killingspreeb16_ESO wrote: »
and after the nerf if people see a Nb can escape from them what they do?
1 Step:To the Forum!
2Step:Open a new thread about Cloak
3Step:Talk about how OP is cloak because a NB can escape from them
Nothing will change,anyways is the nerf will not kill the skill for stamina NB im fine as i said in my other post.
Be ready for the Nerf Shield Thread after cloak.
MormondPayne_EP wrote: »
SHIELDS HAVE ALREADY BEEN NERFED... shall I say it again? Shields are 50% less effective now. Shut. The. Hell. Up.
This whole post is a joke and a giant L2P problem.
I also notice most of the people crying main sorcs... Should have stacked more shield.
This whole post is a joke and a giant L2P problem.
I also notice most of the people crying main sorcs... Should have stacked more shield.
don't worry about. i've got an idea. ZoS can just add a Set that upon activating an ability makes any cloaked nightblade visible. that should be right up your ally.
jediprime74 wrote: »My two cents' worth:
Cloak is a great ability, and talented & imaginative players can come up with lots of ways to use it. I applaud the creative use of abilities, along with the talent to put them to use effectively.
In the latest patch Cloak was buffed indirectly, insofar as several former methods of breaking Cloak no longer do so.
Further, the detection potions were severely nerfed, lasting only 15ish seconds. This, to me, represents a significant departure from the previous iterations, rendering detection potions almost entirely impotent against a good Nightblade.
So...why not leave Cloak as it is, and simply change the detect potions so they last the same time the other potions do.
Well, unless you want lowered magicka regen for 4 seconds after using it, could even remove the increased cost, but I'm sure most sorcs would hate this....
Lowering regen on the pool you attack from does a lot more than nerf one ability
Considering that you can stack damage roughly 30 to 40% higher but magica only about 15% - shields compared to damage are about 20% less effective when compared to 1.6.
They did. It's called L2 detect pots!
MormondPayne_EP wrote: »
SHIELDS HAVE ALREADY BEEN NERFED... shall I say it again? Shields are 50% less effective now. Shut. The. Hell. Up.
You can stack magicka/health higher too.... you seem to be going out of your way to incorrectly correct my post.
ArvenAldmeri wrote: »
Lol, not that he is escaping, but that he is cloaking forever, then burst so quickly you have no time to hit them before they cloak again. NB dont have any reason to escape unless there is more than one player on him, then he has right to run. 1vs1 I would call him a coward. I have nothing against someone escaping with cloak, I have problem with NB that is cloaking in fight forever even when he is stamina build. (I can not streak forever anymore either, why should a NB cloak forever? - no, not streaking to escape but to do damage/stun)
vamp_emily wrote: »You want to know what is really OP?
The sorcerer, maybe that is a topic of a new discussion but as far as NBs go. I personally don't think there is a problem with cloak, I use it to escape and leave danger, or maybe sneak up and try to kill someone. You know how many times I die? Allot, I died so many times my kill counter said, "I was a Lover not a fighter".
And don't think I have never been ganked by another NB. I have many times, I hate when I spend 450g on a siege and a NB sneaks up and burns it.
People talk about about spamming cloak, well who does not use the same skill all the time? Sorcs have their pets to protect them, I get struck by whatever lightening skill they use and magical balls all the time. So spamming is not just cloaking.. its used on every single class.
I think people don't understand what the real problem is.. YOU CAN NOT FIGHT IN PVP OR IC ALONE. If you want to survive and win in PvP/IC you really need to be in large groups.
Just remember all you players out there that want to cry Nerf? Well ZOS does hear you but I almost guarantee if they Nerf cloak.. your not going to like it. The changes they make may affect one of your skills, or it could make one of your class skills OP. Then you will be in the same position I am; trying to defend your class.
What is really sad is, the people that are creating these topics are more than likely players that don't play allot. Players that want everything at once, they cry because they don't have enough CP because the person that has been working so hard to get to the top plays to much.
I see threads on this forum, that say "This forum is toxic". At first I thought they were crazy, but after reading deep into these types of discussions. I am now believing this place is toxic.
Master_Kas wrote: »
Hush don't you dare say anything about sorcerers. It's so weak compared to nightblades, no defense besides their shield which isn't even OP.
Look at the nightblades nerf them , with their cloakspamming. There is NO way for a poor sorcerer to break their cloak making it useless.
Let the sorcs spam their hardened ward with no regen/cost penalty and absorb/migate damage like tank-built characters while wearing skirts and a staff while putting out higher burst
sabresandiego_ESO wrote: »This is one of the skills that is pushing nightblades in to the overpowered territory. The skill needs to stay spammable for its after effects like 100% crit or DOT removal, but the duration of invisibility should be treated like bolt escape and last 33%-50% less time each time its cast. You should not be able to stay invisible continuously for longer than 7-10 seconds, which is already a long time.
First cloak: duration is 100% 3.5 seconds
Second Cloak: is 2.3 seconds
Third Cloak: is 1.5 seconds
Fourth Cloak: is 1 second
Fifth Cloak: is .6 seconds
Sixth Cloak: is .4 seconds
Seventh Cloak: is .3 seconds
Eight Cloak: is .2 seconds
Ninth Cloak: is .1 seconds
Something like this would allow people to only be invisible for about 7-10 seconds max if they spam cloak. The timer should be similar to roll dodge and bolt escape.
Make cloak an ultimate and give NBs a classshield. Everybody happy.
I'm not sure either deleting death stroke, soul siphon or veil of blades would make very many people happy. They're all incredibly useful ultimates. Imagine spending your ultimate only to have someone throw down an aoe or use a stupid cheap detect pot. Every counter would have to be removed in that scenario.
Well ofc make it like last 5 and non breakable.
But yeah - NB has only good ultimates. Not like sorc with trololoverload and i´ve forgot the other ones bc i´ve not put any skillpoints there since 1.6.
We see right through you.Dante_Zetsumei wrote: »
You and others like you are what is truly wrong with this game, first everyone whines about a shields cause there damage is so weak they cannot break a shield now its cloak. So you lost in pvp so everyone in pve suffer now a shield last barely one hit. Here's an idea be better and stop whining and play the game. Every time someone dies they whine oh they should be nerfed there too OP.
God ZOS game balance is hitting such dumb levels, why not add a update that makes heals,cloaks,shields rolls and everything else cost more per use....
CP and lack of caps are causing this not skills.
I could make a thread and complain about balance or CP and it could get 1000likes
Wouldnt change a thing.
Make cloak an ultimate and give NBs a classshield. Everybody happy.