@The_Outsider except that if you really think about it, there is no true hard counter to any ability. An easy example is the cloak potion dilemma. A good nightblade can anicipate potions, move out of range, cloak spam through mobs and achieve safety.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
The_Outsider wrote: »
I think those are pretty good points @ToRelax
I really don't wanna compare Cloak to other skills, but since we all are already, I think the difference would be Effective Cloak counters vs. Effective Shield counters. Looking at it that way, it's easy to see why ZOS thought Shield Breaker was a good idea, imo.
I rolled a MageBlade just because Cloak is so OP. I mean it is stupid ridiculous OP. I can perma cloak from one side of Cyrodiil to the other, all while traveling at the speed of light with my magicka bar at 100%. I can troll groups for days even if they have AOE, Magelight, Flare, Pots etc, simply because I am so ****ing fast while cloaked. You might see me for a second, but once I hit that double take combined with cloak speed bonus from CW, I am the fastest class in the game AND I'm ****ing invisible. Lol. I dont even use a horse. Seriously.
Anyone defending cloak needs to have their head checked. Cloak is ****ing absurd.
The_Outsider wrote: »
I think those are pretty good points @ToRelax
I really don't wanna compare Cloak to other skills, but since we all are already, I think the difference would be Effective Cloak counters vs. Effective Shield counters. Looking at it that way, it's easy to see why ZOS thought Shield Breaker was a good idea, imo.
Detect Potions, Radiant Magelight, Any form of AoE, Caltrops, Revealing Flare, Piercing Mark, NPCs, Roaming Bosses, Charge Attacks. It's your fault for not using the counters available, don't come to the forums and complain about an issue that only affects lazy individuals.
Yeah, I know, and I don't have anything against a counter to shields. But it's just different from the counters to Cloak. Detect pots would give you a 20m radius and every enemy in that area will be made visible and unable to dodge with Cloak. That is 1/3 of the time at best (well, 1/2 actually if you are using cdr glyphs). I do think you should see when you are detected by a potion and it should only work for the user, too, though.
Ranged weapon normal attacks go over 28m if I am not mistaken, and the set works all the time. It also doesn't make shields just a magicka waste, they can kill yourself or allies, too. It turns all mitigation useless until you get rid of shields, making it a counter to high resistances, blocking, Mistform as well. It works on shields that do not affect the enemy's attacks anyway and it even works with Fossilize, wich is just a joke.
But enough of this, shields needed a counter, but in the form to make a fight worth it please.
In my other comment I was more pointing out that shields and especially Hardened Ward were reduced at the same time as they implemented a counter to them, since the user I quoted made a point they shouldn't nerf Cloak because it already has counters.
@ToRelax you are aware there is a set that hard counters cloak/invis right? Increases damage done to sneaking targets by 50% and increases detect radius by like 25 yards maybe more....dont remember
EDIT: 20% damage increase according to this link
Just want to say, people who heavily rely on cloak and think the class would be broken without it, or that nightblades only have cloak to survive, or that they need compensation for it being nerfed, have you looked out from under your cloak recently and seen how many skills the class has? Cloak is only one skill, you have others that allow you to do things no other class can, please look at them for a bit before saying the class would be ruined with a change to cloak.
Out of all the classes in game (with perhaps the exception of the rarely looked at templars) NB's have received many buffs and bug fixes and very few nerfs (of which many of these nerfs were blanket ones that hit all classes, not just NB's).
steel tornado steel tornado steel tornado steel tornado steel tornado steel tornado, oh crap they got away, teleport strike, steel tornado steel tornado steel tornado......
seems pretty lazy to me.......
ScruffyWhiskers wrote: »
Hehe. Yeah Yonkit's steel tornado and caltrops build is a real PITA for a cloaker. I don't even try anymore. Taking it on is about as productive as fighting Erkon 1 v 1 after chasing him across the map. You just learn not to grab a tiger by the tail.
But he is correct. So many players don't even bother with the counters. Usually the new players in small groups. I can kill 2 or 3 man teams in 30 seconds if they don't have a detect potion. Pop the potion or have a competent player in the group and I am toast. I really hate to say this because it has become so trite and over used but there really is a "lack of game mechanics awareness" dynamic going on here a.k.a. L2P
Sorcs have no instant class heal, no cloak and yet a set was implemented to hardcounter their defensive skill while at the same time nerfing it. (Not to mention the set does a lot more than that...)
