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Sotha Sil NAPC Part VII

  • Heike
    Malibulove wrote: »
    It was a night of fantastic ERP.

    AD and DC roleplayed that EP had Emp, so AD sent 3bars to Chalman and DC took all the tri-keeps. I for one felt fully immersed, it definitely felt like we were being dethroned.

    Well, on the bright side and as a concentration in empathy, at least now you understand how AD has felt for the past 6 camps.

    It’s quite the vicarious thrill, huh?

    Our group logged on our EP toons, made some new friends, and had some great fights against AD and DC for 2-3 hours.

    Mihail Heike
    (NA AD CP1800 Templar - DD/Heals)
    Heikers | The Hive Mind | Dead Nirn Dealers | Bowz N The Hood | Tertiary Meat
    "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi"

    "I will see you, galloping across the green pastures and through the timbers. I will watch, from my shadowy crouch under the rocks at Greenmead, as you race past the dolmen, with thoughts of Altadoon in your head. Yes, I will see you. And your journey will end there..."
    ~Mihail Heike
  • DamianDemonist
    Yeah Idk what DC were doing that day, there were people in zone chat asking why were people for EP Tri-keeps while AD had EMP, I hope that those DC would not try things similar to that in the future cause it didn't benefit DC and definitely not EP but helped AD.

    Also I like the fact that there are AD branching out to other Alliances, maybe we can get a healthy campaign going instead of a dead one. But I love the fact that Heike suggested that AD were the underdog in this Campaign, sorry but AD stopped being underdogs once a Dragonknight left, DC has been getting low pop bonus since November since I remember and AD been getting high pop.

    Best wishes to all in Sotha and maybe we create an even campaign this cycle, I hope.
    Edited by DamianDemonist on February 19, 2018 7:45AM
  • Jayelf
    Well that was fun.
  • usmcjdking
    Good campaign.
  • Taylor_MB
    Oh AD, and you wonder why...

    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • zevidiah
    Its all good there are no ep guilds left in sotha..... your basically in pve land... good job

    My self and 3 others logged on around 10 c.t and there were literally 100 AD at our gates camping us... i think there were a total of 7 EP on.
    Edited by zevidiah on March 1, 2018 5:20PM
  • zevidiah
    @ZOS_MichaelServotte @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_BillE , is there any way a 7 day non cp can be open.
  • mursie
    zevidiah wrote: »
    Its all good there are no ep guilds left in sotha..... your basically in pve land... good job

    My self and 3 others logged on around 10 c.t and there were literally 100 AD at our gates camping us... i think there were a total of 7 EP on.

    Very unfortunate. I have to say..i feel like I never see EP players (i'm on DC). It is extremely rare. Basically both of our factions are usually just landlocked to our tri-keeps while the AD horde runs rough shot over everything.

    Apparently DC is having some success at 4am central time... when no one in their right mind is still awake =).
    twitter: @mursieftw
  • Odysseus87

    Awesome three way fight at Allessia yesterday. Special props to the DC there, they held the keep for a long time withought many people.

    Video courtesy of Sancticana
  • MinarasLaure
    What happened to the AD?
    Logged off yesterday and they had the whole map (pretty much like always) and today not even a keep lol
  • usmcjdking
    DC pulling into 1st is absolutely comical.

    AD is so noob they can't beat low pop score bonus.
    Edited by usmcjdking on March 2, 2018 4:36AM
  • DamianDemonist
    Don't worry the natural cycle of Sotha Sil still continues, how else would AD dethrone a 18 Hour reign of DC one Bar Emp. I also like to thank AD for the low pop bonus, for your dedication to getting to three bars even tho both factions are still low pop. Maybe one day AD in Sotha Sil will figure out on how to not get the other factions to low pop bonus.
    Edited by DamianDemonist on March 2, 2018 6:00AM
  • midgetfromtheshire
    Don't worry the natural cycle of Sotha Sil still continues, how else would AD dethrone a 18 Hour reign of DC one Bar Emp. I also like to thank AD for the low pop bonus, for your dedication to getting to three bars even tho both factions are still low pop. Maybe one day AD in Sotha Sil will figure out on how to not get the other factions to low pop bonus.

    Nah DC are definitely exploiting the low pop bonus (according to a certain Monarch). It has nothing to do with AD running around with groups 30 men deep on an empty server.
    Get rid of faction locks.
  • esotoon
    Maybe one day AD in Sotha Sil will figure out on how to not get the other factions to low pop.

