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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

[Class Rep] Templar Feedback Thread

  • Mitaka211
    They want us to buy the new expansion, main necromancer which will force us to spend more money to unlock all the perks we have on our mains. They don't care about templar.
    Anyone who has played on the pts, how does stamplar fare compared to other classes? Sure we did not get any major buff, but with the rework on other classes , we might do better? I am talking about the pvp aspect.
    Edited by Mitaka211 on April 23, 2019 8:29AM
  • KurtAngle2
    Templar will officially and once again become the worst class to have in a PvE/PvP environment when Necromancer comes out...no changes worthy of note except for constant nerfs to skills that nobody already uses. I wish I hadn't made a Templar when I started playing ESO cause it's the only class that I never log in with
    Edited by KurtAngle2 on April 23, 2019 1:20PM
  • Minno
    Mitaka211 wrote: »
    They want us to buy the new expansion, main necromancer which will force us to spend more money to unlock all the perks we have on our mains. They don't care about templar.
    Anyone who has played on the pts, how does stamplar fare compared to other classes? Sure we did not get any major buff, but with the rework on other classes , we might do better? I am talking about the pvp aspect.

    Stamplar is dead. Most either going heavy armor in a last ditch effort or rerolled Sorc/dk.

    I went back to magplar after seeing I got better stats than stamplar.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Cinbri
    We don't ask for anything extraordinal, we just want to be treated equally to others.
    At least we need our key skills to work properly and adjusted to current reality:
    1. Jabs:
    A. we know how it has snare on last hit - it was band-aid fix of switching hard CC for soft CC, as it was providing so short knockback that literally it was just free cc immunity to enemy. Caused alot of negativity in templar community. So we ended with it.
    Now we at least need adjustment of its snare for several reasons:
    2. battles became even more mobile since 2.3.5, and upcoming update literally everyone will have snare immunity and major speed buffs. Speed will make chances to land jabs even worse while snare immunity will mostly neglect strength of snare, making it even less reliable.
    2. I already posted gif on some previous page about weird situation that last tick of jabs mysteriously missing target and thus it missing snare apply. That making chances of snare enemy to be like rng.
    3. Snare on last hit simply dont help with landing jabs, despite its main function of it. Your first jabs wont have increased chance of landing because target wont be snared and thus chances that last hit snare will apply even lower, meaning that it wont help with 2nd jabs, i.e. when used in rapid succession. Note that in actual combat you cant simply spam jabs, you have to swap bars/block/use other skills but as soon as you do this - snare will expire and wont help you intime of you will cast jabs again for dps rotation again.
    4. Using Jabs is literally apply aoe dot with 2sec 70% snare on one target. How bad snare on last hit can be seen in comparison - imagine if Razor Caltrops would have apply its 3sec of 70% snare not on initial drop of it but upon expiring. It would literally made functionality of morph unexisting. Exactly same going on with Jabs: it should fell like - you entered AoE of Jabs - get snare on you.
    Because all of this, at least till zos wont figure how they want jabs to operate - we must get baind-aid adjustment of making snare to proc on 1st hit, and thus every single cast of jabs will have his own chance to be landed without relying that target will be snared with previously spammed jabs.

    B. It should be excluded from being counted as AoE like other other fake AoEs. Because it contradict main function of jabs - we use it as single-target spammable just like dks use whip for it or nb use swallow soul for it. Having really small aoe dot on it not changing that it our main skill for single-target pressure, we cant hit more than 1 target with its 140% increased damage. Nor it making Jabs into OP defensive skill when outnumbered as Jabs is literally just single-target channel with combine of channeled aoe dot - when there is 2 enemy on you, you will deal actual damage to 1 opponent and heal from him; but while 2nd opponent will deal full damage to you, your Jabs with its aoe damage will deal only damage equal to ordinary dot and thus healing of it will be so low that it won't even outheal a single enemy dot.
    In heavily outnumbered situation it useless as defensive skill because unlike Inhale it heal for 40% of damage, not 100%. And unlike Inhale Jabs wont deal its main target damage to all nearby targets. And then AoE Caps happens so your damage will be reduced even more just like heal. Imagine Jabs aoe dot which is 140% less than main target, that will be reduced for 25-50% by aoe caps = it literally unexisting damage and 40% heal of such damage is 1/10 of proper HoT. That why it incorrect to look on Jabs as aoe skill and not single-target.
    Yet Inhale received rulebreaker treatment to act on its healing like jabs and to absorb 100% of its damage which is by itself equally high for 6 targets and then 100% heal from all hitted targets that will be subjects of aoe caps.
    Jabs should be our rulebreaker and not affected by aoe mitigations.

