Upcoming Racial Passive Changes - Your Thoughts.

  • Shinshadow
    It's still to early to determine anything at this time. I'll give the devs the benefit of the doubt for now.
  • RebornV3x
    There Proably going to nerf the more popular races like high elf, dark elf, Breton, redguard, Argonians etc and slightly buff other races such as Nord etc. Which will Proably get more people to buy race changes in the crown store too.
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Though I'm in for changes, this news totally paralyzed my wish to develop new chars / adapt builds etc until patch will be released. We may expect anything, A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G.
    This is a really hard task to re-balance it all properly. If you ask me, I'll select hard way - ditch battle passives and add race skills instead, maybe one skill with 3 morphs - one for dps, one for healers, one for tanks, but that skill should be something fun and useful, on par with current meta.
  • ImmortalCX
    What boggles the mind is the conclusions op inferred from text made by zos employee. Talk about poor reading comprehension.
  • Mettaricana
    All they'll do is shift the metta say breton becomes new altner vosmer becomes new redguard altmer becomes new argonian etc they'll never get it right
  • Facefister
    They've posted literally nothing except they're going to change some racials. Maybe it will be better, maybe worse. It's not time to panic, that comes later.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    I think it's an extremely vague proposal with balance history not being on their side.

    For that reason, I think this is a pointless poll (redundant, I know) based on speculation that is likely to be completely and totally wrong.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • DjMuscleboy02
    Very Negative
    The difference in races is minimal even now. Just play what you want. In literally every scenario other than min maxing it does not matter. This is a useless change.
    Brodor - PC NA - ESO's only pure bodybuilding guild
    Hodor, but stronger
  • Agenericname
    Sounds good, but I'd be less than honest if I said I wasnt skeptical.

    Skeptical would have been a good poll choice.
  • laereal
    I'm chiming in to say that I would really like them to do a birthsign route or options to morph the passives to better serve the role they want to play with their character. That should allow for more flexibility in the way people play their characters, and people would not need costly race/name/appearance tokens to play the way that they want. After all, these upcoming race changes are sure to annoy everyone who had invested vast amounts of money and time on the characters they made.

    I would also like for certain racial passives to be more well thought out in the upcoming changes that would apply both for pvp and pve. Players need passives that would make them more competitive in terms of overall combat effectiveness instead of ultra-specific circumstances. I would like these passives to be useful all the time and not just temporarily like the increased exp for certain skills for example.

    I would really like for the dev team to be more practical in their approach, and put themselves in the shoes of many different kinds of players. As much as I like the roleplaying aspects of the game, most of the players would like to feel their passives to be most useful in combat but they also do not want to be tied down to super specialised passives that only certain races can offer. I think that might actually give players more freedom to get into their characters on a more narrative standpoint while still wanting to be useful in situations like dungeon or trial raids.

    Add: if zos could be so kind to run some of their ideas through the community first before going ahead with sweeping changes to the game, that would probably help a better rapport with your playerbase. I know i look terribly naïve asking for this but it would be sooo much better if you take the more constructive and sane suggestions of the community and their representatives and consider them properly.
    Edited by laereal on November 26, 2018 5:38PM
  • Crixus8000
    I meant to click very negetive. I have 0 faith in any changes made anymore. It's obviously going to just be nerfs.

    Although orc speed is bugged anyway so I was planning on changing, I guess I will wait to see who has been least nerfed.
    Edited by Crixus8000 on November 26, 2018 6:01PM
  • Parasaurolophus
    Very Positive
    Nice! Hopefully now all races will be relevant, not just 3.
  • Jimmy
    Come on dude, you can't vote on this until we know specifics.
    PC NA
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Very Positive
    The only mag sorcs are Altmer. Let me know when Breton is a viable mag class.... or viable for anything really.
    Altmer passives are too strong, and Bretons passives are trash.

    What are Redguards good for now that we can't generate stam while blocking? Bosmer has better stam regen for stam builds.

    Argonians are the new hotness for regen now, but for years they were only for healing.

    Orcs are good for... farming. Some PvP builds but that's it.

    There are still too many one race choices if you're building for end-game, not RP. It's good that ZOS is seeking to balance this more.
  • HalloweenWeed
    idk wrote: »
    Zos likes to talk about balancing a lot of stuff but they often fail.

    Look at how they changed weapon traits. {snip}...

    So I do not have much confidence In how Zos thinks things through. They lack a decent track record.
    Yet again I find myself agreeing 100% with idk.
    Look what they have done with Orcs. In the distant past, Orcs were belligerent thugs that were genuinely "rough & tough." ZOS made them into a joke. They are now "wanna be tough guys," to be laughed at, they've even lost their gruff voices in many cases. In Morrowind, elves were OBVIOUSLY elves. Over the decades they have been "humanized," looking more and more like humans. Some other races also more like human - losing the differences. The faces now are 100% undecernable from humankind. The racial passives have also went this way. They are making them all more and more "samey," losing their identities (except cosmetics of some races). This is the road I expect ZOS to take, as it is their history.