    Dear ZOS,

    Please, please, please can you make it so that AD can have 4 bars of population instead of 3? Despite controlling the map and camping the gates, and jumping on any activity we see, we can't seem to win the campaign due to the low population bonus. Some say the only way to stop this from happening is to take proactive steps to encourage the DC population to grow, to try and balance the campaign populations, and to not drive the few players DC have left out of the campaign through our actions. But we say "Phooey!" to that! We have had our best experts work at this problem for weeks, and they assure us that the only way to overcome this low population bonus nonsense is if we were to have MOAR PLAYERS!


    p.s. Any chance we could also get access to the DC spawn points too? (No matter how much we camp, the sneaky beggers keep getting passed their gates!)
  • cbaudersub17_ESO
    Some good friends and I were chatting about this while slaying some acquaintances, the low population bonus can be an incentive for gate camping. Seems like an over-performing mechanic for 'suffering' factions to make up so much ground in such short a time-span.

    But only noobs care about the score. Let's go out and have some good, fun fights.
  • D0RID0RI240
    One would think that a tight score may foster more opportunities for fighting other players in a player vs player zone as is would encourage more players to stick it out but...AD seems to be playing a different strat...
  • Floobs
    I'm going to keep laughing every time the 5-10 DC left on the entire server win the campaign. With the EP pop dwindling now as well there's gonna be some real competition for score! Keep going AD!
    the squirreliest stam sorc

    Chill Bros Chat Lounge
    Chill Bros Weenie Hut
    The Worst Faction
  • Heike
    Floobs wrote: »
    I'm going to keep laughing every time the 5-10 DC left on the entire server win the campaign. With the EP pop dwindling now as well there's gonna be some real competition for score! Keep going AD!

    Well, if those 5-10 would group up with the group of 20 that are on right now, trying to morning cap the map with low pop bonus... while the rest of us are at work... they could have a group of 30 and come play in primetime. Problem fixed.

    That’d be cool.

    Mihail Heike
    (NA AD CP1800 Templar - DD/Heals)
    Heikers | The Hive Mind | Dead Nirn Dealers | Bowz N The Hood | Tertiary Meat
    "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi"

    "I will see you, galloping across the green pastures and through the timbers. I will watch, from my shadowy crouch under the rocks at Greenmead, as you race past the dolmen, with thoughts of Altadoon in your head. Yes, I will see you. And your journey will end there..."
    ~Mihail Heike
  • Floobs
    You mean the primetime last night (9 EST) where AD was at 3 bars to EP and DCs 1 each? Or 3 hours later when that ratio was the exact same?
    the squirreliest stam sorc

    Chill Bros Chat Lounge
    Chill Bros Weenie Hut
    The Worst Faction
  • Heike
    Yeah, you’re right. Group leaders in zone should just encourage AD players to log out and not play. I guess we could guilt them into making EP and DC toons... it’d be a start.

    That way, it’d be 1 bar across the board, and DC could win a campaign.

    Affirmative action is wonderful.
    Mihail Heike
    (NA AD CP1800 Templar - DD/Heals)
    Heikers | The Hive Mind | Dead Nirn Dealers | Bowz N The Hood | Tertiary Meat
    "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi"

    "I will see you, galloping across the green pastures and through the timbers. I will watch, from my shadowy crouch under the rocks at Greenmead, as you race past the dolmen, with thoughts of Altadoon in your head. Yes, I will see you. And your journey will end there..."
    ~Mihail Heike
  • mursie
    As a DC - i do somewhat agree with Heike's point. There are a lot of DC players that are solo cool kids... unwilling to group and thus unable to mobilize an actual group of size to do anything in the zone. This behavior begets dwindling numbers as new players entering the zone find no structured presence to join and thus find no purpose or ability to do anything in the zone.

    As an AD newb heading out to Cyrodiil for the first time, it has to be refreshing to find multiple group leaders mobilizing large groups able to take significant forts/keeps/scrolls etc.. You feel like you are accomplishing something. The next day you log on... you decide to go and do it again because it wasn't just solo fan boy play staring at the spawn points wishing you could actually do anything out in the zone.

    So no - I don't think Heike or AD should have to apologize for creating groups, adding players to said groups, and mobilizing successful efforts out in Cyrodiil that encourage people to que up and enter the zone. The failures of the EP and DC pop are likely due to the failures of the people in those factions in mobilizing and creating group efforts (myself included. I wish I could do it but leading groups is just draining). So for that - I give props to those willing to do it. It is a shame that Bashu left the DC campaign.. he was one of the few willing to mobilize.
    twitter: @mursieftw
  • Floobs
    Lol yeah god forbid that small groups should have a place in open-world PVP instead of piling together in Earthgore-Destro trains that fold like wet paper the second you drop a Negate anywhere within rendering range or peel them away from their healbots.

    The issue should be obvious when you specifically bring up Bashu. Dude pug-wrangled his heart out and yet still was outnumbered 2 to 1 on most nights in this campaign. That one person leaving could destroy the campaign in the way it has, according to you, shows that something is very, very wrong with how it works in the first place.

