The_Outsider wrote: »^ Really good suggestion! I think they took a step in the right direction when they (I think recently?) increased the projectile speed to be similar to caltrops'. Moar flare buffs.
I only ponder the irony of a whole bunch of players making a case for how crazy OP and powerful Cloak is right now, and in the same breathe, refuse to slot a skill that "does nothing except reveal stealthers." if it is so powerful right now, why not use one of twelve skill slots to do something about it?
I personally do not grace the cloak skill with a single counter on my bars, instead preferring the all-powerful, hard counter of detect pot.
15 seconds is not long enough to kill anyone good, and they are so fast while spamming cloak and double take that they can easily leave your detect radius. You get 15 seconds out of every 45 to maybe put some pressure. The rest of the time you are their play thing.
Most people dont know this but MageBlades rarely ever hide (press control to crouch). They have the regen to spam cloak every 2.5 seconds infinitely.
I am about to blow your mind. A NB can walk right into your flare and stand there and cloak. It doesnt work unless they crouch, and they don't.
There currently is no viable magicka counter to cloak (besides lol NB onry mark). Magelight radius is smaller than a detect pot, and MageBlades are FAR too fast for you to keep them within it for long.
Granted, I faceroll MageBlades on my Sorc erryday. None of them know how to use cloak properly however.
The_Outsider wrote: »^ Really good suggestion! I think they took a step in the right direction when they (I think recently?) increased the projectile speed to be similar to caltrops'. Moar flare buffs.
I only ponder the irony of a whole bunch of players making a case for how crazy OP and powerful Cloak is right now, and in the same breathe, refuse to slot a skill that "does nothing except reveal stealthers." if it is so powerful right now, why not use one of twelve skill slots to do something about it?
I personally do not grace the cloak skill with a single counter on my bars, instead preferring the all-powerful, hard counter of detect pot.
In my experience, with skills like Radiant Magelight, it does offer some level of counter to cloak, but it does little to nothing for anything else. Especially stamina characters, who have little benefit from spell crit. And, yes, I know Cloak is very powerful and skills that counter that alone could be good in theory, this is a game where we have a very limited number of skill slots that can not be changed during combat. And for a skill like Magelight, it needs to be double slotted to not have to constantly reactivate it.
On my damage bar, I need a strong single target skill, a gap closer and an execute skill at least. If I am a 2-hander, I also typically have to run Rally here. If I DW, I need Hidden Blade. That is 4 slots already.
If I am a Sorc, I also need Bound Armaments, which needs to be double slotted. 6 out of 10 slots taken.
As a Templar I need to run Repentence for the passive and activated regen, so 5 slots.
As a Nightblade, I should be running Cloak, but that is another discussion.
As a Dragonknight, I might have space for it.
I need at least one reliable heal. So now we are up to at least half of my bar already, and not even covered all the minimum requirements for the essentials. I also need some form of non-heal defense, like Spiked Armor for resist buff and preferably a Major Evasion buff. I need anti-CC(Shuffle is good for that) and preferably mobility. And on top of all of this, I should also slot some CC of my own.
With minimum requirements for what will make a functional setup being this demanding on our poor 10 slots, having a skill with the only purpose of countering Cloak is going to hurt me, because it requires me to shaft something very important. A Magicka build can get away with Magelight, because the crit is nice, but a Stam build don't benefit enough from it for the most part. We simply don't have enough slots to have this narrowly focused skills.
vamp_emily wrote: »
I understand what you are saying. As a NB I would love to free up two slots but I have to use cloak to survive a fight. NBs don't have those strong single target skills that you talk about, and it is sad that we have to use cloak to retreat.
I suggest taking a good look at other classes and maybe remove their over powering skills and then I would be ok with nerfing cloak.
vamp_emily wrote: »
I understand what you are saying. As a NB I would love to free up two slots but I have to use cloak to survive a fight. NBs don't have those strong single target skills that you talk about, and it is sad that we have to use cloak to retreat.
I suggest taking a good look at other classes and maybe remove their over powering skills and then I would be ok with nerfing cloak.
They have been, DK's scales, nerfed. Sorc's bolt escape, nerfed several times. Templars? Hard for them to catch a break. Cloak is the defensive class skill that evaded a nerf of some type and after the changes to both class specific skills and dodge roll and block, cloak stands out like a sore thumb (if it weren't for the fact that it's invisible).
