Problem with new skill lines is that there are too many skills and its just pointless.
At the end of the day, there will be one ability that simply is better than the rest and make all other skills obsolete.
Look at Psijic skill line, its just useless right now, nothing good, only exception would be the time warp but even that is situation based ..
RupzSkooma wrote: »Not an alt player but this is somehow worse than cards for me personally lol
Problem with new skill lines is that there are too many skills and its just pointless.
At the end of the day, there will be one ability that simply is better than the rest and make all other skills obsolete.
Look at Psijic skill line, its just useless right now, nothing good, only exception would be the time warp but even that is situation based ..
Problem with new skill lines is that there are too many skills and its just pointless.
At the end of the day, there will be one ability that simply is better than the rest and make all other skills obsolete.
Look at Psijic skill line, its just useless right now, nothing good, only exception would be the time warp but even that is situation based ..
This poll really could have used a third option. Is this poll only for people who don't want the arcanist? Also I feel that you shouldn't phrase your options as if you're speaking for everyone if that is the case.
DMuehlhausen wrote: »I guess Arcanist skill line would be my choice. All the classes basically play the same anyway and so will the Arcanist most likely. So why have it be a class, should just have been skills that people could choose to use.
Problem with new skill lines is that there are too many skills and its just pointless.
At the end of the day, there will be one ability that simply is better than the rest and make all other skills obsolete.
Look at Psijic skill line, its just useless right now, nothing good, only exception would be the time warp but even that is situation based ..
The problem with new classes for me personally has been the devision between tank support and dps skilltrees which never really worked out and still leaves a lot to be desired from warden or necro.
I´m not really excited to play a new class having the same design philosophy behind it.
Thus i´d have preferred a new skillline (ideally weapon).[/game play. Absolutely agree! Vote yes to support new skill lines and a stop to forced gameplay around one new class which adds to the unbalanced gameplay.
Holycannoli wrote: »But if we keep getting new skills lines for our existing characters but never new slots for our front and back bars it becomes a waste. It already mostly is.
There is not so much skills. Psijic was always underwhelming.
Grandsheba wrote: »
That's dependant on perspective and situation. For you it's pointless, but for everyone it's an opportunity to explore, expand, craft and indulge in new builds.
Grandsheba wrote: »
Your comment confused me however, this isn't a vote to not have the arcanist. It's a vote to have the arcanist mirror the past dlc skill lines such as the Psjiic, dark brotherhood, vampire/werewollf, soul magic, fighters guild, makes guild, ect. Instead of a whole new class that requires everyone to start all over with a new character to play the new content. Instead of being able to continue the new adventure with their current character like in skyrim: dragonborn dlc or eso summerset and others of its ilk.
The option to play as a new class is still there as you can just load your current or new characters with nothing but the skill line. But the option is also open for players to keep their current builds/characters and progress with them. For example if you're playing a sorcerer and want to expand on your deadric priests build you can add some skills from the arcanist skill lines in the same way you add the psjic skills like meditation or the ultimate "undo".
I hope this helps you understand this post better.
Are we playing the same game? There aren’t too many skills, there are too few and more options are always a good thing.
Also, using the psijic skill line as an example doesn’t make sense…. If the psijic skill line isn’t being used, it’s not because the game has too many skills, it’s because the psijic line needs work and should be made more appealing. ZoS needs to put work into their game.
As for the topic. I’m of the opinion that new skill lines usable by all classes is a far superior option than a new class that only some players will be interested in rerolling to. And is also more in line with what elder scrolls games have always been about, freedom, flexibility, and customization.
I’m before “but MMO balance!”
francesinhalover wrote: »There were polls made and the majority preffered a new class.
I personally would had preffered skill lines.
But we would be kiding ourselfs if we thought they would release 3 or 2 skill lines like these. Max would be 1 and with only 6 skills.
someone suggest you 3 skill lines? knowing the zos, it would be one line like the Psijics.
I just reread your post and I think I just misread it the first time, sorry about any confusion I may have caused there.
Grandsheba wrote: »
No need to apologize, after reading through the comments I see I still have to work on my explanations to better state my point. Your comment and question helped me learn that, thank you for commenting!
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