Dorrino My man Miat, the best stamina NB NA.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Leandor wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno have you considered including maybe one or two players who are average and not top end? This usually gives a different point of view that ensures that whatever comes out of this council is applicable to the masses instead of only the top end.

    Sure. Not everyone needs to be a min-maxer, but should have an extensive understanding of our abilities and the game.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • mikemacon
    Awesome idea.

    Now if only other game developers would take notice (::cough:: Bungie ::cough, cough::)
This discussion has been closed.