Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

The problem with faction lock for the veteran PvP players

  • Miriel
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    Mathematically it will be easier for one faction to hit "critical mass" during prime-time, and then we'll see the same happy-clappers who are cheering on faction locking crying about nightcapping.

    and if to many at same time choose the same faction, they will have legendary wait times...
  • CatchMeTrolling
    No one cares about wait times , people will sit in a 500 man queue, this has been proven time and time again.
  • SippingPotions
    If you don't like factions locks, vote by dunking scrolls after the patch goes live. I'm guessing that we're going to see more scrolls dunked by spiteful players that hate faction locks than we ever saw from people who swapped factions to "help campaign score".
  • aetherial_heavenn
    I keep seeing this argument that 7 day campaigns are empty from those who oppose faction locks.

    My question is, if there are so many people who want to flip sides whenever they choose, farm AP by resource swapping with their social guild friends (aka 'roleplaying') and Emperor farm on all their alts without worrying about the campaign outcome...behaviour usually described as 'playing with my friends' or 'bolstering the low pop side for good fights' and 'playing how I want' ....then these non locked campaigns won't be empty at all and everyone will get good fights with their friends. So what's the problem?

    Meanwhile those of us who play the 30 campaign and care about AvAvA and chose our faction before locks were removed, and take that choice seriously, get the PvP we choose on the long campaigns, where it actually matters what side you are on and alliance strategy can be planned over days and weeks.

    Mixed guilds who want to play all factions can do so in the 7 days campaigns and flip hourly or choose one and stick to it for 30 days, then swap to the next for the next month, etc. It's not like it's a lifetime lock!

    The devs solution seems reasonable to me. Although I would have liked everyone to get a one time only faction alliance swap token so they could sort themselves out before hand.
    If you don't like factions locks, vote by dunking scrolls after the patch goes live. I'm guessing that we're going to see more scrolls dunked by spiteful players that hate faction locks than we ever saw from people who swapped factions to "help campaign score".

    Scroll dunkers out of spite are the perfect representative the very worst type of players who support no locks. Flip map, swap, Pv Door and flip flop the map again. "Roleplay" at resources with your friends on the other alliance and then all flip flop again to get easy ap farming each other. Generally ignore the campaign for personal trolling points or leaderboard hogging and play all alliances just for transmute crystals. I see your true colours shining here.

    Edited by aetherial_heavenn on May 14, 2019 10:22AM
    Quoted for truth
    "In my experience, the elite ones have not been very toxic, and the toxic ones not very elite." WrathOfInnos
  • Mr_Walker
    My question is, if there are so many people who want to flip sides whenever they choose, farm AP by resource swapping with their social guild friends (aka 'roleplaying') and Emporer farm on all their alts without worrying about the campaign outcome...behaviour usually described as 'playing with my friends' or 'bolstering the low pop side for good fights' and 'playing how I want' ....then these non locked campaigns won't be empty at all and everyone will get good fights with their friends. So what's the problem?

    As people keep saying, and as other people keep not listening, outside of prime time, on Xbox, every other campaign is dead.

    Your deliberate mischaracterisation of it as "roleplay" demonstrates nothing but ignorance on what happens after you go to bed.
  • Mr_Walker
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    Mathematically it will be easier for one faction to hit "critical mass" during prime-time, and then we'll see the same happy-clappers who are cheering on faction locking crying about nightcapping.

    Typo. That should be:

    Mathematically it will be easier for one faction to hit "critical mass" outside prime-time, and then we'll see the same happy-clappers who are cheering on faction locking crying about nightcapping.

  • Elong
    I keep seeing this argument that 7 day campaigns are empty from those who oppose faction locks.

    My question is, if there are so many people who want to flip sides whenever they choose, farm AP by resource swapping with their social guild friends (aka 'roleplaying') and Emporer farm on all their alts without worrying about the campaign outcome...behaviour usually described as 'playing with my friends' or 'bolstering the low pop side for good fights' and 'playing how I want' ....then these non locked campaigns won't be empty at all and everyone will get good fights with their friends. So what's the problem?

    Meanwhile those of us who play the 30 campaign and care about AvAvA and chose our faction before locks were removed, and take that choice seriously, get the PvP we choose on the long campaigns, where it actually matters what side you are on and alliance strategy can be planned over days and weeks.

    Mixed guilds who want to play all factions can do so in the 7 days camapiagns and flip hourly or choose one and stick to it for 30 days, then swap to the next for the next month, etc. It's not like it's a lifetime lock!

    The devs solution seems reasonable to me. Although I would have liked everyone to get a one time only faction alliance swap token so they could sort themselves out before hand.
    If you don't like factions locks, vote by dunking scrolls after the patch goes live. I'm guessing that we're going to see more scrolls dunked by spiteful players that hate faction locks than we ever saw from people who swapped factions to "help campaign score".

    Scroll dunkers out of spite are the perfect representative the very worst type of players who support no locks. Flip map, swap, Pv Door and flip flop the map again. "Roleplay" at resources with your friends on the other alliance and then all flip flop again to get easy ap farming each other. Generally ignore the campaign for personal trolling points or leaderboard hogging and play all alliances just for transmute crystals. I see your true colours shining here.

    As explained a hundred times, outside of prime time, there isn't enough population.

    Brick wall, head, hitting. Put the sentence together.
  • SippingPotions
    I keep seeing this argument that 7 day campaigns are empty from those who oppose faction locks.

    My question is, if there are so many people who want to flip sides whenever they choose, farm AP by resource swapping with their social guild friends (aka 'roleplaying') and Emporer farm on all their alts without worrying about the campaign outcome...behaviour usually described as 'playing with my friends' or 'bolstering the low pop side for good fights' and 'playing how I want' ....then these non locked campaigns won't be empty at all and everyone will get good fights with their friends. So what's the problem?

    You say that as if this game has a thriving PVP population that can fill multiple campaigns at all hours of day.
    I already play in shor on the weekends and during primetime when you zerglings destroy the servers by meat stacking and "playing the map". Your argument would be valid if this was 2015.
    Edited by SippingPotions on May 14, 2019 10:16AM
  • aetherial_heavenn
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    My question is, if there are so many people who want to flip sides whenever they choose, farm AP by resource swapping with their social guild friends (aka 'roleplaying') and Emperor farm on all their alts without worrying about the campaign outcome...behaviour usually described as 'playing with my friends' or 'bolstering the low pop side for good fights' and 'playing how I want' ....then these non locked campaigns won't be empty at all and everyone will get good fights with their friends. So what's the problem?

