I don't think ZOS is going to blindly go "Oh all the Warden players say Dive should get a damage increase, we should do that!"GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »In my opinion this is not what zenimnax should be doing to get information about balance issues. There is to much Bias in the community to elect 10 individuals. You would have an easier time creating poles for people to vote on. The forums make more progress when people participate in class based pts threads every pts patch.
I would have loved to be elected as an individual to discuss Nightblade 12 months ago... however the game just kept making worse and worse decisions. Blatantly changing core mechanics and not fixing the problems with specific gear/skills/passives that were being abused.
Very few players on these forums even care about balance anymore. They just care about their class and thats it. The game became less and less about skill/decision making and more about itemisation and flavour of the month abusing.
I could literally write you a patch by patch list starting from console release to now of everything you did right and everything you did wrong... but you developers at zenimax wouldn't even care. I used to log tons of hours into this game and had a blast in cryodill but there was never a time while playing this game where there wasn't a huge issue with balance that people flocked to abuse.
Im sorry Zenimax but its to late. All my friends stopped playing this game due to balance issues. Your new players wont know how good eso used to be and they will be what keeps your pockets full.
If you would like me to write you an essay on stamina classes or stealth as a whole feel free to reach out to me.
I think the purpose it for those players to highlight "this skill/build right now really suffers due to X, please can you take a look and address it" then Wrobel and his team do the changes they think is best.
Remember as well Gina said there will be full disclosure so we know what's being pushed by these people.
One can always hope, not sure if ZOS would consider them under the "Class" label however. But if werewolfs are taken into consideration for this topic I would nominate myself @Qbiken, @Chrlynsch and @CrazyWolf712
I would love @Gilliamtherogue to apply, he'd certainly get my vote. @Joy_Division also.
I'd also love to see more attention paid to vet group finder statistics too. This should provide a good indication of which classes are more preferred in each role, and the 'why?' of the less preferred classes getting targetted, especially in DLC content. There are some areas (like DK, sorc & NB Healer, NB tank etc) where the classes never seem to pop up. Are they too difficult, not fun or just plain awful in those roles?
Unfortunately roles are very blurry in normal finder, with a lot of fakes roles being taken just to complete a pledge quickly.
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »In my opinion this is not what zenimnax should be doing to get information about balance issues. There is to much Bias in the community to elect 10 individuals. You would have an easier time creating poles for people to vote on. The forums make more progress when people participate in class based pts threads every pts patch.
I would have loved to be elected as an individual to discuss Nightblade 12 months ago... however the game just kept making worse and worse decisions. Blatantly changing core mechanics and not fixing the problems with specific gear/skills/passives that were being abused.
Very few players on these forums even care about balance anymore. They just care about their class and thats it. The game became less and less about skill/decision making and more about itemisation and flavour of the month abusing.
I could literally write you a patch by patch list starting from console release to now of everything you did right and everything you did wrong... but you developers at zenimax wouldn't even care. I used to log tons of hours into this game and had a blast in cryodill but there was never a time while playing this game where there wasn't a huge issue with balance that people flocked to abuse.
Im sorry Zenimax but its to late. All my friends stopped playing this game due to balance issues. Your new players wont know how good eso used to be and they will be what keeps your pockets full.
If you would like me to write you an essay on stamina classes or stealth as a whole feel free to reach out to me.
adirondack wrote: »Gina -
It is pretty obvious from the earlier comments and the amount of responses that the community is really on board with this initiative. Thank you to whomever decided to attempt this. I'm really curious about what the representatives are signing up for; what is the expected time commitment, meetings & frequency, methods of communication, overall duration of project. How about anonymity? We see a lot of names being tossed around (Joy for example, yay!) but what if Joy didn't want anyone to know he was a class representative? Can he still participate?
Ultimately I believe gathering end-user feedback is essential to continual growth of any product. Voice of the Customer is your single greatest asset in a mature product line. Please give us a little more detail regarding how the program will be organized and I think you'll see some people who are definitely knowledgeable step up and volunteer.
