So, you think harsh language is somehow more reprehensible than actual cheating?Joy_Division wrote: »I just have to laugh how some "faction loyalists" think they're better people and superior gamers, whereas "faction hoppers" have done nothing but grief. Of the all the most disgusting, banable, hateful tells I have ever got playing this game, 90% of them were from diehard "faction loyalists."
Joy_Division wrote: »
If you played as often as you claimed that you did, you would know perfectly why those unlocked dead campaigns will remain dead campaigns.
You're side isnt more rational, isn't better informed, and not better at debating than "my gang," though perhaps more condescending. I just have to laugh how some "faction loyalists" think they're better people and superior gamers, whereas "faction hoppers" have done nothing but grief. Of the all the most disgusting, banable, hateful tells I have ever got playing this game, 90% of them were from diehard "faction loyalists."
I was at ZOS headquarters and spoke to them why they made the change. I have news for you, they didn't "check the data." People are just making that up as an appeal to authority fallacy, that somehow ZOS just knows. ZOS made this change because the PvP system has been busted since launch. Yes, it was busted when faction-locks were a thing and when 99% of players only had one character. This is their latest attempt at a fix and it got a lot of momentum because people who play multiple factions blissfully assumed ZOS would keep things the way they were and didn't come to the forums until after ZOS made the change. If you want to say it's their own fault, that's fair and perhaps correct, but just stop with the "ZOS knows!" fantasy. ZOS doesn't know. Because if they did, Cyrodiil would have more to it that just zerging around the emperor ring, PvDooring keeps for 6K AP, and actual AvAvA features for solo players.
Joy_Division wrote: »
If you played as often as you claimed that you did, you would know perfectly why those unlocked dead campaigns will remain dead campaigns.
You're side isnt more rational, isn't better informed, and not better at debating than "my gang," though perhaps more condescending. I just have to laugh how some "faction loyalists" think they're better people and superior gamers, whereas "faction hoppers" have done nothing but grief. Of the all the most disgusting, banable, hateful tells I have ever got playing this game, 90% of them were from diehard "faction loyalists."
I was at ZOS headquarters and spoke to them why they made the change. I have news for you, they didn't "check the data." People are just making that up as an appeal to authority fallacy, that somehow ZOS just knows. ZOS made this change because the PvP system has been busted since launch. Yes, it was busted when faction-locks were a thing and when 99% of players only had one character. This is their latest attempt at a fix and it got a lot of momentum because people who play multiple factions blissfully assumed ZOS would keep things the way they were and didn't come to the forums until after ZOS made the change. If you want to say it's their own fault, that's fair and perhaps correct, but just stop with the "ZOS knows!" fantasy. ZOS doesn't know. Because if they did, Cyrodiil would have more to it that just zerging around the emperor ring, PvDooring keeps for 6K AP, and actual AvAvA features for solo players.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »You’re going back and forth with willfully ignorant people. You could work for zos and the loyalist will still come up with anything they can think of. If zos did things by the numbers they’d know shor is dead the majority of the day and that it doesn’t matter if people are for or against faction lock; they’re going to stack in the 30 day like they always have.
I’ve predominantly played the same faction, the die hard loyalist have always been more toxic in the game. But sure let’s pretend they’re good Boy Scouts and can do no wrong. Yeah...okay, playing one alliance doesn’t make you a team it just means you’re on the same alliance. So I’m sorry to the one guy who thinks faction locks will make people push for him, it won’t.
And again you can still play as YOU want... and i can play as i like... alot of us are tired of faction hoppers and dont want to play with it... Thanks ZoS for giving options
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
Faction locks won’t change anything you’re complaining about besides swapping to the winning side. It’s like you guys are new to the game.
Then whats the problem ?
I can tell you a story about the first months of ESO, when AD was so dominant that bascially all campaigns was AD dominanted, most DC an EP guilds even today is orginally AD guilds... what happend was that the population fixed itself, without allowing people to faction hopp at a instant... i wonder why, its like your new to ESO or something ?
The difrence is, back then people couldent easilly and fast just change sides, but they could and did fix pop imbalance...
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
Faction locks won’t change anything you’re complaining about besides swapping to the winning side. It’s like you guys are new to the game.
We don't know that for certain until faction locks take effect. I have my theory on what's going to happen, but it's just a hunch so I won't share it here. Also, you act like being new to the game is a bad thing, but keep in mind that new players are unbiased and offer different perspectives.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
Except we do know because we’ve already been here before. If you really think everyone will start acting like team players all of a sudden I don’t know what to tell you. If I want take a scroll and farm it you can’t stop me and after that I can dump it into slaughter fish. If I don’t like you but you’re trying to get emp I could just not push for you. If you’re on your last emp keep I can just set up max siege so you can’t defend. Again, all of this has been done by people who would never play on another faction.
New players are biased and likely don’t know what they’re talking about. I’m not looking for advice about open world from someone who is new, especially in this particular scenario.
Yea but you will have camapigns without faction locks, its like you have to have everyone play as you like ?...
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
It’s not about playing how I like it’s about it not being enough players to support this change. Anyone with some decent common sense would realize that.
so, yea lol, lets force the majority to play like you want... that makes sense ?
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
Yeah I’m just ignoring you.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »So, you think harsh language is somehow more reprehensible than actual cheating?
And another lock opponent flames himself out.
Even picking the most egregious example of insults and the most innocuous example of cheating STILL doesn't win you the point. If you consider words to be more of an affront than actions, then you have some growing up to do. Sticks and stones...Joy_Division wrote: »Yes, I think messaging someone homophobic slurs and to get cancer and die is worse than telling their AD friends that EP is heading for the Alessia front door. A lot more. It's not even a contest.
Joy_Division wrote: »
Yes, I think messaging someone homophobic slurs and to get cancer and die is worse than telling their AD friends that EP is heading for the Alessia front door. A lot more. It's not even a contest.
Also "faction loyalists" cheat. Keep deluding yourself that you belong to a group of better people if that makes you feel better about yourself or something..
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »Even picking the most egregious example of insults and the most innocuous example of cheating STILL doesn't win you the point. If you consider words to be more of an affront than actions, then you have some growing up to do. Sticks and stones...
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »Yes, people keep SAYING this, but no one actually has anything to back that claim up.
It will be interesting to see how the lock affects faction population levels in Vivec, if at all. It's very possible that one faction would be sacrificed to the other two factions and absorbed completely. This could spell the end of The Three Banners War and we may see a dominant faction emerge like when the game first released with locks in place.
And that would be terrible for pvp mate. Just terrible.
Considering the few people who have been saying this have otherwise been full of baloney, you will forgive me if I don't accept their word for it. How about a screenshot of the population levels proving it?Back what claim up? That outside of primetime every other campaign than Vivec is dead? How many people have to tell you?