For as long as theres been Templars; there has seemed to be @Joy_Division for information and none that do as much work as @Cinbri in every test cycle. Just lets not forget about Stamplar as I think they are both mainly magicka there.
All discussion between Devs and “class representatives” needs to be done in the open so that the community as a whole can offer feedback on this input. Otherwise this is gonna be a disaster.
Edit: I think ya a great idea as long as whatever is discussed is openly communicated to our whole community where it can receive feedback. Individuals all have different perspectives and that’s important to be aware of
That defeats the entire purpose of electing representatives. Otherwise, you might as well just start an open thread. The whole point is to bring in individuals who have a deep understanding of the class in order to better balance all classes as a whole. If you just open it up to the community as a whole, you end up with unbalanced feedback and to much input. Nothing would be accomplished. Accepting input from the casual players is a horrible way of balancing classes. They don’t have the in-depth knowledge, play time, or “big picture” mindset to effectively submit feedback that is productive.
Elsterchen wrote: »
Hrmp, no stamplars are not to be forgotten. If I recall that correctly, it was stamplars uprising that gave us stamina class abilities
Personally, I hope to hear feedback/ hands up from some people of the german community. There are some that know about stamplars, do testing, have a good knowledge about other stam classes and have the ability to communicate properly.
For nightblade Gilliam and @NightbladeMechanics would be good choices. Both these players know a lot about other classes too as well as the base game.
@stileanima has done some awesome stuff with Warden in PvE and I've seen her do stamplar as well!
@GandTheImpaler and @BagOfTatoes (not sure if Tatoes has a forum account) would be great for sorc in a PvP sense but as for PvE I'm not sure who to recommend. I've seen @Inigo play a sorc successfully and he has knowledge of the game and it's mechanics so he would be a good choice.
For Stam DK I can only think of @Highpolicy and for magic DK @Quantum_V comes to mind but there may be someone else
Mag Templar has been left in the dust so much IDK who to mention for that.
I've got enough free time on my hands to help and give suggestions and would love to give my own feedback but I don't see why anyone would pick me for anything while Gilliam still lives. I've seldom heard of more constructive and unbiased feedback than from him.
For as long as theres been Templars; there has seemed to be @Joy_Division for information and none that do as much work as @Cinbri in every test cycle. Just lets not forget about Stamplar as I think they are both mainly magicka there.
Ragnarock41 wrote: »This is a good but a little late move ZOS.
I would like to apply myself, but I'm afraid my personality is venomous at best and I am known to have a bias favoring stamDks
So please, if there are any other stamDK mains left, do apply, and make sure the class isn't garbage for yet another year.
also @Liofa , I think you might want to take a look at this.
Will decision be made before next Update/Chapter? @ZOS_GinaBruno
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
That's the plan.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
Thanks for the mention ^^
My honest opinion here . I can represent every class in terms of PvE tanking but it is not going to work this way . One person simply cannot represent a class as a whole . Even ten people cannot represent a class all together . Limited amount of people will have limited amount of experience . Yes , you can take the people you think the most experienced but there still will be flaws .
If I have to be more clear . Let's say I was chosen to be the DK representetive . I am quite confident as a PvE Tank player to give proper and valuable feedback and bug reports on DK PvE Tank but I won't be able to give proper feedback on other aspects of the game as a DK . Yes , I do PvP , I know how to play DK DPS builds and such but I am nowhere near as experienced as dedicated DD players . A master DK PvE DPS player will not be able to give proper feedback like a dedicated PvP player can do . It just won't be the same between the two . Simply not possible . I hope I could make a point . So my question is that how many players are you thinking about choosing to represent a class ? Are you really going to choose a single player or is it going to be more for each class ?
Looking forward to an answer