    2. Rite of Passage - I dont' understand how it possible to talk about updating abilities and ignore that there is single ult in this game that wasn't properly treated for 4 years.

    3. Toppling Charge - this change had potential to be best templar change this update. On paper we could get very versatile and strong hard CC that would increase our mobility, would help to fight high mobile enemies, that next update even more important; it would provide strong defensive bonus - fore example wear snb+cahrge+heavy attack=restore 5.6k stamina, so it could save templar stamina issues. On CP it would help magplar with its terrible offensive strength in form of Exploiter passive that would allow us to have 10% more damage. I would gladly removed Eclipse and slot Toppling Charge with all those those new possibilities, but only if our charge would work like other classes charge. However its not and Toppling Charge will remain to be as bad as it was pre-CWC. I remember too good how terribly it was functioning, even nerfed Eclipse is better than this.
    And reason of it terrible functioning is mechanic of our Charge to be different from other classes - it is not teleport, so we cant use this skill when being rooted, unlike nb or dk, or use gap-closer to use on far away enemy to use it as escape teleport tool like nb use shadow or sorcs use streak, or warden use his veins. It almost as when Dragonleap had problem of being used because it is not teleport and you cant use it when rooted, so zos made it automatically cleanse roots.
    And thus we cant use it as reliable as other class charges and being source of clunkiness of skill, when it takes lot of calculations for skill instead of just play animation of charge - port to enemy - finish animation. It also making our charge slow because we actually play animation of charging toward enemy, and unlike teleports we cant blockcast it or swap weapon during it. Pretty sure everyone felt when you charge on enemy and eat all his CC+burst combo during charge right into the face.
    Because of it not acting like teleport we also have minimal range restriction to paly its run+leaping strike animation. but this minimal range is overkill for this skill, making it completely unviable against any mobile opponent.
    Best change to make Templar Charge act like teleport and have proper visual effect to thematically fit.
    And while all npc nighblades have same teleporting strike that nighblades have, there is another teleporting attack that used by armored religious npcs, like trinimac zealots and sixth house clarions, i.e. paladin-styled enemies - it called Divine Leap and it look great.
    Templar could get this for his Charge, jump in the beginning of animation like nightblades and then port to enemy.
    From 1st PoV this charge look very cool, like small nuclear explosion:

    4. Backlash - no wonder this skill barely used nowdays for dps now when currently it contradict its goal to be solo dps tool. Instead, it being group dps skill and for that it has low cap damage and low store damage capability that limiting its damage.
    Because of it in PvE it becoming dps loss.
    While in PvP it lead to things like when you deal overwhelming amount of damage that literally melt your opponent but difference in your burst ability damage compared to his comparable burst ability is tremendous:
    It doesn't scale of wpd/spd, zos could made its % of stored damage to scale of it, higher stats=easier to achieve damage.
    Edited by Cinbri on April 23, 2019 2:54PM
  • Elsterchen
    Mitaka211 wrote: »
    They want us to buy the new expansion, main necromancer which will force us to spend more money to unlock all the perks we have on our mains. They don't care about templar.
    Anyone who has played on the pts, how does stamplar fare compared to other classes? Sure we did not get any major buff, but with the rework on other classes , we might do better? I am talking about the pvp aspect.

    Well, I have serious issues on PTS (weaving doesn't work and LAs in general are wonky, delayed and look painfull), so all i did was testing setups on dummys.

