Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
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The Pretty Please Zenimax Q3 QoL Requests

  • Cooperharley
    Syldras wrote: »
    Join a guild that has people active with you. It's an MMO not solo player game

    Dude how is ESO (Elder Scrolls ONLINE) not an MMO? That's hilarious. Do you know what MMORPG stands for?

    Massively Multiplayer Online - There are TONS of people that play the game, it's multiplayer and ONLINE is in the name
    RPG - Role playing game; this is absolutely an RPG as well

    MMORPG doesn't mean it's not solo oriented and it doesn't mean it's not group oriented. It's a MASSIVE space that allows gameplay of all types in a shared world with a MASSIVE amount of people. Plain and simple. FF14 is an MMO as is WoW. The way that they present material to you - i.e. multiplayer first or solo story elements first - doesn't change the fact that it's an MMO, just the way the MMO is structured. Call of Duty is a multiplayer game, the Witcher 3 and Skyrim are solo RPG games. ESO is 100000000% an MMO.
    ESO YouTube Content Creator & Templar Healer Main
  • Syldras
    Jaustink wrote: »
    Dude how is ESO (Elder Scrolls ONLINE) not an MMO? That's hilarious. Do you know what MMORPG stands for?

    I have linked you an article about what the devs have in mind with ESO, without even giving any personal opinion on that. Nothing more to say, as it is irrelevant what I think of this - it's the devs who decide about what they want ESO to be.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • ewo5
    Some changes I would like to see in ESO, since you are doing a huge ESO update at the end of the year.

    1. I know PC players already have this with their addons, but a filter for all collectable items in traders to only show the ones you do not have collected. Motifs, Furnishing plans, Recipes, Weapons, Armor, Jewelry.

    2. Add a not collected section to the recipes and furnishing plans. Either add them at the bottom of the list like the collections list or make a "Stickerbook" style list of all the furnishing plans, so you can see collected/uncollected and preview what they look like.

    3. A shopping assistant to give you pricing advice for your server. The price range that item is selling for currently. Would also give suggestions to sell items you have that are in high demand. If an item is not currently in any traders it would keep it on list of items you are looking to buy and notify you when they are for sale in a trader. Would notify you of items you have that are on a list created by another player.

    4. On PlayStation (Don't know about PC or Xbox) the options button goes into the menu and revives people. There should be a choice to disable, being able to go into the menu while in combat in a dungeon or trial (Options button would only revive and not go into menu).

    5. For players houses be able to place your own wayshrine and turn in spot (Rolis) for master crafting writs.

    6. Overland map updates. make the map take up a larger (PS5) portion of the screen, so it is much easier to read. bee able to toggle off the pull to the place you have found on the map that is closest so I can mark the map in places I want without having to fight the system. Be able to mark up the map with your own locations or auto add once located (Surveys, treasure maps, chests, thieves troves). Different colored dots would be enough, platinum = jewelry, brown = wood, enchanting = red, blacksmithing = black, clothing = white, chests = green, thieves troves = purple.

    7. Be able to add to the target dummies a timing system for your rotation and light weaving, shows the optimal time to push the button for each skill to improve your DPS. Like any of those music playing games where you are playing the notes on the screen and get a higher score the more accurately you hit the correct button and get your timing.

    8. Add Excavation/Scrying skill line upgrade to the list of purchasable skills

    9. Hew's Bane needs a way to smart loot the Armor pieces. You can get the weapons in a smart lot from the world bosses, but the armor is completely random. Could be as easy as making the drops from the high level Heist quest a piece you do not have collected until you have them all.

    10. Make the Eidetic Memory lore books account wide instead of per character. This would make it easy to go back and get any books you missed on one character on a different character.

    11. Everything in the green tree that could never possibly be used in combat should not have to be slotted.

    12. Fillet fish in bulk just like crafting and refining.

    13. Dailey rewards should have a pick one option of items of equal value for each day. This would help in knowing what items are an incentive to collect and what are just junk.

    13. Companions should carry all their own gear, have their gear able to be transmuted to a different trait and upgradable. You should also not be able to talk with them while in combat.

