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noCP The Definitive PvP Experience per ZOS?

  • Minalan
    We'll have one empty NoCP campaign for the emp farmers, one half full, and a CP campaign with huge wait times.

    And the same people will come here and complain about removing CP from every campaign.

    That about right?
  • DisgracefulMind
    Zos needs to stop dragging their feet and admit that CP is the primary issue for power creep, poor balancing changes, extensive server calculations causing lag, and flat numerical advantages that are awarded for the sake of grinding xp. The only reason they don't remove CP is because they lack the imagination to replace the crap progression system with something better that provides diversity. Since frontloading CP rewards newer players a crazy amount, this tells vets that the more CP they have, the less value they possess.

    Non-CP campaigns would be perfect if NPC's and cost poisons were scaled accordingly. Poisons themselves are hardly balanced, and if they remain untouched next patch, non-CP will be a cheesefest of proc sets and resource draining one shots, even more so than AZ already is.

    There's another problem with removing CP entirely from pvp; pve would have to be balanced completely separate from pvp, and not just through blanket adjustments like Battle Spirit. It's like a couple fighting over a bad sofa during a divorce, just make them both buy a new one that fits their separate needs and get rid of the old one.

    TL:DR - CP needs a massive overhaul fast. The sooner zos adjusts CP to not provide flat stat increases, the closer all aspects of the game will come to better balance.

    I actually agree a lot with this. I think that ZoS needs to fix things before anything else.

    What concerns me for this new update on Monday is that, across the board, everyone is going to feel some very, very heavy nerfs to their sustain and, overall, power. Reducing power is great, I'm looking forward to this aspect. However, with ZoS touching innate class and armor sustain, I feel like, for quite awhile, there's going to be a lot of frustration in the community because we do have things like cost poisons and extremely OP proc sets. This is an issue. Just flat removing CP is not a solution; ZoS needs to go through and rework many things for this to be a good transition first.

    I'm all for an eventual removal of CP from PvP, but I'd rather it be done correctly and not just feel like it's a giant blanket fix to underlying issues with gear, poisons, etc.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Durham
    DoccEff wrote: »
    The only change is that Haderus is now nonCP. The other campaigns stay the way they are. Nonvet already was noCP before, which makes sense. BGs are new content that never had CP in the first place, so no change here.

    I wouldn't mind to have more campaigns thought, just leave one weekly campaign with CP and add another without.

    ... Had goes to 2 to 3 bars on the weekends .and is the overflow for True flame..... True flame was locked tonight at 7pm .. while no CP was 3 ,2 ,2. Most still prefer CP and many will not sit in a Q that is 50 to 60 ... My guild does not want to play on No CP ....some are already talking openly about quiting rather then waiting 30 minutes to get in a Q and then you crash and your waiting in Q again....

    I do not like this change... I would rather them disable the emp mechanic on had...
    Edited by Durham on May 17, 2017 4:08AM
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Publius_Scipio
    Nice find since I never check out reddit. The one CP enabled campaign will most likely be packed. People will complain about performance and the constant queue. Maybe ZOS's hand will be forced to open another CP enabled campaign? Also the campaign names in my opinion aren't all that exciting. What happened to Bone Breaker and Skull Crusher?

    That being said, many of the pvpers have said for a long time now that CP is no good for PvP (even though many of these same players play in Trueflame pop locked and Azura's isn't) and ZOS seems to agree. Can't argue with that.

    I'm rooting for ZOS's grand plan to succeed in Morrowind.