    I play DW/DW ... so idk about bow and/or 2H. But so far I can say, if you have played a bleedbuild you probably will notice a difference. I decided to scrap that little extra one may get from "approved" builds and tried some funny stuff (all in range of "just slightly above average damage output") and will probably stick to that. Don't really see a use in aiming for something that is definately out of reach... so why not have fun trolling? ;)
  • Gnortranermara
    The biggest thing Templar needs right now is a slight modification to Sweeps. The damage to the closest target needs to be considered single-target, to bypass Major Evasion. No class should have their primary spammable rendered so completely useless. Or make Dark Flare an instant cast single target spammable so we can use that instead. Either way, we just a class spammable that can function properly in PvP.
  • Luckylancer
    Templars were and are the best healer in PvP and PvE without healing ritual. If we make it usefull, that will make templars even more best in slot for healer, ZoS dont want it. They nerfed templar healer a d buff others for a reason.

    Here comes the opinion: remove it, give stamplar something. Magplar dont need it, stamplar needs some buffs. A completely new skill can cure few problems with stamplar. It dont have to be heal too, 3rd and 5th skills are not heal. It can be whatever ZoS decide to buff stamplars.
  • Minno
    Templars were and are the best healer in PvP and PvE without healing ritual. If we make it usefull, that will make templars even more best in slot for healer, ZoS dont want it. They nerfed templar healer a d buff others for a reason.

    Here comes the opinion: remove it, give stamplar something. Magplar dont need it, stamplar needs some buffs. A completely new skill can cure few problems with stamplar. It dont have to be heal too, 3rd and 5th skills are not heal. It can be whatever ZoS decide to buff stamplars.

    cant do that now because they gave necro the strong HOT needed to replace it lol.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Mr_Nobody
    Templars were and are the best healer in PvP and PvE without healing ritual. If we make it usefull, that will make templars even more best in slot for healer, ZoS dont want it. They nerfed templar healer a d buff others for a reason.

    Here comes the opinion: remove it, give stamplar something. Magplar dont need it, stamplar needs some buffs. A completely new skill can cure few problems with stamplar. It dont have to be heal too, 3rd and 5th skills are not heal. It can be whatever ZoS decide to buff stamplars.

    what do you mean magplars dont need it?

    Have you seen a solo magplar?

    Right, not including myself, I havent. And I usually derp all over the map during NA's Vivec prime time. Says a lot. Magplars are the ones which need boosts the most of all classes. Saying we are the beast healers makes no sense since every other class can do the same if not better. Healing ults on paper look good but those are zerg paradise instruments which do nothing apart zerg surfing and random healing. They can VERY rarely be applied to actual group play, and never in solo play. Magplar ults are a joke, all of them besides Nova, which is a key thingy pingy in group fights.

    Magic AOE damage SUCKS. Templars most damage is MAGIC AOE. Plus, over time. They all get reduced by various kinds of CPs and skills and items 5PCs.

    You can get a 6k spell damage build on a templar and tickle on most heavy/medium users, whilst that cannot be said about 6k weapon damage Jabs. The difference? yeah, there we go. Besides, stamina is way more versatile and solo/smallman friendly.

    Tbh, i dont even get it why smallman grps would take overall-magplars, since their use is so small its close to being non-existent. Id rather then just take a healbot to at least know that the templar is going to do something. Keep in mind again, any class could be a healbot too, but in many ways provide much more utility. A healbot warden can be annoying AF due to slows/roots, a healbot NB is literally unkillable and provides unblockable CC. Templar provides BoL, thats the only thing. And you rarely need BoL if you play in a smallman (considering multiple Vigors).

    ~ @Niekas ~

  • Mr_Nobody
    nub quoted myself somehow:D

    Edited by Mr_Nobody on April 24, 2019 6:56AM
    ~ @Niekas ~

  • Jabbs_Giggity
    Just wanted to leave this here, as it almost severely contradicts every class identity vs Live.

