Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.1 on the PTS on Monday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).

Official Feedback Thread for Templars

  • maxjapank
    blackcom90 wrote: »
    ok. we will not understand each other and will not come out with something from this discussion. let's stop here.

    Very civil :)

    I do think there is one thing we could agree on. Very simple tweaks that help both Stam and Magik Templars. Help Tanks, healers, and dps.

    Restoring Spirit - the passive currently gives us 4% reduction for all Magicka, Stam, and Ult costs. A buff of this to 6% is not much, but it does help everyone.

    Balanced Warrior - the passive currently gives 6% weapon dmg and a bit of spell resistance. A buff of this to offer both 6% spell and weapon dmg and a bit of both spell and physical resistance is not much, but it does help everyone.

    Both of these passives help make us a bit stronger in our "home." They are not much, but I'm sure every Templar would welcome these changes.
  • Animal_Mother
    Soris wrote: »
    I figured I'd post this here also, concerning 'The House':

    Actually, been playing templar since beta (Haven't been able to put many hours since 1.6 - work reasons, but still consistently a few every week) - It's my only vet character

    And I very much want Wrobel's 'vision' for the templars. Here's a quick flash from the past::

    It is in fact smack on the build I had prior 1.6, mixing up def buffs + rune and fighters guild circle of protection, I'd over double my res and armor past the SOFTCAPS. (Yes 200% of softcaps, dyou realize how much that was???). I was the most unkillable healer in the game. I'd stay in my @)$(* house , heal and def buff teamates, and overall protect the crap out of them. Oh I was no tank. (no aggro), but it is so much easier resource-wise (thus not mattering if I was stam or magicka for healing) to keep everyone healed up when you don't have to worry about yourself. To add, I was stam/hp hybrid (still am). This worked awesomely. Add another similar templar build to the team, we could def buff so high with those AoEs; we were nigh unkillable in Dungeons. (When a boss smacks you repeatdly, the HEALER, and you're just shrugging it off, no stress, and res-ing fallen teamates etc...) And if all hell broke loose youd launch the heal ultimate which would bring your def and res near 300% past softcap (ok maybe 250%) and give crazy regens to all 3 bars even though you were rooted. Killing you in that ulti was litterally unfeasible. This was back when I'd slot WB because of the awesome CC, not because it was the only viable dmg option other than Jabs. This was back when only 4 out of my 12 slotted skills weren't from the Templar skills.

    In PVE this was fun, excellent, fine. Because you need others to kill the stuff, dmg being rather sub par.
    In PVP apparently this was exceedingly frustrating for DPSs or something, because 1.6 changed ALL of that. (as in, what do you mean 3 DPS can't burst you down? Doesn't matter if those 3 DPS are mostly safe because you dont have the mobility or dmage to kill them - obviously you are OP and need to be nerfed. Funny how DPS seems to be the only role that matters in PvP).

    See I really LIKE 'The House'. My house was the ***!! I didn't care what was going on, I'd be standing in my [insert profanity] house and those long range DPS builds were exercising futility trying to kill me in it - even those up close weren't having an easy time. DKs were my worse nightmare, (with their chains, pulling me out of my precious house). People new better than to waste all those resources killing templars in their houses so they got them to leave em, pulling them out, throwing them out, anything. Priority was to get the temp out of his multi AoE stacking madness house. And why even bother on the templar? Because if you didnt kill them, they'd be healing, buffing, and keeping alive all the other people that WERE a threat. Even if they did kill me, I didn't mind, I felt like I put up a fight and made them waste time. Nowadays I just feel like I'm giving free AP to everyone....

    So yes @Wrobel, I very much get your vision, and very much do want it.
    But every patch and step since 1.6 has been driving the meta steadily away from the very possibility of having a functional AoE house - dmg mitigation is a joke (seriously), burst dmg is way too great and healing is crippled in PvP (the fact we still manage burst healing is a testament to how dedicated some healers are)
    I also really like his idea of "house". I had a similar pvp stamina build in late times of 1.5. With buffs, I had almost hard capped armor/resist and soft capped stamina, health, weapon power, magicka regen and stamina regen through radiant aura. I was literally unkillable in my house and that house was HARMING anyone who dare to come near thanks to the blazing shield and flashes. And I was also able to do enough dmg to kill ppl who were overestimated the build or overly aggressive on me in melee range, ie; nbs, dks and templars.