    Edit: Also some are arguing that CP removal from PvP isn't the solution to the "problem". The problem is actually that people are using the word "solution" when I don't think it belongs. Disabling CP isn't the solution, the silver bullet. It is however a step in the right direction, a large step in fact in my opinion. When some of you stop looking at this through a microscope analyzing whether it is or isn't the solution, then I think everyone (or at least almost everyone) will agree that no CP pvp is in and of itself a good move. One of many good moves that need to be made.
    Edited by Publius_Scipio on May 17, 2017 4:46AM
  • Emma_Overload
    This makes me really angry. I've spent hundreds of hours grinding CP to make my characters more powerful, and now ZOS is going to take that away? The devs need to state their intentions regarding the Champion System!
  • fastolfv_ESO
    funny pc na didnt have the pop for 1 no cp campaign now we will have about 2 too many lol back to business as usual we all stack on the 1 cp campaign and endure the ques
  • stuartx13
    IM going to play EVE F THIS
  • Iyas
    See ya in the cp campaign queue..
    Noricum/ Kitesquad/ PC/EU

    Kitesquad Vol. 1
  • Gilvoth
    im on the fence about this, on the one hand i like the no CP campaign but, with the new changes [fake class balance changes] i chose to go full CP campaign for increased abilities.
    However, there are some builds that are overpowered with champion points and that has me against CP campaign.
    but, the NO CP campaign has less regen and now with our regen taken away PLUS no regen due to no CP campaign makes me not want to go there iether.

    in addition to the above paragraph, i forgot to mention that poisons and procsets are also ruining the NO CP campign as well as the CP campaign, but more so they do ruin NO CP campaign the most.

    Edited by Gilvoth on May 17, 2017 6:02AM
  • zyk
    Server performance is what I care about the most. No CP week provided me with the most responsive combat since 1.5.

    My first impression of 1.6 (when CP was introduced) was that PVP felt kind of 'mushy'. By that, I mean the controls felt less responsive overall -- even during small fights. During no CP week on TF, I felt that was gone. Perhaps that was my imagination, but I know for certain that I enjoyed it much more than CP enabled 2.3-2.7 TF.

    Has @ZOS_BrianWheeler shared the results of the No CP week test? If not, I hope he will consider doing so.
  • Qbiken
    Adernath wrote: »
    The closer the gap between PvP newcomers and veterans is, the better.

    A change like this makes the gap even bigger. Unless you know what you´re doing nonCP Campaign in Morrowind will be really difficult to sustain/play in.
  • Legedric
    Well, the thing is... what do I as a PvP player get from Experience Points and CP then after CP160 (for gear unlocks)?

    Right, nothing...

    So ZOS' entire glorious advancement system called Champion Points will get PvE exclusive at one point of time.
    I expect the last CP campaign to vanish until the end of the year as more and more people will focus on non-CP builds after Morrowind.


    Well, most of us do not have the gold and time to get up two or more full builds running and "good at" so the focus will shift to non-CP if you want to be somewhat decent in Battlegrounds at least.
    So many will focus on this, the only left CP campaign will die and ZOS has a reason to shut it down after all.

    To be honest, I don't mind to get rid of CP campaigns but some others may think differnent and making CP PvE exclusive kinda bothers me. I don't know exactly why it does as we still have mush variety in PvP just because of the equipment, class and skill setups etc. but it may be just the case because PvP will lose any sense for XP beyond CP 160.
    Legedric the Flamedancer ► - Redguard Dragon Knight
    Legedric the Stormdancer ► - Altmer Sorcerer
    Legedric the Sundancer ► - Altmer Templar

    EU | DRUCKWELLE - Retter des Kaiserreiches
  • Anne_Firehawk
    NO CP is pretty good balance currently (Once Siege & poisons are fixed). One thing that has been mentioned to me is that with the new update they are changing a ton of things to reduce sustain with CP which will make NO CP much worse than it is now. That's another thing to consider.

    The current "NO CP" campaigns that people are use to is not what it's going to be next week.

    just LOL. noCP is not balanced because the classes arent balanced, most balance comes from CP. Next patch its just gonna be even worse because they arent playing the game, its a joke.