    As far as accomplishments go, 20 ramming a door on a keep with 3 defending is hardly something to strive for.
    the squirreliest stam sorc

    Chill Bros Chat Lounge
    Chill Bros Weenie Hut
    The Worst Faction
  • gabriebe
    It is fine to mobilize people when there is something interesting to do. Considering the whole map is yellow most of the time, I wouldnt really try to group up if I was in AD until, say, the last 2-3 emp keeps.
    Former Empresses: Saliva Bortschion (MagBlade), Janet From Finance (PvP MagSorc), Carla Swagan (Tank DK), Estelle Born (StamBlade), Enya Arsenal (MagPlar), Anita Nurse (Magplar Healer), Bearback Brigitte (Magden), Rachel Justice (MagDK), Nicole From Payroll (Stamden), Bailiff Belinda (PvE MagSorc), Féline Dion (StamDK), Septic Tank Tina (Necro Tank)

    The runts: The Trolly Spirit (Tank Sorc), Floods-Your-Basement (Warden Healer) Dinah Asthma (Magcro), Total Top Tony (Stamcro)

    The traitor
    s: Janis Javelin (Stamplar, EP), Barbecue Becky (Magblade Healer, AD)

    PvE: Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Flawless Conqueror

    GM: Animal Control

  • DeadlyRecluse
    gabriebe wrote: »
    It is fine to mobilize people when there is something interesting to do. Considering the whole map is yellow most of the time, I wouldnt really try to group up if I was in AD until, say, the last 2-3 emp keeps.

    I brought a 6man into Sotha on yellow last night--AD was at our literal gates (no keeps).

    There still wasn't anything to do. We didn't get a decent fight until all home keeps and Ash were taken. The Ash fight was against maybe 10-12 obviously ungrouped DC trickling in 2-3 at a time. At that point we were mostly fed up with the constant technical issues that we by then yellow was starting to log on.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • DeadlyRecluse
    Floobs wrote: »
    The issue should be obvious when you specifically bring up Bashu. Dude pug-wrangled his heart out and yet still was outnumbered 2 to 1 on most nights in this campaign. That one person leaving could destroy the campaign in the way it has, according to you, shows that something is very, very wrong with how it works in the first place.

    Honestly I don't know how anyone can't give Bashu props at this point. It was a bit cheesy when...certain other cheese was in the server, and he'd pugwrangle and stack with them. But the fact that he continued to pugwrangle and recruit when DC was all but dead in Sotha is kind of amazing.

    A lot of people kinda looked down their nose at his group, and he did tend to have a LOT of new players that he was bringing in and grouping up--but how is that not a good thing? The few times (since the current yellow stasis of the server) we've fought his zerg, they've been...eminently farmable, which makes it easy to be kind of dismissive, but the dude is taking that crew AGAINST the yellow swarm. I would have given up in a week, tops.

    I'm sorry to hear he left Sotha.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • mursie
    Floobs wrote: »
    Lol yeah god forbid that small groups should have a place in open-world PVP instead of piling together in Earthgore-Destro trains that fold like wet paper the second you drop a Negate anywhere within rendering range or peel them away from their healbots.

    The issue should be obvious when you specifically bring up Bashu. Dude pug-wrangled his heart out and yet still was outnumbered 2 to 1 on most nights in this campaign. That one person leaving could destroy the campaign in the way it has, according to you, shows that something is very, very wrong with how it works in the first place.

    As far as accomplishments go, 20 ramming a door on a keep with 3 defending is hardly something to strive for.

    I don't think you understood anything I said. Small groups are fine. The problem is that DC and EP are filled with nothing but small 2 man elitist groups without any larger group pug nations mobilizing the casual fan base. This, over time, leads to no fan base coming into the zone for those factions. it snow balls. On AD the inverse occurs. It snowballs the other way. Casuals go out, find large groups to easily join...find success... snowballs into AD always being active.

    just my humble opinion.
    twitter: @mursieftw
  • Floobs
    Yeah, that's what I meant. Last fall I wouldn't have been rooting for the guy but in the last 2 cycles his group was basically the entirety of DC presence on the server other than Power Rangers and my crew every once in a while.

    That he kept his sanity until now is a testament. And it's too bad he's not there to be a stopgap against the yellow horde.
    the squirreliest stam sorc

    Chill Bros Chat Lounge
    Chill Bros Weenie Hut
    The Worst Faction
  • D0RID0RI240
    Once again, AD is their own worst enemy. You all moan about DC getting low pop bonus and your reaction is to pop lock zerg the server which...maintains the low pop bonus. Still..I will continue to play on my EP and DC toons while my AD collect dust. You see, i don't care about factions, and don't care about campaign score, I just care about playing with my friends in our group of 4 to 5 and having some fights. Not sure how stacking 30 yellow on Brindle FD for the 9th time while getting bugger all for AP is fun, but w/e
    Edited by D0RID0RI240 on March 2, 2018 11:52PM
  • esotoon
    mursie wrote: »
    I don't think you understood anything I said. Small groups are fine. The problem is that DC and EP are filled with nothing but small 2 man elitist groups without any larger group pug nations mobilizing the casual fan base. This, over time, leads to no fan base coming into the zone for those factions. it snow balls. On AD the inverse occurs. It snowballs the other way. Casuals go out, find large groups to easily join...find success... snowballs into AD always being active.

    just my humble opinion.