    As people keep saying, and as other people keep not listening, outside of prime time, on Xbox, every other campaign is dead.

    Your deliberate mischaracterisation of it as "roleplay" demonstrates nothing but ignorance on what happens after you go to bed.
    From May 2016 until march 2019 I exclusively played at Oceanic/SEA peak times. That is between 10 pm and 9am NA EST time. So please don't accuse me of being ignorant about what happens off NA peak. Oceanic/SE Asian players have a 'peak' time too.

    I still play on DC Vivec NA PC on Aussie peak or NA peak depending on my guildies. I will admit XBox PvP is a mystery to me but I do play with some console and X Box refugees. I suspect half the problem you describe is due to a low pop platform overall and locks or no locks ain't going to fix the fundamental problem of a broken platform with too few players.

    As to your second point about mischaracterisation: 'Roleplaying' is the way that banned players used to justify their shenanigans (ie resource and AP farming each other by faction flipping.) Until they got banned for exploiting... Sorry if you haven't been around long enough to know that particular usage. I was using the term as an insult to them....not to genuine small group fights.

    Back on the topic of locks affecting the majority of ESO PVP players. I have stood with the entire DC faction online in Vivec at Glade at Australian peak time ...all 20 of us...watching people who fought alongside us the hour before all reappear on AD toons in a huge zerg ball to gate EP and DC because, and I quote, "it's just too hard to 4 v 30 or 40 so we may as well play with the side with numbers'.

    I have seen several guild leaders set their alarms and play in middle of the NA night (like 3 or 4 am) to try to rally the DC faction who do play off peak after being gated every night for 3 months straight and then watched as the DC ADand EP flippers trolled them mercilessly in zone to prevent the DC off peak pugs from being coordinated ....not to mention the scroll trolling that was coordinated by the same players' groups/'guilds'.

    Ask any DC off NA peak player how many people they see who flip to support the low pop sides (which tend to be EP and DC on Vivec after the NA Peak guilds and many other NA players log off.) and they'll answer...none?

    What I have seen is dozens of individuals flip to AD toons take advantage of the AD increase in pop at Oceanic/SEA peak so they could zerg surf to get AP by faction stacking and PvDooring. There are several Aussie and Asian guilds on AD who play regularly and exclusively on our Oceanic/SEA peak. They want good fights but can't get them because the DC and EP flippers see their numbers and join on AD toons just to zerg surf. So the problem of off peak imbalance is compounded further.

    They couldn't do this if factions were locked for a month. This is the argument we who advocated faction locks in some form have been putting in the forums for several months/year now. This is the situation the devs were asked to investigate. That ZoS has the numbers and came up with this solution indicates either we were more rational, better informed and better at debating than the OP, Joy Division and the gang opposing faction locks; Or that ZoS checked the data and came to the same conclusion; Or both.

    All I see from those opposing locks is:
    1 'it won't work because of pop imbalance'...well, there is always a pop imbalance in favour of whichever faction is top of the leader board at the moment, so that doesn't fly. And there is pop imbalance at different times of the day, so that doesn't fly. What faction locking for 30 days will fix is mass guild flipping mid campaign, zone trolling, and PvEers faction stacking the winning side, at the end of campaign.

    2' it won't work because I wanna play how i wanna play'.....well, you can. Just not on a 'proper' long alliance based campaign where faction stability makes a difference

    3 'I don't wanna play 7 days because no one else does'....well, if all of you held hands and decided on a 7 day campaign there'd be plenty of small group fights, which you say you want and no lag, which you say you want. There are enough names in the posts in these forums to do that. JS.

    As I keep saying. It would be nice to have a once only per character faction flip token to allow people to sort out their characters if they made them without having any race any alliance from the store, or when they didn't know that it would be necessary to choose a side and stick to it.

    And some way of balancing the necromancer meta race influx will be necessary too.

    But overall I am really happy the 30 day campaigns will be locked

    DC for life!
    edited for typos
    Edited by aetherial_heavenn on May 14, 2019 10:26AM
    Quoted for truth
    "In my experience, the elite ones have not been very toxic, and the toxic ones not very elite." WrathOfInnos
  • Mr_Walker
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    My question is, if there are so many people who want to flip sides whenever they choose, farm AP by resource swapping with their social guild friends (aka 'roleplaying') and Emperor farm on all their alts without worrying about the campaign outcome...behaviour usually described as 'playing with my friends' or 'bolstering the low pop side for good fights' and 'playing how I want' ....then these non locked campaigns won't be empty at all and everyone will get good fights with their friends. So what's the problem?

    As people keep saying, and as other people keep not listening, outside of prime time, on Xbox, every other campaign is dead.

    Your deliberate mischaracterisation of it as "roleplay" demonstrates nothing but ignorance on what happens after you go to bed.
    From May 2016 until march 2019 I exclusively played at Oceanic/SEA peak times. That is between 10 pm and 9am NA EST time. So please don't accuse me of being ignorant about what happens off NA peak. Oceanic/SE Asian players have a 'peak' time too.

    I still play on DC Vivec NA PC on Aussie peak or NA peak depending on my guildies. I will admit XBox PvP is a mystery to me....

    So the rest of your spiel is irrelevant to Xbox holders. Because you are clueless on the situation. . PLus once again ignores the fundamental issue that a lot of people have made friends across all 3 factions due to 1T.

  • mague
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    My question is, if there are so many people who want to flip sides whenever they choose, farm AP by resource swapping with their social guild friends (aka 'roleplaying') and Emperor farm on all their alts without worrying about the campaign outcome...behaviour usually described as 'playing with my friends' or 'bolstering the low pop side for good fights' and 'playing how I want' ....then these non locked campaigns won't be empty at all and everyone will get good fights with their friends. So what's the problem?

    As people keep saying, and as other people keep not listening, outside of prime time, on Xbox, every other campaign is dead.

    Your deliberate mischaracterisation of it as "roleplay" demonstrates nothing but ignorance on what happens after you go to bed.
    From May 2016 until march 2019 I exclusively played at Oceanic/SEA peak times. That is between 10 pm and 9am NA EST time. So please don't accuse me of being ignorant about what happens off NA peak. Oceanic/SE Asian players have a 'peak' time too.