    "These traveling knights call upon the powers of light and the burning sun to deal massive damage to their enemies while restoring health, magicka, and stamina to their allies."
    ―In-game description
    The Templar is the most Versatile class in the game that excels in every role in combat. Not true.
    This class with great defensive passives, damage-absorbing skills and shield-based abilities and anti-undead skills allows building classic Paladin type characters which, arguably, have the highest survivability in the game with excellent defense and self-healing abilities. Not ture
    The Templar can also be great Blademaster type characters. Their mastery of all types of physical weapons is best amongst all classes. As such two-handed weapon wielding Blademaster type characters has insane physical damage dealing power second to only dual-wielding Assassin type Nightblades by a small margin but have significantly higher survivability than Assassin type Nightblades. Not ture
    The Templar can also be good Rangers as well, due to their increased damage with the bow. Not ture
    The Templar class makes excellent Cleric type characters. They are, undoubtedly, the best healers in the game. Not ture
    The Templar's only real weakness is their low mobility. This, however, does not matter too much as the Templar is great at holding its ground. Not ture
    The Templar class is recommended for all players new to the game. Not ture
  • Minno
    Just wanted to leave this here, as it almost severely contradicts every class identity vs Live.

    "These traveling knights call upon the powers of light and the burning sun to deal massive damage to their enemies while restoring health, magicka, and stamina to their allies."
    ―In-game description
    The Templar is the most Versatile class in the game that excels in every role in combat. Not true.
    This class with great defensive passives, damage-absorbing skills and shield-based abilities and anti-undead skills allows building classic Paladin type characters which, arguably, have the highest survivability in the game with excellent defense and self-healing abilities. Not ture
    The Templar can also be great Blademaster type characters. Their mastery of all types of physical weapons is best amongst all classes. As such two-handed weapon wielding Blademaster type characters has insane physical damage dealing power second to only dual-wielding Assassin type Nightblades by a small margin but have significantly higher survivability than Assassin type Nightblades. Not ture
    The Templar can also be good Rangers as well, due to their increased damage with the bow. Not ture
    The Templar class makes excellent Cleric type characters. They are, undoubtedly, the best healers in the game. Not ture
    The Templar's only real weakness is their low mobility. This, however, does not matter too much as the Templar is great at holding its ground. Not ture
    The Templar class is recommended for all players new to the game. Not ture

    This is a great viewpoint. Though, none of that was the official in-game description. The only thing in game is the first sentience about dealing holy dmg/restoring resources.

    The templar skillbooks offer more insight, and talk of a mix flexibility between tank/dmg/healer:
    - dmg is through spears lol
    - tanking is through either a shield or "form of a diffuse aura that surrounds the righteous, mitigating the attacks of the abominable"
    - healing is healing.

    Of the three, that diffuse aura is missing and is needed in addition for our class shield.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Jabbs_Giggity
    @Minno I know, most of it is a write up from elderscroll fandom from launch. However it highlights what the playerbase wants out of the class.
  • Minno
    @Minno I know, most of it is a write up from elderscroll fandom from launch. However it highlights what the playerbase wants out of the class.

    Even the in-game lore wants more out of your templars lol:
    "Insomuch as all fell things abhor the light, so has Stendarr gifted all those who invoke His Name with the ability to clothe themselves in a righteous aura of blessed light. Over time, even as evil's many Abominations found new ways to afflict Tamriel's mortals with destruction and death, the Priests and Resolutes of Stendarr have adapted Stendarr's glowing gift to many purposes, whether to smite, to defend, or to heal."
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • technohic
    You guys have me looking at templar lore in TES outside of just ESO and how I wish Stamplar had something like this instead of a damage empowering sweep.
    Stendarr's Hammer
    Stendarr's Hammer is a massive hammer rumored to have once been wielded by Stendarr, the God of Justice. It is made of ebony and sapphire. The weapon is enchanted to drain or damage the health of those it strikes, at the cost of the wielder's stamina. It was one of the first artifacts to be added to Torasa Aram's museum in Mournhold. The hammer is too heavy for most people to use in combat; it took four men to simply lift the artifact onto its display podium in the museum. Its origins are unknown, but it was still in Aram's possession circa 3E 427. In the year 4E 201, it resurfaced in Calcelmo of Markarth's possession and was put on display in his private Dwemer museum in Markarth, though it was stolen soon after he acquired it.

