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Official Feedback Thread for Templars

  • Minno
    Zheg wrote: »
    Soris wrote: »
    Wow Eric in da House
    My first reaction was to google for a fumigator.

    Nightblade feedback gets acted upon while on PTS. Templar feedback (literally the SAME feedback given for over a year) will continue to be collected and evaluated after the patch goes live. If you aren't reading between the lines, that means DB.

    And be prepared for another Templar Nerf.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • SeptimusDova
    Max TC has bad issues and will for sometime. It did not respond well to their attempts to fix. If I may ask are you using it for the Stun?
    Edited by SeptimusDova on March 3, 2016 10:13PM
    At least you werent told to wait until dark Bhood for anyone to look at you. :'(
  • SeptimusDova
    @Fengrush we see you almost everyday. Stamsorcs will get love. Unless you keep the ZOS company photo on the dartboard.
  • maxjapank
    Max TC has bad issues and will for sometime. It did not respond well to their attempts to fix. If I may ask are you using it for the Stun?

    Gap closer, stun, and interrupt. And I'm well aware of its issues. But I still won't take it off my bar because when it works, it's still the funniest skill in the world for me.
    Stam sorc OP next meta 2016
  • Zheg
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for totally losing your minds in this thread. Though this is our first response here, we’ve been begrudgingly reading this thread since it started and understand that this class is totally lackluster.

    The Thieves Guild update hosts a number of Templar non-fixes, but we recognize there is still a massive lack of variety for anyone not spamming Dflare next patch. Overall, the Templar has a few high DPS abilities that we are happy with, but we feel there is still nothing for tanks or anyone seeking the role of a smart healer. We will continue to ignore feedback after Thieves Guild goes live, so don't get your hopes up.


    Translated from ZOS into English.

    When frodo puts a leash on smeagle and he screams "it burns!" - that's the visual I get for the discussion it took at ZOS to draw the short straw and reply in here.

    Kudos on the translation, made me smirk.
  • Neoauspex
    Wrobel wrote: »
    The Thieves Guild update hosts a number of Templar buffs, but we recognize there are still some abilities that are under performing. Overall, the Templar has a lot of powerful abilities that we are happy with, but we feel there is still room for improvement.

    @Wrobel: thank you for monitoring our feedback. I agree that there are some powerful Templar abilities, but do you consider them powerful relative to alternatives? If you built a character that had access to every skill in the game, would you choose any Templar abilities? Which ones?
  • SeptimusDova
    That was an awesome translation. Max I would like for TC to get fixed as well. Haven't used it since it took me off of a keep wall right into Meth's lap. I tried in Invasion after that and then EC after that. Our skill selection would be awesome ... If they worked...

    Zheg Smeagle is a very, very fitting reference !!!
  • Ffastyl
    At this point it may be more efficient to recode Toppling/Explosive Charge from scratch rather than continue to edit the ability.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • ThatGuyCameron
    Zheg wrote: »
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for totally losing your minds in this thread. Though this is our first response here, we’ve been begrudgingly reading this thread since it started and understand that this class is totally lackluster.

    The Thieves Guild update hosts a number of Templar non-fixes, but we recognize there is still a massive lack of variety for anyone not spamming Dflare next patch. Overall, the Templar has a few high DPS abilities that we are happy with, but we feel there is still nothing for tanks or anyone seeking the role of a smart healer. We will continue to ignore feedback after Thieves Guild goes live, so don't get your hopes up.


    Translated from ZOS into English.

    When frodo puts a leash on smeagle and he screams "it burns!" - that's the visual I get for the discussion it took at ZOS to draw the short straw and reply in here.

    Kudos on the translation, made me smirk.

    lol.jpg 44.2K
    Ebonheart EU Xbox One
  • Joy_Division
    Thanks to everyone for totally losing your minds in this thread. Though this is our first response here, we’ve been begrudgingly reading this thread since it started and understand that this class is totally lackluster.

    The Thieves Guild update hosts a number of Templar non-fixes, but we recognize there is still a massive lack of variety for anyone not spamming Dflare next patch. Overall, the Templar has a few high DPS abilities that we are happy with, but we feel there is still nothing for tanks or anyone seeking the role of a smart healer. We will continue to ignore feedback after Thieves Guild goes live, so don't get your hopes up.