    Now THAT is how you describe a house. Not that shítty cabin we currently have in current patch.

    Every survey ZOS has sent me has asked if I felt as if my character was growing and getting stronger. In the past year, haven't felt as strong and confident in PVE and PVP as much as I did in 1.5. I certainly used more of the Templar abilities back then.

  • Animal_Mother
    Healing Ritual

    My favorite morph of this is actually the slowest one to cast Lingering Ritual. I tried using it in PVP to heal people going through breaches, they'd take some damage and get healed afterwards. But, I don't heal and all I really liked was I would get healed for 30-60% more than anyone else using it as a self heal.

    I would like to see the skill suck less, but we are probably going to always have a long cast time for the ability.

    How about:

    Slotting it would add a passive to increase all self heals, probably not up to the current 30% the spell provides on activation, but around 15%. This would stack with other bonuses and eliminate the current bonus.

    I don't want to take 1.5 seconds for a range limited instant heal. Change the ability to a powerful long HOT. 16 seconds. Keep the range at 10m - buff up range.

    Have one morph allow the caster to refresh the HOT to all affected party members up to 28m - changes the HOT time remaining from >0 to 16 sec.

    And the other morph to allow the caster to effectively "cash out" the HOT for an instant heal by activating the ability a second time while active. This morph has a shorter cast time with an increase in radius.
  • blackcom90
    Healing Ritual

    My favorite morph of this is actually the slowest one to cast Lingering Ritual. I tried using it in PVP to heal people going through breaches, they'd take some damage and get healed afterwards. But, I don't heal and all I really liked was I would get healed for 30-60% more than anyone else using it as a self heal.

    I would like to see the skill suck less, but we are probably going to always have a long cast time for the ability.

    How about:

    Slotting it would add a passive to increase all self heals, probably not up to the current 30% the spell provides on activation, but around 15%. This would stack with other bonuses and eliminate the current bonus.

    I don't want to take 1.5 seconds for a range limited instant heal. Change the ability to a powerful long HOT. 16 seconds. Keep the range at 10m - buff up range.

    Have one morph allow the caster to refresh the HOT to all affected party members up to 28m - changes the HOT time remaining from >0 to 16 sec.

    And the other morph to allow the caster to effectively "cash out" the HOT for an instant heal by activating the ability a second time while active. This morph has a shorter cast time with an increase in radius.

    I like that morph too and i think the easiest way to make it viable it's to let the hot stack up to 3-4 time on target and hit all the target (while the direct heal can still hit only 6). In this way we would have a powerfull hot to fill in the dead time between each casting that provide a direct heal.
  • iamnotweakrwb17_ESO
    Please don't defend healing ritual. There are no situations where it should be used over any of the other healing abilities. None, as in zero, zip, zilch! Even in breaches you are far better off dumping down healing springs, spamming BOL, or using your healing ultimate.

    It has 3 core problems with each one being enough to prevent it from ever being slotted. Fixing those problems would turn it into BOL on steroids. The ability should be completely redesigned. As to how it should be redesigned, I still don't know. I've been pondering this for the past 2 days.

    a) It cannot have a cast time.
    b) It has to bring something to the table that isn't covered presently by any of the Templar's abilities or the restoration tree. BOL is already the Templar's healing nuke and it should stay as such.
    c) Attempt to synergize with Wroebels design philosophy for Templars.
    My previous suggestions for such synergies are within the spoiler tag.
    Ok, what tools do Templars need to turn them into a successful house build.