    @ZOS_BrianWheeler dont let us down :'(
    Anne Firehawk | Legate | Bringer of Light | Voice of Reason | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Magicka DK forever
    All Hardmodes done, WTB content.
    Cancercrates are ruining the game

    DD | Phoenix Reborn
    GM | Tamriels Emporium

  • InvitationNotFound
    stuartx13 wrote: »

    well, if you read the comments and get to understand what tidi is, i doubt it was that epic :)
    We want firing off Dark Exchange in the middle of combat to feel awesome... - The Wrobler
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  • Joy_Division

    Where are these results that showed the performance gains and losses between enabling CP and disabling it? They never showed us. All campaigns were packed and laggy during that week so it was impossible to tell from the player's perspective as to whether or not CP was an issue. It's obviously not the only problem, but it could be a factor. I'm not spreading rumors either, I'm pointing towards a robust system that holds multiple calculations external to base player stats that the devs themselves have mentioned could cause lag. But if you know differently and I missed some thread or ESO live where they posted results of the double AP week, feel free to post them. I'll be more than happy to admit I assumed wrong.

    On ESO Live, they said that removing CP during the test week made no perceptible influences on lag.
  • Maff
    Potenza wrote: »
    I think its great. They left one server with CP as a choice - so everyone should be happy.

    I should be happy about being disconnected or having to reset after another eternal load screen only to find I'm now at the back of a 100+ queue?
  • Durham
    More people prefer CP it's not hard to understand ... but by making everyone pack into 1 server makes no sense please reconsider this change.. On the weekends people already do not like the Q... Now the Q just got larger...

    30 minute Qs are really bad for the game... Crashing means being kicked from the campaign and sitting in the Q again ... people will simply not play this way... I have friends that will not go to a non CP campaign to them it's more of a point with them.... I also know they are not going to sit through huge Qs...

    I like playing on hader..... currently it's much more for small group play ... good action in IC... we avoid TF because of the huge zergs and lag ....well ZOS just made things worse......
    Edited by Durham on May 17, 2017 2:03PM
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Publius_Scipio

    Where are these results that showed the performance gains and losses between enabling CP and disabling it? They never showed us. All campaigns were packed and laggy during that week so it was impossible to tell from the player's perspective as to whether or not CP was an issue. It's obviously not the only problem, but it could be a factor. I'm not spreading rumors either, I'm pointing towards a robust system that holds multiple calculations external to base player stats that the devs themselves have mentioned could cause lag. But if you know differently and I missed some thread or ESO live where they posted results of the double AP week, feel free to post them. I'll be more than happy to admit I assumed wrong.

    On ESO Live, they said that removing CP during the test week made no perceptible influences on lag.

    Yeah but it did sink a lot of the troll build bull[snip].
  • Durham
    Maff wrote: »
    Potenza wrote: »
    I think its great. They left one server with CP as a choice - so everyone should be happy.

    I should be happy about being disconnected or having to reset after another eternal load screen only to find I'm now at the back of a 100+ queue?

    Exactly...... this change will drive more people off from pvp...
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Minno
    Durham wrote: »
    Maff wrote: »
    Potenza wrote: »
    I think its great. They left one server with CP as a choice - so everyone should be happy.

    I should be happy about being disconnected or having to reset after another eternal load screen only to find I'm now at the back of a 100+ queue?

    Exactly...... this change will drive more people off from pvp...

    Who sits there in a 100 que? I know nCP isn't what many players want due to not having the time to change their builds (that they probably copied) but it's not a total wasteland.

    I can see console players having a harder time than PC. At least we can test our builds through add-ons, console players have to take extra steps to calculate percentages/other stats and only recently have access to a dmg counter .
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Asgari
    Anyone saying removing cp fixed the lag or input delay is wrong. It doesnt matter. It is all tied to how many people are at a fight and thats it.
    Formerly @Persian_Princess .. Now @Asgari
    Princess Asgari | Sorc
    Asgari | NB
    -Asgari | Stamplar
    Ariana Kishi | DK | True Liberator of Haderus
    Banner Down!
    No Mercy
    Youtube: Asgari
  • Ragnaroek93
    I don't understand the noCP hype at all. CP at least offer a bit build diversity, noCP is dominated by powercreep sets like Troll King or other proc sets. Saying that noCP is balanced is just laughable, the balance is even worse than on a CP campaign in my opinion. And no, ressourcen management is not harder, all you have to do is stacking more sustain and that's about it.

