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Official Feedback Thread for Templars

  • Idinuse
    Cadbury wrote: »

    Enjoy your "templar house."

    He's just a Templar, and he's on fire
    Hotter than a fantasy, lonely like a highway
    He's living in a world, and it's on fire
    Feeling the catastrophe, but he knows he can fly away

    Oh, he got both feet on the ground
    And he's burning it down
    Oh, he got his head in the clouds
    And he's not backing down

    This Templar is on fire
    This Templar is on fire
    He's walking on fire
    This Templar is on fire

    Does it proc Valkyn?
    At 74 pages long can someone summarize what has actually happen since page 5?

    This would be tremendously beneficial! With sections and a summarized consensus for each bug/fix/change Skill Tree / Skills and Passives.

    I wish I had the patience.
    Edited by Idinuse on March 3, 2016 1:14PM
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • darkstar2084
    You want the truth? You can't handle the truth! This feedback thread is actually a containment thread, worked pretty well tbh Evil Zos planned it all along with the ninja nerfs ,BOL hit and non fix with toppling charge. All the outrage focused in one place until TG goes live.
  • jrgray93
    A single class has a feedback thread longer than that of the other classes combined. In this thread, lots of Templars who have been active on the forums since release and clearly contribute a lot to this game are being ignored and are at the point of discussing what game to go to.

    I haven't seen a fan base so mad at a game since the Mass Effect 3 debacle. It's as if the people balancing the game have never actually played it. This is absolutely embarrassing.

    But hey, keep ignoring us and providing ineffective "solutions" to the obvious problems.
    EP: Slania Isara : Harambe Was an Inside Job
  • SeptimusDova
    Sheppard would already have the Normandy in orbit above their headquarters!!!
  • jrgray93
    Wait... blue... red... green...


    It all makes sense now.

    Commander Sheppard is responsible for Templar balancing problems.
    EP: Slania Isara : Harambe Was an Inside Job
  • Blech43
    This is such a shame. I re-subbed at the time that the Orsinium DLC launched, and since then I've been having a blast. Personally, I think ZOS hit it out of the park with Orsinium -- it was a fantastic zone with good quest lines, level scaling (which I like), and a great mix of solo and group play.

    Yet it seems now as though they're flushing all that renewed goodwill down the toilet, at least as far as the templar community is concerned.

    About 20 pages back on this thread I said that I thought ZOS was being incredibly unprofessional by creating a Templar feedback thread and then ignoring the 2,000+ posts from the community who clearly have concerns about the direction the class is moving in.

    Not to beat a dead horse, but purely from a business perspective, why would you intentionally alienate a sizable chunk of your paying customers by refusing to communicate with us?

    At this point we understand you're going through with the Templar changes. But if you want to start repairing your relations with the Templar community, put a post in here. Acknowledge our concerns, and more importantly, explain your vision for the class.
  • SeptimusDova
    You cannot repair the damage done to trust.
    Trust is like virginity once lost it cannot be regained.
  • Minno
    At 74 pages long can someone summarize what has actually happen since page 5?

    Disappointment. Unfulfilled Expectations. Dashed Hopes. Yearning for better games. Lots of funny house GIFs.

    Also bacon
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • SeptimusDova
    and sammiches
  • AriBoh
    jrgray93 wrote: »
    Wait... blue... red... green...


    It all makes sense now.

    Commander Sheppard is responsible for Templar balancing problems.

    Femshep wouldn't do that to me. Also dunno why you said green and blue. ME3 only has a red ending. ONLY RED.
    Agreed. Whoever came up with the design should be shot in the foot and only admitted to hospital when he manages to find 3 other people willing to maim themselves the same way in order to accompany him.

    ZOS_AmeliaR admin
    Ultimately, any method of entering an enemy keep without breaking down the door is considered an exploit. Thanks for checking!

    "I used to be a healer once, but then I took a Wrobel to the knee"
  • hrothbern
    ESO Templar 2014 - not the fastest, but robust and fit for all terrains

    ESO Templar 2015 - redesign for better PvP balance

    ESO Templar 2016 - redesign for best PvP balance

    ZOS, you really think it will be fun driving PUGS through dungeons with the new car?
    What happens in vet dungeons like Darkshade with the bosses toxic air?
    25% less receivers for BOL? The blame will be on us drivers, not on the crippled car...

    Sorry, I feel betrayed. The 2016 Templar is not anymore what was sold to us.
    Therefore, ZOS, please offer all Templars a free class change. Enough is enough.

