ESO Class Representative Program

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  • QuebraRegra
    This reminds me of TURBINE's failings with the LOTRO "Players Council".. seem familiar at all?

    *shakes head*
  • QuebraRegra
    who can speak for the NB's in regards to the direction ZOS is going with the HEMORRHAGE heal nerf?


    how does one summon this sentient? @gilliamtherogue
    Edited by QuebraRegra on March 14, 2018 9:48PM
  • Im_MegaDeath
    I applied for stam dk with a short message why and didn't use correct grammar or MLA format ;)<3@ZOS_RichLambert
    DC - Im MegaDeath (Stam DK) PvP
  • the_Beard
    @ZOS_GinaBruno is this more aimed at PvE, PvP, or a mixture of both? Certain classes are in a great spot in one, the other, or both, and many PvP players don't have a good grasp on end-game PvE mechanics, and vice versa. If its aimed at both, would it be possible to have a representative for both parts of the game for each of the classes?
    Edited by the_Beard on March 14, 2018 9:51PM
    theBeard - PC NA cp1200+
    • Scores: vCR 127,735 | vHoF 213,293 | vAS 113,203 | vMoL 160,447 | vSO 177,706 (WR) | vHRC 154,658 | vAA 147,466 | vDSA 46k
    • Gryphon Heart / Immortal Redeemer / Tick-Tock Tormentor / Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    • Flawless Conqueror x11 - All Classes Mag & Stam
    • 32k+ Achievement Points (global)
    • Former Emperor / Grand Master Crafter / Master Angler
    • AR Palatine Rank 35
  • HeroOfNone
    I applaud this effort but worry if it's the "best of the best" are we going to see something that benefits everyone that plays a class or just something that benefits endgame players. There seems to be a constant tug of war with casuals and hard core players on how beneficial attack weaving should be, where should the best gear come from, and what should counter what in PVP.
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
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  • QuebraRegra
    @ZOS_GinaBruno While I do welcome some open discussion, I feel that one point needs some clarification. Should these representatives just collect and compile the concerns of the community posted here on the forum or via other channels and discuss these with the devs so you don't have to read every single post, or is this an invite for people with in-depth knowledge to bring up points they think are an issue with that class?

    If it is the first, I have to say that's actually a bit lazy and insincere since that should be a job for someone working at ZOS and not for unpaid volunteers, if it's the latter, it might easily turn out to be a bad idea since every one of them will have their own agenda and they likely won't provide objective feedback. In either case it could easily happen that a huge part of the player base and play styles gets underrepresented - especially since people with in-depth knowledge don't think or play like more casual players which should make up the larger part of the community.

    Maybe it would be better to instead start using some platform like uservoice so everyone can participate and you can easily keep track of what's been requested?

    I'm ready to see WROBEL step aside.... now... Like before any more damage is done....
  • Drdeath20
    This is amazing. Thank you ZoS. I know i have become disgruntled but that is only bcz this game has soo much potential.

    I just hope these guys take into account that every class cannot have it all
  • Woeler
    Hi everyone,

    We’re excited to announce a new initiative we’ll be spinning up over the next couple months and would like your help! We’re looking for about 10 players to fill the role of an ESO Class Representative.

    The selected players should have a deep understanding of at least one class, with extensive knowledge involving abilities, itemization, solo and group play in both PvE and PvP scenarios. Representatives will be asked to work together to compile a list of the top concerns and bugs for each class, and present these notes to members of the ESO Development Team on a quarterly basis. Note that we’re not looking for general class suggestions or ideas at this time; our focus will specifically be on some of the current pain points.

    After these meetings are held, we’ll provide a summary of what was discussed so everyone in the community has visibility.

    The goal of this program is to make sure we’re focusing on what’s important to YOU, and work together to ensure we’re taking your main concerns into consideration for future updates. This doesn’t mean every piece of feedback will be acted upon, but this will ensure your voice is being heard.