    I still play on DC Vivec NA PC on Aussie peak or NA peak depending on my guildies. I will admit XBox PvP is a mystery to me....

    So the rest of your spiel is irrelevant to Xbox holders. Because you are clueless on the situation. . PLus once again ignores the fundamental issue that a lot of people have made friends across all 3 factions due to 1T.

    Friends will be friends...

    But the exploits are so abysmal that something has to happen. This or Cyrodill will be the home of the most toxic freakshow. No honest player is going to waste more time into stuff like preventing low pop bonus while the other low pop has their best groups running and even expanding while getting 200 points every hour. And this is just the tip of the floating iceberg.

    Whenever i encounter blatant exploits i leave the zone. Funny enough that we almost queue at the teletower to PvE.
    Edited by mague on May 14, 2019 11:21AM
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    As people keep saying, and as other people keep not listening, outside of prime time, on Xbox, every other campaign is dead.
    Yes, people keep SAYING this, but no one actually has anything to back that claim up.

    Lethal zergling
  • Joy_Division
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    My question is, if there are so many people who want to flip sides whenever they choose, farm AP by resource swapping with their social guild friends (aka 'roleplaying') and Emperor farm on all their alts without worrying about the campaign outcome...behaviour usually described as 'playing with my friends' or 'bolstering the low pop side for good fights' and 'playing how I want' ....then these non locked campaigns won't be empty at all and everyone will get good fights with their friends. So what's the problem?

    As people keep saying, and as other people keep not listening, outside of prime time, on Xbox, every other campaign is dead.

    Your deliberate mischaracterisation of it as "roleplay" demonstrates nothing but ignorance on what happens after you go to bed.
    From May 2016 until march 2019 I exclusively played at Oceanic/SEA peak times. That is between 10 pm and 9am NA EST time. So please don't accuse me of being ignorant about what happens off NA peak. Oceanic/SE Asian players have a 'peak' time too.

    I still play on DC Vivec NA PC on Aussie peak or NA peak depending on my guildies. I will admit XBox PvP is a mystery to me but I do play with some console and X Box refugees. I suspect half the problem you describe is due to a low pop platform overall and locks or no locks ain't going to fix the fundamental problem of a broken platform with too few players.

    As to your second point about mischaracterisation: 'Roleplaying' is the way that banned players used to justify their shenanigans (ie resource and AP farming each other by faction flipping.) Until they got banned for exploiting... Sorry if you haven't been around long enough to know that particular usage. I was using the term as an insult to them....not to genuine small group fights.

    Back on the topic of locks affecting the majority of ESO PVP players. I have stood with the entire DC faction online in Vivec at Glade at Australian peak time ...all 20 of us...watching people who fought alongside us the hour before all reappear on AD toons in a huge zerg ball to gate EP and DC because, and I quote, "it's just too hard to 4 v 30 or 40 so we may as well play with the side with numbers'.

    I have seen several guild leaders set their alarms and play in middle of the NA night (like 3 or 4 am) to try to rally the DC faction who do play off peak after being gated every night for 3 months straight and then watched as the DC ADand EP flippers trolled them mercilessly in zone to prevent the DC off peak pugs from being coordinated ....not to mention the scroll trolling that was coordinated by the same players' groups/'guilds'.

    Ask any DC off NA peak player how many people they see who flip to support the low pop sides (which tend to be EP and DC on Vivec after the NA Peak guilds and many other NA players log off.) and they'll answer...none?

    What I have seen is dozens of individuals flip to AD toons take advantage of the AD increase in pop at Oceanic/SEA peak so they could zerg surf to get AP by faction stacking and PvDooring. There are several Aussie and Asian guilds on AD who play regularly and exclusively on our Oceanic/SEA peak. They want good fights but can't get them because the DC and EP flippers see their numbers and join on AD toons just to zerg surf. So the problem of off peak imbalance is compounded further.

    They couldn't do this if factions were locked for a month. This is the argument we who advocated faction locks in some form have been putting in the forums for several months/year now. This is the situation the devs were asked to investigate. That ZoS has the numbers and came up with this solution indicates either we were more rational, better informed and better at debating than the OP, Joy Division and the gang opposing faction locks; Or that ZoS checked the data and came to the same conclusion; Or both.

    All I see from those opposing locks is:
    1 'it won't work because of pop imbalance'...well, there is always a pop imbalance in favour of whichever faction is top of the leader board at the moment, so that doesn't fly. And there is pop imbalance at different times of the day, so that doesn't fly. What faction locking for 30 days will fix is mass guild flipping mid campaign, zone trolling, and PvEers faction stacking the winning side, at the end of campaign.

    2' it won't work because I wanna play how i wanna play'.....well, you can. Just not on a 'proper' long alliance based campaign where faction stability makes a difference

    3 'I don't wanna play 7 days because no one else does'....well, if all of you held hands and decided on a 7 day campaign there'd be plenty of small group fights, which you say you want and no lag, which you say you want. There are enough names in the posts in these forums to do that. JS.

    As I keep saying. It would be nice to have a once only per character faction flip token to allow people to sort out their characters if they made them without having any race any alliance from the store, or when they didn't know that it would be necessary to choose a side and stick to it.

    And some way of balancing the necromancer meta race influx will be necessary too.

    But overall I am really happy the 30 day campaigns will be locked

    DC for life!
    edited for typos

    If you played as often as you claimed that you did, you would know perfectly why those unlocked dead campaigns will remain dead campaigns.

    You're side isnt more rational, isn't better informed, and not better at debating than "my gang," though perhaps more condescending. I just have to laugh how some "faction loyalists" think they're better people and superior gamers, whereas "faction hoppers" have done nothing but grief. Of the all the most disgusting, banable, hateful tells I have ever got playing this game, 90% of them were from diehard "faction loyalists."

