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Upcoming Racial Passive Changes - Your Thoughts.

  • Sylvermynx
    Morgha_Kul wrote: »
    Here's a thing, though... everything affects combat. There's really nothing else in the game. Oh, there's crafting, I suppose... But beyond that, there's nothing but combat.

    For example, Altmer are known for being especially adept at magic, so logically would have better magicka related abilities... and that would affect combat. Nords are known for being very resistant to cold... which affects combat. Physical attributes will always affect combat, because combat is decided by physical means (this includes physical attributes that affect magickal potential).

    And that's how it should be, if you ask me. The trick is to make the benefit be sufficient for each race, that it doesn't overshadow the benefit of other races. That is, each race should be good at something.

    No. all attributes based on race are in fact racist

    the idea that a person is better suited for any task over another person, based upon race is in fact racist. all these role playing games perpetuate this belief and indoctrinate all the players into the racist agenda.

    i've been playing rpg's for over 35 years and they are all the same in this regard. it doesn't take a genius to see it though.

    what really makes a person good at a task isnt race but access and opportunity. If you want a direct basic understanding of this then please watch the tv show Adam Ruins Everything. A recent episode, Adam ruins a sitcom, does a down and dirty examination of this fact and uses lots of examples from relevant recent hx of the usa, including basketball and mathematics just to name a couple.

    What i really wish is that ZOS/Bethesda/Whomsoever made this game playable without racist bias but allowed players to develop the passives of their toons based upon the choices they make in the game. This would keep the game legit and non-racist by accentuating the reality of access and opportunity.

    OR --- OR --- you could get off your high horse and realize that this is a friggin fantasy game and not a direct representation of real life society.

    Yours may be the dumbest post that I have ever read and that's saying a LOT. If you want to mimic real life society - go play Sims.

    Yeah, was just getting ready to post same, then realized there were a couple more posts down the page. So yep - you get an awesome. Too bad I can't also give you an agree - because as egregious IRL garbage, that post was primo.
  • Iluvrien
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Morgha_Kul wrote: »
    Here's a thing, though... everything affects combat. There's really nothing else in the game. Oh, there's crafting, I suppose... But beyond that, there's nothing but combat.

    For example, Altmer are known for being especially adept at magic, so logically would have better magicka related abilities... and that would affect combat. Nords are known for being very resistant to cold... which affects combat. Physical attributes will always affect combat, because combat is decided by physical means (this includes physical attributes that affect magickal potential).

    And that's how it should be, if you ask me. The trick is to make the benefit be sufficient for each race, that it doesn't overshadow the benefit of other races. That is, each race should be good at something.

    No. all attributes based on race are in fact racist

    the idea that a person is better suited for any task over another person, based upon race is in fact racist. all these role playing games perpetuate this belief and indoctrinate all the players into the racist agenda.

    i've been playing rpg's for over 35 years and they are all the same in this regard. it doesn't take a genius to see it though.

    what really makes a person good at a task isnt race but access and opportunity. If you want a direct basic understanding of this then please watch the tv show Adam Ruins Everything. A recent episode, Adam ruins a sitcom, does a down and dirty examination of this fact and uses lots of examples from relevant recent hx of the usa, including basketball and mathematics just to name a couple.

    What i really wish is that ZOS/Bethesda/Whomsoever made this game playable without racist bias but allowed players to develop the passives of their toons based upon the choices they make in the game. This would keep the game legit and non-racist by accentuating the reality of access and opportunity.

    OR --- OR --- you could get off your high horse and realize that this is a friggin fantasy game and not a direct representation of real life society.

    Yours may be the dumbest post that I have ever read and that's saying a LOT. If you want to mimic real life society - go play Sims.

    Yeah, was just getting ready to post same, then realized there were a couple more posts down the page. So yep - you get an awesome. Too bad I can't also give you an agree - because as egregious IRL garbage, that post was primo.


    Not least because it may be that we are dealing with different species and “races” is actually a misnomer. Interfertility hasn’t been established (as far as I know) in some pairings involving Khajiit or Argonians.

    So suggesting that racism is involved here may very well be like getting angry at people suggesting that Cheetahs and Camels don’t have the same qualities.
  • Tigerseye
    Impossible to answer.

    Because it all boils down to whether the changes really will make the races more balanced (or less unbalanced) and the choice of race less impactful.