    Sounds like DBOS though; no? Maybe as a regular ability level since it drains stamina
    Edited by technohic on April 24, 2019 4:33PM
  • cazlonb16_ESO
    Mr_Nobody wrote: »
    Templars were and are the best healer in PvP and PvE without healing ritual. If we make it usefull, that will make templars even more best in slot for healer, ZoS dont want it. They nerfed templar healer a d buff others for a reason.

    Here comes the opinion: remove it, give stamplar something. Magplar dont need it, stamplar needs some buffs. A completely new skill can cure few problems with stamplar. It dont have to be heal too, 3rd and 5th skills are not heal. It can be whatever ZoS decide to buff stamplars.

    what do you mean magplars dont need it?

    Have you seen a solo magplar?

    Right, not including myself, I havent. And I usually derp all over the map during NA's Vivec prime time.

    Not much different on EU PC Vivec. Outside of cliche healbots and the occasional tanktroll Templars basically do not exist.in Cyro. There used to be a couple stamplars around, but one of the recent patches killed them off pretty decisively.
  • Jabbs_Giggity
    Can someone briefly explain to me how Spearwall Passive works?
    It states that by Slotting an Aedric Spear ability you gain Minor Protection for 3s.

    How does this refresh? Do you have to slot it, get it for 3s, open inventory > Skills unslot/reslot, reapply for 3s?


    Not at home to verify, just was looking some stuff up to see if Stamplar build can be somewhat viable again...
  • Mr_Nobody
    Can someone briefly explain to me how Spearwall Passive works?
    It states that by Slotting an Aedric Spear ability you gain Minor Protection for 3s.

    How does this refresh? Do you have to slot it, get it for 3s, open inventory > Skills unslot/reslot, reapply for 3s?


    Not at home to verify, just was looking some stuff up to see if Stamplar build can be somewhat viable again...

    You get the buff when casting the ability for 3 seconds.
    ~ @Niekas ~

  • Jabbs_Giggity
    Mr_Nobody wrote: »
    Can someone briefly explain to me how Spearwall Passive works?
    It states that by Slotting an Aedric Spear ability you gain Minor Protection for 3s.

    How does this refresh? Do you have to slot it, get it for 3s, open inventory > Skills unslot/reslot, reapply for 3s?


    Not at home to verify, just was looking some stuff up to see if Stamplar build can be somewhat viable again...

    You get the buff when casting the ability for 3 seconds.

    I know. :D Just thought I would throw it out there.
  • Checkmath
    Mr_Nobody wrote: »
    Templars were and are the best healer in PvP and PvE without healing ritual. If we make it usefull, that will make templars even more best in slot for healer, ZoS dont want it. They nerfed templar healer a d buff others for a reason.

    Here comes the opinion: remove it, give stamplar something. Magplar dont need it, stamplar needs some buffs. A completely new skill can cure few problems with stamplar. It dont have to be heal too, 3rd and 5th skills are not heal. It can be whatever ZoS decide to buff stamplars.

    what do you mean magplars dont need it?

    Have you seen a solo magplar?

    Right, not including myself, I havent. And I usually derp all over the map during NA's Vivec prime time.

    Not much different on EU PC Vivec. Outside of cliche healbots and the occasional tanktroll Templars basically do not exist.in Cyro. There used to be a couple stamplars around, but one of the recent patches killed them off pretty decisively.

    My existence gets ignored or denied....
  • cazlonb16_ESO
    Checkmath wrote: »
    Mr_Nobody wrote: »
    Templars were and are the best healer in PvP and PvE without healing ritual. If we make it usefull, that will make templars even more best in slot for healer, ZoS dont want it. They nerfed templar healer a d buff others for a reason.

    Here comes the opinion: remove it, give stamplar something. Magplar dont need it, stamplar needs some buffs. A completely new skill can cure few problems with stamplar. It dont have to be heal too, 3rd and 5th skills are not heal. It can be whatever ZoS decide to buff stamplars.

    what do you mean magplars dont need it?