    I was at ZOS headquarters and spoke to them why they made the change. I have news for you, they didn't "check the data." People are just making that up as an appeal to authority fallacy, that somehow ZOS just knows. ZOS made this change because the PvP system has been busted since launch. Yes, it was busted when faction-locks were a thing and when 99% of players only had one character. This is their latest attempt at a fix and it got a lot of momentum because people who play multiple factions blissfully assumed ZOS would keep things the way they were and didn't come to the forums until after ZOS made the change. If you want to say it's their own fault, that's fair and perhaps correct, but just stop with the "ZOS knows!" fantasy. ZOS doesn't know. Because if they did, Cyrodiil would have more to it that just zerging around the emperor ring, PvDooring keeps for 6K AP, and actual AvAvA features for solo players.

    Edited by Joy_Division on May 14, 2019 1:41PM
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    I just have to laugh how some "faction loyalists" think they're better people and superior gamers, whereas "faction hoppers" have done nothing but grief. Of the all the most disgusting, banable, hateful tells I have ever got playing this game, 90% of them were from diehard "faction loyalists."
    So, you think harsh language is somehow more reprehensible than actual cheating?

    And another lock opponent flames himself out.
    Lethal zergling
  • Sandman929
    For better or worse, it seems like it's happening. And for a few reasons I'm not particularly thrilled with it even though I only have DC characters and spend most of my in-game time playing for faction objectives.
    Right now I home Vivec for transmute crystals, but play in Shor because Vivec is a laggy disaster during the times I can play with the guild which is NA primetime. It doesn't look like this lock is going to change that and I'll still be forced to home one campaign and actually play in another.
  • Miriel
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    My question is, if there are so many people who want to flip sides whenever they choose, farm AP by resource swapping with their social guild friends (aka 'roleplaying') and Emperor farm on all their alts without worrying about the campaign outcome...behaviour usually described as 'playing with my friends' or 'bolstering the low pop side for good fights' and 'playing how I want' ....then these non locked campaigns won't be empty at all and everyone will get good fights with their friends. So what's the problem?

    As people keep saying, and as other people keep not listening, outside of prime time, on Xbox, every other campaign is dead.

    Your deliberate mischaracterisation of it as "roleplay" demonstrates nothing but ignorance on what happens after you go to bed.
    From May 2016 until march 2019 I exclusively played at Oceanic/SEA peak times. That is between 10 pm and 9am NA EST time. So please don't accuse me of being ignorant about what happens off NA peak. Oceanic/SE Asian players have a 'peak' time too.

    I still play on DC Vivec NA PC on Aussie peak or NA peak depending on my guildies. I will admit XBox PvP is a mystery to me but I do play with some console and X Box refugees. I suspect half the problem you describe is due to a low pop platform overall and locks or no locks ain't going to fix the fundamental problem of a broken platform with too few players.

    As to your second point about mischaracterisation: 'Roleplaying' is the way that banned players used to justify their shenanigans (ie resource and AP farming each other by faction flipping.) Until they got banned for exploiting... Sorry if you haven't been around long enough to know that particular usage. I was using the term as an insult to them....not to genuine small group fights.

    Back on the topic of locks affecting the majority of ESO PVP players. I have stood with the entire DC faction online in Vivec at Glade at Australian peak time ...all 20 of us...watching people who fought alongside us the hour before all reappear on AD toons in a huge zerg ball to gate EP and DC because, and I quote, "it's just too hard to 4 v 30 or 40 so we may as well play with the side with numbers'.

    I have seen several guild leaders set their alarms and play in middle of the NA night (like 3 or 4 am) to try to rally the DC faction who do play off peak after being gated every night for 3 months straight and then watched as the DC ADand EP flippers trolled them mercilessly in zone to prevent the DC off peak pugs from being coordinated ....not to mention the scroll trolling that was coordinated by the same players' groups/'guilds'.

    Ask any DC off NA peak player how many people they see who flip to support the low pop sides (which tend to be EP and DC on Vivec after the NA Peak guilds and many other NA players log off.) and they'll answer...none?

    What I have seen is dozens of individuals flip to AD toons take advantage of the AD increase in pop at Oceanic/SEA peak so they could zerg surf to get AP by faction stacking and PvDooring. There are several Aussie and Asian guilds on AD who play regularly and exclusively on our Oceanic/SEA peak. They want good fights but can't get them because the DC and EP flippers see their numbers and join on AD toons just to zerg surf. So the problem of off peak imbalance is compounded further.

    They couldn't do this if factions were locked for a month. This is the argument we who advocated faction locks in some form have been putting in the forums for several months/year now. This is the situation the devs were asked to investigate. That ZoS has the numbers and came up with this solution indicates either we were more rational, better informed and better at debating than the OP, Joy Division and the gang opposing faction locks; Or that ZoS checked the data and came to the same conclusion; Or both.

    All I see from those opposing locks is:
    1 'it won't work because of pop imbalance'...well, there is always a pop imbalance in favour of whichever faction is top of the leader board at the moment, so that doesn't fly. And there is pop imbalance at different times of the day, so that doesn't fly. What faction locking for 30 days will fix is mass guild flipping mid campaign, zone trolling, and PvEers faction stacking the winning side, at the end of campaign.

    2' it won't work because I wanna play how i wanna play'.....well, you can. Just not on a 'proper' long alliance based campaign where faction stability makes a difference

    3 'I don't wanna play 7 days because no one else does'....well, if all of you held hands and decided on a 7 day campaign there'd be plenty of small group fights, which you say you want and no lag, which you say you want. There are enough names in the posts in these forums to do that. JS.

    As I keep saying. It would be nice to have a once only per character faction flip token to allow people to sort out their characters if they made them without having any race any alliance from the store, or when they didn't know that it would be necessary to choose a side and stick to it.

    And some way of balancing the necromancer meta race influx will be necessary too.

    But overall I am really happy the 30 day campaigns will be locked

    DC for life!
    edited for typos

    If you played as often as you claimed that you did, you would know perfectly why those unlocked dead campaigns will remain dead campaigns.

    You're side isnt more rational, isn't better informed, and not better at debating than "my gang," though perhaps more condescending. I just have to laugh how some "faction loyalists" think they're better people and superior gamers, whereas "faction hoppers" have done nothing but grief. Of the all the most disgusting, banable, hateful tells I have ever got playing this game, 90% of them were from diehard "faction loyalists."