Thank you,
I would nominate the following people from PC NA pvp wise:
MagDK - @Quantum_V, @Cor_ESO
Stamdk - @Highpolicy, @Jordaen
Magblade - @KenaPKK, @Zendran
Stamblade - @Joshlenoir
Magsorc - @Goblin-Sama, @syndeycarton
Stamsorc - @Speed_Kills, @TheBestPlayerNA
Magplar - @Cardinal05
Stamplar - @inscentia, @Reyne_ESO
Stamden - @twitch.tvkodipvp
Magden - idk xd
There idea is good but how you want to do it is just stupid.
1. all players in that committee should have played each and all classes not one. There are people who are great on their classes and haven't touched any other class. Their view is always biased and this is something that you shouldn't be in a discussion about class Balance.
2. the discussion has to be completely transparent and everyone should be able to take part when discussing on the forums about different topics but these discussions need to be moderated so people which try to derail, are biased or just make bad arguments over and over again need to be banned from the topics
This comes across as slightly contradictory. If you could take a moment to explain the difference between a 'general class suggestion or idea' and a 'current pain point', it would be much appreciated. Furthermore, I am wondering if you/ZOS already has some current pain points in mind and are just looking for suggestions concerning those pain points, or are you looking for players to identify some of the current major issues with each class? In short, some extra clarification on the scope of this role is probably needed. Are you looking for someone to, say, mention the sorc passive Implosion and suggest possible changes to it? Or would you rather someone bring up how current ability/resource/stat scaling in the game as a whole results in issues for a single class?Note that we’re not looking for general class suggestions or ideas at this time; our focus will specifically be on some of the current pain points.
Ragnaroek93 wrote: »
It's difficult to find people who actually do that (yet alone actually want to do that). In my opinion 10 players aren't enough and the restriction to be good at PvP and PvE at the same time is already too much to ask for (many good PvP players don't even play PvE and vice versa), they should seperate PvP and PvE in these discussions for sure.
Everyone is biased, which isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as it prevents classes from getting overnerfed (nothing is worse than overnerfing a class in my opinion).
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone,
We’re excited to announce a new initiative we’ll be spinning up over the next couple months and would like your help! We’re looking for about 10 players to fill the role of an ESO Class Representative.
The selected players should have a deep understanding of at least one class, with extensive knowledge involving abilities, itemization, solo and group play in both PvE and PvP scenarios. Representatives will be asked to work together to compile a list of the top concerns and bugs for each class, and present these notes to members of the ESO Development Team on a quarterly basis. Note that we’re not looking for general class suggestions or ideas at this time; our focus will specifically be on some of the current pain points.
After these meetings are held, we’ll provide a summary of what was discussed so everyone in the community has visibility.
The goal of this program is to make sure we’re focusing on what’s important to YOU, and work together to ensure we’re taking your main concerns into consideration for future updates. This doesn’t mean every piece of feedback will be acted upon, but this will ensure your voice is being heard.
If you’d like to nominate one of your fellow players – or even yourself – for consideration of this role, please email us at community@elderscrollsonline.com by April 8 with the name, the class (or classes) your nomination specializes in, and a short reason why. The ESO Development and Community Teams will ultimately make the final decision on our final group of representatives.
Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks!
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »In my opinion this is not what zenimnax should be doing to get information about balance issues. There is to much Bias in the community to elect 10 individuals. You would have an easier time creating poles for people to vote on. The forums make more progress when people participate in class based pts threads every pts patch.
I would have loved to be elected as an individual to discuss Nightblade 12 months ago... however the game just kept making worse and worse decisions. Blatantly changing core mechanics and not fixing the problems with specific gear/skills/passives that were being abused.
Very few players on these forums even care about balance anymore. They just care about their class and thats it. The game became less and less about skill/decision making and more about itemisation and flavour of the month abusing.
I could literally write you a patch by patch list starting from console release to now of everything you did right and everything you did wrong... but you developers at zenimax wouldn't even care. I used to log tons of hours into this game and had a blast in cryodill but there was never a time while playing this game where there wasn't a huge issue with balance that people flocked to abuse.
Im sorry Zenimax but its to late. All my friends stopped playing this game due to balance issues. Your new players wont know how good eso used to be and they will be what keeps your pockets full.
If you would like me to write you an essay on stamina classes or stealth as a whole feel free to reach out to me.