    I agree with what you are saying in theory. But it needs historical context. It used to be many months ago that DC had a guild that would do stuff that had a negative impact on the AD/EP population and campaign as a whole. As a result, much like what is happening now with AD, it often 'killed' (or at least seriously wounded) the health of the campaigns. The DC guilds that were around at the time left due to this (they didn't like the tactics and weren't getting competitive PVP as a result of them). Hence the dearth of DC guilds and people willing to lead Pug Groups.

    That guild has long since gone from Sotha, but no guilds have come back to fill the void. There are a couple people still willing to lead large Pug Groups (Bashu and KORE especially), but during the day, it is next to impossible. There have been times when groups have formed and it goes something like this: 4 or 5 DC get together. They take an AD resource, they may even start to siege a keep. 3 AD show up and attack them and the DC group wins. Those 3 AD come back. DC wins. 8 AD show up and DC loses but regroups. Now there are 20 AD at the Keep/Resource and DC is wiped. Over and over again. As a result people leave. There simply isn't enough DC population on for groups large enough to fight against this to naturally form. So the only players who do stay on are the solo, or 2 man 'elitist' groups because they are the only ones who can play in that kind of environment and get anything out of it.

    So again, I agree with what you are saying, but there's a reason behind it, and without more players/fresh blood it isn't going to change anytime soon. And in the mean time, AD are likely to go the way of DC, where their players eventually get board/frustrated by the state of the campaign and pack up and leave too.

    Edited by esotoon on March 2, 2018 10:20PM
  • Heike
    @mursie will tell you that my group is 6-8 people. And, for example, we hit Glade last night, and had a great fight. There were roughly 5-10 DC there. Mursie would pop out of the door, kill someone, and pop back in. It was fun for 30 minutes.

    Then AD pugs showed up.

    Was I supposed to meet them at the FD and tell them to go home...?

    I pug-wrangled with QD and RoB for a year. I know the headaches.

    I talked to Bashu last week about pugs, as a matter of fact. I admire his tenacity.

    And of course AD (especially pugs) are going to keep hitting Brindle. It’s a home keep. Everyone else is riding there, and if you’re new to Cyrodiil, you’re gonna follow the crowd. That’s not new.

    And only a month ago, EP had groups of 60+ hitting resources. Keep that in mind.

    Also keep in mind that I emped on my EP toon.
    I didn’t cry about opposing factions’ numbers.
    Nor did any of my close friends who main EP toons.

    And 2 years ago, when Fengrush ran Azura, with 50-60 pugs following him, you didn’t see whining. You saw players evenly divided across all 3 colors. Was he ever called a zerg surfer?

    And now, when DC wants to emp someone in this campaign or in Shor, wanna know what I do?
    I reach out to @usmcjdking and ask if that’ll entail a zerg. And if so, I go find something else to do. I don’t whine about another faction’s large numbers; you can either fight them, or not be interested in getting zerged down. In which case, simply leave and go do other content.

    Some people keep taking pot shots at me, and I simply won’t get into flaming matches.

    Why don’t those people hit me up in game and come hang out in TS. Telamonion does from EP, as does Draygoon, Alishka, Traitor Hoff and other EP mains. @Tumbah ... probably the greatest DC emp on any server, is in my TS - while in Cryodiil - almost every night.

    And they’ll all tell you the same thing: Our AD group runs in a small group of 6-8... and we simply don’t care if pugs show up.

    Hell, I don’t know him, but I’m sure that if you asked @Krotha, he would tell you that instead of complaining about your low numbers in campaign (and relying on a low pop bonus to win), that maybe you should be a leader and go out and mobilize. Recruit more DC players to come... then lead them.
    Edited by Heike on March 2, 2018 11:21PM
    Mihail Heike
    (NA AD CP1800 Templar - DD/Heals)
    Heikers | The Hive Mind | Dead Nirn Dealers | Bowz N The Hood | Tertiary Meat
    "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi"

    "I will see you, galloping across the green pastures and through the timbers. I will watch, from my shadowy crouch under the rocks at Greenmead, as you race past the dolmen, with thoughts of Altadoon in your head. Yes, I will see you. And your journey will end there..."
    ~Mihail Heike
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