    Please just stop promoting noCP stuff, you have a noCP campaign and Battlegrounds will be (sadly) without CP too. Go and play there, be happy and leave the rest of us in peace.
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • Brrrofski
    Sounds good to me.

    Shame that Xbox EU only has one campaign with people in, the 30day CP. So nothing will change.

    Although just started on NA server and no CP campaigns is what my guys there play, so that's cool.
  • Durham

    Minno wrote: »
    Durham wrote: »
    Maff wrote: »
    Potenza wrote: »
    I think its great. They left one server with CP as a choice - so everyone should be happy.

    I should be happy about being disconnected or having to reset after another eternal load screen only to find I'm now at the back of a 100+ queue?

    Exactly...... this change will drive more people off from pvp...

    Who sits there in a 100 que? I know nCP isn't what many players want due to not having the time to change their builds (that they probably copied) but it's not a total wasteland.

    I can see console players having a harder time than PC. At least we can test our builds through add-ons, console players have to take extra steps to calculate percentages/other stats and only recently have access to a dmg counter .

    To correct you it's not what [most] want..... also TF already has huge Qs... the only thing this change does is make it worse...
    TF -huge Q. The small had pop will only add to it...
    No CP - full to small Q
    7 Day dead ... at least on the weekends you can currently get good action here.. and IC is good action...
    Edited by Durham on May 17, 2017 2:36PM
    PVP The Unguildables
  • soll
    totally happy about it!
    no-cp pvp feels more balanced and honest without this ridiculous builds.
    yes, sustain needs to be concerned, but with poison changes it will be ok I believe.

    cp is the most broken point in the game, and it's nice to see that ZOS realized that, if they really want to balance pvp and pve together for same gameplay (what is totally BS to be honest and don't make any sense)
    EU PC
    I like to heal
    Triggered Tryhards/ HighRisk
    EP – Sollencia
    AD – Sollencia Overdose
    When you've invested time and money into a company, you have the right to be upset over changes that will negatively affect your experience and gameplay.

  • Sallington
    I personally think its a great time for the major guilds to move over to the NO CP as that is the direction ZOS wants to head.

    It would be great if all the competitive guilds moved to no-CP at the start of Morrowind.
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • Durham
    soll wrote: »
    totally happy about it!
    no-cp pvp feels more balanced and honest without this ridiculous builds.
    yes, sustain needs to be concerned, but with poison changes it will be ok I believe.

    cp is the most broken point in the game, and it's nice to see that ZOS realized that, if they really want to balance pvp and pve together for same gameplay (what is totally BS to be honest and don't make any sense)

    Good glad you like to push your opinions on others.. you have a non CP enjoy it... why mess with people that you do not play with... Sorry but the majority of us do not agree with you ...
    PVP The Unguildables
  • timidobserver
    It's a risk but they need to just swap Vivek to noncp.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Durham
    Sallington wrote: »
    I personally think its a great time for the major guilds to move over to the NO CP as that is the direction ZOS wants to head.

    It would be great if all the competitive guilds moved to no-CP at the start of Morrowind.

    It will not happen most will sit through huge Qs... and most will leave PVP... Most players do not like the idea of losing CP... but most people do not like the upcoming patch so it fits into the new ZOS customer relations meta... let's give the minority of players what they want while the majority can just deal with it....

    No company can survive this mentality in the end...
    Edited by Durham on May 17, 2017 3:22PM
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Prince_of_all_Pugs
    I personally think its a great time for the major guilds to move over to the NO CP as that is the direction ZOS wants to head.

    That's an interesting proposal Crispen, for EP guilds DR would be down for that. don't know if the other TF ep guilds are down though.
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