    Edited by ewo5 on 10 February 2023 23:14
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    1. Organization of known furniture crafting recipes, trying to find the item your trying to craft is extremely difficult.
    2. Better Organization of owned collectables, trying to find a specific body marking is hard when you have hundreds of them.
    3. Separation for colors of Hair and Facial Hair, maybe I want Blond hair with a Black beard or vice versa.
    4. Separation of Eye Markings, Horns and Face Markings, not fair that you cannot have a beard with custom eyes.
    5. The Ability to fillet all your fish at once.

    As for some more complex ideas

    1. A functional Spyglass that can be used to survey distant areas, could make PvP a bit more interesting.
    2. Custom Armor for the Blood Scion, no reason only the "Humanoid" races can wear costumes, let us wear Svargrim's armor.
    3. Potions of Featherfall, ways to obtain extra resistance to falling damage should be a thing.
    4. Other colored versions of the Gloambound Weapons.
    5. Connection of the Reach to Bangkorai.
    6. A "travel" form for Vampires and Werewolves, Werewolves could turn into a 4 legged wolf and Vampires would become Bats, they would function like existing mounts so the latter would not allow you to fly, there is a quest where you can play as a 4 legged wolf already so such a function is already there.
    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on 6 February 2023 04:03
  • RoseTheSnowElf
    .- the vampire condition (appearance) be made optional

    It's effectively just a skin any ways. And the appearance has no bearing on combat, balance or game-play. I went to a lot of trouble designing my character, and since I spend 90% of my time in Cyro where it's almost mandatory to be a vamp (sigh), I really miss the way she used to look. My main's a wood elf and I miss her wood elf eyes (bc for some reason vamps in ESO have glowing human eyes regardless of race) and her burgundy colored hair, which is now dulled by the vamp skin.

    I already have to deal with the high maintenance nature of the vamp mech, can I at least have my toon look the way I originally designed her?

    Skins aren't an option for me bc I'm not very fond of any of them. No offense to anyone who is, they just don't do it for me.

    Also, there has already been established lore with a few main vampire characters who could hide their condition. So I think our toons should be able to, too.

    The option could be made available in either the options menu next to the "Hide Polymorph Helm" and the "Hide Mount Upgrades", or somewhere in the collections menu in Appearance, maybe even in the skins collection.

    - In the collections menu, can we have a favorites filter?

    For example, in the hair, costumes or body markings, we could "star" our favorites and then they could either be filtered or moved to the top so we don't have to scroll down the ever-growing list.

    The most convenient would probably be per character, not per account.

    It could also be a "Favorites" category put at the top of the list of the cosmetics / appearance section. And everything we've stared for that toon would be in that "Favorites" section. (Costumes, body/face markings, major/minor adornments, non-combat pets, mounts, etc)

    -At crafting tables, we could use a "Favorites" category/filter, too.

    Most convenient would be with food and alchemy. But the option in the other craft skill lines would be helpful, too.

    - A siege wheel.

    Many of us PvP'ers were really hoping we were getting a siege wheel and were really disappointed when there wasn't one.

    -the Armory Station feature.

    First, I want to say thank you so much for the feature. I love my main toon. And I love that she has both dps and healer builds. Both for pvp and pve. And someday I plan on learning to tank with her, too. I also want to thank you for putting a Station in Cyro, that has been a very convenient addition and great to QoL.

    But managing and carrying around all these diff sets is becoming its own burden.

    - A mini map option.
    PS5 NA EP GH

    Wood Elf NB - 5 Star

    Dark Elf Arcanist (healer) - AR 37
  • Mascen
    Ani wrote: »
    Delighted with the announced QoL changes. What other QoL requests do you have? I mean here fairly straightforward tweaks rather than major overhauls.

    Here are mine - as a console player:

    1. Guild Trader Search Known/Unknown: Create a toggle/dropdown to enable us to search only for unknown motifs, furnishing plans, recipes, and containers/collectables. 99% of the time I only want to see the motifs/plans/recipes/style pages that I don't already know.