    1) Rune focus must have a minimum of 8m radius but no more than 12m.
    2) Templars must receive AOE mitigation to counter 1 shot boss mechanics while standing within the radius of their puddles. The reason for this should be apparent.
    3) Templars must receive root and snare immunity while standing within the radius of their puddles. Jabs vulnerability to roots is a perfect example of why this needs to occur. Roots completely counter jabs. Given the player is now restricted to his rune, it makes no sense to be able to root or snare them on it.

    Tree synergies and ability changes to make the class feel more fluid and conform to the new style.

    Aedric Spear

    Radial sweep - Radius increased to 8m
    Crescent Sweep - Damage increased.

    Jabs - should also interrupt the target. This is mostly for PvE as previously, the knockback interrupted NPC's attempting to stun, bash or wrecking blow you.

    Burning Light- additionally adds a 33% chance to trigger burning light to any target standing within the radius of your rune.

    Dawns Wrath

    Sun fire - Would really love to see this proc major sorcery even it if means removing major prophecy from it.

    Backlash - Purging it causes any stored damage to take effect. Damage increases the longer it is on the target.

    Eclipse - needs a rework. It's issue is that it is completely shutdown by CC break or purge. Fixing those would just turn it into a better clone of DK's reflect. IMO The ability should be a self buff reducing ranged and spell damage dealt to you by anyone outside your runes radius.
    Dark eclipse - should heal you for a portion of the damage blocked.
    Unstable core - should stun and damage targets standing within the radius of your rune. Stun should go through block.

    Restoring Light

    Focused healing - 3 / 6 seconds (2 / 4 is a bit too short). Grants major mending while in your own Cleansing Ritual, Rune Focus, or Rite of Passage area effects

    Rune Focus - Duration 6 seconds. Radius minimum 8m. Increases armor and spell resistance by 5200. Duration is refreshed continuously while standing on the rune. Major and Minor ward sticks to you for 8 seconds upon leaving the radius. Also grants Minor protection and minor vitality while standing on the rune.
    I've bolded the duration refresh because recasting your rune over and over again gets old really fast. The philosophy should revolve around laying down the rune, then defending that space until you leave the rune. It's literally the difference between a fun play style and something that becomes a real chore.

    Restoring focus - Costs stamina, restores stamina while standing on the rune.

    Channeled focus - restores magicka while standing on the rune.

    Extended ritual - purges 1 effect and 1 additional effect from the caster every 3 seconds. Lasts 12 seconds. ( same as purify)

    Healing ritual - Fixing this ability would turn it into a more powerful version of breath of life. IMO it should be completely reworked into something interesting.

    Possible ideas:-

    Applies X number of healing wards to up to Y number of players for Z seconds. Healing wards trigger upon damage taken with a 1 second internal cooldown. Might present a problem if multiple wards from different templars are allowed to stack on the same target. Would work similar to kolto shell from swtor.

    Apply health regeneration to all friendly targets within X meters. Amount is 10% of the recipients health pool. (2k at 20000 HP.) if the recipient falls below 30% health or the effect is refreshed it explodes healing all allies within X radius for Y health. Lasts 20 seconds or until triggered / refreshed. I actually like this option. It would synergize with a lot of set bonuses while also making the robust passive a lot more attractive. Health regen builds... k go!

    Grants holy protection to nearby allies for X number of seconds reflecting the next fear, stun or knockdown and healing the target for a percentage of the damage taken. Possibly add 5 - 6 seconds of CC immunity to the caster if cast while standing in the radius of their rune. Would be hilarious to watch a WB spammer fall flat on his ass.

    I'll keep thinking of more.

    Edited by iamnotweakrwb17_ESO on February 16, 2016 6:43AM
  • maxjapank
    Please don't defend healing ritual. There are no situations where it should be used over any of the other healing abilities. None, as in zero, zip, zilch! Even in breaches you are far better off dumping down healing springs, spamming BOL, or using your healing ultimate.