    I was at ZOS headquarters and spoke to them why they made the change. I have news for you, they didn't "check the data." People are just making that up as an appeal to authority fallacy, that somehow ZOS just knows. ZOS made this change because the PvP system has been busted since launch. Yes, it was busted when faction-locks were a thing and when 99% of players only had one character. This is their latest attempt at a fix and it got a lot of momentum because people who play multiple factions blissfully assumed ZOS would keep things the way they were and didn't come to the forums until after ZOS made the change. If you want to say it's their own fault, that's fair and perhaps correct, but just stop with the "ZOS knows!" fantasy. ZOS doesn't know. Because if they did, Cyrodiil would have more to it that just zerging around the emperor ring, PvDooring keeps for 6K AP, and actual AvAvA features for solo players.

    Well you wont get any more numerous as is and never have... if you want to play with faction hopping you still can, but dont try to force that upon us that dont want to... Here is my problem with you, i think you know you are a very very tiny portion of the player base, so while the majority want faction locks, you know that if you go to a server without locks, it will be a dead campaign, and that will be the proof... either your right and more will play without locks, or they will stay on the locked campaign... but dont force YOUR way of playing on those that dont want to...

    And PS, i have on good authority that ZOS check numbers, so dont say they dident or provide proof of it
    Edited by Miriel on May 14, 2019 5:53PM
  • Ahtu
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    My question is, if there are so many people who want to flip sides whenever they choose, farm AP by resource swapping with their social guild friends (aka 'roleplaying') and Emperor farm on all their alts without worrying about the campaign outcome...behaviour usually described as 'playing with my friends' or 'bolstering the low pop side for good fights' and 'playing how I want' ....then these non locked campaigns won't be empty at all and everyone will get good fights with their friends. So what's the problem?

    As people keep saying, and as other people keep not listening, outside of prime time, on Xbox, every other campaign is dead.

    Your deliberate mischaracterisation of it as "roleplay" demonstrates nothing but ignorance on what happens after you go to bed.
    From May 2016 until march 2019 I exclusively played at Oceanic/SEA peak times. That is between 10 pm and 9am NA EST time. So please don't accuse me of being ignorant about what happens off NA peak. Oceanic/SE Asian players have a 'peak' time too.

    I still play on DC Vivec NA PC on Aussie peak or NA peak depending on my guildies. I will admit XBox PvP is a mystery to me but I do play with some console and X Box refugees. I suspect half the problem you describe is due to a low pop platform overall and locks or no locks ain't going to fix the fundamental problem of a broken platform with too few players.

    As to your second point about mischaracterisation: 'Roleplaying' is the way that banned players used to justify their shenanigans (ie resource and AP farming each other by faction flipping.) Until they got banned for exploiting... Sorry if you haven't been around long enough to know that particular usage. I was using the term as an insult to them....not to genuine small group fights.

    Back on the topic of locks affecting the majority of ESO PVP players. I have stood with the entire DC faction online in Vivec at Glade at Australian peak time ...all 20 of us...watching people who fought alongside us the hour before all reappear on AD toons in a huge zerg ball to gate EP and DC because, and I quote, "it's just too hard to 4 v 30 or 40 so we may as well play with the side with numbers'.

    I have seen several guild leaders set their alarms and play in middle of the NA night (like 3 or 4 am) to try to rally the DC faction who do play off peak after being gated every night for 3 months straight and then watched as the DC ADand EP flippers trolled them mercilessly in zone to prevent the DC off peak pugs from being coordinated ....not to mention the scroll trolling that was coordinated by the same players' groups/'guilds'.

    Ask any DC off NA peak player how many people they see who flip to support the low pop sides (which tend to be EP and DC on Vivec after the NA Peak guilds and many other NA players log off.) and they'll answer...none?

    What I have seen is dozens of individuals flip to AD toons take advantage of the AD increase in pop at Oceanic/SEA peak so they could zerg surf to get AP by faction stacking and PvDooring. There are several Aussie and Asian guilds on AD who play regularly and exclusively on our Oceanic/SEA peak. They want good fights but can't get them because the DC and EP flippers see their numbers and join on AD toons just to zerg surf. So the problem of off peak imbalance is compounded further.

    They couldn't do this if factions were locked for a month. This is the argument we who advocated faction locks in some form have been putting in the forums for several months/year now. This is the situation the devs were asked to investigate. That ZoS has the numbers and came up with this solution indicates either we were more rational, better informed and better at debating than the OP, Joy Division and the gang opposing faction locks; Or that ZoS checked the data and came to the same conclusion; Or both.

    All I see from those opposing locks is:
    1 'it won't work because of pop imbalance'...well, there is always a pop imbalance in favour of whichever faction is top of the leader board at the moment, so that doesn't fly. And there is pop imbalance at different times of the day, so that doesn't fly. What faction locking for 30 days will fix is mass guild flipping mid campaign, zone trolling, and PvEers faction stacking the winning side, at the end of campaign.

    2' it won't work because I wanna play how i wanna play'.....well, you can. Just not on a 'proper' long alliance based campaign where faction stability makes a difference

    3 'I don't wanna play 7 days because no one else does'....well, if all of you held hands and decided on a 7 day campaign there'd be plenty of small group fights, which you say you want and no lag, which you say you want. There are enough names in the posts in these forums to do that. JS.

    As I keep saying. It would be nice to have a once only per character faction flip token to allow people to sort out their characters if they made them without having any race any alliance from the store, or when they didn't know that it would be necessary to choose a side and stick to it.

    And some way of balancing the necromancer meta race influx will be necessary too.

    But overall I am really happy the 30 day campaigns will be locked

    DC for life!
    edited for typos

    If you played as often as you claimed that you did, you would know perfectly why those unlocked dead campaigns will remain dead campaigns.

    You're side isnt more rational, isn't better informed, and not better at debating than "my gang," though perhaps more condescending. I just have to laugh how some "faction loyalists" think they're better people and superior gamers, whereas "faction hoppers" have done nothing but grief. Of the all the most disgusting, banable, hateful tells I have ever got playing this game, 90% of them were from diehard "faction loyalists."

    I was at ZOS headquarters and spoke to them why they made the change. I have news for you, they didn't "check the data." People are just making that up as an appeal to authority fallacy, that somehow ZOS just knows. ZOS made this change because the PvP system has been busted since launch. Yes, it was busted when faction-locks were a thing and when 99% of players only had one character. This is their latest attempt at a fix and it got a lot of momentum because people who play multiple factions blissfully assumed ZOS would keep things the way they were and didn't come to the forums until after ZOS made the change. If you want to say it's their own fault, that's fair and perhaps correct, but just stop with the "ZOS knows!" fantasy. ZOS doesn't know. Because if they did, Cyrodiil would have more to it that just zerging around the emperor ring, PvDooring keeps for 6K AP, and actual AvAvA features for solo players.

