agelonestar wrote: »Looks pretty cool to me.
I was never much of a fan of Necromancer - just not really my thing - but I loved Warden. I'm excited to try Arcanist. A new class adds loads of playability.
fxeconomisteb17_ESO wrote: »Yes, the reveal felt extremely underwhelming. I remember the previous things said by Zenimax. That the game is already too big, "the size of several MMOs", that there is enough zone and questing content, and that these zones have to be re-valued by new Systems. So yes, I expected Spellcrafting too. It would be interesting to see if the Arcanist would be the only class able to Spellcraft. I mean, going to Apocrypha, books and secrets... logic says you find some occult information to use. Sure, that would make the Arcanist the only one able to do that, leaving in the dust the other classes. As well as the idea to give more value to the existing zones. I felt very dissapointed. At least we'll see if the sets have any value though. Hope this time we avoid the High Isle deception, Major Heroism left on the Oakensoul ring, it passes thru PTS, it passes thru release, and then removed....
shadyjane62 wrote: »
Abandon all hope that anything they use to lure you into buying the expansion will be nerfed as soon as they possibly can.
ForumBully wrote: »It was mentioned that this "combo" system was something that everyone would get to experience...I'm assuming that this is the tentpole system then and that all classes are getting a slight revamp or in another way going under the same combo system.
Visually, my first though was that it looked like stacking charges via the psijic line but I'm curious to see more
ForumBully wrote: »It was mentioned that this "combo" system was something that everyone would get to experience...I'm assuming that this is the tentpole system then and that all classes are getting a slight revamp or in another way going under the same combo system.
Visually, my first though was that it looked like stacking charges via the psijic line but I'm curious to see more
acastanza_ESO wrote: »Look, I'm as excited for this class as anyone, it looks AWESOME!
But calling it a "feature" was pretty misleading. A feature is something that existing characters can participate in. This isn't.
Also, any chance you can finally give us class change tokens?!
I desperately want my main to be an Arcanist (from what we've seen, it's everything I always wanted out of Sorcerer but didn't get), but the thought of having to start over makes me want to give up.
LittlePinkDot wrote: »
Why do you think you have to do everything all over again on a new character.
I have many characters. Most of which haven't done most of everything.
You know champion points are account wide right?
When you start a new character you can immediately select all their CP perks.
All you do is power level a character to level 50 and they will be as capable as your first character.
LittlePinkDot wrote: »
Why do you think you have to do everything all over again on a new character.
I have many characters. Most of which haven't done most of everything.
You know champion points are account wide right?
When you start a new character you can immediately select all their CP perks.
All you do is power level a character to level 50 and they will be as capable as your first character.
Grandsheba wrote: »[...]
1. Change from new class to 3 new deadirc skill lines.
When you can get from 1 to 50 in a day and collect all the skyshards in a week and Champion points are shared. Making a new character isn't as rough as it used to be. You're getting a new character slot too, so Bob's your uncle!
Alinhbo_Tyaka wrote: »From what little bit I've seen the Arcanist is a meh version of my FF XIV Summoner. I would have rather seen a new skill line so I could take my sorcerer off in a different direction.
Seraphayel wrote: »Uhm, some people here are reading way too much into using tomes. You remember that we still use weapons like Destruction Staff or Bow and the tome will at best be part of one or two skill animations and that’s it?
We’ve seen one skill in the cinematic where the character used a tome for some kind of laser spell - just Jesus Beam from a book. Which class used such specific things akin to tomes for their skills? Right, none does.
Look at the video where they showed off Arcanist. Zero tomes have been seen right there.
emilyhyoyeon wrote: »
The name Acolyte instead of Arcanist for the class is a lot more fitting. Kind of cool actually.
Fundamentally I still have an issue with a class--something inherently restrictive--being centered around something super specific, making it even more restrictive without some serious headcanoning going on.
I know a new class was a super requested feature. And think I can pretty safely assume a new class would attract more attention marketing-wise than a new skill line. But the Arcanist class IMO would have made a much better skill line.
The visuals look beautiful from what I've seen. I don't have any issue with how the class has been done, except for the fact that it is a class.
The concept of going to a new land, getting acquainted with a daedric prince and learning their secrets slowly, getting a glimpse into their powers, etc, and having that manifest as unlocking a skill line for that character is just perfect (for what I'm understanding that is to come).
To me, what the Arcanist is doesn't make sense as a class. Its concept is just perfect for a skill line.
And actually, the more I think about it, they could've even done two skill lines: one Mora focused, and one more generic that could be a one hand rune weapon skill line, since it looks like a lot of the animations could work for something like that especially with some color changes.
Nah don't even go there. I was reading these same arguments 7 years ago, and I play Magicka (my main is still a mostly Magicka sorcerer) frost, lightning, fire and healing, and don't even try to say they don't play differently depending on which staff you're using. As for more effective that is subjective and you know it. Pvp? Burst? Solo? I'm not rehashing 7 years of ascetics, you can go back and read those tired old arguments if you want.
Two Handed;
1 Hand & Shield;
Dual Wield;
I think Stamina wins, concerning available variation. I know your point was abilities, not weapons but every class has Stamina and Magicka morphs of their abilities, and even though they showcased the Arcanist as a Magicka character I'm positive it will also have the capability for Stam builds.