    Now even Mr Bean can push Templars away ! ;)

    Edited by hrothbern on March 3, 2016 7:34PM
    "I still do not understand why I followed the advice of Captain Rana to bring the villagers of Bleakrock into safety. We should have fought for our village and not have backed down, with our tail between our legs. Now my home village is in shambles, the houses burning, the invaders feasting.I swear every day to Shor that after Molag Bal has been defeated, I will hunt down the invaders and restore peace in Bleakrock and drink my mead with my friends at the market place".PC-EU
  • ZOS_Wrobel
    Thanks to everyone for all of the passionate posts in this thread. Though this is our first response here, we’ve been reading this thread since it started and understand your opinions on the current state of the Templar.

    The Thieves Guild update hosts a number of Templar buffs, but we recognize there are still some abilities that are under performing. Overall, the Templar has a lot of powerful abilities that we are happy with, but we feel there is still room for improvement. We will continue to evaluate and gather feedback after Thieves Guild goes live.
    Lead Combat Designer
    Eric Wrobel
    Staff Post
  • James-Wayne
    Only took 75 pages for confirmation but thank you for dropping in... We'll wait for the stamina changes come Dark Brotherhood then!

    Everyone can go home now... oh wait you never left....
    Edited by James-Wayne on March 3, 2016 9:29PM
    PERTH, AUSTRALIA | PC | NA | @Aussie-Elders

    TENTH ANNIVERSARY - Thanks for sticking with us for 10 years.
    James-Wayne you earned this badge 9:56AM on 4th of February 2024.
    529 people have also earned this badge.
  • Zheg
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for all of the passionate posts in this thread. Though this is our first response here, we’ve been reading this thread since it started and understand your opinions on the current state of the Templar.

    The Thieves Guild update hosts a number of Templar buffs, but we recognize there are still some abilities that are under performing. Overall, the Templar has a lot of powerful abilities that we are happy with, but we feel there is still room for improvement. We will continue to evaluate and gather feedback after Thieves Guild goes live.

    This is something you could have said 5 patches ago and it would have been just as true. Templars have waited, and waited, and you haven't delivered. Now it sounds like we're waiting until DB, another 3+ months out - particularly stamplars.

    I'm waiting more for CU at this point than I am for you to get the class figured out.
  • AriBoh
    Agreed. Whoever came up with the design should be shot in the foot and only admitted to hospital when he manages to find 3 other people willing to maim themselves the same way in order to accompany him.

    ZOS_AmeliaR admin
    Ultimately, any method of entering an enemy keep without breaking down the door is considered an exploit. Thanks for checking!

    "I used to be a healer once, but then I took a Wrobel to the knee"
  • SeptimusDova
    James your brother John is looking for you. Something about el dorado or jake or something.
  • SeptimusDova
    Mr.Wrobel that is an echo from last year. Just click on the thread in my signature.
    With all due respect. This is your game; but this here on my desk is my wallet and it votes.

    In advance and for future endeavors. If you could communicate with each class and layout a road map that would save some grief.

    Several threads in the past about changes and feedback and improvements seem to have been missed.

    In closing may you and your company fare well

    Everyone else after the lights are out I will CU on the flip side
  • nagarjunna
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for all of the passionate posts in this thread. Though this is our first response here, we’ve been reading this thread since it started and understand your opinions on the current state of the Templar.

    The Thieves Guild update hosts a number of Templar buffs, but we recognize there are still some abilities that are under performing. Overall, the Templar has a lot of powerful abilities that we are happy with, but we feel there is still room for improvement. We will continue to evaluate and gather feedback after Thieves Guild goes live.

    Too little, too late...

    @nagarjunna- PC / NA / AD / DC
    Zazarakel - Max CP Magicka Templar
    Tartys - Max CP Stamina Nightblade
    Temelechus - Max CP Magicka Sorcerer
    Assaku - Max CP Stamina DragonKnight
    Truthforge - Sub 50 Stamina Templar
    Yang Wudi Sub 50 Stamina Sorceror [DC]
    Shou Chung Sub 50 Magicka DragonKnight
    Chen Tuan Sun 50 Magicka Nightblade
  • Erock25
    We got Wrobel posting here and Gina posting in another issue thread at the same time. I wonder if there was a meeting held that said the forums were getting downright nasty and it was time to pretend like they actually care about our feedback and issues.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • SeptimusDova
    very astute Erock25 !! Just wait until it goes live. Then those who normally do not come to the forums will invade like the Visigoths sacking Rome!!