    If you’d like to nominate one of your fellow players – or even yourself – for consideration of this role, please email us at by April 8 with the name, the class (or classes) your nomination specializes in, and a short reason why. The ESO Development and Community Teams will ultimately make the final decision on our final group of representatives.

    Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks!

    I'm not sure if I'm reading this correctly. Does this mean you are looking for 10 players in total (i.e. 2 players per class) or does this mean you are looking for 10 players per class?
  • QuebraRegra
    the_Beard wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno is this more aimed at PvE, PvP, or a mixture of both? Certain classes are in a great spot in one, the other, or both, and many PvP players don't have a good grasp on end-game PvE mechanics, and vice versa. If its aimed at both, would it be possible to have a representative for both parts of the game for each of the classes?

    again this brings to mind that balancing for PVE and PVP should be done separately. This is already being done in a few minor ways, its time to accept it and go all in. No more PVP nerfs defiling PVE play.
  • QuebraRegra
    Apherius wrote: »
    I wonder if we can talk about " useless morph and skill ", i mean ... it's a concern, and we don't even need to give suggestions or ideas about this.

    Something like " Crystal blast is useless because .... ".

    don't stop there... get on some of that useless gear and tweak it to be useful, not just polluting the RNG.

    and then that RNG...
  • ecru
    This just shows how little the combat designers know.

    It's also a bad idea."The selected players should have a deep understanding of at least one class". No, that should be all classes, and that should be the devs.

    There will always be players who have a better a more nuanced understanding of how a class actually plays than a dev. I was that player in Rift for the Cleric class and feedback from myself and others like me lead to a lot of changes and bug fixes that probably wouldn't have happened otherwise. Don't underestimate the importance of certain individual players' feedback--devs can't spend hours parsing, raiding, pvping, etc etc with every single class, but players can.

    This also gives players an avenue of communication to devs by communicating with the player chosen to provide feedback.
    Edited by ecru on March 14, 2018 10:02PM
    Gryphon Heart
  • Kel
    I nominate
    Edited by Kel on March 14, 2018 10:02PM
  • Liofa

    I see your point. Its a shame ZOS only wants 10 players for this, but I still think you are the one when it comes to pve tanking and pve Dk. As for PvP stamDK I just don't know how they can make the class any worse so in a sense I'm not too worried about it, I think the issues about the class is clear as day and you probably can see it too.

    10 players probably means 1 for each spec, but does that mean 1 for pve 1 for pvp , or 1 for mag , 1 for stam, I do not know.

    Either way it won't work I think . If they are splitting for Magicka and Stamina , who is going to cover Healing and Tanking ? If they are splitting for PvP and PvE , who can have all the information about all roles and builds ? It just won't work ... Maybe they meant 10 per class ? Well , at least I hope they did ^^
  • Minno
    Rickter wrote: »
    I second these nominations

    Agreed as well
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Elong
    @NobleGuardian for Magplar. He knows his stuff, decent fella, and very adept at both pvp and pve.
    Edited by Elong on March 14, 2018 10:12PM
  • DisgracefulMind
    Really excited for this! I'm really hoping that some excellent Templar players are selected. The class needs SO much help.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Junipus
    I nominate everyone who posts in the Bugs section and no-one that posts NERF PLZ threads.
    The Legendary Nothing
  • Lord_Zele
    I vote @caeliusstarbreaker For Stamplar.
    and @Irylia for Magsorc.
    @Lord_Zele -GODSLAYER GM- Flawless Conqueror, Former Emperor, Just Another Player 1.3k+CP) YouTube Partner
  • Drdeath20
    Its simple. If people want to do it, go make an indepth writeup like joy_division did about magplars but for their respected class. Earn your spot.

    I seriously hope its not 10 for each class.
  • C0L0SSUS
    Well ...
    Joy_division,Masel92,Dpencil1,Gilliamtherogue plus Asayre Alcast etc.
  • Yirmeyahu
    I'll be submitting my mail in a bit. But, I would think if Asayre & Gilliamtherogue have any interest, they would be obvious choices. I will also be nominating myself because #YahuKnows.
    Edited by Yirmeyahu on March 14, 2018 10:24PM
  • Gilvoth
    this should be a public vote.
  • GeneralSezme
    Vote for me I do not take money from #big
    Really excited for this! I'm really hoping that some excellent Templar players are selected. The class needs SO much help.