    It has 3 core problems with each one being enough to prevent it from ever being slotted. Fixing those problems would turn it into BOL on steroids. The ability should be completely redesigned. As to how it should be redesigned, I still don't know. I've been pondering this for the past 2 days.

    a) It cannot have a cast time.
    b) It has to bring something to the table that isn't covered presently by any of the Templar's abilities or the restoration tree

    Possible ideas:-

    Applies X number of healing wards to up to Y number of players for Z seconds. Healing wards trigger upon damage taken with a 1 second internal cooldown. Might present a problem if multiple wards from different templars are allowed to stack on the same target. Would work similar to kolto shell from swtor.

    Apply health regeneration to all friendly targets within X meters. Amount is 10% of the recipients health pool. (2k at 20000 HP.) if the recipient falls below 30% health or the effect is refreshed it explodes healing all allies within X radius for Y health. Lasts 20 seconds or until triggered / refreshed. I actually like this option. It would synergize with a lot of set bonuses while also making the robust passive a lot more attractive. Health regen builds... k go!

    Grants holy protection to nearby allies for X number of seconds reflecting the next fear, stun or knockdown and healing the target for a percentage of the damage taken. Possibly add 5 - 6 seconds of CC immunity to the caster if cast while standing in the radius of their rune. Would be hilarious to watch a WB spammer fall flat on his ass.

    I'll keep thinking of more.

    I like your ideas. It's kind of not worth worrying about for this patch. But something to keep working on for future use. I think one of the healers in wow had a sorta dome shield. I could envision something with a cast time creating a kind of small dome shield for people to stack under like the Siege Shield. Maybe something to block or reflect ranged attacks so other players would have to come in our "home."
  • Dragnelus
    I dont mind buffs, but nerfing healing is a good thing. Its way too boring otherwise as a templar!
  • Tanis-Stormbinder
    maxjapank wrote: »
    blackcom90 wrote: »
    ok. we will not understand each other and will not come out with something from this discussion. let's stop here.

    Very civil :)

    I do think there is one thing we could agree on. Very simple tweaks that help both Stam and Magik Templars. Help Tanks, healers, and dps.

    Restoring Spirit - the passive currently gives us 4% reduction for all Magicka, Stam, and Ult costs. A buff of this to 6% is not much, but it does help everyone.

    Balanced Warrior - the passive currently gives 6% weapon dmg and a bit of spell resistance. A buff of this to offer both 6% spell and weapon dmg and a bit of both spell and physical resistance is not much, but it does help everyone.

    Both of these passives help make us a bit stronger in our "home." They are not much, but I'm sure every Templar would welcome these changes.

    Love this
  • danno8
    maxjapank wrote: »
    blackcom90 wrote: »
    ok. we will not understand each other and will not come out with something from this discussion. let's stop here.

    Very civil :)

    I do think there is one thing we could agree on. Very simple tweaks that help both Stam and Magik Templars. Help Tanks, healers, and dps.

    Restoring Spirit - the passive currently gives us 4% reduction for all Magicka, Stam, and Ult costs. A buff of this to 6% is not much, but it does help everyone.

    Balanced Warrior - the passive currently gives 6% weapon dmg and a bit of spell resistance. A buff of this to offer both 6% spell and weapon dmg and a bit of both spell and physical resistance is not much, but it does help everyone.

    Both of these passives help make us a bit stronger in our "home." They are not much, but I'm sure every Templar would welcome these changes.

    Love this

    Both these changes are simple, easy to implement and not remotely OP. And the suggestions have been made again and again.

    That is why people are upset with TG update so far. These small, simple changes were either not seen, which is hard to imagine in all the feedback threads, or considered and dismissed as to strong/unbalanced, which is a head scratcher.

    I don't agree with attacking Wrobel at all. But considering all the good ideas out there it is frustrating when you get a 1m increase on ultimate sweep or a 1% increase on Radiant Ward, and all Templars everywhere know instantly it will not make any difference to the skills usability, whereas the developer(s) seem to think it is a substantial change.
  • jhharvest
    Hello everyone!