    Upon the great land, the settled empire, a great and tumultuous horde shall descend. Seeking the one. The One who dared to force them into a style they deemed unworthy. There will be a gnawing and gnashing of teeth, an outpouring of rage such as has never been before seen by those in the land of Zos. Kittens will be crushed asunder mailed boots. Stakes and Pyres shall be assembled. And the skies will darken, the ground will tremble and the masses at Zos will huddle behind the Templar's Straw house.
    Edited by SeptimusDova on March 3, 2016 9:58PM
  • AfkNinja
    Only took 2232 posts to get some acknowledgement. Lets throw up another 2000 to see what his ideas are for Dark Brotherhood and the overall class identity....

    Edit: At least we know they saw this....LOL
    Edited by AfkNinja on March 3, 2016 9:57PM
  • Soris
    Wow Eric in da House
    Edited by Soris on March 3, 2016 9:53PM
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • Minno
    Zheg wrote: »
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for all of the passionate posts in this thread. Though this is our first response here, we’ve been reading this thread since it started and understand your opinions on the current state of the Templar.

    The Thieves Guild update hosts a number of Templar buffs, but we recognize there are still some abilities that are under performing. Overall, the Templar has a lot of powerful abilities that we are happy with, but we feel there is still room for improvement. We will continue to evaluate and gather feedback after Thieves Guild goes live.

    This is something you could have said 5 patches ago and it would have been just as true. Templars have waited, and waited, and you haven't delivered. Now it sounds like we're waiting until DB, another 3+ months out - particularly stamplars.

    We are waiting more for CU at this point than I am for you to get the class figured out.

    Minor change in bold.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Zheg
    Soris wrote: »
    Wow Eric in da House
    My first reaction was to google for a fumigator.

    Nightblade feedback gets acted upon while on PTS. Templar feedback (literally the SAME feedback given for over a year) will continue to be collected and evaluated after the patch goes live. If you aren't reading between the lines, that means DB.
  • Minno
    Erock25 wrote: »
    We got Wrobel posting here and Gina posting in another issue thread at the same time. I wonder if there was a meeting held that said the forums were getting downright nasty and it was time to pretend like they actually care about our feedback and issues.

    Just got out of a phone conference too. Weird Thursday.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • AfkNinja
    Zheg wrote: »

    This is something you could have said 5 patches ago and it would have been just as true. Templars have waited, and waited, and you haven't delivered. Now it sounds like we're waiting until DB, another 3+ months out - particularly stamplars.

    I'm waiting more for CU at this point than I am for you to get the class figured out.

    Even longer for the suckers on console. It's okay though, Templar's are used to waiting multiple months for any sign of small buffs and changes. /sigh

  • SeptimusDova
    that means never kinda like the Don't call us we'll call you.

    or the Check is in the mail
    or the dog ate my homework
    \or it was an accident.
  • SeptimusDova
    25 more pages quick I need shards we got the bosses aggro lets not lose it!
  • maxjapank
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for all of the passionate posts in this thread. Though this is our first response here, we’ve been reading this thread since it started and understand your opinions on the current state of the Templar.

    The Thieves Guild update hosts a number of Templar buffs, but we recognize there are still some abilities that are under performing. Overall, the Templar has a lot of powerful abilities that we are happy with, but we feel there is still room for improvement. We will continue to evaluate and gather feedback after Thieves Guild goes live.

    Thanks @Wrobel . I've had no doubt that you've been keeping tabs on this thread, even with negative vibe. But it does mean a lot to acknowledge the feedback. So thanks again.

    I'm less pessimistic than some of my Templar brothers and sisters. I should do well this upcoming patch, and I've even become stronger in some ways. But...Toppling Charge is killing me. Literally. And it just isn't fun.

    I love the skill, but when it fails to connect and I lose that kill. Whether I'm going in for a bomb or keeping a enemy player from getting away...and it doesn't do anything, it isn't fun. And the worst is when I've just used a potion, and The Toppling Charge bug that locks you out of your skills happen. And now I am running around rocks and trees for 30 seconds, unable to heal, unable to really bites. It's the worst feeling in the world to know you could have won, could have helped your group win, but you can't due to a skill bug.

    I have big hopes that this skill is at the top of the line for the next DLC. Thanks.

  • ThatGuyCameron
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for totally losing your minds in this thread. Though this is our first response here, we’ve been begrudgingly reading this thread since it started and understand that this class is totally lackluster.

    The Thieves Guild update hosts a number of Templar non-fixes, but we recognize there is still a massive lack of variety for anyone not spamming Dflare next patch. Overall, the Templar has a few high DPS abilities that we are happy with, but we feel there is still nothing for tanks or anyone seeking the role of a smart healer. We will continue to ignore feedback after Thieves Guild goes live, so don't get your hopes up.


    Translated from ZOS into English.
    Edited by ThatGuyCameron on March 3, 2016 10:11PM
    Ebonheart EU Xbox One
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