    IF they do, then I'm very positive about it.

    Whereas, if they don't, then nothing much changes, overall and it's just shifting the inequality around a bit.
  • Olith
    Morgha_Kul wrote: »
    Here's a thing, though... everything affects combat. There's really nothing else in the game. Oh, there's crafting, I suppose... But beyond that, there's nothing but combat.

    For example, Altmer are known for being especially adept at magic, so logically would have better magicka related abilities... and that would affect combat. Nords are known for being very resistant to cold... which affects combat. Physical attributes will always affect combat, because combat is decided by physical means (this includes physical attributes that affect magickal potential).

    And that's how it should be, if you ask me. The trick is to make the benefit be sufficient for each race, that it doesn't overshadow the benefit of other races. That is, each race should be good at something.

    No. all attributes based on race are in fact racist

    the idea that a person is better suited for any task over another person, based upon race is in fact racist. all these role playing games perpetuate this belief and indoctrinate all the players into the racist agenda.

    i've been playing rpg's for over 35 years and they are all the same in this regard. it doesn't take a genius to see it though.

    what really makes a person good at a task isnt race but access and opportunity. If you want a direct basic understanding of this then please watch the tv show Adam Ruins Everything. A recent episode, Adam ruins a sitcom, does a down and dirty examination of this fact and uses lots of examples from relevant recent hx of the usa, including basketball and mathematics just to name a couple.

    What i really wish is that ZOS/Bethesda/Whomsoever made this game playable without racist bias but allowed players to develop the passives of their toons based upon the choices they make in the game. This would keep the game legit and non-racist by accentuating the reality of access and opportunity.

    That is a misconception that is, unfortunately, very common. Do, for example, people from Africa have darker skin? Yes, of course. Is it racist to state that? No, of course not. It's a simple, obvious fact. Racism is the believe that some people are "worthless" and don't deserve the same rights and freedoms as the others because of their race (or whatever you like to call it). Please stop that "politically correct" nonsense, it has nothing to do with the discussion.
  • Vinterskald
    I'm kinda "eh..." about the whole thing, because it's not at all what I would have expected when they announced it for the first time.

    What I would've thought they would do based on their announcement was some way to make both magicka and stamina class varieties work for everyone, while still retaining most of the original changes. So Khajiit would still make great stealth characters, but you would at some point be able to have one passive that you could morph to focus on either stamina or magicka. Hence you could easily create a Bosmer adept in magic, or a Breton fighter with a focus on stamina, and still get some of the original passives as long as they make sense, so that you could still get your flame/spell resistance, max health buff, ... what have you. But you wouldn't be stuck with only one option. And there would absolutely be lore-friendly solutions to that. There's great Nord mages, so why not give them the opportunity to have a magicka passive without forcing it on all those players whose Nord characters are stamina based? But still, that doesn't interfere with their frost resistance, so you could leave that one in.

    Then again, I think most of the racial passives can be evened out by gear, food, and CP. There's a Breton stamblade and a Khajiit magplar among my alts, and I won't stop playing those now if I could make them work before. The changes are still definitely not what I would've expected.
    Barra agea ry sou karan.
  • Sekt_Tiberlus
    Very Negative
    Argonian is master race according to lore and supposed to be buffed, not nerfed.
  • logarifmik
    For the first time I must admit, that devs moves in the logical direction. I hope they'll do just the same with the story of the game.
    EU PC: @logarifmik | Languages: Русский, English
    Dimitri Frernis | Breton Sorcerer | Damage Dealer | Daggerfall Covenant
    Scales-of-Ice | Argonian Warden | Tank / Healer | Daggerfall Covenant
  • eso_lags
    Very Negative
    There is no balance.. There will never be balance.. Zos plays favorites with certain thing and neglects other things. It shows with the classes and it shows with these changes. Its all just a twisted popularity contest.
  • JAwtunes
    Dev tracker notes for those who havent seen them yet:

    Argonians: More healing done and higher resource return on potions.

    Bretons: Overall ZOS liked where they were, though are looking to make some (positive) adjustments/conditionals to the resistance passive.

    Dunmer: More damage is the goal, changes were too far from their original mechanics. Will gain more stamina and magicka stats to boost damage, though will have health reduced.

