Greetings, I've been playing around with this build for a little while in anticipation of the cancer known as champion points being once more striken from out beloved battlegrounds.
Since the changes to disallow the use of Shuffle with heavy armour, I've been playing around with the idea of running a set like Armour Master or Fortified Brass in order to maintain durability, while still having access to snare removal and Rally. The end result being a build that feels pretty well balanced in terms of durability, mobility and damage output.
As far as stats go, fully buffed you are looking at:

Buffs used
So first of all the gear, 5 Fortified Brass, 2 Blood Spawn, 5 Unfathomable Darkness and an Asylum Battleaxe.
Fortified Brass
Unfathomable Darkness:
Blood Spawn
Asylum Battleaxe
Front Bar:
Heroic Slash
Reverb Bash
Dark Deal
Absorbsion Field
Back Bar:
Crit Charge
Reverse Slice
Resolving Vigor
Dawnbreaker of Smiting
Traits and Enchants:
Personally, I run Infused on my body and legs with Prismatic glyphs, with Impen on the remaining pieces with Stamina glyphs, though dropping the Infused pieces for more Impen, or a well-fitted piece is up to you. Prismatic Glyphs on the armour are rather nice, given that 2 Infused Prismatic glyphs are equal to a regular health, stamina and magicka glyph, though based on how much you are willing to spend, again it is up to you.
On my jewelry I run two Weapon Damage Glyphs and a Stamina recovery Glyph, though depending on how good you are at weaving heavy attacks and managing Dark Deal, I'd say you could get away with an extra Weapon Damage Glyph.
For weapons, I run an Infused Sword and a Sturdy Shield. A weapon damage enchant is probably the optimal choice for the sword, but ultimately that is up to you. As for the back bar, I run Precise for a bit more reliability in crits with Reverse Slice, Dawnbreaker and Rally, though Nirnhoned is probably the more optimal choice. An Oblivion damage enchant is nice to have here to help deal with Sorcs, though running poisons is more likely the optimal setup.
As for consumables, run Dubious for your food, and go with Immov/Speed/Stam pots, though having other potions available is nice
Mundus stone is Warrior for more damage.
Questions for dummies:
- How u sustain??? 1570 Recovery along with Potions and Dark Deal has been more than enough. For everything else, weave heavy attacks.
- Ur Damage looks bad! Yes, that is to be expected on a balanced build in non-CP. However, it seems to be enough.
- Wat race?? Any stam based race works, I go Bosmer because I have butterlegs so the fall damage reduction is good.
- How u kill ppl??? Rotate buffs, Heroic Slash plus Heavy weave to drain enemy resources, then reverb, Dawnbreaker, Reverse Slice.
And because people like that kind of thing, have a video of the build in action.
It isn't the cleanest gameplay, because I am rusty, and not that great of a player, but it shows off what you can do with the build pretty well.
If there are any question, feel free to ask below.
Lord and Savior of the Association of Serious S***posters.
I play a character called "Gives Me Wood Elf" because I am a mature and sensible person.
Stam Sorc main in Battlegrounds