    Translated from ZOS into English.

    Edited by Joy_Division on March 3, 2016 10:33PM
  • Sotha_Sil
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Overall, the Templar has a lot of powerful abilities that we are happy with, but we feel there is still room for improvement.

    Edited by Sotha_Sil on March 3, 2016 10:41PM
    Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! - Spells and incantations for those with the talent to cast them!
  • SeptimusDova
    room in the house for more nerfs. They will improve the Templar until we are done... for.
  • Ffastyl
    I... /sigh. I might have still considered myself in the disgruntled camp, but after Sotha_Sil's post... I just can't sympathize with the venom.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • AfkNinja
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Stam sorc OP next meta 2016

    Storc and Stamplar riding off into the sunset together. DB 2016
  • SeptimusDova
    AfkNinja ....Never to be seen again !
  • templesus
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for all of the passionate posts in this thread. Though this is our first response here, we’ve been reading this thread since it started and understand your opinions on the current state of the Templar.

    The Thieves Guild update hosts a number of Templar buffs, but we recognize there are still some abilities that are under performing. Overall, the Templar has a lot of powerful abilities that we are happy with, but we feel there is still room for improvement. We will continue to evaluate and gather feedback after Thieves Guild goes live.

  • Husan
    I'm just happy we got a response at all. Don't get me wrong, I still wont subscribe until DB, but at least this response gives me a glimmer of hope for the future of ESO. Not exactly the "dev-player interaction" we were promised in february 2015, but it's a start. Be cheerful my templar brethen, we got an acknowledgement from the man responsible for our future!
  • darkstar2084
    well its good to know, cheers wrobel for at least acknowledging the Templar playerbase concerns.If you give templar the sorc & DK treatment next patch I can live with that. :disappointed: but for allot of people this is the end for them.
    Edited by darkstar2084 on March 3, 2016 11:03PM
  • CP5
    Husan wrote: »
    I'm just happy we got a response at all. Don't get me wrong, I still wont subscribe until DB, but at least this response gives me a glimmer of hope for the future of ESO. Not exactly the "dev-player interaction" we were promised in february 2015, but it's a start. Be cheerful my templar brethen, we got an acknowledgement from the man responsible for our future!

    To be fair that is saying something.
  • Rakkul
    So Wrobel, no mana from heaven.
  • AfkNinja
    This thread will live forever in the minds of Templar's. I truly hope we get a full review Dragon Knight style with DB. I will consider resubbing then.

    Edit: Thank you @Wrobel for risking the flames to let us know you're /lurking.
    Edited by AfkNinja on March 3, 2016 11:20PM
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    Husan wrote: »
    I'm just happy we got a response at all. Don't get me wrong, I still wont subscribe until DB, but at least this response gives me a glimmer of hope for the future of ESO. Not exactly the "dev-player interaction" we were promised in february 2015, but it's a start. Be cheerful my templar brethen, we got an acknowledgement from the man responsible for our future!

    Yes. Lets keep the vitriol down guys. I think its fine to state, restate, reframe, contextualize, compare, contrast, debate, and quantify the issues, but we need to approach them reasonably.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • TheM0rganism
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for all of the passionate posts in this thread. Though this is our first response here, we’ve been reading this thread since it started and understand your opinions on the current state of the Templar.

    The Thieves Guild update hosts a number of Templar buffs, but we recognize there are still some abilities that are under performing. Overall, the Templar has a lot of powerful abilities that we are happy with, but we feel there is still room for improvement. We will continue to evaluate and gather feedback after Thieves Guild goes live.

    Edited by TheM0rganism on March 3, 2016 11:30PM
    PS4 DC Stamina Templar Tank/DPS...because I ALWAYS play on hard mode
    #2233 - Never Forget
  • Minno
    Husan wrote: »
    I'm just happy we got a response at all. Don't get me wrong, I still wont subscribe until DB, but at least this response gives me a glimmer of hope for the future of ESO. Not exactly the "dev-player interaction" we were promised in february 2015, but it's a start. Be cheerful my templar brethen, we got an acknowledgement from the man responsible for our future!

    Yes. Lets keep the vitriol down guys. I think its fine to state, restate, reframe, contextualize, compare, contrast, debate, and quantify the issues, but we need to approach them reasonably.

    Correct, let's be reasonable and patient, especially being apart of a generation that is used to instant responses and information.

