psychotic13 wrote: »It's a passive, it's fine. How can you complain about a passive that may do 10k damage? You can't compare it to an execute. If you want an execute so bad use executioner if you're a Stam sorc?
You said you'd be satisfied with any sort of answer, so 'roll a NB'
I main a Magicka sorc, no I'm not completely satisfied with its current state, but it would only take a small change or 2 to make them on par.
InvitationNotFound wrote: »psychotic13 wrote: »It's a passive, it's fine. How can you complain about a passive that may do 10k damage? You can't compare it to an execute. If you want an execute so bad use executioner if you're a Stam sorc?
You said you'd be satisfied with any sort of answer, so 'roll a NB'
I main a Magicka sorc, no I'm not completely satisfied with its current state, but it would only take a small change or 2 to make them on par.
*sighs* nope.
kasa-obake wrote: »Okay, now that implosion has been, unfortunately, fixed, lets talk about it.
6% chance to do around 10k physical damage on an enemy under 15% of health...
Does anyone see an issue with that?
Why is it a 15% threshold? The proc chance might be low, but you can argue that the damage done compensates it, but come on, why is it freaking 15% health? Every other execute has a higher threshold, and that's without mentioning Radiant Destruction, which makes Cyrodiil an unhappy place filled with beams and cancerous playstyle.
Yes, stamina sorcs do fare better at the moment than they used to, but compared to other classes, lets face it, our passives suck very very much.
With Malubeth still not being fixed, and I'm not talking about the "double dipping bug", there's seriously no way a stamsorc fares better than a stamdk or stamplar with major mending, or hell even stamblade with poisons and a 50 ulti - 12k damage ulti on guys with 2k crit resist.
@ZOS_JessicaFolsom is there any reason why our "execute" ability should proc at 15%?
When implosion being bugged served to make stamsorc ON PAR with other stamina clases, that just tells you how broken your idea of balance is.
Just look at all the crying sorc threads on the forums; if that many people go out of their way to post about it, then there is clearly an issue.
Would it be possible to provide an explanation regarding implosion and its threshold? Personally, I would be satisfied with any sort of answer, ranging from "just reroll templar and stop complaining" to "sorcs are the support/healing class. Screw dealing damage".
psychotic13 wrote: »Stop thinking of it as an execute, it doesn't cost an ability slot on your bar, it's fine stop complaining.
kasa-obake wrote: »Okay, now that implosion has been, unfortunately, fixed, lets talk about it.
6% chance to do around 10k physical damage on an enemy under 15% of health...
Does anyone see an issue with that?
Why is it a 15% threshold? The proc chance might be low, but you can argue that the damage done compensates it, but come on, why is it freaking 15% health? Every other execute has a higher threshold, and that's without mentioning Radiant Destruction, which makes Cyrodiil an unhappy place filled with beams and cancerous playstyle.
Yes, stamina sorcs do fare better at the moment than they used to, but compared to other classes, lets face it, our passives suck very very much.
With Malubeth still not being fixed, and I'm not talking about the "double dipping bug", there's seriously no way a stamsorc fares better than a stamdk or stamplar with major mending, or hell even stamblade with poisons and a 50 ulti - 12k damage ulti on guys with 2k crit resist.
@ZOS_JessicaFolsom is there any reason why our "execute" ability should proc at 15%?
When implosion being bugged served to make stamsorc ON PAR with other stamina clases, that just tells you how broken your idea of balance is.
Just look at all the crying sorc threads on the forums; if that many people go out of their way to post about it, then there is clearly an issue.
Would it be possible to provide an explanation regarding implosion and its threshold? Personally, I would be satisfied with any sort of answer, ranging from "just reroll templar and stop complaining" to "sorcs are the support/healing class. Screw dealing damage".
I think the bigger problem is how much garbage Mage Fury is. If Mage Fury is going to be so crappy, then they should boost Implosion's threshold to 25% (at least) - If they just fix Mage Fury (let's say 50% to be on par with others), then this would be a non-issue.
kasa-obake wrote: »Meh, I guess you seem to misunderstand me. I do consider that stamsorcs are better than they used to be, but in terms of passives, they are still quite bad.
Making the implosion at a 15% threshold renders it almost useless considering you can just reverse slice your target to death at that point.
The increased stamina regen is conditional on your use of bound armaments, which many people do not have the space to slot.
Dual wielding is all well and good, but in PVP open world, unless you duel or spam steel tornado in raid groups, it's still less that brilliant. You have no gap closer, no CC, no viable heal (come on, blood craze + surge is way shittier than rally). And if you want to gap close, have dots and heals and a cc, you certainly have no more space on your bars for bound armaments.