The counters for other classes unique traits are more useful. Gap-closers are always helpful for melee builds, not just for running down sorcs. Healing debuffs are far more than just an anti-templar skill. Purge does so much more than negate a dk's dots. But NB's require skills that are either incredibly situational or just bad to keep them from cloaking.
killingspreeb16_ESO wrote: »
The counter to cloak are usefull too,some player can break my cloak easily other can't,gapcloser are not good to take down a sorc since the animation of bolt is faster and don't require a target to work and ALWAYS work(but i agree that gapcloser have more utility overall),if you add a penality to claok you realise that most of counter should be removed?
we need to go on this nerf train for every ability in the game?
Radiant Magelight has an odd delay when a nb cloaks in its range sometimes (think it procs once or twice a second) and is otherwise only useful in taking the bite out of sneak attacks. Flare does little beyond checking areas for sneaking targets, haven't gotten a chance on one of my nb's to test it out to see what happens on my end but it isn't effective. AOE spam, most people only leave my aoe's because they get tired of hearing their character make noises. If you block while using the gap closer you block the stun and can keep up with a sorc (i've done this several times).
Again, I don't want zos to just run around nerfing things, but there are two things I want others to understand. 1. nb's aren't only made of cloak, they have so much going for them that anyone shouting "if cloak is nerfed the class is ruined" are to busy hiding under their cloak to see, and 2. cloak is the only defensive tactic not recently nerfed, roll dodges (not a nb exclusive thing), blocking, bolting, shields, even mist form, all less effective now and not to mention sun shield and scales. NB's have gotten off easy, and its funny seeing those who told others to adapt to nerf now say "we're not op, don't nerf us! look over there, something else to nerf! or lets just stopping all nerfs and not change our skills"
killingspreeb16_ESO wrote: »
same goes for sorc,they are the top class(in my opinion)and look how many player where complain about shieldbreaker (i find that set very situational)the only counter to shieldstacking,the reason why cloak don't have a penality is because can be countered by many thing unlike bolt even if i catch you again you traveled your distance,is not like my gapcloser keep you on place make you lose mana and then nothing,while the counter to cloak does exatclty that.I will support a buff for magelight and flare or even a penality to cloak IF most counter are removed,im a stamina NB i can't spam cloak endlessly2-3 time and im OOM,and i never supported any nerf to Dk scale or Sorc Bolt.
if we go on the Nerf train well shield and heal i think are the next target,since they can be spammed without penality.
Sadly I expect a nerf sometime for cloak since that is the way things have gone. People still argue that bolt needs a nerf despite all of its nerfs but to be fair heals already have the somewhat-widely available heal debuffs.
In my experience, with skills like Radiant Magelight, it does offer some level of counter to cloak, but it does little to nothing for anything else. Especially stamina characters, who have little benefit from spell crit. And, yes, I know Cloak is very powerful and skills that counter that alone could be good in theory, this is a game where we have a very limited number of skill slots that can not be changed during combat. And for a skill like Magelight, it needs to be double slotted to not have to constantly reactivate it.
On my damage bar, I need a strong single target skill, a gap closer and an execute skill at least. If I am a 2-hander, I also typically have to run Rally here. If I DW, I need Hidden Blade. That is 4 slots already.
If I am a Sorc, I also need Bound Armaments, which needs to be double slotted. 6 out of 10 slots taken.
As a Templar I need to run Repentence for the passive and activated regen, so 5 slots.
As a Nightblade, I should be running Cloak, but that is another discussion.
As a Dragonknight, I might have space for it.
I need at least one reliable heal. So now we are up to at least half of my bar already, and not even covered all the minimum requirements for the essentials. I also need some form of non-heal defense, like Spiked Armor for resist buff and preferably a Major Evasion buff. I need anti-CC(Shuffle is good for that) and preferably mobility. And on top of all of this, I should also slot some CC of my own.
With minimum requirements for what will make a functional setup being this demanding on our poor 10 slots, having a skill with the only purpose of countering Cloak is going to hurt me, because it requires me to shaft something very important. A Magicka build can get away with Magelight, because the crit is nice, but a Stam build don't benefit enough from it for the most part. We simply don't have enough slots to have this narrowly focused skills.
15 seconds is not long enough to kill anyone good, and they are so fast while spamming cloak and double take that they can easily leave your detect radius. You get 15 seconds out of every 45 to maybe put some pressure. The rest of the time you are their play thing.
Most people dont know this but MageBlades rarely ever hide (press control to crouch). They have the regen to spam cloak every 2.5 seconds infinitely.
I am about to blow your mind. A NB can walk right into your flare and stand there and cloak. It doesnt work unless they crouch, and they don't.
There currently is no viable magicka counter to cloak (besides lol NB onry mark). Magelight radius is smaller than a detect pot, and MageBlades are FAR too fast for you to keep them within it for long.