    This post is to inform you that we've removed many posts for a variety of reasons, all being against the Forum Rules. Any posts continuing to violate the Forum rules will lead to an action being placed on the posters account. We appreciate all of the feedback given on the subject, and all feedback will be reviewed as well. Though we have to ask that you stay civil and constructive to discussion, and stay respectful to your fellow forum members, as well as the Zenimax Employees.

    Many thanks!

    This is ridiculous.
  • BalticBlues
    ZOS, this post is to inform you that we received many nerfs for a variety of reasons, all being against the Templar Class. Any nerfs continuing to violate the Templar Class will lead to more frustration of the Templar players. We would appreciate some useful feedback given on the subject, and all feedback will be reviewed as well. We have to ask that changes stay balanced and respectful to the Templar Class, as well as the Templar players.

    Many thanks!
  • Essiaga
    CP5 wrote: »
    Here's an idea that could go with the 'defend the house' mentality. While in cleansing ritual's aoe healing ritual's cast time is reduced and any target in cleansing ritual's aoe can also be targeted by the heal. You could also add a snare to enemies who enter the healing ritual, or even a minor healing debuff. Right now I have no incentive to stick around in a templar's 'house' and I don't even notice an enemy templar's house. Make those matter if that's the direction the class is headed zos, make templars able to hold ground and define where fights happen.

    How about if healing done inside your "House" also removed health of the enemies inside your house by 25ish% of the amount of heals. The tool tip should be changed to say "in your house" rather then rune/ritual, etc as well.

    10k BOL = 2.5k damage to he who breaks an entering.
    Cleansing Ritual 1k per tick = 250 damage per tick.
    If the # of enemies effected is limited to the # of allies affected Healing Ritual might have some viability. I think it's cap is 8(?). At this point knowing its cap is as worthless as the skill.

    My issue with BOL is it doesn't do anything else.
    *Ward frees you to fight and move, etc
    *Cloak improves your damage, synergies with abilities.
    *Reflect reflects damage so the attack takes it rather then you. This is true stand your ground skill that's MOBILE.

    BOL returns health ... no freedom. no buff/synergy. no damage or fear.
    Ritual purges and returns a little health. The synergy is not for us so its can't be included in class balance.

    For allies to give them a reason to fight "in your house", how about Minor Vitality or move Minor Sorcery buff from Dawns wrath to Ritual. I don't think we want people stacking in Rune.

    Someone suggested Evasion buff for Dawns Wrath before and this would help make that make a bit more sense.
    Edited by Essiaga on February 16, 2016 2:53PM
  • Cinbri
    Cinbri wrote: »
    It has excuse to have gcd - it is only(almost) gapcloser that is undodgeable(funny if zos will nerf it and say it was unintentional.)
    However it doesn't have excuse to be only gapcloser that unusable.
    And as i said:
    patchnotes 2.0.3:
    • Focused Charge: The damage from this ability and the Toppling Charge morph can now be dodged.
    So, now it still has gcd but can be dodged.
    Edited by Cinbri on February 16, 2016 2:54PM
  • timidobserver
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    It has excuse to have gcd - it is only(almost) gapcloser that is undodgeable(funny if zos will nerf it and say it was unintentional.)
    However it doesn't have excuse to be only gapcloser that unusable.
    And as i said:
    patchnotes 2.0.3:
    • Focused Charge: The damage from this ability and the Toppling Charge morph can now be dodged.

    Not enough resources to work on fixing it, but definitely enough to nerf it.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Kensei_ESO
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    It has excuse to have gcd - it is only(almost) gapcloser that is undodgeable(funny if zos will nerf it and say it was unintentional.)
    However it doesn't have excuse to be only gapcloser that unusable.
    And as i said:
    patchnotes 2.0.3:
    • Focused Charge: The damage from this ability and the Toppling Charge morph can now be dodged.
    So, now it still has gcd but can be dodged.

    This really sucks. This honestly felt like one of the Templar's only offensive advantages. This is a massive nerf.

