Knootewoot wrote: »
Every class can control when a fight begins. Just stealth and wait for someone to walk by and attack.
Many people already said it.. cloak is OP.. if combined with shadow. Or you could say.. cloak is not OP because not everyone wants or uses shadow. Then they say.. if you not use shadow you don't use your class abilities right (as if everyone NB should use shadow). So basically... cloak is not OP.. it's shadow.
So keep cloak as it is and nerf shadow.
sabresandiego_ESO wrote: »This is one of the skills that is pushing nightblades in to the overpowered territory. The skill needs to stay spammable for its after effects like 100% crit or DOT removal, but the duration of invisibility should be treated like bolt escape and last 33%-50% less time each time its cast. You should not be able to stay invisible continuously for longer than 7-10 seconds, which is already a long time.
First cloak: duration is 100% 3.5 seconds
Second Cloak: is 2.3 seconds
Third Cloak: is 1.5 seconds
Fourth Cloak: is 1 second
Fifth Cloak: is .6 seconds
Sixth Cloak: is .4 seconds
Seventh Cloak: is .3 seconds
Eight Cloak: is .2 seconds
Ninth Cloak: is .1 seconds
Something like this would allow people to only be invisible for about 7-10 seconds max if they spam cloak. The timer should be similar to roll dodge and bolt escape.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
Respectfully, it is really troubling that you don't know there are counters to Bolt Escape (good stam players are loving that ZOS thinks that I'm sure). Moreover, the counters to cloak are laughable; inner morph that reduces magicka and provides very limited radius of visibility? A pot that works once a minute (and they cloak instantly after you pop it making it useless)? Aoe? Lol unlikely you will find them that way but maybe with steel tornado radius but what if you are magicka? What has really happened here is NB's are super organised on the forums and have worked out a standard patter they have fed ZOS which is imo kind of deceptive (thats their thing after all). An honest to goodness great NB will admit there is some OP stuff happening now just as it is fair to say that sorc's were OP before the bolt nerf and the re-emphasis on health over shields from this patch.
Respectfully, it is really troubling that you don't know there are counters to Bolt Escape (good stam players are loving that ZOS thinks that I'm sure). Moreover, the counters to cloak are laughable; inner morph that reduces magicka and provides very limited radius of visibility? A pot that works once a minute (and they cloak instantly after you pop it making it useless)? Aoe? Lol unlikely you will find them that way but maybe with steel tornado radius but what if you are magicka? What has really happened here is NB's are super organised on the forums and have worked out a standard patter they have fed ZOS which is imo kind of deceptive (thats their thing after all). An honest to goodness great NB will admit there is some OP stuff happening now just as it is fair to say that sorc's were OP before the bolt nerf and the re-emphasis on health over shields from this patch.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
Respectfully, it is really troubling that you don't know there are counters to Bolt Escape (good stam players are loving that ZOS thinks that I'm sure). Moreover, the counters to cloak are laughable; inner morph that reduces magicka and provides very limited radius of visibility? A pot that works once a minute (and they cloak instantly after you pop it making it useless)? Aoe? Lol unlikely you will find them that way but maybe with steel tornado radius but what if you are magicka? What has really happened here is NB's are super organised on the forums and have worked out a standard patter they have fed ZOS which is imo kind of deceptive (thats their thing after all). An honest to goodness great NB will admit there is some OP stuff happening now just as it is fair to say that sorc's were OP before the bolt nerf and the re-emphasis on health over shields from this patch.
Thanks for hear to the stupids and make the game a little bit more ***
Nightblades don't have shields, don't have self healing and the only real advantage is the stealth bonus, and now you want nerf the cloak.....first one make the stamina builds almost useless, and now wants nerf the magicka builds too.... very nice....
Templars are crap since beginning, Dk gets a huge nerf (Because of the same crybabies)....and now it's time to destroy NB class too....well...if you want that we only play with sorcerer class, can remove the others from the game directly...
Damnit the low options of MMO in console....Because ESO does not look great in a future.....
Jprip88b16_ESO wrote: »NB cloak needs to get the same threatment as sorc Streak do.. its the same type of skill that is used to get away from a fight.. so when streak got nerfed so should NB cloak nuff said
It's troubling that players think there are counters to bolt escape.....