    Have you seen a solo magplar?

    Right, not including myself, I havent. And I usually derp all over the map during NA's Vivec prime time.

    Not much different on EU PC Vivec. Outside of cliche healbots and the occasional tanktroll Templars basically do not exist.in Cyro. There used to be a couple stamplars around, but one of the recent patches killed them off pretty decisively.

    My existence gets ignored or denied....

    Ok, there is one per alliance I guess, AD slot is mine.
    Edited by cazlonb16_ESO on April 24, 2019 8:07PM
  • Sanguinor2
    In high MMR BGs on EU nearly every templar also is a healbot, I Always run with a Damage build but still end up healing for over 750k since my Team most of the time lacks a dedicated healer and if I am on magplar that Duty apparently falls to me.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • StarOfElyon
    Just wanted to leave this here, as it almost severely contradicts every class identity vs Live.

    "These traveling knights call upon the powers of light and the burning sun to deal massive damage to their enemies while restoring health, magicka, and stamina to their allies."
    ―In-game description
    The Templar is the most Versatile class in the game that excels in every role in combat. Not true.
    This class with great defensive passives, damage-absorbing skills and shield-based abilities and anti-undead skills allows building classic Paladin type characters which, arguably, have the highest survivability in the game with excellent defense and self-healing abilities. Not ture
    The Templar can also be great Blademaster type characters. Their mastery of all types of physical weapons is best amongst all classes. As such two-handed weapon wielding Blademaster type characters has insane physical damage dealing power second to only dual-wielding Assassin type Nightblades by a small margin but have significantly higher survivability than Assassin type Nightblades. Not ture
    The Templar can also be good Rangers as well, due to their increased damage with the bow. Not ture
    The Templar class makes excellent Cleric type characters. They are, undoubtedly, the best healers in the game. Not ture
    The Templar's only real weakness is their low mobility. This, however, does not matter too much as the Templar is great at holding its ground. Not ture
    The Templar class is recommended for all players new to the game. Not ture

    "holding its ground?"

    More like "get melted into the ground" for not being able to dodgeroll out of the aoe cause you're out of stamina from breaking CC.
  • Minno
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    In high MMR BGs on EU nearly every templar also is a healbot, I Always run with a Damage build but still end up healing for over 750k since my Team most of the time lacks a dedicated healer and if I am on magplar that Duty apparently falls to me.

    Alpha's dont drop down to Beta roles. IF they want to survive, let them slot a heal lol.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Sanguinor2
    Minno wrote: »

    Alpha's dont drop down to Beta roles. IF they want to survive, let them slot a heal lol.

    But I also want to win :/

    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • Minno
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »

    Alpha's dont drop down to Beta roles. IF they want to survive, let them slot a heal lol.

    But I also want to win :/

    There is no "pleasing others" in team ;). IF they want to win, they need to realize not every templar is stuck in healbot mode.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • EtTuBrutus
    Minno wrote: »
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »

    Alpha's dont drop down to Beta roles. IF they want to survive, let them slot a heal lol.

    But I also want to win :/

    There is no "pleasing others" in team ;). IF they want to win, they need to realize not every templar is stuck in healbot mode.

    But ruining a burst timing on an ally is among the most tactical thing a player can do in a TEAM game. I think of them as slightly less effective engine guardians i can body block with LOL
  • Baconlad
    Talk about removing class identity...they want all magplar to build completely the same?

    A few years ago there was incredible diversity of templar builds
    -we had and still have the stamplar, weaker version from a few years ago but still here. More common than damage PvP specced magplar.
    -healtanks in pvp and pve
    -typical magplar DD pve and pvp
    -glass healers
    -pve tanks
    -blazing shield builds in pvp and pve
    -dark flare based glass canons
    -hell even a few snipe spam pvp builds I've seen still hanging around.

    When you look at the pvp side of the house though, most of those specs have either been directly removed from viability or replaced by another class doing it better as a result of templar nerfs and other class buffs.