    2. Crafting stations: Allow us to search, sort, and filter crafting plans in the crafting menu of crafting stations (i.e., sort alphabetically rather than by category; search for all plans with the word "bed" in the name, etc). While you're at it, please do the same for provisioning recipes.

    3. Give console players the ability to mark items as junk (or to sell) consistent with the base PC game.

    4. Make treasure maps, style pages, and containers stackable and bankable in both personal and guild banks.

    5. Update Keen Eye: Treasure Chests to include treasure map sites (treasure dig sites). Those freaking mounds are impossible to see in certain terrain, and we console folks can't just turn off the grass to make it easier.

    Lotta good ideas, only one I can think of not on there is the option to hide shoulders like helmets and a big, fluffy, flop down on and pass out leather couch as a gold furnishing pattern, preferably in Bosmeri style with carved bone ivory and silver fittings.
  • StackonClown
    I asked this 6 years ago ;(


    currently, as soon as you try to 'eat' the alt jumps up and eats standing up ?!?
  • Billium813
    I asked this 6 years ago ;(


    currently, as soon as you try to 'eat' the alt jumps up and eats standing up ?!?

    That function shouldn't even be restricted to an emote. I often like to sit down on benches, or in chairs, and attempt to renew my food buff. I find it annoying that my character doesn't just sit there and eat! Why can't the character just sit there and eat?! Why do we HAVE to stand up to eat food? Just bizarre this isn't supported imo
  • Amottica
    Guild Monthly Endeavor that you do with guild mates

    I suggest not. There are two issues.

    First, it cannot be too easy since it is a group endeavor (pun intended). That will lead to building pushing participation requirements because people will want their endeavors. Bye-bye to those who are not pulling their weight. We know this will happen because we see it in trade guilds.

    Second, What we do should not count for every guild we are a member in because we should not be getting 5x the reward and those who choose to be part of fewer guilds because they choose to be more loyal in participating with them should not be punished as a result. That leads back to the first issue where guilds will kick members who are not all that active.

    There is of course a third issue. It is rather obvious that Zenimax will just water down the daily endeavor rewards to compensate for guild endeavor. We know that is what will happen. No doubt.

  • Hotdog_23
    Random request in no particular order and probably many repeats from others already. Confess, I did not read them. Slow night at work, so this maybe long.

    Add up to 14 inventory slots to each armory slot. Not so much as for space, which would be nice, but really just so we don’t have to scroll past items held for builds in our inventory. Sure, this would make ZOS more money, considering the armory slots are already monetized.

    Checklist for learned/unlearned recipes and furnishings plans like the sets in the game. It would be so awesome if we could see the items in the preview window too.

    Pet peeve, but it would be nice if when I am looking for new plans and recipes, I don’t know in guild store if it would say Recipe/plan known at the top of the tool tip instead of the bottom. In some plans, we console twebs have to scroll down to see if we know the plan or not.  

    Let treasure map stack.

    When we make gear let also improve it how far we want to at the same time just like the transmute system.

    Free teleport outside our homes. Know many have asked for wayshires before, this would just take an inventory slot space.

    Add the respect shrines to our homes. I get you want people to visit towns and so forth. You let us have mundus stones and armory station in our homes. When trying out new builds and such, but having to leave our home and go back just to try something out is a needless pain in the arse.

    Add a barbershop station feature to the game.

    Mass filet fish.

    Add Rolis Hlaalu as a character we can purchase and add to our homes. This would be great for console players without add-ons. So many unnecessary loading screens.

    Allow to pick whatever buff and debuff we want to track instead of all or none approach.

    Please update the skills' tracker to show both bars completely and not just a small sliver of the back bar. As someone who plays multiple class and characters. This would be so helpful.  

    Please, for all that is holy, decrease the size of Winged Twilight to nixad size.

    Trial finder for normal. Play off times and not always easy or possible to get in a trial, especially when it is a daily/weekly endeavor. Add whatever minimum CP you want.

    Give us the option to collect all the surveys at one time according to how many we are carrying on each character personal inventory and not have to play run around the tree/rock to use each one. 