Gap closers do not counter bolt escape, they just let players keep up sometimes
It's very easy to nullify cloak, and multiple ways to do it.
No, Sorcs escape makes them go a huge distance away sp 3-4 streaks isnt a problem for them
3-4 cloaks will not get us anywhere since we still have to walk
Wait wait wait, cloak counters operate on the exact same principle as you claim bolt counters do. They allow players to keep up. That's it.
Your just twisting the reality to suit your argument.
No, Sorcs escape makes them go a huge distance away sp 3-4 streaks isnt a problem for them
3-4 cloaks will not get us anywhere since we still have to walk
After a month of IC with a fully functional cloak, I think it's pretty obvious that if nightblades are too strong it's not because of cloak. Stamina nightblades are still dropping tons of physical damage with very little means of resistance like there is for magicka damage (harness magicka, champion system), and magicka nightblades are easily dealt with despite being able to remain invisible for protracted periods of time. @ZOS_GinaBruno please close this thread and consider how easy it is to deal physical damage in this game.
Have you ever tried to cloak in caltrops? Bolt escape does what it's supposed to do every. single. time.
How about a potion that prevents bolt escape from working? @Cathexis Do you still think the principle is the same?
LoL you guys think the cloak is the issue? the HARD CC and the macro's, and animation cancling to the sky and back is the issue lol. Their cloak doesn't kill anything and is part of their class. The other crap I just mentioned does. I mean... many of their basic attacks hit as hard as ultimates.
And even though we don't know each other, we have fought many times and Ali Sabre is an honest to goodness great NB.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
The_Outsider wrote: »^Except that purely speaking of the Cloak skill, it does have a bunch of "I win" buttons. They could also be called "hard counters" in the sense that they completely nullify the skill.
Yesterday in IC sewer zone chat, I made the statement: Detect pot > NB. Immediately, no fewer than 3 other players type back, "ya, except detect pots don't work when they cloak." And: "no, only AOE will pull them out of cloak."
We then had a really informative discussion about how to shut down Cloak. It is this kind of confusion and misinformation that facilitate the belief in the Cloak spamming Demi-gods of legend.
Many times, upon being countered, a NB loses all advantage and progress it's made (with it's OP cloak, I mean) by being slammed with every ability on my bar while it tries to figure out why I am still hitting it.
Cloak is strong. Whatever happens with the (sort of) promised nerf, let's keep it that way. Cause who likes watered-down skills (*cough* dragonblood*cough*).
joshdm2001_ESO wrote: »
Lol. Curse is laughable? How many times do you cast curse then burst down a Nb trying to escape using cloak. Seems like everyone has forgotten that cloak is our only survival skill. Let's see. NB has no instant class heal, no class shield, and one of the most counter prone survival skills and now the devs are considering a nerf. cloak is not OP because as a magicka NB I have to end up spamming it just to survive. Stamina NB don't even have that luxury of trying to spam it.
The_Outsider wrote: »@Cathexis, you're giving the hypothetical NB the benefit of the doubt here by assuming that they will "anticipate" the detect pot and therefore detect pot is not a hard counter to cloak. You can't play one side like that. If you're going to make that assumption about the NB in this hypothetical scenario, you must also assume that the player using the detect pot is doing everything in his/her power to make their pot effective.
We're once again back at cloak indeed having (multiple) hard counters--- skills that completely nullify cloak.
(Not to mention skills that are designed entirely around the concept of countering invisibility, but are not quite hard counters)
you then also have to make the assumption that the nightblade is doing everything in their power to counter that player. So both players are trying to counter each other.
Sorcs have no instant class heal, no cloak and yet a set was implemented to hardcounter their defensive skill while at the same time nerfing it. (Not to mention the set does a lot more than that...)
Do you think stamina Sorcs could spam Bolt Escape or make a lot of use out of their Ward? Just because someone doesn't use a skill to it's full potential, doesn't mean the skill is not too strong.
Why should it be a sign for a skill to not be OP when you are spamming it to survive? Do you think Shieldspamming is fine and proof that shields are balanced, too?