    ZOS has stated publicly that they have access to the game's raw data and use it to make decisions about the direction of the game. The information is there telling them that it's time to implement faction locks and they have picked up on it. Plus, they restructured their team to cover both PVP and PVE back in January, which is why we are seeing so many big changes to PVP lately.
    Edited by Ahtu on May 14, 2019 6:33PM
  • CatchMeTrolling
    You’re going back and forth with willfully ignorant people. You could work for zos and the loyalist will still come up with anything they can think of. If zos did things by the numbers they’d know shor is dead the majority of the day and that it doesn’t matter if people are for or against faction lock; they’re going to stack in the 30 day like they always have.

    I’ve predominantly played the same faction, the die hard loyalist have always been more toxic in the game. But sure let’s pretend they’re good Boy Scouts and can do no wrong. Yeah...okay, playing one alliance doesn’t make you a team it just means you’re on the same alliance. So I’m sorry to the one guy who thinks faction locks will make people push for him, it won’t.
    Edited by CatchMeTrolling on May 14, 2019 6:28PM
  • Miriel
    You’re going back and forth with willfully ignorant people. You could work for zos and the loyalist will still come up with anything they can think of. If zos did things by the numbers they’d know shor is dead the majority of the day and that it doesn’t matter if people are for or against faction lock; they’re going to stack in the 30 day like they always have.

    I’ve predominantly played the same faction, the die hard loyalist have always been more toxic in the game. But sure let’s pretend they’re good Boy Scouts and can do no wrong. Yeah...okay, playing one alliance doesn’t make you a team it just means you’re on the same alliance. So I’m sorry to the one guy who thinks faction locks will make people push for him, it won’t.

    And again you can still play as YOU want... and i can play as i like... alot of us are tired of faction hoppers and dont want to play with it... Thanks ZoS for giving options
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Miriel wrote: »
    You’re going back and forth with willfully ignorant people. You could work for zos and the loyalist will still come up with anything they can think of. If zos did things by the numbers they’d know shor is dead the majority of the day and that it doesn’t matter if people are for or against faction lock; they’re going to stack in the 30 day like they always have.

    I’ve predominantly played the same faction, the die hard loyalist have always been more toxic in the game. But sure let’s pretend they’re good Boy Scouts and can do no wrong. Yeah...okay, playing one alliance doesn’t make you a team it just means you’re on the same alliance. So I’m sorry to the one guy who thinks faction locks will make people push for him, it won’t.

    And again you can still play as YOU want... and i can play as i like... alot of us are tired of faction hoppers and dont want to play with it... Thanks ZoS for giving options

    Faction locks won’t change anything you’re complaining about besides swapping to the winning side. It’s like you guys are new to the game.
  • Miriel
    Miriel wrote: »
    You’re going back and forth with willfully ignorant people. You could work for zos and the loyalist will still come up with anything they can think of. If zos did things by the numbers they’d know shor is dead the majority of the day and that it doesn’t matter if people are for or against faction lock; they’re going to stack in the 30 day like they always have.

    I’ve predominantly played the same faction, the die hard loyalist have always been more toxic in the game. But sure let’s pretend they’re good Boy Scouts and can do no wrong. Yeah...okay, playing one alliance doesn’t make you a team it just means you’re on the same alliance. So I’m sorry to the one guy who thinks faction locks will make people push for him, it won’t.

    And again you can still play as YOU want... and i can play as i like... alot of us are tired of faction hoppers and dont want to play with it... Thanks ZoS for giving options

    Faction locks won’t change anything you’re complaining about besides swapping to the winning side. It’s like you guys are new to the game.

    Then whats the problem ?
    I can tell you a story about the first months of ESO, when AD was so dominant that bascially all campaigns was AD dominanted, most DC an EP guilds even today is orginally AD guilds... what happend was that the population fixed itself, without allowing people to faction hopp at a instant... i wonder why, its like your new to ESO or something ?

    The difrence is, back then people couldent easilly and fast just change sides, but they could and did fix pop imbalance...
    Edited by Miriel on May 14, 2019 6:58PM
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Miriel wrote: »
    Miriel wrote: »
    You’re going back and forth with willfully ignorant people. You could work for zos and the loyalist will still come up with anything they can think of. If zos did things by the numbers they’d know shor is dead the majority of the day and that it doesn’t matter if people are for or against faction lock; they’re going to stack in the 30 day like they always have.

    I’ve predominantly played the same faction, the die hard loyalist have always been more toxic in the game. But sure let’s pretend they’re good Boy Scouts and can do no wrong. Yeah...okay, playing one alliance doesn’t make you a team it just means you’re on the same alliance. So I’m sorry to the one guy who thinks faction locks will make people push for him, it won’t.

    And again you can still play as YOU want... and i can play as i like... alot of us are tired of faction hoppers and dont want to play with it... Thanks ZoS for giving options

    Faction locks won’t change anything you’re complaining about besides swapping to the winning side. It’s like you guys are new to the game.

    Then whats the problem ?
    I can tell you a story about the first months of ESO, when AD was so dominant that bascially all campaigns was AD dominanted, most DC an EP guilds even today is orginally AD guilds... what happend was that the population fixed itself, without allowing people to faction hopp at a instant... i wonder why, its like your new to ESO or something ?

    The difrence is, back then people couldent easilly and fast just change sides, but they could and did fix pop imbalance...


  • Ahtu
    Miriel wrote: »
    You’re going back and forth with willfully ignorant people. You could work for zos and the loyalist will still come up with anything they can think of. If zos did things by the numbers they’d know shor is dead the majority of the day and that it doesn’t matter if people are for or against faction lock; they’re going to stack in the 30 day like they always have.

    I’ve predominantly played the same faction, the die hard loyalist have always been more toxic in the game. But sure let’s pretend they’re good Boy Scouts and can do no wrong. Yeah...okay, playing one alliance doesn’t make you a team it just means you’re on the same alliance. So I’m sorry to the one guy who thinks faction locks will make people push for him, it won’t.