    It would also be nice if all the surveys for each zone was grouped together and not all the alchemy/blacksmithing etc. together. 

    Do something about the guild traders. They are over 200 in the game now and growing with each map update. Now on console it is just to many search must less even remember where and what cost something is without spending hours and pen and paper. Personally I just look in the main 3 or 4 trading spots and if I don’t find anything I just stop looking.

     Add at least one gold cost to everything so it can easier gotten rid of and not just destroyed, or at least sellable for nothing to a trader.

    Better zoom of the map. I see some videos and the ability to zoom in and out is so much better on PC than the PS5.

    Mini-map please.  

    Make companion gear craft able. Get that, you want items to be scares. Collecting and holding items for the next two new companions seems so unnecessary. Even it you lock the system into say what type and color until learned and account bound, it would still so worth it.

    Furnishings Bag.

    Customized buttons layouts in game.  

    Add filters to the map for lorebooks, surveys, fishing spots etc. and other known items once found.

    Better tooltips that also include what CP affects the ability.

    The ability to use add-ons on consoles. Skyrim does this on console already.

    Combat Metrics for encounters on console. Be nice to know how much damage or healing I have done in a dungeon or trial compared to others.

    Auto repair/recharge.

    Inventory tracking ability for what each character and storage boxes in our homes hold. Also be nice to filter by type too.

    Fix the green tree and make most if not all of it passive and not require slots.  C’mon and give us a bone here, pretty please, with sugar on top.

    Be nice if Keen Eye also did heavy bags and treasure maps dirt piles. Some are very hard to see.

    Stay safe :)
  • marcbf
    I'd still love the "Prefer inventory over craftbag" toggle, but we all know it's not going to happen. Still, I leave that wish here for ZOS to see.
  • Kallykat
    Hotdog_23 wrote: »
    Free teleport outside our homes. Know many have asked for wayshires before, this would just take an inventory slot space.

    I'm pretty sure this is already a thing.
  • xilfxlegion
    also it would be nice to be able to buy transmutation crystals in the crown store
  • MEBengalsFan2001
    1. Class Change Token
    2. Allow all items to be stackable including treasure maps
    3. For console average price for an item being sold at a trader
    4. Mount Training account wide
    5. Hide any armor piece you choose; Hide weapons when not in combat.
    6. An unlimited Furnishings Bag (available only to people with ESO Plus).
    7. Leads should be tradable
    8. more purchasable bank inventory
    9. Storage Chest (combine the space/inventory of all the types of storage chest collected) This way players only need to place 1 storage chest down but they gain access to all of their storage chest space/inventory
    10. Stream line buffs and debuffs across classes to ensure balance - no one class should have more buffs or debuffs than another class. Maybe make specific classes have specific buffs/debuffs. All classes should have access to from their class skill line to major resolve, brutality/sorcery, savagery/prophecy.
    Edited by MEBengalsFan2001 on 6 February 2023 14:40
  • Billium813
    Amottica wrote: »
    Guild Monthly Endeavor that you do with guild mates
    That will lead to building pushing participation requirements because people will want their endeavors. Bye-bye to those who are not pulling their weight. We know this will happen because we see it in trade guilds.

    I don't think you understand why trading guilds have dues...
  • Amottica
    Billium813 wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Guild Monthly Endeavor that you do with guild mates
    That will lead to building pushing participation requirements because people will want their endeavors. Bye-bye to those who are not pulling their weight. We know this will happen because we see it in trade guilds.

    I don't think you understand why trading guilds have dues...


    Thx for your concern. However, I very much understand why trading guilds have requirements. I understand it perfectly well, which made it a perfect example for my comment on the monthly endeavor requirement.

  • Billium813
    Amottica wrote: »
    Billium813 wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Guild Monthly Endeavor that you do with guild mates
    That will lead to building pushing participation requirements because people will want their endeavors. Bye-bye to those who are not pulling their weight. We know this will happen because we see it in trade guilds.

    I don't think you understand why trading guilds have dues...


