Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

The Crafter's Event makes it so you can make 4k plus transmute crystals an hour

  • loosej
    sh4d0wh4z3 wrote: »
    Gloambound and Iceshard conflicting with Grim Focus Perma Glow would like a word with you.

    Apologies, I mean unreleased, unsold, new crown store items of course. And I'm not saying it's one way or the other, I just think that assuming that a dev/QA/whatever team is too lazy to do their job is probably wrong when issues are this predictable. There being no QA team at all also seems unrealistic, so what's left are the people assigning goals and resources to the teams. But like I said, who knows...
  • pklemming
    Grizzbeorn wrote: »
    pklemming wrote: »
    Every day I appreciate Ludeon studios more and more.

    Yeah, played Rimworld for years. Apart from the overnerf of charge lances, never felt any real degree of annoyance, but I think Tynon got killed by lancers one too many times. One off payment, no micro transactions, super friendly devs and community that makes some of the most hideous and despicable mods on the market.

    Awesome game.
    Edited by pklemming on February 15, 2024 8:57PM
  • Quackery
    Why should we be punished for this? It's an oversight on behalf of ZOS, and I'm supposed to be punished because I want Potent Nirncrux for half the amount of transmutes? How do they even solve this issue??
  • RandomKodiak
    I fully understand why they would want to change it because of exploiters but to not make in game announcement or change the website is wrong. A lot of people are going to get burned because why would you came check the forums first. I can recover the transmutes and mats fairly quickly newer people to the game are going to be hurt by this. It is not a good situation.
  • Twig_Garlicshine
    Wonders why the "generates free materials was not intended" logic is also not applied to things like Crafting Dailies.

    And no there is not more effort, it is all mindless generation.

    Sidenote: all the Traders who were logged in this morning sure did benefit from this being taken away for the rest of the population.
    And no I don't in fact care, I barely play anyway, login craft dailies to generate free mats, money, writs logout.
    Edited by Twig_Garlicshine on February 15, 2024 8:38PM
  • KS_Amt38
    Oh wow, i just used my transmutes to recreate Powerful Assault for the normal value. At least pls fix the text for the event if you mess up the coding ZOS.
  • TimeWizard
    there are two fixes they could do, one easy but not as good would be to max the cost reduction at 25, the other harder but better fix would be to keep the decon value at 25 base but max the amount you can gain at the amount spent
  • TimeWizard
    or they could throw out the cost reduction part of the event all together and make it a double drop for transmutes instead
  • RandomKodiak
    Ok they have changed website to state that transmuting traits is 50% off and removed the recreation part at least.
    Still would make announcements in guilds for people.
  • pklemming
    They would have been better putting randoms to 20 per character to offset their error for the duration of the event, but nope, that requires more work.
  • shadyjane62
    I get a lot of these in PvP. I just destroy them.
  • aruthandys
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all, we have pushed a patch to resolve this issue. You are free to carry on with the event without issue.

    Since the event hasn't even been running a full 24hrs and a number of questions have come up, including how are writs ending up with an odd voucher amount if they are supposed to be doubled at time of receipt and not creation, perhaps the event should be put on hold and released at a later date when the issues have been resolved.

    I'm sure the community will be split on how they feel but in the long run the frustration being shown in the forum posts and in game would at least be curtailed.
  • SkaraMinoc
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all, we have pushed a patch to resolve this issue. You are free to carry on with the event without issue.

    Aww boo

    PC NA
  • virtus753
    KS_Amt38 wrote: »
    Oh wow, i just used my transmutes to recreate Powerful Assault for the normal value. At least pls fix the text for the event if you mess up the coding ZOS.

    They have said they cannot fix the event text shown in game, so it will remain inaccurate for the rest of the event.
  • ginkys
    Soul Shriven
    virtus753 wrote: »
    KS_Amt38 wrote: »
    Oh wow, i just used my transmutes to recreate Powerful Assault for the normal value. At least pls fix the text for the event if you mess up the coding ZOS.

    They have said they cannot fix the event text shown in game, so it will remain inaccurate for the rest of the event.

    Sucks that if you don't read the forums or the event post you'd have no idea.
  • virtus753
    ginkys wrote: »
    virtus753 wrote: »
    KS_Amt38 wrote: »
    Oh wow, i just used my transmutes to recreate Powerful Assault for the normal value. At least pls fix the text for the event if you mess up the coding ZOS.

    They have said they cannot fix the event text shown in game, so it will remain inaccurate for the rest of the event.

    Sucks that if you don't read the forums or the event post you'd have no idea.

    Yes, very much agreed!
  • Dragonnord
    Quackery wrote: »
    Why should we be punished for this? It's an oversight on behalf of ZOS, and I'm supposed to be punished because I want Potent Nirncrux for half the amount of transmutes? How do they even solve this issue??

    Because from the beginning of times ZOS have said that if you are doing something and you see something's wrong and not intended, then it's YOUR responsability to stop.

    Some time ago there were these players killing adds in Imperial City to get Tel Var Stones and the adds were giving them the regular amount of Tel Vars but also millions of XP, so they gained a lot of Champion Points because of that.

    They were banned obviously since they kept killing mobs for Tel Vars even when they saw they were earning unintended amounts of XP.