    "The unique feeling and flavor each race provides should be retained and enhanced where possible, and remain faithful to established lore."
    I expect this sentence to be utterly ignored and not followed through - unfortunately. I think it was merely part of their PR. In practice, I don't expect them to uphold this directive.
    Edited by HalloweenWeed on November 26, 2018 7:04PM
  • kojou
    I'm sceptical at best, but I won't respond to any polls like this until I see patch notes.
    Playing since beta...
  • SydneyGrey
    I depends on how they do it.
    If they make every race equally awesome, then great.
    If they make every race equally weak instead because they think nerfing everything is the way to go, then OH HECK NO.
  • SpacemanSpiff1
    Ideally the less-used races will get some buff love, but I'm expecting the most-used to get gutted. The "balancing" is usually done with a sledgehammer.

    Hope we get some freebie race changes when the dust settles.
  • Mintaka5
    TBH I feel like passives have a marginal effect anyhow. So what?

    For example, my Breton magplar healer has worse magicka sustain than my Dunmer magblade. This could be for other reasons of course, but Dunmers have no racial perks for cost reduction, whereas the Bretons do. How does that work?
    Edited by Mintaka5 on November 26, 2018 7:38PM
  • laereal
    Mintaka5 wrote: »
    TBH I feel like passives have a marginal effect anyhow. So what?

    For example, my Breton magplar healer has worse magicka sustain than my Dunmer magblade. This could be for other reasons of course, but Dunmers have no racial perks for cost reduction, whereas the Bretons do. How does that work?

    That really boils down to a lot of factors. You don't play a healer the same way as you do a dps. :/ Breton healers are very strong and have good sustain if geared and played properly.
  • Ragnarock41
    I do hope they change stuff in a way people don't regret playing orc/nord/khajiit etc over redguard/argonian.

    Buff the UP or nerf the OP, dont really care which way they go.
  • Mintaka5
    laereal wrote: »
    That really boils down to a lot of factors. You don't play a healer the same way as you do a dps. :/ Breton healers are very strong and have good sustain if geared and played properly.

    Okay a Breton with a 5 piece Lich set, racial passives, and 64 CP in Arcanist? I often find DPS skills more costly than heal ones anyhow. So yeah I know there is a difference, but I still don't understand why a Dunmer magblade is sustaining better than a Breton magplar.

  • rabidmyers
    Very Positive
    oh if they nerf argonians? all good cuz i play it for the race not for passives so LOL! at zos thinking they slick
    at a place nobody knows
  • laereal
    Edit: double post.
    Edited by laereal on November 27, 2018 5:28AM
  • laereal
    Mintaka5 wrote: »

    Okay a Breton with a 5 piece Lich set, racial passives, and 64 CP in Arcanist? I often find DPS skills more costly than heal ones anyhow. So yeah I know there is a difference, but I still don't understand why a Dunmer magblade is sustaining better than a Breton magplar.

    Which skills do you use and what is your rotation/technique when healing? What is your whole cp setup? Are you a full healer build? How's your gear setup including upgrades, traits and enchantments? Which mundus stone are you using? Are you by any chance a vampire on your healer? What kind of environment are you healing in?

    Those are the sort of things you have to ask yourself when you're healing. Compare that with the way you've been playing dps. Only then we can actually get to the bottom of your sustain issues.

    As for a general guess based off of easilly accessed skill trees for racials and class skills alone dunmers only have 1% less max magicka than bretons, also you're probably using Siphoning Attacks on your nightblade on top of your Refreshing Shadows (up to 15% magicka recovery already there!), Magicka Flood and Executioner passives that give you back magicka in larger bursts. Templars, even with the 10% max magicka and 3% reduced magicka consumption of bretons, only has Channeled Focus and perhaps the first tick of Healing Springs to help them recover their magicka back and that's if they were inside the circle of it when they use the skill.
    Edited by laereal on November 27, 2018 1:09AM
  • Vapirko
    Facefister wrote: »
    They've posted literally nothing except they're going to change some racials. Maybe it will be better, maybe worse. It's not time to panic, that comes later.

    Idk how long you’ve been with this game but with ZOS all signs point to panic :D
  • CrimsonGTX
    Very Negative
    CrimsonGTX wrote: »
    It's about a 3% difference in DPS if you played a mag race as a stam, and about a 5% difference if you played a stam race as a mag. Those numbers won't stop anyone from completing a vet dungeon or trial.

    That low? I'd think that max magicka vs. max stamina is 5-6% on its own, before considering the effects of any other passives.

    Here's a video about race https://youtube.com/watch?v=o3pYvT0AYDE
    Sorc & Warden Main - PC NA(CP 1k+) & Xbox NA (CP 1k+)
  • Chadak
    Not much to discuss. They've stated an intention, and...that's it. I won't have an opinion about what they're going to do until I see some details. The intention itself isn't rousing of my interest or my wariness.

    I hope it doesn't suck. That's about it for now.
  • Morgha_Kul
    Very Negative
    Not knowing what the changes are, I can't really say anything more than: I LIKE that race has an impact on things. Character heritage is one of the fun things about the game (and the other Elder Scrolls games). That each race has its particular strengths is INTERESTING. We don't want to make all the races beige.
    Exploring Tamriel since 1994.
  • Mureel
    Meh. They're gonna do whatever they do no matter what we think or say. This fact has been documented time and time again - so whatever, who cares.

    Play if you're having fun, quit if not.

    End Of.
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