    But I probably wouldn't stay too long, especially with newer titles coming out.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • TheM0rganism
    Minno wrote: »
    Husan wrote: »
    I'm just happy we got a response at all. Don't get me wrong, I still wont subscribe until DB, but at least this response gives me a glimmer of hope for the future of ESO. Not exactly the "dev-player interaction" we were promised in february 2015, but it's a start. Be cheerful my templar brethen, we got an acknowledgement from the man responsible for our future!

    Yes. Lets keep the vitriol down guys. I think its fine to state, restate, reframe, contextualize, compare, contrast, debate, and quantify the issues, but we need to approach them reasonably.

    Correct, let's be reasonable and patient, especially being apart of a generation that is used to instant responses and information.

    But I probably wouldn't stay too long, especially with newer titles coming out.

    That Dark Souls 3 tho...

    One. More. Month.
    Edited by TheM0rganism on March 3, 2016 11:31PM
    PS4 DC Stamina Templar Tank/DPS...because I ALWAYS play on hard mode
    #2233 - Never Forget
  • AfkNinja
    Minno wrote: »
    Husan wrote: »
    I'm just happy we got a response at all. Don't get me wrong, I still wont subscribe until DB, but at least this response gives me a glimmer of hope for the future of ESO. Not exactly the "dev-player interaction" we were promised in february 2015, but it's a start. Be cheerful my templar brethen, we got an acknowledgement from the man responsible for our future!

    Yes. Lets keep the vitriol down guys. I think its fine to state, restate, reframe, contextualize, compare, contrast, debate, and quantify the issues, but we need to approach them reasonably.

    Correct, let's be reasonable and patient, especially being apart of a generation that is used to instant responses and information.

    But I probably wouldn't stay too long, especially with newer titles coming out.

    That Dark Souls 3 tho...

    One. More. Month.

    Yassssss. Bloodborne was so freakin good now I want more souls!! MOAR SOULS!!!
  • AriBoh
    Minno wrote: »
    Husan wrote: »
    I'm just happy we got a response at all. Don't get me wrong, I still wont subscribe until DB, but at least this response gives me a glimmer of hope for the future of ESO. Not exactly the "dev-player interaction" we were promised in february 2015, but it's a start. Be cheerful my templar brethen, we got an acknowledgement from the man responsible for our future!

    Yes. Lets keep the vitriol down guys. I think its fine to state, restate, reframe, contextualize, compare, contrast, debate, and quantify the issues, but we need to approach them reasonably.

    Correct, let's be reasonable and patient, especially being apart of a generation that is used to instant responses and information.

    But I probably wouldn't stay too long, especially with newer titles coming out.

    Been reasonable and patient for near 2 years. Giving bug reports, feedback and suggestions. So no. Vitriol and bile are all I have left to give.
    Agreed. Whoever came up with the design should be shot in the foot and only admitted to hospital when he manages to find 3 other people willing to maim themselves the same way in order to accompany him.

    ZOS_AmeliaR admin
    Ultimately, any method of entering an enemy keep without breaking down the door is considered an exploit. Thanks for checking!

    "I used to be a healer once, but then I took a Wrobel to the knee"
  • Alabyn
    Minno wrote: »
    Husan wrote: »
    I'm just happy we got a response at all. Don't get me wrong, I still wont subscribe until DB, but at least this response gives me a glimmer of hope for the future of ESO. Not exactly the "dev-player interaction" we were promised in february 2015, but it's a start. Be cheerful my templar brethen, we got an acknowledgement from the man responsible for our future!

    Yes. Lets keep the vitriol down guys. I think its fine to state, restate, reframe, contextualize, compare, contrast, debate, and quantify the issues, but we need to approach them reasonably.

    Correct, let's be reasonable and patient, especially being apart of a generation that is used to instant responses and information.

    But I probably wouldn't stay too long, especially with newer titles coming out.

    Not my generation.

    Frankly I'm aghast at what I just read here. "Suck it, Wrobel", requesting the community managers be replaced with more attractive models because their messaging isn't appealing, and vulgarities thinly disguised with acronyms & asterisks? Wow. Not the ESO community at its best. I know it's tough to be dignified when you're upset, but sheesh.
    Edited by Alabyn on March 3, 2016 11:44PM
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