    Same here, if you see that you are getting back double the Tansmute Crystals you spent, clearly it's not intended, CLEARLY, and if you still continue to craft and deconstruct them, then you are at fault.
    Edited by Dragonnord on February 16, 2024 11:53PM
    SERVER: NA | PLATFORM: PC | OS: Windows 10 | CLIENT: Steam | ESO PLUS: Yes
  • SeaGtGruff
    Quackery wrote: »
    Why should we be punished for this? It's an oversight on behalf of ZOS, and I'm supposed to be punished because I want Potent Nirncrux for half the amount of transmutes? How do they even solve this issue??

    Can't we still change traits at half the cost? I think it was just the cost of reconstructing collected set gear that was affected. And I don't think we've ever gotten trait mats back from deconstructing reconstructed gear, anyway, so (if you're lucky) you should be able to get Potent Nirncrux from transmuted gear for half the usual cost. Or can we no longer transmute traits for half the cost? (I haven't been on yet today, so I haven't seen for myself.)
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • dcrush
    Surprise event that got hotfixed because whoever came up with it doesn’t play the game? Wrong information showing in the game because a picture can’t be changed?

    The memes just write themselves with ZOS.

    Barely useful event now. Not even worth logging in for.

    Edit: and another example of people in the Asia Pacific region getting the short end of the stick. Surprise event starts late evening/middle of the night for people playing from APAC who only find out there was a reduction of transmute costs for a few hours while they were asleep, and now it’s been turned off.

    The right thing to do would be to either increase transmute drops or send out a mail to all players saying “hey, things didn’t work as we intended, here’s X amount of transmute crystals as a token of our good will”.
    Edited by dcrush on February 16, 2024 12:22AM
  • virtus753
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Quackery wrote: »
    Why should we be punished for this? It's an oversight on behalf of ZOS, and I'm supposed to be punished because I want Potent Nirncrux for half the amount of transmutes? How do they even solve this issue??

    Can't we still change traits at half the cost? I think it was just the cost of reconstructing collected set gear that was affected. And I don't think we've ever gotten trait mats back from deconstructing reconstructed gear, anyway, so (if you're lucky) you should be able to get Potent Nirncrux from transmuted gear for half the usual cost. Or can we no longer transmute traits for half the cost? (I haven't been on yet today, so I haven't seen for myself.)

    Yes on both.

    Transmutation cost is still 25 crystals instead of 50, and deconning reconstructed pieces has never given the trait mat back.
  • Ilsabet
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Quackery wrote: »
    Why should we be punished for this? It's an oversight on behalf of ZOS, and I'm supposed to be punished because I want Potent Nirncrux for half the amount of transmutes? How do they even solve this issue??

    Can't we still change traits at half the cost? I think it was just the cost of reconstructing collected set gear that was affected. And I don't think we've ever gotten trait mats back from deconstructing reconstructed gear, anyway, so (if you're lucky) you should be able to get Potent Nirncrux from transmuted gear for half the usual cost. Or can we no longer transmute traits for half the cost? (I haven't been on yet today, so I haven't seen for myself.)

    Transmuting existing gear is still half-price.

    I myself put it to good use shining up some SPC I farmed on alt accounts during the last event.
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
  • Tensar
    the devs dont know their own game :D
  • Sluggy
    dcrush wrote: »
    Surprise event that got hotfixed because whoever came up with it doesn’t play the game? Wrong information showing in the game because a picture can’t be changed?

    The memes just write themselves with ZOS.

    Right? Logged in for like five minutes and saw the event popup and immediately laughed. It's too easy to spot this stuff when you play even two or three times a year. Exploitable Scrolls Online.
  • Vaqual
    I didn't read most of this properly, but you people are easy to upset.
    Sure, too bad the event has one benefit less, but allowing an exploit like this to be available is much worse.
    Edited by Vaqual on February 16, 2024 12:28PM
  • Araneae6537
    KS_Amt38 wrote: »
    Oh wow, i just used my transmutes to recreate Powerful Assault for the normal value. At least pls fix the text for the event if you mess up the coding ZOS.

    It is VERY clear when you recon an item how much it is going to cost — there’s even a final confirmation with the cost in transmutes and any mats.
  • Aleris
    did they just disable it? i can't see anymore the bonus to craft my things at reduced price
  • virtus753
    Aleris wrote: »
    did they just disable it? i can't see anymore the bonus to craft my things at reduced price

    Yes, they disabled the cost reduction on reconstruction. They could not push a code fix in time for any other solution.

    The cost reduction for transmutation remains.
  • Rageypoo
    I'd like to know if reconstruction will be back on the table. I have some sets items i'd like to recreate and if it would use only 12 transmutes, there are a lot of characters I could finish with that kind of cost.

    I hope because of a stupid bug exploit it isn't ruined for everyone.
  • Murderhound
    The fact that people even call this an exploit or that somehow nirncrux isn't going to be flooded onto the market anyways is just stupid. It's double node drops and after every time this happens nirncrux takes a dip in price. You max at 1000 crystals it's literally a non-issue that they see as one for whatever reason.
  • virtus753
    Rageypoo wrote: »
    I'd like to know if reconstruction will be back on the table. I have some sets items i'd like to recreate and if it would use only 12 transmutes, there are a lot of characters I could finish with that kind of cost.

    I hope because of a stupid bug exploit it isn't ruined for everyone.

    It would take too long to change the code in time for this iteration of the event:
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