    Altmer: Goal was for Bretons to be sustain oriented and Spell Recharge was making High Elf both damage and sustain. ZOS wants this to still be a damage race and will look to reform Spell Recharge to provide something other than main stat return.
    Imperial: ZOS is looking to make Red Diamond do more than just be a % proc for health. They understand the race in general needed a boost. Imperials on the PTS were too restrictive for tank builds. They are versatile race and the new passive will reflect that

    Khajiit: ZOS generally liked what this race was offering, though indicated that some small boosts in the stats would be ideal. Stealth passive to be adjusted so they can’t literally walk under a guard’s nose without being seen.
    Orc: ZOS wants this to be a more damage oriented “brawler” race rather than a sustain option (that’s where Redgaurds are supposed to shine). So will likely see a boost in stamina (with less overall health) and unflinching rage will restore health rather than stamina on doing damage (with cooldown).

    Redguard: ZOS is generally satisfied with how this race functions mechanically, but would like to add some identity that aids them in combat. They’ll be getting a utility boost

    Bosmer: ZOS has heard concerns about the stackable powerful movement speed. Bosmers will still get a speed boost off dodge, it just wont be as high. Bosmers will get some short damage bonus as compensation. Note: Reps specifically asked about the community’s concern that bosmers are trading stealth for different buffs. We were told that ZOS saw these concerns and would work on creating more options/systems for stealth gameplay outside of race. With these additions, stealth gameplay will open up to more players, and also allow bosmers to have the nice combat buff will still having avenues to be as stealthy as before.

    Nord: There was quite a bit of discussion about this race. ZOS understands there are concerns that Nords will become the default too-good tank race because of the passive. However, before just nerfing or changing it, they would like to see some actual gameplay to see if these concerns come about. Alcast specifically mentioned that there are times a raid wants to hold Warhorn for a critical moment, which means sometimes ultimate counters goes up to 300, which would make the Nord passive useless. We talked about healers potentially also changing to Nords to get that passive, and we didn’t see that as a problem as the whole point of the racial changes was to diversify things and make for interesting choices. Besides, a Nord healer is giving up a ton of sustain, so give and take. The Reps agreed that actual gameplay was preferable to speculation. ZOS has their eyes on this race though.
  • zaria
    JAwtunes wrote: »
    Dev tracker notes for those who havent seen them yet:
    Do you have an link, looks like good news.
    Also an good way to handle it, give leave room to add stuff at the end rather than nerf.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Ri_Khan
    Can't help but feel like all my characters are being nerfed...again... :(
  • Schattenfluegel
    Very Positive
    eso_lags wrote: »
    There is no balance.. There will never be balance.. Zos plays favorites with certain thing and neglects other things. It shows with the classes and it shows with these changes. Its all just a twisted popularity contest.

    As player does it, too....

    I think the changes are very well.
    Edited by Schattenfluegel on February 3, 2019 4:58PM
    Love my Stamsorc
  • grannas211
    Morgha_Kul wrote: »
    Here's a thing, though... everything affects combat. There's really nothing else in the game. Oh, there's crafting, I suppose... But beyond that, there's nothing but combat.

    For example, Altmer are known for being especially adept at magic, so logically would have better magicka related abilities... and that would affect combat. Nords are known for being very resistant to cold... which affects combat. Physical attributes will always affect combat, because combat is decided by physical means (this includes physical attributes that affect magickal potential).

    And that's how it should be, if you ask me. The trick is to make the benefit be sufficient for each race, that it doesn't overshadow the benefit of other races. That is, each race should be good at something.

    No. all attributes based on race are in fact racist

    the idea that a person is better suited for any task over another person, based upon race is in fact racist. all these role playing games perpetuate this belief and indoctrinate all the players into the racist agenda.

    i've been playing rpg's for over 35 years and they are all the same in this regard. it doesn't take a genius to see it though.

    what really makes a person good at a task isnt race but access and opportunity. If you want a direct basic understanding of this then please watch the tv show Adam Ruins Everything. A recent episode, Adam ruins a sitcom, does a down and dirty examination of this fact and uses lots of examples from relevant recent hx of the usa, including basketball and mathematics just to name a couple.

    What i really wish is that ZOS/Bethesda/Whomsoever made this game playable without racist bias but allowed players to develop the passives of their toons based upon the choices they make in the game. This would keep the game legit and non-racist by accentuating the reality of access and opportunity.

    Never have i seen a username more reflect their post than this.
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