    Thx for your concern. However, I very much understand why trading guilds have requirements. I understand it perfectly well, which made it a perfect example for my comment on the monthly endeavor requirement.

    Ok, then maybe you can explain it to me. How would guild monthly endeavors cause guilds to force requirements on members?
  • ewo5
    More suggestions (1-13 above in post #34)

    14. Crafted potions in a different colored font than pick up trash potions.
    Each potion that stack differently should have a different name to make them identifiable without having to read what they do each time.

    15. A way to increase luck in getting higher quality items (Like treasure hunter, but for killing and looting). E.G. I could spend achievement points in each category to increase RNG for Motifs, Furnishing Plans, Masks, Leads, Perfect Roe, Paintings and other rare, but valuable items. This would give a purpose to achievement points and more of a reason to collect them.

    16. Option under Companion Reactions of NONE. Some of the things they say are clever the first 1000 times, but I find myself not bringing them out because I don't want to hear them say it again.

    17. Separate NPC Dialog volume out of Dialog volume so I don't have to hear the same songs and chat from a NPC every time I get near them.

    18. Allow people to do all the daily / Weekly Endeavors, with increasing value for the 4th and 5th daily and 2nd and third weekly, as people will do the easiest one first. People may need to go to areas of the game they don't normally go to get extra endeavors done.

    19. Purchasable furniture piece for a home that would be a the complete layout for each trial boss, able to be marked (different colored circles, arrows, x) for teaching mechanics ahead of time. This would be a great way to get people to learn Trials, Vet Trials, HM Trials mechanics and open up more of the game to a larger number of people. This would also give another reason to purchase/have a home other than crafting and decorating.

    Edited by ewo5 on 20 February 2023 01:59
  • Sarannah
    My QoL suggestions:

    -Copy outfit X to current outfit slot. (So we can tweak and change an outfit, use it in different colors more easily, or have a better starting point for creating our next outfit)
    -Autosummon last summoned companion option. (Some places in the game unsummon companions for no reason at all, and I always want to have my companions active)
    -Overland, delve, and public dungeon mobs no longer attack players above CP 1000 unless attacked by them, to prevent most mob trains.
    -Companions cannot get aggro unless having a taunt skill equipped.
    -Make the green CP tree entirely consist of passives alone, so we can keep growing our characters. Gaining CP feels useless after a certain amount.
    -Make CP levels truly endless.
    -A guildtrader for the guildless to sell their stuff.
  • karthrag_inak
    Increased base and ESO+ Housing space, or perhaps a 1-residence-per-account assignable "Guild Hall" status that vastly increases space.
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions
  • RevJJ
    I think a big QoL improvement would be better customer service. Right now, ESO feels like a budget airline. It’s great when it works but when something goes wrong your only option is to deal with a ticket system where it takes days to get a reply and first replies are almost always from a bot or someone who only knows how to copy paste from a script.
  • ewo5
    RevJJ wrote: »
    I think a big QoL improvement would be better customer service. Right now, ESO feels like a budget airline. It’s great when it works but when something goes wrong your only option is to deal with a ticket system where it takes days to get a reply and first replies are almost always from a bot or someone who only knows how to copy paste from a script.

    Very true. That is why I was so excited about the 3rd quarter update not being new content, just fixing and improving what we already have. This whole thread is a wish list of improvements we would like to see. If they fix and improve enough it could bring former players back to the game in mass.
  • noblecron
    item search bar when crafting. For gear, instead of scrolling all the way to say Nighthallow staff mat, I just type in a search bar for it.

    Same with furniture. Instead of scrolling through lists, I wanna be able to just search for the specific item I want.

    more items of the same type that stack to save on inventory space such as weapons and gear
  • ewo5
    noblecron wrote: »
    item search bar when crafting. For gear, instead of scrolling all the way to say Nighthallow staff mat, I just type in a search bar for it.

    I don't have nearly as many problems with this since they added the Quest only option under crafting. It only happens now if I am crafting gear for me or someone else to wear and most people I craft for don't care the trait.