    For the record, it's not the only gap closer that ignored dodging - Lotus Fan does it as well.
  • Jura23
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    It has excuse to have gcd - it is only(almost) gapcloser that is undodgeable(funny if zos will nerf it and say it was unintentional.)
    However it doesn't have excuse to be only gapcloser that unusable.
    And as i said:
    patchnotes 2.0.3:
    • Focused Charge: The damage from this ability and the Toppling Charge morph can now be dodged.

    Not enough resources to work on fixing it, but definitely enough to nerf it.

    Omg, I think ZOS is just trolling us at this point. I really dont see any other explanation to what is happening.
    Georgion - Bosmer/Templar - PC/EU
  • Cinbri
    Solariken wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    It has excuse to have gcd - it is only(almost) gapcloser that is undodgeable(funny if zos will nerf it and say it was unintentional.)
    However it doesn't have excuse to be only gapcloser that unusable.
    And as i said:
    patchnotes 2.0.3:
    • Focused Charge: The damage from this ability and the Toppling Charge morph can now be dodged.
    So, now it still has gcd but can be dodged.

    This really sucks. This honestly felt like one of the Templar's only offensive advantages. This is a massive nerf.

    For the record, it's not the only gap closer that ignored dodging - Lotus Fan does it as well.
    Ye, thats why said (almost).
    Lotus Fan is aoe and thats why can hit, templar's Explosive Charge is aoe too and thats why can still hit dodgers, but now you can't use Toppling to hit them and apply CC :/
    At least Crescent Sweep is nice now.
    Edited by Cinbri on February 16, 2016 3:03PM
  • Dread_Guy
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    It has excuse to have gcd - it is only(almost) gapcloser that is undodgeable(funny if zos will nerf it and say it was unintentional.)
    However it doesn't have excuse to be only gapcloser that unusable.
    And as i said:
    patchnotes 2.0.3:
    • Focused Charge: The damage from this ability and the Toppling Charge morph can now be dodged.
    So, now it still has gcd but can be dodged.

    Look on the brightside! They didn't mention explosive charge :wink:
    "My name is Julius Decimus Heraclius, Guildmaster of the Scions of the Sun, Brigadier of the Covenant Army, loyal servant to the High King Emeric. Brother to a betrayed legion, son to a fallen empire. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next." ---Julius Decimus Heraclius (Imperial Templar)
  • Animal_Mother
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    It has excuse to have gcd - it is only(almost) gapcloser that is undodgeable(funny if zos will nerf it and say it was unintentional.)
    However it doesn't have excuse to be only gapcloser that unusable.
    And as i said:
    patchnotes 2.0.3:
    • Focused Charge: The damage from this ability and the Toppling Charge morph can now be dodged.

    Not enough resources to work on fixing it, but definitely enough to nerf it.

    Go ahead nerf it. How many Templars are going to notice at this point? It not like any of us depend on the skill.

    I hope sarcasm isn't against forum rules.
  • Kensei_ESO
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Solariken wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    It has excuse to have gcd - it is only(almost) gapcloser that is undodgeable(funny if zos will nerf it and say it was unintentional.)
    However it doesn't have excuse to be only gapcloser that unusable.
    And as i said:
    patchnotes 2.0.3:
    • Focused Charge: The damage from this ability and the Toppling Charge morph can now be dodged.
    So, now it still has gcd but can be dodged.

    This really sucks. This honestly felt like one of the Templar's only offensive advantages. This is a massive nerf.

    For the record, it's not the only gap closer that ignored dodging - Lotus Fan does it as well.
    Ye, thats why said (almost).
    Lotus Fan is aoe and thats why can hit, templar's Explosive Charge is aoe too and thats why can still hit dodgers, but now you can't use Toppling to hit them and apply CC :/
    At least Crescent Sweep is nice now.

    LF is an AoE, yes, but you can initiate the gap close during the enemy dodgeroll just like Toppling. But are you thinking Templars will still be able to gap-close to dodgers but just not stun them?