Do you think stamina Sorcs could spam Bolt Escape or make a lot of use out of their Ward? Just because someone doesn't use a skill to it's full potential, doesn't mean the skill is not too strong.
Why should it be a sign for a skill to not be OP when you are spamming it to survive? Do you think Shieldspamming is fine and proof that shields are balanced, too?
TheNephilimCrow wrote: »
Sorcs do have a better class heal then NBs. It's called Dark Exchange. It gives Health and Magicka or Health and Stamina at the cost of either Magicka or Stamina. So, theres that.
While it may not be an instant heal like a Templar, neither is Dragon's blood. It's still a damn sight better then what any NB can do with class skills.
TheNephilimCrow wrote: »
You are right... in the fact that we have more then one skill. But good combinations rely on stealth.
Am I right to assume that you are wanting to deny us the right to use the best combos for our class, when I'm sure you are using an OP combo for yours?
Taking away cloak from a NB or even nerfing it as hard as everyone is wanting will kill 75% of the builds the class has. Not to mention that NB's are squishy and have hardly any self heals to match other class. Such as Rushed Ceremony, Dark Exchange or even Dragons Blood. I go back to what I originally said in my own post. If you want the skill nerfed or gone, then give us means to heal ourselves just like other classes.
Before you even say it, Funnel Health (morph) doesn't even come close in the way other classes can heal.
For example, sorce can get Health and Stam/Mag from Dark Exchange or Dark Conversion and you say NB is broken because we can hide? Ridiculous.
Edit: Also, I'm talking about Class Skills, not weapon heals like Rally.
They do not. Swallow Soul hits like a truck (way harder than Crushing Shock) AND heals. You can keep any class on the defensive simply by weaving this in their face combined with fear every 8 seconds. It's like Sorc, but easy mode. NB don't even have to jack with elemental CP or max magicka, they just go full Magic Damage/Spell Power and profit.
I'm really sick of listening to NB QQ. I destroy v16s on my v2 NB all night long. It's an extremely strong class with solid abilities and passives.
Dark Exchange as main heal, suggested by a NB.
You know, Strife alone will give you higher hps than that and Siphoning Attacks is far better to restore resources, it even restores both stamina and magicka.
sabresandiego_ESO wrote: »This is one of the skills that is pushing nightblades in to the overpowered territory. The skill needs to stay spammable for its after effects like 100% crit or DOT removal, but the duration of invisibility should be treated like bolt escape and last 33%-50% less time each time its cast. You should not be able to stay invisible continuously for longer than 7-10 seconds, which is already a long time.
First cloak: duration is 100% 3.5 seconds
Second Cloak: is 2.3 seconds
Third Cloak: is 1.5 seconds
Fourth Cloak: is 1 second
Fifth Cloak: is .6 seconds
Sixth Cloak: is .4 seconds
Seventh Cloak: is .3 seconds
Eight Cloak: is .2 seconds
Ninth Cloak: is .1 seconds
Something like this would allow people to only be invisible for about 7-10 seconds max if they spam cloak. The timer should be similar to roll dodge and bolt escape.
sabresandiego_ESO wrote: »This is one of the skills that is pushing nightblades in to the overpowered territory. The skill needs to stay spammable for its after effects like 100% crit or DOT removal, but the duration of invisibility should be treated like bolt escape and last 33%-50% less time each time its cast. You should not be able to stay invisible continuously for longer than 7-10 seconds, which is already a long time.
First cloak: duration is 100% 3.5 seconds
Second Cloak: is 2.3 seconds
Third Cloak: is 1.5 seconds
Fourth Cloak: is 1 second
Fifth Cloak: is .6 seconds
Sixth Cloak: is .4 seconds
Seventh Cloak: is .3 seconds
Eight Cloak: is .2 seconds
Ninth Cloak: is .1 seconds
Something like this would allow people to only be invisible for about 7-10 seconds max if they spam cloak. The timer should be similar to roll dodge and bolt escape.
I rolled a MageBlade just because Cloak is so OP. I mean it is stupid ridiculous OP. I can perma cloak from one side of Cyrodiil to the other, all while traveling at the speed of light with my magicka bar at 100%. I can troll groups for days even if they have AOE, Magelight, Flare, Pots etc, simply because I am so ****ing fast while cloaked. You might see me for a second, but once I hit that double take combined with cloak speed bonus from CW, I am the fastest class in the game AND I'm ****ing invisible. Lol. I dont even use a horse. Seriously.
Anyone defending cloak needs to have their head checked. Cloak is ****ing absurd.