Granted, I faceroll MageBlades on my Sorc erryday, none of them know how to use cloak properly.
This^Granted, I faceroll MageBlades on my Sorc erryday, none of them know how to use cloak properly.
Well 0.5% of sorcs had super op shields and teleport.
Both got nerfed bc if these few players. Why should it be different for NBs.
I'm afraid it seems that after months of going on about 'fix cloak' threads the nightblades here have developed a purely cloaked source of infinite power. They will be able to spam this source of power with the continued memories of broken skills, thread hijacking, and robberies of other players sweat rolls that they will be able to go on forever, and can not be turned off (as the off switch is also, cloaked).
EDIT: Also, NB's that believe that 1. cloak being changed would break their entire class, you know there are 3 skill trees with rather nice skills in them, right? 2. that you have 3 major movement speed buffs plus a decent teleport you could use to escape, rather than just spamming cloak
Nightblade -> endless cloak to regain full health
Sorcerer -> streak away to regain full health
Templar -> Breath of Life to regain full health
Dragonknight -> R.I.P. if no ultimate
Only 'personal' problem I have with Nightblades is that they go into a fight, oh wait can't win let's cloak 5 times regain health and try to burst again. I find this a pathetic playstyle and would love to see a nerf to cloak in a way nightblades can't regen health or get healed while cloaking.
Nightblade -> endless cloak to regain full health
Sorcerer -> streak away to regain full health
Templar -> Breath of Life to regain full health
Dragonknight -> R.I.P. if no ultimate
Only 'personal' problem I have with Nightblades is that they go into a fight, oh wait can't win let's cloak 5 times regain health and try to burst again. I find this a pathetic playstyle and would love to see a nerf to cloak in a way nightblades can't regen health or get healed while cloaking.
The_Outsider wrote: »
That's exactly what I was trying to point out actually. And it's why I prefaced my original statement with "purely speaking of the Cloak skill."
Since it's an obvious given that both players are doing everything in their power to win, the only things we are left to measure are the effects that individual skills have on each other. To clarify: Caltrops/Detect pots/RML/AOE/ect. (Gap closures being an example of an advantage instead of an "I win") hard counter Cloak in the same way that dodge roll counters Wrecking Blow, or purge counters a DoT, or shield breaker hard counters a shield. These skills nullify/ignore other skills completely. No NB can ever Cloak through these counters. The only option is to flee. And since the opponent obviously will pursue, those ideas cancel each other. (Also if the NB is the aggressor, forcing him to flee is a win in and of itself).
So as to not get lost in the logic banter, my over-all goal here is to point out just how effectively cloak can be countered with the tools that we have. Also that a few of these counters are not simply slight advantages against cloak. They completely reverse the effect instantaneously. There is also an eerie similarity between the arguments of Shield Breaker vs. Shields and Things-that-break-Cloak vs. Cloak.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
Because nightblades have this magical ability to know when players are going to use detect potions.
You are really trying hard.
Bolt escape is not even an escape at this point. If you do manage to clear some distance and get caught you will be out of mana. Many players are now using snares and roots this patch as well. Perma Invis that clears dots is vastly superior.
Nailed it.
Forum history has shown NBs are by far the most vocal to call for nerfs on others so I have little sympathy.
killingspreeb16_ESO wrote: »
The counter to cloak are usefull too,some player can break my cloak easily other can't,gapcloser are not good to take down a sorc since the animation of bolt is faster and don't require a target to work and ALWAYS work(but i agree that gapcloser have more utility overall),if you add a penality to claok you realise that most of counter should be removed?
we need to go on this nerf train for every ability in the game?
Nightblades have the exact same expectation of players when trying to find them with cloak. I have seen dozens of posts on the forums confirming this perspective with players claiming they to paraphrase "anticipate where nightblades stealth."
If players are expected to anticipate the invisible location of another player, then it is only fair that nightblades are expected to anticipate when another player chugs a potion.
Many potions offer visual cues and beyond that if you spam cloak and are still getting whacked on without any presence of a counter, maybe that is a hint.
You say a good nightblade can anticipate potions and move out of range, then you say that getting hit through cloak is a clue. I dont think you understand that once a nightblade is seen, any competent player is not going to let them out of range.
A lot of what you post is nonsense make-believe.
If the NB just spams cloak, expecting to still get away sure, but with 3 sources of the major speed buff, a long range teleport with little visual que, fear/snare combined, and likely things i'm forgetting, a nb that wants to get away will get away. I will take partial blame in causing some of the cloak is broke threads, hitting a nb with peircing mark then watching them spam cloak while running in a straight line is likely to cause a few to open up when they notice that cloak didn't get them out of jail free.