bikerangelo wrote: »Zos needs to stop dragging their feet and admit that CP is the primary issue for power creep, poor balancing changes, extensive server calculations causing lag, and flat numerical advantages that are awarded for the sake of grinding xp. The only reason they don't remove CP is because they lack the imagination to replace the crap progression system with something better that provides diversity. Since frontloading CP rewards newer players a crazy amount, this tells vets that the more CP they have, the less value they possess.
Non-CP campaigns would be perfect if NPC's and cost poisons were scaled accordingly. Poisons themselves are hardly balanced, and if they remain untouched next patch, non-CP will be a cheesefest of proc sets and resource draining one shots, even more so than AZ already is.
There's another problem with removing CP entirely from pvp; pve would have to be balanced completely separate from pvp, and not just through blanket adjustments like Battle Spirit. It's like a couple fighting over a bad sofa during a divorce, just make them both buy a new one that fits their separate needs and get rid of the old one.
TL:DR - CP needs a massive overhaul fast. The sooner zos adjusts CP to not provide flat stat increases, the closer all aspects of the game will come to better balance.
The only change is that Haderus is now nonCP. The other campaigns stay the way they are. Nonvet already was noCP before, which makes sense. BGs are new content that never had CP in the first place, so no change here.
I wouldn't mind to have more campaigns thought, just leave one weekly campaign with CP and add another without.
Crispen_Longbow wrote: »NO CP is pretty good balance currently (Once Siege & poisons are fixed). One thing that has been mentioned to me is that with the new update they are changing a ton of things to reduce sustain with CP which will make NO CP much worse than it is now. That's another thing to consider.
The current "NO CP" campaigns that people are use to is not what it's going to be next week.
IM going to play EVE F THIS
bikerangelo wrote: »
Where are these results that showed the performance gains and losses between enabling CP and disabling it? They never showed us. All campaigns were packed and laggy during that week so it was impossible to tell from the player's perspective as to whether or not CP was an issue. It's obviously not the only problem, but it could be a factor. I'm not spreading rumors either, I'm pointing towards a robust system that holds multiple calculations external to base player stats that the devs themselves have mentioned could cause lag. But if you know differently and I missed some thread or ESO live where they posted results of the double AP week, feel free to post them. I'll be more than happy to admit I assumed wrong.
Joy_Division wrote: »bikerangelo wrote: »
Where are these results that showed the performance gains and losses between enabling CP and disabling it? They never showed us. All campaigns were packed and laggy during that week so it was impossible to tell from the player's perspective as to whether or not CP was an issue. It's obviously not the only problem, but it could be a factor. I'm not spreading rumors either, I'm pointing towards a robust system that holds multiple calculations external to base player stats that the devs themselves have mentioned could cause lag. But if you know differently and I missed some thread or ESO live where they posted results of the double AP week, feel free to post them. I'll be more than happy to admit I assumed wrong.
On ESO Live, they said that removing CP during the test week made no perceptible influences on lag.
Exactly...... this change will drive more people off from pvp...
Exactly...... this change will drive more people off from pvp...
Who sits there in a 100 que? I know nCP isn't what many players want due to not having the time to change their builds (that they probably copied) but it's not a total wasteland.
I can see console players having a harder time than PC. At least we can test our builds through add-ons, console players have to take extra steps to calculate percentages/other stats and only recently have access to a dmg counter .
andreasranasen wrote: »When you've invested time and money into a company, you have the right to be upset over changes that will negatively affect your experience and gameplay.
Crispen_Longbow wrote: »I personally think its a great time for the major guilds to move over to the NO CP as that is the direction ZOS wants to head.
totally happy about it!
no-cp pvp feels more balanced and honest without this ridiculous builds.
yes, sustain needs to be concerned, but with poison changes it will be ok I believe.
cp is the most broken point in the game, and it's nice to see that ZOS realized that, if they really want to balance pvp and pve together for same gameplay (what is totally BS to be honest and don't make any sense)
Sallington wrote: »Crispen_Longbow wrote: »I personally think its a great time for the major guilds to move over to the NO CP as that is the direction ZOS wants to head.
It would be great if all the competitive guilds moved to no-CP at the start of Morrowind.
Crispen_Longbow wrote: »I personally think its a great time for the major guilds to move over to the NO CP as that is the direction ZOS wants to head.