When you can get from 1 to 50 in a day and collect all the skyshards in a week and Champion points are shared. Making a new character isn't as rough as it used to be. You're getting a new character slot too, so Bob's your uncle!
This is the official discussion thread for, "2023 Global Reveal- Unveiling The New Arcanist Class"
"Learn more about ESO’s new Arcanist class, just announced as part of the 2023 ESO Global Reveal!"
Sound off below and let us know what you think of the new class!
LukosCreyden wrote: »Cannot remember if I posted in here already or not lol. But here goes:
The new class looks great and the combo system sounds fantastic. Definitely a worthwhile addition.
I have to echo the sentiment that without the ability to change classes, this cool new addition is something that many will have to miss out on.
A lot of people are attached to their characters and the amount of progress they've made with questing and skill lines. So much so, that they will be unwilling to start afresh for a new class, despite being interested in it.
As such, I believe that either focusing on independent skill lines that everyone can use, or introducing the ability to change class, would be ideal. This way, people won't miss out on the big new feature of the year.
I hope a class change feature can be acknowledged and considered for the near future.
emilyhyoyeon wrote: »
The name Acolyte instead of Arcanist for the class is a lot more fitting. Kind of cool actually.
Fundamentally I still have an issue with a class--something inherently restrictive--being centered around something super specific, making it even more restrictive without some serious headcanoning going on.
I know a new class was a super requested feature. And think I can pretty safely assume a new class would attract more attention marketing-wise than a new skill line. But the Arcanist class IMO would have made a much better skill line.
The visuals look beautiful from what I've seen. I don't have any issue with how the class has been done, except for the fact that it is a class.
The concept of going to a new land, getting acquainted with a daedric prince and learning their secrets slowly, getting a glimpse into their powers, etc, and having that manifest as unlocking a skill line for that character is just perfect (for what I'm understanding that is to come).
To me, what the Arcanist is doesn't make sense as a class. Its concept is just perfect for a skill line.
And actually, the more I think about it, they could've even done two skill lines: one Mora focused, and one more generic that could be a one hand rune weapon skill line, since it looks like a lot of the animations could work for something like that especially with some color changes.
When you can get from 1 to 50 in a day and collect all the skyshards in a week and Champion points are shared. Making a new character isn't as rough as it used to be. You're getting a new character slot too, so Bob's your uncle!
OtarTheMad wrote: »
Not everyone can do that. Sure, when I had time it was pretty easy but now? I have maybe 2 days a week I can sit down and play. So this new class, while highly interesting, does not appeal to me because it would take me so long to level it and forget putting it as my main… no way.
Why would you look for that in elder scrolls though? To each their own but that is like introducing a six shooting bullet revolver in star wars or aliens in lord of the rings.
Back when Morrowind and oblivion was released, the PR with Bethesda actually mad it extremely clear that elder scrolls is not that type of fantasy game series, with carrying books into combat or singing songs while a clanfear tries to chew on you. Elder scrolls has a very established history at thumbing it's nose at that sort of thing.
It's elitist to imply that the only way you can be a mage is if you can perfectly memorize every single word you've ever read.Also, it feels kinda demeaning as if people who play the game or not smart enough to use what the learn in the world , so they gotta carry a book because of exceptionally poor memorizations and an inability to learn.
phantasmalD wrote: »It's elitist to imply that the only way you can be a mage is if you can perfectly memorize every single word you've ever read.
RaddlemanNumber7 wrote: »What's new with class? All I'm seeing is graphics and the portal spell. The rest of it looks like a rehash of all the damage/resistance, major/minor this and that which we already have.
phantasmalD wrote: »
You took away the ability to travel vertically with chains from Dragonknights years ago due to being "highly exploitable" in PvP.
And now you're essentially making it a selling point of a new class. Booo.
Give back vertical targeting and pulls for Dragonknights. At least outside of Cyrodiil.
There is only so much they can do with what skills actually do. Mainly, they can change the effects and animation. It is also easier to balance with the other classes if they aren't off in the weeds doing something new. This means they will be reusing stuff, just with different cosmetic effects.
Everything shown about the class seems fine; just change the animation to not include harrypotter-fantasy-anime-dnd 📚 doing the fighting. Make it like it is something from the elder scrolls universe.
Seraphayel wrote: »The entire class just doesn’t fit an Elder Scrolls game. Neither visually nor thematically. It’s just way too specific and flashy in the way of relying too much on other RPGs or animes.
Grandsheba wrote: »I LOATHE new classes, the one of BIGGEST issues in this game is constant restarting on progress. This game has no real evolution just a constant cycle of resets. A new class is not bringing something new its something that we are familiar with, tutorials play and another hard grind back to the 3k cp system..
Herma mora is dope but the way you implemented the deadric prince of fate and knowledge is horrible. No black books? There are an infinite number of black books and they were one of the most Ineresting things in the dragonborn dlc so how did you miss this opportunity.
Lastly stop making new classes and make new skill lines, I feel this new update will be better received if you offered 3 new skill lines that revolves around finding black books and earning the black books through the storyline and other side quest. Allowing both new and vet players to expand in both lore and their builds. This saves spaces and resources as well for not needed a new character slot or the wasted time of logging out to switch gear and ect.
STOP MAKING NEW CLASSES AND MAKE NEW SKILL LINES!! Balance wise this opens up many opportunities to allow for other classes to catch up if they feel under performing as well instead of making yet another class you have to Balance with the previous poorly balanced ones.
You still have time to fix this:
1. Change from new class to 3 new deadirc skill lines.
2. Add black books to the quest that unlock the new skills and morphs making the storyline worth playing.
3. Bring some level of difficulty or vet play for the questline to feel like an immersive threat to be played solo or with guild mates/friends.
4. Pay attention to this thread and your long playing fan base, we don't like to restart over and over so stop doing that and just evolve the game by adding new skill lines and counters to what ever seems over powered, no more nerfs. We want to achive CHIM.
Dark_Lord_Kuro wrote: »
We love to replay stuff, that is part of elderscroll