    The quest only option was exactly the kind of quality of life improvements we want more of for the 3rd quarter updates this year. Having the system be smart enough to auto select all the correct things for the crafting or master crafting writ saves so much time and keeps me from making so many mistakes.

  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    CP should grant 1 health, magicka and stamina per point.
  • Kappachi
    I want an in-game way to search my lore library either by book name or by phrases/etc used in the books. For instance, I wanna look up all the books written on vampire characters, so I'd also like to know what books simply mention vampires/vampirism/etc even if it's not within their title.

    I feel like this would greatly help RP situations too since you could quickly cross-reference things without needing to know exactly where the book came from or what category it's under (books that'd typically fall under multiple categories are so very hard to find...)
    Edited by Kappachi on 11 February 2023 22:44
  • SkaiFaith
    On consoles, my personal priorities at the time are:
    1) Vertical Positioning and Vertical Offset for the Camera Settings - I beg you, it's been years... - EDIT: and while working on visuals, please update textures to higher quality ones. Consoles have some really bad ones. EDIT END -
    2) more inventory space everywhere: make the little chests 50 up from 30, the big ones 100 up from 60, 600 the total bank with ESOPlus and 270 the total Inventory without Pets-Slots, all without adding gold or voucher costs but incrementing the base values instead.
    - EDIT: let Companions carry the weight of Companion Gear. I have my bank filled with it. EDIT END -
    More furnishing slots in every house would be much appreciated as well.
    3) more Quickslots or a dedicated wheel for aesthetics like costumes, skins, polymorphs and whatelse.
    4) more customizable options for companions, like hairs, tattoos and adornments (and please don't force them to wear a head piece if it will ever be added).
    - EDIT: at least make it possible to set the outfit and costume we want on "companion house guests"! How can I role-play with Isobel as my wife when she has the worst style ever at home? Let us change that, please... EDIT END -
    Also add some sort of emote to companions so that they feel less empty bodies with charming voices - their body language should be more alive anytime, not just in quest dialogues.
    5) a way to remove crotch flaps, or to hide any piece of armour.
    6) please, give us 25 Transmute Crystals a month earnable via the Endeavours System. Up a bit the quantity of Seals we can earn during one crate season - right now it feels a bit unjust.
    7) better RNG for antiquity leads and furnishing plans/motifs.
    8) account wide mount upgrades or - since I don't think this will ever happen - an option like paying a total of 270.000 gold for maxing out one mount directly from zero (with the current system it costs 45.000, i simply did x6). The sum could be divided in the 3 distinct upgrade categories, so 90K gold each.
    Edited by SkaiFaith on 1 June 2023 11:15
  • OsUfi
    15 minute cap on Tales of Tribute matches like Battlegrounds, or lower to 30 instead of 40 victory points.

    Every time I've tried playing against a player, I got kerb stomped or stuck in an evenly matched game that lasted up to an hour. It's a nice little mini game, but having to commit to any hour of play, likely lose, and still not get the daily quest reward put me off ever trying to play ToT again.
  • RedFireDisco
    Make surveys worth actually doing

    In the time it takes to figure out where to go, watch the video, travel etc I can go to my farming spots and get twice the mats in less time. I just destroy surveys which waste valuable space.
  • ewo5
    More Suggestions (1-13 and 14-19 earlier in posts #34 & #49)

    20. Redo the quick slot wheel. Be able to choose what wheels show up from a list of different wheels, ones that are not selected do not show. Add wheels for PVP gear. (Quickslot, Allies, Mementos, Tools, Emotes, PVP1, PVP2). If I wanted I could choose to only see Quickslot, Allies and Tools. On a PVP character I would only have Quickslot, PVP1 and PVP2.
    21. Show how many Alliance points needed to hit the next level.
    22. Treasure maps acquired in the same zone where they can be used. Instead of getting a map for anywhere in the world. If the character that picks up the map has met certain requirements (e.g. Completed all the zone story quest) then the treasure map would be gold instead of purple and would have a much higher chance of leads/motif, double the gold, better stuff all around.
    Edited by ewo5 on 21 February 2023 05:15
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