    I agree blazing shield needs buff
    Cheese Engine

    My bombing videos

    Notable toons:
    Pact Corsair- Breton Magblade Former Emperor BWB Prolly Stole your scroll and bombed you
    Lack of Aoe caps: Prolly bombed u
    Neraz Gulio- Stamplar- Former Empress BWB
    Paints-Her-Face - prolly painted your face
    Zealot of the Great Sun- Blazeplar, frmr Emp Vivec

  • the_Beard
    Bring back viable light attack rotations on other classes besides magblade, without running out of magicka in 30-60 seconds, whilst still not suffering a dps loss.
    theBeard - PC NA cp1200+
    • Scores: vCR 127,735 | vHoF 213,293 | vAS 113,203 | vMoL 160,447 | vSO 177,706 (WR) | vHRC 154,658 | vAA 147,466 | vDSA 46k
    • Gryphon Heart / Immortal Redeemer / Tick-Tock Tormentor / Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    • Flawless Conqueror x11 - All Classes Mag & Stam
    • 32k+ Achievement Points (global)
    • Former Emperor / Grand Master Crafter / Master Angler
    • AR Palatine Rank 35
  • Lexxypwns
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Its simple. If people want to do it, go make an indepth writeup like joy_division did about magplars but for their respected class. Earn your spot.

    I seriously hope its not 10 for each class.

    And what if your main class, the one you’d be most comfortable advising, only needs some minor nerfs+some QoL improvements in its current state?

    Should someone write up a 5000 word forum post saying Mageblade is mostly fine but will need changes based on decisions with other classes?
  • Iamth3wa1rus09
    @ZOS_GinaBruno I would like to represent Magicka Dragonknight, if the masses wouldn't mind. I've played for a very long time and know the class very well.
  • ak_pvp
    I can't see how this could go badly... Allow 10 people from the forums to make the decision for many. Why don't you just listen to the feedback given in PTS.

    MagDK. Played since beta. Love me. I vote we Nerf everything to level of DK. That is how balance works. Nerf NB and warden so DK will be interresting, worked with foss and stonefist. Side note, from what I see quantum/kiladros know quite well.
    Edited by ak_pvp on March 14, 2018 10:42PM
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • DKsUnite
    I don't know if 10 people is enough considering that people who play pve/pvp at a high level for all specs (tank/DD/healer and Mag/Stam) for all types (solo/duo/small group/medium group/large group) don't exist.
    Edited by DKsUnite on March 14, 2018 10:47PM
    Vyr Cor | Magicka Dragonknight | DC
    Vir Cor | Stamina Dragonknight | DC

    Latest Videos:
    Magicka Dragonknight: Vyr Cor | "A Dragon's Fury" | Magicka Dragonknight PvP
    Stamina Dragonknight: Vir Cor | "Heathen" | Stamina Dragonknight PvP

    Youtube: CorGaming
  • zParallaxz
    This is a good but a little late move ZOS.

    I would like to apply myself, but I'm afraid my personality is venomous at best and I am known to have a bias favoring stamDks :)

    So please, if there are any other stamDK mains left, do apply, and make sure the class isn't garbage for yet another year.

    also @Liofa , I think you might want to take a look at this.

    I would nominate myself since I’ve played stamdk from launch and switched permanently to magdk during dark brotherhood so I know both specs. However I have not full divulged into pve except when I want gear for pvp such dlc dungeons and a couple vet trials like vdsa. What do u think?
  • WillhelmBlack

    I'm ready to see WROBEL step aside.... now... Like before any more damage is done....

    I'm pretty sure he's been making pretty frocks for the Crown Store. Like all the ZOS dev's plan on doing when the players are left to do the game's combat and balancing.
    PC EU
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