    Also, does this make Crescent Sweep more attractive than Dawnbreaker? I'm thinking not.
  • timidobserver
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Solariken wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    It has excuse to have gcd - it is only(almost) gapcloser that is undodgeable(funny if zos will nerf it and say it was unintentional.)
    However it doesn't have excuse to be only gapcloser that unusable.
    And as i said:
    patchnotes 2.0.3:
    • Focused Charge: The damage from this ability and the Toppling Charge morph can now be dodged.
    So, now it still has gcd but can be dodged.

    This really sucks. This honestly felt like one of the Templar's only offensive advantages. This is a massive nerf.

    For the record, it's not the only gap closer that ignored dodging - Lotus Fan does it as well.
    Ye, thats why said (almost).
    Lotus Fan is aoe and thats why can hit, templar's Explosive Charge is aoe too and thats why can still hit dodgers, but now you can't use Toppling to hit them and apply CC :/
    At least Crescent Sweep is nice now.

    Yeh, but I'd trade crescent to have my channeled focus back if they reduced it to 8 seconds. I'll have to test to see what the status of it is.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Soris
    "Rune Focus: All the effects provided by this ability and its morphs will now remain on you for up to 8 seconds after leaving the rune’s radius."

    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • Husan
    Templar changes in the 2.3.2 PTS patch notes:
    Aedric Spear
    Crescent Sweep (Radial Sweep morph): Increased the bonus to the initial hit provided by this morph to 66% more damage dealt from 33%.
    Empowering Sweep (Radial Sweep morph): Increased the duration of the damage reduction provided by this morph to 10 seconds from 8 seconds.
    Focused Charge: The damage from this ability and the Toppling Charge morph can now be dodged.
    Dawn’s Wrath
    Eclipse: Fixed an issue with this ability and the Total Dark morph that was causing your health bar to not update properly whenever you reflected attacks back to yourself.
    Restoring Light
    Rune Focus: All the effects provided by this ability and its morphs will now remain on you for up to 8 seconds after leaving the rune’s radius.

    The crescent sweep damage bonus is very nice, I'll have to test this to see if it is now viable. However I am afraid that it's not high enough yet, as a dawnbreaker still hits for more on all targets, not to mention vamp/undead/werewolf. Also not really useful for a stamplar, because in addition to hitting harder, flawless dawnbreaker gives massive additional weapon power. I recommend increasing the damage of this morph even further, and also increasing it's cost to balance it out. Additionally, a possibility is to make this morph deal physical damage to make it a top pick for stamina templars.

    As for empowering sweep, I like this morph for tanking and while 2 seconds doesn't sound like much, it is a substantial buff. This will (in my opinion) stay the most picked morph for radial sweep, as it can be pretty strong and very useful in certain situations. I sadly cannot say this for crescent sweep as it gets overshadowed by both dawnbreaker morphs.

    Focused charge. Huge nerf for this ability, but I suppose it was needed. Hopefully all other bugs with this ability can be fixed before this goes live as well :).

    Eclipse bug fix, okay.

    Rune focus now works exactly like it does on live, except it is now an intended mechanic instead of a bug giving you magicka regen outside of the circle :). Would still prefer this to be a self-buff that would follow you for the full 16-20 seconds.

    Also directly relating to templars:
    Abilities which give bonuses to resurrection speed now stack multiplicatively, rather than additively. This will result in slower resurrection cast speeds when stacking multiple bonuses.

    Big nerf for the insta rezzing kagrenac wearing templar. Definitely needed with the upcoming changes to alliance war skill lines. I was hoping for the templar passive master ritualist to be replaced though. The biggest problem of templars is that their passives and their abilites often don't help THEM in any way, shape or form, but only help their teammates (blazing spear for example). This passive is exactly what I'm talking about. A support passive that does NOTHING for a solo templar, which is where we are the weakest.
  • Cinbri
    Husan wrote: »
    Abilities which give bonuses to resurrection speed now stack multiplicatively, rather than additively. This will result in slower resurrection cast speeds when stacking multiple bonuses.

