MormondPayne_EP wrote: »
SHIELDS HAVE ALREADY BEEN NERFED... shall I say it again? Shields are 50% less effective now. Shut. The. Hell. Up.
Master_Kas wrote: »
Hush don't you dare say anything about sorcerers. It's so weak compared to nightblades, no defense besides their shield which isn't even OP.
Look at the nightblades nerf them , with their cloakspamming. There is NO way for a poor sorcerer to break their cloak making it useless.
Let the sorcs spam their hardened ward with no regen/cost penalty and absorb/migate damage like tank-built characters while wearing skirts and a staff while putting out higher burst
Overload hits pretty hard man, 10K easy even with the damage reduction. Though it's weak to DK reflect and defensive stance. I do agree on the other ultimates though they're pretty meh in PvP.
If every class defends themselves with the same mechanic it's boring.
Nb should never get a class Shield or a strong heal, never. That's what cloak is for.
It's defense, escape and used to attack/counter the enemy without taking dmg directly to your health.
Well funnel health + sap is a stronger heal even when used on pvp target than anything resto staff has to offer apart from stacking healing springs.
I would not say that NB heals are weak AT ALL.
Make cloak an ultimate and give NBs a classshield. Everybody happy.
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
I dont really agree with the bolded part above.
Every gap closer completely nullifies the use of Bolt Escape, they also costs less to cast and causes dmg.
Focused Charge + morphs 22m (templar)
Teleport Strike + morphs 22m (nightblade)
Critical Strike + morphs 22m (two-handed)
Shield Charge + morphs 22m (one-handed&shield)
*Dragon Leap 20-28m (dragonknight) ultimate
All these skills cover more distance than the 15m you travel with bolt escape.
The only thing is needed to counter bolt escape is decent reaction time + one of the gap closers listed above.
Speed buffs are also very effective to catch bolting sorcs because you loose momentum after each bolt. This makes movement with bolt escape + speed buff slower than expected/intended in addition to the huge magicka drain.
killingspreeb16_ESO wrote: »
And dmg is nerfed too you know?oh wait maybe youre a sorc since dmg still insane for them maybe you dind't notice that.
gap closers counter cloak already also (bringing you close + AOE)
some people dont realize they never really nerfed shields (aside from shield breaker set)
lol 50% less damage 50% less shield strength
some people are just sily ;P
Cloak is OP combined with shadow image.vamp_emily wrote: »Funny how people think Cloaking is OP. Last night I was PvPing and died 11 times before I even got a kill. I was thinking my kill counter was off.
Cloak is OP combined with shadow image.
i like how now another abbility is beeing decided to be messed with while the core issues are still at play..
how about return soft caps ?
how about remove cp system so theres is atleast a fair fight instead of the numerous times where 1 beats the other for simply having more cp (happends alot)
Some of the defense for Cloak is regarding a Stamblade, which I suppose is fair. They have little magicka and less regen, making their claking ability fairly manageable if pressed. But entering cloak more or less at any given time, like Magicka Nightblade can, is something of a problem for the overral balance for the game. Not so much for its escape ability, but more for its battlefield mobility and ganking benefits. Not to mentioned its DoT cleanse or guaranteed critical hit, plus the ability to aggro mobs onto your enemies.
My solution would be to make one of the cloaks stamina based, so all nightblades have roughly equal access to it, then to either give it diminishing returns on duration, diminishing returns for cost effectiveness or reduce regen when cloaked. That way Stamblades wouldn't be hurt any more by it than Magblades. It could even be possible to make these nerfs specific to the Imperial City, since the tight environments and mobs gives the cloaks a lot of versitility and power, while not nearly as much in the open fields of Cyrodiil.
That's just the thing, NBs are the only ones left that have this escape mechanic. All the rest of the classes have to stay in the fight and die.
Also, if a player is not very good, he should die. Getting away in pvp is a skill in itself, and should not be reserved to a single class.
The best explanation I have heard for the problem is this:
Magicka nightblades currently have the ability to control when a fight begins, and when it ends, irrespective of counters.
This rationale was used to implement changes to bolt escape and it's morphs (yes it had counters too, you just didn't use them).
Subsequently, no other class now currently has this capacity.
The exact same rationale applies here: a class has the absolute capacity to dictate the terms of a fight, and it has been determined, by popular opinion, that that capacity is imbalanced.
And this coming from someone telling sorcs to man up and use alternate self defense mechanism.
Shield reduction in pvp was 15% dmg reduction was 20% in 1.6. So shields became 5% weaker compared to dmg right there. This continues with more effective ways to stack dmg than maxstat in 1.7 and results in shields being approximatly 20% less effective when compared to raw dmg numbers than they were in 1.6.
But thanks again for proving that you - the self proclaimed expert nightblade theorycrafter - know nothing.
PainfulFAFA wrote: »
thats your problem.
Lightning flood is imo a small range aoe.
Try using caltrops, steel tornado, bombard, lightning form, encase -_-, runes -_-, mines -__-,
impulse, mage light u.u
Seriously cloak doesnt need a nerf (i play a stam sorc).
Aspect of terror (fear) is what needs the nerfing!!!
The_Outsider wrote: »I sincerely hope I encounter these legendary Magicka NBs described in this thread (I might learn things). They who can perform such spectacular feats of strength solely because of the OP-ness of Cloak ability. They who dance in and out of combat without taking any damage. Mercilessly killing all opponents without chance for counter play.
Meanwhile the MNBs I see in the real world typically fall to your basic counters. Even when they do escape it's no big cause they can't do any damage. ..
Lol I don't see these gods either. I think I perform pretty well as a magblade but I don't cloak from opponent to opponent leaving a trail of death raking up their stones and sleeping with their wives (while cloaked).
I get my kills from outplaying my opponent now in this patch more than ever.
The best explanation I have heard for the problem is this:
Magicka nightblades currently have the ability to control when a fight begins, and when it ends, irrespective of counters.
This rationale was used to implement changes to bolt escape and it's morphs (yes it had counters too, you just didn't use them).
Subsequently, no other class now currently has this capacity.
The exact same rationale applies here: a class has the absolute capacity to dictate the terms of a fight, and it has been determined, by popular opinion, that that capacity is imbalanced.
Nobody believed the sorc when they said that. I don´t think anyone is going to believe the NB stating the same
You can add the same logic to already nerfed DK skills talons and reflected scales.The_Outsider wrote: »
No one believed Sorcs because in their case, it wasn't true. This is a case of, "My skill got nerfed, and you have a strong skill. Therefore your skill should be nerfed TOO." This is a toxic mentality for a game with so many underlying problems already. A more comparable nerf was BE to Roll Dodge. Not BE to Cloak.
ZOS may nerf cloak, but they will take 3 years to do it. By the time they get around to it, everyone will have learned to effectively counter cloak with the many counters ZOS has already give us (like many people are already doing). Then the nerf will hit. "Oh no ZOS! Why you nerf Cloak! We actually realized that it wasn't so OP in the first place, now the skill is useless!"
I wish ZOS believed in balance tweaks instead of the NERF HAMMER OF THOR (dramatic effect intended).
You can add the same logic to already nerfed DK skills talons and reflected scales.