    And again you can still play as YOU want... and i can play as i like... alot of us are tired of faction hoppers and dont want to play with it... Thanks ZoS for giving options

    Faction locks won’t change anything you’re complaining about besides swapping to the winning side. It’s like you guys are new to the game.

    We don't know that for certain until faction locks take effect. I have my theory on what's going to happen, but it's just a hunch so I won't share it here. Also, you act like being new to the game is a bad thing, but keep in mind that new players are unbiased and offer different perspectives.
    Edited by Ahtu on May 14, 2019 7:14PM
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Ahtu wrote: »
    Miriel wrote: »
    You’re going back and forth with willfully ignorant people. You could work for zos and the loyalist will still come up with anything they can think of. If zos did things by the numbers they’d know shor is dead the majority of the day and that it doesn’t matter if people are for or against faction lock; they’re going to stack in the 30 day like they always have.

    I’ve predominantly played the same faction, the die hard loyalist have always been more toxic in the game. But sure let’s pretend they’re good Boy Scouts and can do no wrong. Yeah...okay, playing one alliance doesn’t make you a team it just means you’re on the same alliance. So I’m sorry to the one guy who thinks faction locks will make people push for him, it won’t.

    And again you can still play as YOU want... and i can play as i like... alot of us are tired of faction hoppers and dont want to play with it... Thanks ZoS for giving options

    Faction locks won’t change anything you’re complaining about besides swapping to the winning side. It’s like you guys are new to the game.

    We don't know that for certain until faction locks take effect. I have my theory on what's going to happen, but it's just a hunch so I won't share it here. Also, you act like being new to the game is a bad thing, but keep in mind that new players are unbiased and offer different perspectives.

    Except we do know because we’ve already been here before. If you really think everyone will start acting like team players all of a sudden I don’t know what to tell you. If I want take a scroll and farm it you can’t stop me and after that I can dump it into slaughter fish. If I don’t like you but you’re trying to get emp I could just not push for you. If you’re on your last emp keep I can just set up max siege so you can’t defend. Again, all of this has been done by people who would never play on another faction.

    New players are biased and likely don’t know what they’re talking about. I’m not looking for advice about open world from someone who is new, especially in this particular scenario.

  • Ahtu
    There will always be trolls, but the change will make it more challenging for them. Their incentives will be drastically reduced as they will no longer be able to switch sides instantly. Most exploits mentioned in this post that people have been abusing over the years will be outright fixed overnight once this change goes live.

    I'm so excited about this change I can hardly wait until next month!
    Edited by Ahtu on May 14, 2019 7:54PM
  • Miriel
    Ahtu wrote: »
    Miriel wrote: »
    You’re going back and forth with willfully ignorant people. You could work for zos and the loyalist will still come up with anything they can think of. If zos did things by the numbers they’d know shor is dead the majority of the day and that it doesn’t matter if people are for or against faction lock; they’re going to stack in the 30 day like they always have.

    I’ve predominantly played the same faction, the die hard loyalist have always been more toxic in the game. But sure let’s pretend they’re good Boy Scouts and can do no wrong. Yeah...okay, playing one alliance doesn’t make you a team it just means you’re on the same alliance. So I’m sorry to the one guy who thinks faction locks will make people push for him, it won’t.

    And again you can still play as YOU want... and i can play as i like... alot of us are tired of faction hoppers and dont want to play with it... Thanks ZoS for giving options

    Faction locks won’t change anything you’re complaining about besides swapping to the winning side. It’s like you guys are new to the game.

    We don't know that for certain until faction locks take effect. I have my theory on what's going to happen, but it's just a hunch so I won't share it here. Also, you act like being new to the game is a bad thing, but keep in mind that new players are unbiased and offer different perspectives.

    Except we do know because we’ve already been here before. If you really think everyone will start acting like team players all of a sudden I don’t know what to tell you. If I want take a scroll and farm it you can’t stop me and after that I can dump it into slaughter fish. If I don’t like you but you’re trying to get emp I could just not push for you. If you’re on your last emp keep I can just set up max siege so you can’t defend. Again, all of this has been done by people who would never play on another faction.

    New players are biased and likely don’t know what they’re talking about. I’m not looking for advice about open world from someone who is new, especially in this particular scenario.

    Yea but you will have camapigns without faction locks, its like you have to have everyone play as you like ?...
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Miriel wrote: »
    Ahtu wrote: »
    Miriel wrote: »
    You’re going back and forth with willfully ignorant people. You could work for zos and the loyalist will still come up with anything they can think of. If zos did things by the numbers they’d know shor is dead the majority of the day and that it doesn’t matter if people are for or against faction lock; they’re going to stack in the 30 day like they always have.

    I’ve predominantly played the same faction, the die hard loyalist have always been more toxic in the game. But sure let’s pretend they’re good Boy Scouts and can do no wrong. Yeah...okay, playing one alliance doesn’t make you a team it just means you’re on the same alliance. So I’m sorry to the one guy who thinks faction locks will make people push for him, it won’t.

    And again you can still play as YOU want... and i can play as i like... alot of us are tired of faction hoppers and dont want to play with it... Thanks ZoS for giving options

    Faction locks won’t change anything you’re complaining about besides swapping to the winning side. It’s like you guys are new to the game.

    We don't know that for certain until faction locks take effect. I have my theory on what's going to happen, but it's just a hunch so I won't share it here. Also, you act like being new to the game is a bad thing, but keep in mind that new players are unbiased and offer different perspectives.

    Except we do know because we’ve already been here before. If you really think everyone will start acting like team players all of a sudden I don’t know what to tell you. If I want take a scroll and farm it you can’t stop me and after that I can dump it into slaughter fish. If I don’t like you but you’re trying to get emp I could just not push for you. If you’re on your last emp keep I can just set up max siege so you can’t defend. Again, all of this has been done by people who would never play on another faction.

    New players are biased and likely don’t know what they’re talking about. I’m not looking for advice about open world from someone who is new, especially in this particular scenario.

    Yea but you will have camapigns without faction locks, its like you have to have everyone play as you like ?...

    It’s not about playing how I like it’s about it not being enough players to support this change. Anyone with some decent common sense would realize that.