    Big nerf for the insta rezzing kagrenac wearing templar. Definitely needed with the upcoming changes to alliance war skill lines. I was hoping for the templar passive master ritualist to be replaced though. The biggest problem of templars is that their passives and their abilites often don't help THEM in any way, shape or form, but only help their teammates (blazing spear for example). This passive is exactly what I'm talking about. A support passive that does NOTHING for a solo templar, which is where we are the weakest.
    Well, once again they listened QQ of streamers.. No surprise here.
    Edited by Cinbri on February 16, 2016 3:11PM
  • bikerangelo
    That's their solution for battle resurrection spamming, make Templar passives even more worthless and put them on par with every other class wearing Kags.
  • kaalmoth
    can't believe they found something to nerf, at this point it must be some kind of challenge they do at the office
  • Kensei_ESO
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Husan wrote: »
    Abilities which give bonuses to resurrection speed now stack multiplicatively, rather than additively. This will result in slower resurrection cast speeds when stacking multiple bonuses.

    Big nerf for the insta rezzing kagrenac wearing templar. Definitely needed with the upcoming changes to alliance war skill lines. I was hoping for the templar passive master ritualist to be replaced though. The biggest problem of templars is that their passives and their abilites often don't help THEM in any way, shape or form, but only help their teammates (blazing spear for example). This passive is exactly what I'm talking about. A support passive that does NOTHING for a solo templar, which is where we are the weakest.
    Well, once again they listened QQ of streamers.. No surprise here.

    Yep, the rez nerf and the Toppling Charge nerf were both called for by a particular streamer. So frustrating. None of those guys play the class in any serious capacity, yet they continue to bring about a crapstorm of nerfs for Templars.
  • Faulgor
    Not really convinced the change to Crescent Sweep is what it needs. As has been said, Dawnbreaker is still miles better for damage.
    I just want to repeat my earlier suggestion that just like Empowering Sweep is a defensive buff, Crescent Sweep should be an offensive one. Either Minor or Major Force would synergize well with the Piercing Spear passive in the same tree, as would Minor Savagery. This would also work quite well with Sweep's relatively low ultimate cost, and would give Templar something unique.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Essiaga
    danno8 wrote: »
    maxjapank wrote: »
    blackcom90 wrote: »
    ok. we will not understand each other and will not come out with something from this discussion. let's stop here.

    Very civil :)

    I do think there is one thing we could agree on. Very simple tweaks that help both Stam and Magik Templars. Help Tanks, healers, and dps.

    Restoring Spirit - the passive currently gives us 4% reduction for all Magicka, Stam, and Ult costs. A buff of this to 6% is not much, but it does help everyone.

    Balanced Warrior - the passive currently gives 6% weapon dmg and a bit of spell resistance. A buff of this to offer both 6% spell and weapon dmg and a bit of both spell and physical resistance is not much, but it does help everyone.

    Both of these passives help make us a bit stronger in our "home." They are not much, but I'm sure every Templar would welcome these changes.

    Love this

    Both these changes are simple, easy to implement and not remotely OP. And the suggestions have been made again and again.

    That is why people are upset with TG update so far. These small, simple changes were either not seen, which is hard to imagine in all the feedback threads, or considered and dismissed as to strong/unbalanced, which is a head scratcher.

    I don't agree with attacking Wrobel at all. But considering all the good ideas out there it is frustrating when you get a 1m increase on ultimate sweep or a 1% increase on Radiant Ward, and all Templars everywhere know instantly it will not make any difference to the skills usability, whereas the developer(s) seem to think it is a substantial change.

    This is absolutely the case. BOL is not my issue. Its that the only thing we got that we wanted was PS/Jab snare.

    And 1 meter/1 percent is insulting. Its like they just did it to say the did something.

    It's like picking up a gum wrapper after you knocked over a full garbage can. Really? That's all your going to do?
  • Kensei_ESO
    Focused Charge: The damage from this ability and the Toppling Charge morph can now be dodged.

    The hilarious (and incredibly sad) thing about this is that they were specifically working on this skill to limit its functionality but didn't bother to fix the major, crippling problems it has with pathing and that aweful slow animation at the point of impact. You guys are driving me to drink.
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