Hi all, we have pushed a patch to resolve this issue. You are free to carry on with the event without issue.
Hi all, we have pushed a patch to resolve this issue. You are free to carry on with the event without issue.
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »Can your team look at a way to increase transmute crystal gain from regular sources during the event?
CrazyKitty wrote: »You still have to store all those reconstructed items. For me, I'm already flooded with too many transmute crystals. My storage is always maxed for transmutes, have 50 or so crystals with 10 transmutes, 135 crystals with 50 transmutes, and over a hundred uncracked with 4-25 crystals.
I see your point, but for at least a couple reasons it's a waste of time to do what your talking about. Maybe for some they could get to their crystal cap real quick and call it good, which would help them. But going beyond that will just result in a storage capacity issue.
Then you got to watch others grab craploads of free transmutes while you got nothing. Fun, right.
Hey, I've heard you can grab 10 transmutes by taking 3 clueless newbies unfamiliar with English through Scalcaller Peak. Not bad for possibly 2 hours work am I right! Epic.
Hi all, we have pushed a patch to resolve this issue. You are free to carry on with the event without issue.
TheMajority wrote: »
@ZOS_Kevin Did you intentionaly remove the %50 off reduction? Why not just remove the part where people could decon for double instead of taking away the %50 off? That was the most exciting part of the event
FrancisCrawford wrote: »So what got changed?
How much does it now cost to reconstitute something for which you have a full sticker book?
TheMajority wrote: »@ZOS_Kevin Did you intentionally remove the %50 off reduction? Why not just remove the part where people could decon for double instead of taking away the %50 off? That was the most exciting part of the event
Grizzbeorn wrote: »
Turning it off was the fix.
Yes, this was removed. Changing the decon value isn't how the event was built to function, so it would require a code fix, which isn't a quick thing. The reduction is easier for us to react to since it is effectively a toggle to turn things on and off. We'll look into addressing this for future versions of the event.
Good call, seems like the right move.
Grizzbeorn wrote: »
Turning it off was the fix.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin Can we have an update on this please ?