    But sure you guys know exactly what you’re talking about.
    Edited by CatchMeTrolling on May 14, 2019 9:37PM
  • Miriel
    Miriel wrote: »
    Ahtu wrote: »
    Miriel wrote: »
    You’re going back and forth with willfully ignorant people. You could work for zos and the loyalist will still come up with anything they can think of. If zos did things by the numbers they’d know shor is dead the majority of the day and that it doesn’t matter if people are for or against faction lock; they’re going to stack in the 30 day like they always have.

    I’ve predominantly played the same faction, the die hard loyalist have always been more toxic in the game. But sure let’s pretend they’re good Boy Scouts and can do no wrong. Yeah...okay, playing one alliance doesn’t make you a team it just means you’re on the same alliance. So I’m sorry to the one guy who thinks faction locks will make people push for him, it won’t.

    And again you can still play as YOU want... and i can play as i like... alot of us are tired of faction hoppers and dont want to play with it... Thanks ZoS for giving options

    Faction locks won’t change anything you’re complaining about besides swapping to the winning side. It’s like you guys are new to the game.

    We don't know that for certain until faction locks take effect. I have my theory on what's going to happen, but it's just a hunch so I won't share it here. Also, you act like being new to the game is a bad thing, but keep in mind that new players are unbiased and offer different perspectives.

    Except we do know because we’ve already been here before. If you really think everyone will start acting like team players all of a sudden I don’t know what to tell you. If I want take a scroll and farm it you can’t stop me and after that I can dump it into slaughter fish. If I don’t like you but you’re trying to get emp I could just not push for you. If you’re on your last emp keep I can just set up max siege so you can’t defend. Again, all of this has been done by people who would never play on another faction.

    New players are biased and likely don’t know what they’re talking about. I’m not looking for advice about open world from someone who is new, especially in this particular scenario.

    Yea but you will have camapigns without faction locks, its like you have to have everyone play as you like ?...

    It’s not about playing how I like it’s about it not being enough players to support this change. Anyone with some decent common sense would realize that.

    so, yea lol, lets force the majority to play like you want... that makes sense ?
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Miriel wrote: »
    Miriel wrote: »
    Ahtu wrote: »
    Miriel wrote: »
    You’re going back and forth with willfully ignorant people. You could work for zos and the loyalist will still come up with anything they can think of. If zos did things by the numbers they’d know shor is dead the majority of the day and that it doesn’t matter if people are for or against faction lock; they’re going to stack in the 30 day like they always have.

    I’ve predominantly played the same faction, the die hard loyalist have always been more toxic in the game. But sure let’s pretend they’re good Boy Scouts and can do no wrong. Yeah...okay, playing one alliance doesn’t make you a team it just means you’re on the same alliance. So I’m sorry to the one guy who thinks faction locks will make people push for him, it won’t.

    And again you can still play as YOU want... and i can play as i like... alot of us are tired of faction hoppers and dont want to play with it... Thanks ZoS for giving options

    Faction locks won’t change anything you’re complaining about besides swapping to the winning side. It’s like you guys are new to the game.

    We don't know that for certain until faction locks take effect. I have my theory on what's going to happen, but it's just a hunch so I won't share it here. Also, you act like being new to the game is a bad thing, but keep in mind that new players are unbiased and offer different perspectives.

    Except we do know because we’ve already been here before. If you really think everyone will start acting like team players all of a sudden I don’t know what to tell you. If I want take a scroll and farm it you can’t stop me and after that I can dump it into slaughter fish. If I don’t like you but you’re trying to get emp I could just not push for you. If you’re on your last emp keep I can just set up max siege so you can’t defend. Again, all of this has been done by people who would never play on another faction.

    New players are biased and likely don’t know what they’re talking about. I’m not looking for advice about open world from someone who is new, especially in this particular scenario.

    Yea but you will have camapigns without faction locks, its like you have to have everyone play as you like ?...

    It’s not about playing how I like it’s about it not being enough players to support this change. Anyone with some decent common sense would realize that.

    so, yea lol, lets force the majority to play like you want... that makes sense ?

    Yeah I’m just ignoring you.
  • Miriel
    Miriel wrote: »
    Miriel wrote: »
    Ahtu wrote: »
    Miriel wrote: »
    You’re going back and forth with willfully ignorant people. You could work for zos and the loyalist will still come up with anything they can think of. If zos did things by the numbers they’d know shor is dead the majority of the day and that it doesn’t matter if people are for or against faction lock; they’re going to stack in the 30 day like they always have.

    I’ve predominantly played the same faction, the die hard loyalist have always been more toxic in the game. But sure let’s pretend they’re good Boy Scouts and can do no wrong. Yeah...okay, playing one alliance doesn’t make you a team it just means you’re on the same alliance. So I’m sorry to the one guy who thinks faction locks will make people push for him, it won’t.

    And again you can still play as YOU want... and i can play as i like... alot of us are tired of faction hoppers and dont want to play with it... Thanks ZoS for giving options

    Faction locks won’t change anything you’re complaining about besides swapping to the winning side. It’s like you guys are new to the game.

    We don't know that for certain until faction locks take effect. I have my theory on what's going to happen, but it's just a hunch so I won't share it here. Also, you act like being new to the game is a bad thing, but keep in mind that new players are unbiased and offer different perspectives.

    Except we do know because we’ve already been here before. If you really think everyone will start acting like team players all of a sudden I don’t know what to tell you. If I want take a scroll and farm it you can’t stop me and after that I can dump it into slaughter fish. If I don’t like you but you’re trying to get emp I could just not push for you. If you’re on your last emp keep I can just set up max siege so you can’t defend. Again, all of this has been done by people who would never play on another faction.

    New players are biased and likely don’t know what they’re talking about. I’m not looking for advice about open world from someone who is new, especially in this particular scenario.

    Yea but you will have camapigns without faction locks, its like you have to have everyone play as you like ?...

    It’s not about playing how I like it’s about it not being enough players to support this change. Anyone with some decent common sense would realize that.

    so, yea lol, lets force the majority to play like you want... that makes sense ?

    Yeah I’m just ignoring you.

    Yea but you still dont get it... we dont want to play with faction hopping... and you will be able to play withit... then you can argue, it wont make a change, or pops or what ever... people are fed up and tired and want it gone, i dont care where i play, i just want a server for those that dont...

    The irony is, faction hoppers will still be on the server with faction locks, even if they could have their own campaign, thats reality
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