I do prefer stamsorc to stamblade or any other stamina classes, but there's just something so depressing about your passives being trash even after improvements.
Waffennacht wrote: »As a magicka sorc now leveling a stam sorc.
I find the exact OPPOSITE is true.
I have WAY more abilities available to me!
You mentioned execute, well as a stam sorc you get
1. DW passives that act like an execute
2. Bow semi executes
3. 2H execute
4. Implosion semi execute
For ults you get a good strong hitting dawnbreaker that boosts all attacks. Hurricane does great damage. Blood craze and rendering slashes are heals and good damage
You get dodge roll, cc break, vigor, caltrops minor and major expedition. Heck you get also streak if you want.
You get solid single target and really good AoEs.
The only things you semi give up are insanely high spot heals and a solid ward. Through mitigation and hots the ward isn't as crucial to survival.
So after my experience, magicka sorcs are more pigeonholed, less fun, and less effective than a stam sorc. @FENGRUSH did you ever try the other builds? You're constant complaints suddenly have a LOT less merit in my eyes.
OP, I'm sorry but stam sorc tears have been wiped away this patch. They are really awesome now. Even the infamous @Fengrush has slowed his public moaning...
In my opinion, Stormcalling has become the best offensive PvP class tree for a stamina character, with Aedric Spear in close second (Assassination/Shadow are often more lethal but Nightblades are all cheese).
Of course we can all rally around the banner of needing more skill and build options. There are lots of ways to solve that problem, but I hope ZOS soon comes around to the realization that rigid class systems are lame and outdated (not to mention a balancing nightmare) and they start to offer further character progression through eventual access to other class trees while also adding new trees to the game.
Waffennacht wrote: »As a magicka sorc now leveling a stam sorc.
I find the exact OPPOSITE is true.
I have WAY more abilities available to me!
You mentioned execute, well as a stam sorc you get
1. DW passives that act like an execute
2. Bow semi executes
3. 2H execute
4. Implosion semi execute
For ults you get a good strong hitting dawnbreaker that boosts all attacks. Hurricane does great damage. Blood craze and rendering slashes are heals and good damage
You get dodge roll, cc break, vigor, caltrops minor and major expedition. Heck you get also streak if you want.
You get solid single target and really good AoEs.
The only things you semi give up are insanely high spot heals and a solid ward. Through mitigation and hots the ward isn't as crucial to survival.
So after my experience, magicka sorcs are more pigeonholed, less fun, and less effective than a stam sorc. @FENGRUSH did you ever try the other builds? You're constant complaints suddenly have a LOT less merit in my eyes.
Constant complaints? I dont think youve heard my take on stam sorc this patch on live. And youre just doing a comparison on magicka sorc in what respect?
Waffennacht wrote: »Waffennacht wrote: »As a magicka sorc now leveling a stam sorc.
I find the exact OPPOSITE is true.
I have WAY more abilities available to me!
You mentioned execute, well as a stam sorc you get
1. DW passives that act like an execute
2. Bow semi executes
3. 2H execute
4. Implosion semi execute
For ults you get a good strong hitting dawnbreaker that boosts all attacks. Hurricane does great damage. Blood craze and rendering slashes are heals and good damage
You get dodge roll, cc break, vigor, caltrops minor and major expedition. Heck you get also streak if you want.
You get solid single target and really good AoEs.
The only things you semi give up are insanely high spot heals and a solid ward. Through mitigation and hots the ward isn't as crucial to survival.
So after my experience, magicka sorcs are more pigeonholed, less fun, and less effective than a stam sorc. @FENGRUSH did you ever try the other builds? You're constant complaints suddenly have a LOT less merit in my eyes.
Constant complaints? I dont think youve heard my take on stam sorc this patch on live. And youre just doing a comparison on magicka sorc in what respect?
In that magicka has always had a harder time finding viable alternatives to be competitive.
I will admit im console so I do not know about the abomination that was this game previous to console release, however I feel the game only became viable because of console so I consider it a wash.
Any stam build has no room to complain with the huge amount of choices in the weapon trees. All I have ever seen is whining about how stam sorcs got nothing over the last year. Here this whole time you've had more access to viable abilities than I've ever had a chance to experience as a magicka sorc.
No word on the praise? No, I will not watxh your stream, if you only commented on your stream I wouldn't even know your name, but you're here too, I will not support you or your channel. If you wanna talk about how ZoS buffed stam sorc (which I haven't heard) do it here, publicly, just like your complaints.
Ps I thought you quit, didn't stick or do you visit for the forums for kicks?
psychotic13 wrote: »But it's a passive... You don't even have to do anything to activate it, Jesus Christ it's like talking to a brick wall on this forum.