    My three favorite builds are blazing shield pvp and pve, magplar DD pvp and dark flare glass canon pvp.

    They *** blazing shield and nailed the coffin closed about two years ago now I think, was right before morrowind was the last time I saw one.

    Magplar DD, your typical sweep plar, only way to play outnumbered 1vX these days...varying levels of tank and damage depending on build.

    And finally my personal favorite...flareplar...is going to die this upcoming patch. I remember dark flare when I first unlocked it, how badass it looked and how painful it was to enemies who underestimated the damage. A very unique skill imo...their going to kill it.

    What upsets me personally about this whole thing, is that everyone's talking about how bad magplar, stamplar are. But there's only like three posts in here trying to bring up dark flare. It's going to be completely useless, six second major defile AOE on a (still very slow) 1 second cast time incredibly easy to counter skill that will deal less damage than non cast time skills? Common...that's crazy! You dont even get the defile unless you hit your initial target. Warden gets it on instant cast easily and cheaply placed ground skill that the debuff stays on as long as hes in the field...

    I understand we are all upset about NOTHING positive (except toppling charge change...that's nice) in the patch notes...but can we all come together and lament the death of a signature skill? I should say the death of ANOTHER signature skill...or can we come together and just say no to the nerfs to it?

  • Mr_Nobody
    Baconlad wrote: »
    Talk about removing class identity...they want all magplar to build completely the same?

    A few years ago there was incredible diversity of templar builds
    -we had and still have the stamplar, weaker version from a few years ago but still here. More common than damage PvP specced magplar.
    -healtanks in pvp and pve
    -typical magplar DD pve and pvp
    -glass healers
    -pve tanks
    -blazing shield builds in pvp and pve
    -dark flare based glass canons
    -hell even a few snipe spam pvp builds I've seen still hanging around.

    When you look at the pvp side of the house though, most of those specs have either been directly removed from viability or replaced by another class doing it better as a result of templar nerfs and other class buffs.

    My three favorite builds are blazing shield pvp and pve, magplar DD pvp and dark flare glass canon pvp.

    They *** blazing shield and nailed the coffin closed about two years ago now I think, was right before morrowind was the last time I saw one.

    Magplar DD, your typical sweep plar, only way to play outnumbered 1vX these days...varying levels of tank and damage depending on build.

    And finally my personal favorite...flareplar...is going to die this upcoming patch. I remember dark flare when I first unlocked it, how badass it looked and how painful it was to enemies who underestimated the damage. A very unique skill imo...their going to kill it.

    What upsets me personally about this whole thing, is that everyone's talking about how bad magplar, stamplar are. But there's only like three posts in here trying to bring up dark flare. It's going to be completely useless, six second major defile AOE on a (still very slow) 1 second cast time incredibly easy to counter skill that will deal less damage than non cast time skills? Common...that's crazy! You dont even get the defile unless you hit your initial target. Warden gets it on instant cast easily and cheaply placed ground skill that the debuff stays on as long as hes in the field...

    I understand we are all upset about NOTHING positive (except toppling charge change...that's nice) in the patch notes...but can we all come together and lament the death of a signature skill? I should say the death of ANOTHER signature skill...or can we come together and just say no to the nerfs to it?

    yah they killed gankplar builds and dark flare in general.

    It seems to me they want magplars to run some annoying sets like fassallas, spam 0 dmg dark flares, throw a heal or two before going out of magicka and respawn @ high rock.

    Truly special class.

    Anyways, im soon to hit my Grand Overlord and i will leave this templar as my pve toy to hunt the achievements ;) Not going to play it in PvP any single minute unless it gets completely changed.
    ~ @Niekas ~

  • cazlonb16_ESO
    Blazeplars have been pretty much dead since that damage stacking bug was fixed shortly after release. Since then, they as well as the infamous Dark Flare gankplars were proof of concept characters only - How often were you actually killed by either of them ? In my case zero times I can remember, i don't think DF in particular EVER showed up on my death recap.
    Edited by cazlonb16_ESO on April 26, 2019 3:33PM
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