And what if your main class, the one you’d be most comfortable advising, only needs some minor nerfs+some QoL improvements in its current state?
Should someone write up a 5000 word forum post saying Mageblade is mostly fine but will need changes based on decisions with other classes?
WillhelmBlack wrote: »
I'm pretty sure he's been making pretty frocks for the Crown Store. Like all the ZOS dev's plan on doing when the players are left to do the game's combat and balancing.
And what if your main class, the one you’d be most comfortable advising, only needs some minor nerfs+some QoL improvements in its current state?
Should someone write up a 5000 word forum post saying Mageblade is mostly fine but will need changes based on decisions with other classes?
This is interesting cause they only want 10 players. I assume that's 5 for pve and 5 for pvp, which means the class rep will not be a (for example) stamblade rep or a magblade rep, but a NIGHTBLADE rep.
I know who I would've nominated for stamblade or magblade alone, there are some great players on these forums. Nominating one player to decide over both stam and mag aspects will be hard though. Especially for classes like dk where a spec is more than fine while the other is meh.
I say they should make it 20 class reps. 4 per class, 2 mag, 2 stam for pvp and pve respectively. It wouldn't be a good idea to have for example a stamblade main decide over magblade balancing, or a stamdk main decide over magdk.
There will always be players who have a better a more nuanced understanding of how a class actually plays than a dev. I was that player in Rift for the Cleric class and feedback from myself and others like me lead to a lot of changes and bug fixes that probably wouldn't have happened otherwise. Don't underestimate the importance of certain individual players' feedback--devs can't spend hours parsing, raiding, pvping, etc etc with every single class, but players can.
This also gives players an avenue of communication to devs by communicating with the player chosen to provide feedback.
Most people who are willing to actually write up a class synopsis probably play on multiple toons both stamina and magicka.
If you guys think you are qualified write up a synopsis thats better than the rest and earn your stripes.
ZoS decides who they want from that. Fair and unbiased.
QuebraRegra wrote: »
you can start by writing up and addressing the recent crit heal ninja nerf... thanks for your support.
I think it’s necessary.
However, I think it needs be done in conjunction with lowering the effectiveness of other defensive mechanics and defile while compensating some classes with slightly higher base healing and adjusting of a few problematic offensive skills which in the new lower healing environment allow too much concurrent damage to recover from
I’ve posted about this quite a lot. Crit heals are specifically what is making defile+befoul stacking necessary(otherwise nobody can die if they build for crit healing) and they’re also one of the two things keeping stamblade unbalanced.
@Drdeath20 the fact that someone else has a different point of view is why the discussions between representatives and the community need to be transparent and open to community feedback.
How are they not?
Go write up a class synopsis, post it for everyone to see (this includes ZoS).
ZoS chooses who they think had the best synopsis.
From there the community gets involved with the class represntative.
Lol, I edited after you quoted.
I’ve got 0 interest in this, I do not want to do anything for ZoS without serious financial compensation
I gotcha. Some people would and those are the people most deserving of the job.
Not a popularity contest its something that is fair and unbiased. Either you are able to put in the work and articualte or you are not.
Can we have @GilliamTheRogue for every class?
I just happen to be of the opinion that for several specific class specs no changes should be made until other classes are adjusted. Imo, Mageblade falls into this category, as does Stamblade, Stam Warden, and mag DK. I think they each have things that need adjusting but that they’re overall in a healthy position(or overperforming) and shouldn’t be changed until we redefine specific other classes - Magplar, Stam DK, and Mag Warden in particular. Then there are classes which are currently incredibly strong in some situations and bad in others that will also need to be adjusted after big overhauls to the classes most in need happen.
We can’t know anything about the changes needed for healthy specs(ones that perform well or over-perform in a wide variety of situations) until we see exactly what ZoS is planning and how dramatic their changes will be
mean players who know how to play a class in every role, in both PVP and PVE? Or is this going to be another exercise in entrenching the status quo?extensive knowledge involving abilities, itemization, solo and group play
Either way it won't work I think . If they are splitting for Magicka and Stamina , who is going to cover Healing and Tanking ? If they are splitting for PvP and PvE , who can have all the information about all roles and builds ? It just won't work ... Maybe they meant 10 per class ? Well , at least I hope they did ^^
I think it’s necessary.
However, I think it needs be done in conjunction with lowering the effectiveness of other defensive mechanics and defile while compensating some classes with slightly higher base healing and adjusting of a few problematic offensive skills which in the new lower healing environment allow too much concurrent damage to recover from
I’ve posted about this quite a lot. Crit heals are specifically what is making defile+befoul stacking necessary(otherwise nobody can die if they build for crit healing) and they’re also one of the two things keeping stamblade unbalanced.
@Drdeath20 the fact that someone else has a different point of view is why the discussions between representatives and the community need to be transparent and open to community feedback.
Edit: FYI, there’s no way I’d do this unless I’m drawing a salary from ZoS. This isn’t an argument for me to be a rep. I’m not gonna waste my time with these Devs that have consistently ignored the players they’ve consulted unless it’s about some money. Helping people on forums is different from doing free work for a Triple A MMO