Dark_Lord_Kuro wrote: »Grandsheba wrote: »Dark_Lord_Kuro wrote: »Grandsheba wrote: »I LOATHE new classes, the one of BIGGEST issues in this game is constant restarting on progress. This game has no real evolution just a constant cycle of resets. A new class is not bringing something new its something that we are familiar with, tutorials play and another hard grind back to the 3k cp system..
Herma mora is dope but the way you implemented the deadric prince of fate and knowledge is horrible. No black books? There are an infinite number of black books and they were one of the most Ineresting things in the dragonborn dlc so how did you miss this opportunity.
Lastly stop making new classes and make new skill lines, I feel this new update will be better received if you offered 3 new skill lines that revolves around finding black books and earning the black books through the storyline and other side quest. Allowing both new and vet players to expand in both lore and their builds. This saves spaces and resources as well for not needed a new character slot or the wasted time of logging out to switch gear and ect.
STOP MAKING NEW CLASSES AND MAKE NEW SKILL LINES!! Balance wise this opens up many opportunities to allow for other classes to catch up if they feel under performing as well instead of making yet another class you have to Balance with the previous poorly balanced ones.
You still have time to fix this:
1. Change from new class to 3 new deadirc skill lines.
2. Add black books to the quest that unlock the new skills and morphs making the storyline worth playing.
3. Bring some level of difficulty or vet play for the questline to feel like an immersive threat to be played solo or with guild mates/friends.
4. Pay attention to this thread and your long playing fan base, we don't like to restart over and over so stop doing that and just evolve the game by adding new skill lines and counters to what ever seems over powered, no more nerfs. We want to achive CHIM.
We love to replay stuff, that is part of elderscroll
Part of elderscrolls since Redguard was rpg choice, the abile to craft your character and improve them. The whole point of the game is CHIM, starting over is a choice. But with dlcs you weren't forced to start over for a class or a new ability, you could add it to your current character and continue the story. That is TES, that is progression. If you want to start over thats fine, I've done it too bjt I wasn't forced to.
Making this a skill line adds choice for progression or to start over. Win win for all players.
Loss for all player that actualy wanted a class and paid money because of it. Now that zos as advertised a new class switching it would be a huge disrespect to these people.
Making it skill line is worst for those who actually wanted to play an arcanist as ignoring other class skill/passive to play as an arcanist would only make our character weaker than one who mix skill line. This would also cause problem with certain tral leader, for exemple if they bring a necro they may expect you it to bring major vulnerability or they may want to choose a warden healer for minor toughness. This will cause problem
So making it a skill line will worsen the experiance of those wha wanted a class, of those who preordered the chapter because a new class was advertise.
New skill line would be nice but shouldnt come at the expence of a wanted and annouced feature.
thejadefalcon wrote: »
Seminolegirl1992 wrote: »Excited for new slots as an rp person, but I really want class change tokens tbh. Sometimes a new class comes along that fits an existing character more than what I gave them originally, but recreating them is not just tedious but we often grow attached to characters we've had for a long time. It's not so simple as, "well just create a new one!" What if I want one of my favorite toons to be an arcanist?
LittlePinkDot wrote: »OtarTheMad wrote: »LittlePinkDot wrote: »Finally... something I am hyped about in ESO after years of 'Meh'.
I am a huge fan of the Arcanist aesthetic and would love to play it. It is an addition that would make me pre-buy the expansion, re-subscribe, and pay an additional $20-$30 for a class change token.
Templar is fun and all, but it gets stale given that it has been my class since launch. In fact, the combat having gotten stale (the last actual thing added to 'mix it up a bit' was the Psijic skill line YEARS ago) is the main reason I left. The zone and chapter stories and such still interest me, but playing with the same skillset for a decade just got boring.
At the same time, I have put hundreds of hours into this character. I have 100% completed all the vanilla zones, about half the chapter and DLC zones, and many of the dungeons. My adventure through Tamriel is my character's adventure through Tamriel. If I come back... I want to continue that adventure, not start a new one.
I am tempted by mysterious and alien magick, I want to lay down my aetherial spear and dive into forbidden knowledge... something SO in line with the theme of this new chapter that it feels borderline immersion breaking NOT to introduce a class change token. I mean really... could you imagine someone going up to Hermaeus Mora and being all "Hey so I, an exceptionally powerful and influential mortal who has been known to change the fate of the entire world like every year or two, would like to learn your arcane secrets. I am willing to trade my holy templar magic for it." And him going "Nope, I don't want to gain influence over someone who is one of the most powerful mortals of this age and who is obviously a nexus point for fate. I don't want the knowledge of their experience with Aedric magick, and I don't want to offer them access to secrets that may bind them to my service forever."
And I'm sure I'm not alone in this.
Class change tokens are now Lore Friendly (hell, you literally got the ability to respec in Skyrim FROM Hermaeus Mora), they wouldn't hurt the game in ANY way (FOTM Chasers can easily just make one character of every class. Lvling to 50 is quick and easy if you don't care about the RP journey that the character is on and you don't use the character as your self representation in the game world), they would be exceptionally profitable for ZOS, and they would bring back players like me to the game who don't find making an alt and abandoning your avatar within the game world a reasonable solution to class fatigue in a primarily story driven game.
Why do you think you have to do everything all over again on a new character.
I have many characters. Most of which haven't done most of everything.
You know champion points are account wide right?
When you start a new character you can immediately select all their CP perks.
All you do is power level a character to level 50 and they will be as capable as your first character.
Some people are just different. That was my concern too, I put a lot of time into my Magcro and made it my main. I want to do at least the vast majority of content with it so hearing that a class is going to be based on my favorite Daedric Prince, plus the spells look really good, has me interested. However, there is no way I am going to go through all of that content again. I may not do trials or HM stuff, typically just the normal version of dungeons, but this game is so massive now. So AT BEST a character who is this class will be, what I call, a main secondary... just means on days I don't feel like playing my main they are the first I jump to.
Plus you can grind to 50 but still be lacking Mages Guild, Fighters Guild, Psijic, Undaunted etc. That can be annoying to relevel if you can't buy it in the crown store.
I only level up skill lines I know that will be part of my build.
I don't have Undaunted or Mages guild maxed on any of my characters.
This is the official discussion thread for, "2023 Global Reveal- Unveiling The New Arcanist Class"
"Learn more about ESO’s new Arcanist class, just announced as part of the 2023 ESO Global Reveal!"
Sound off below and let us know what you think of the new class!
Dark_Lord_Kuro wrote: »I dont see a problem with not using up scroll uppon using. To me its more like a game mechanic than lore.
Well, okay. Same issue as with potions, probably. At least I think no one is swallowing them including their bottle - I hope. Then again, in TES3 Morrowind, raw glass was an alchemy ingredient and could be eatenDwemer metal too, by the way.
While I do agree that it's strange to have a class be this specific, I actually AM looking forward to roleplaying as a Hermaeus Mora cultist tentacle mage, thank you very much… as I've stated before in this thread, story-wise this fits one of my characters like a glove. I'm feeling kind of sad that I'll have to remake him and lose all the story progress (and skills, because some people simply don't have the time to power level a character in a week because of family and/or work) so a class change token or the implementation of this class as separate World or Guild skill lines would've been nice, but the former is probably not coming and the latter would actually be unfair to people expecting a new class.LukosCreyden wrote: »The amount of players who specifically want to roleplay "hermaeus mora cultist tentacle mage" is probably pretty damn low. In fact, I dare say that not many new players will not be looking to the game and chapter for the sake of "look it has a hermaeus mora class!"