Upcoming Racial Passive Changes - Your Thoughts.

  • agegarton
    It really depends what they do, but I worry because ZoS doesn’t exactly have a great track record when it comes to “rebalance” updates!

    Nords, for example, really need a significant buff - what are they for exactly?

    My biggest fear is that we are headed to a game where everything - skills, passives, racials - are essentially the same with different animation. If that’s the case, that would be very disappointing.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Very Negative
    I try to be sceptical about this - but I have seen what ZOS said in the past and what were the consequences. They always nerf stuff. That is why I am negative about this. But I hope I am wrong and the "new approach" is in fact a "new approach" not an old approach with a different name ;)

    But there is an old saying:
    So yeah... Lets just wait. I dare you Zenimax - prove me wrong in the next update.
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on November 26, 2018 10:26PM
  • Mrsinister2
    Very Negative
    Rilis wrote: »
    We all know ZOS way of "balancing" stuff. They are totally out of touch with the game/community. This whole racial passive change idea itself feels like they mostly gonna do it to force people to buy (multiple) race change tokens from the crown store.

    This ^^^

    Plus I have 3 argonians I really like and don't want completely ruined because zos thinks wood elves should have tanking passives.
  • Kel
    Reserving any judgment or jumping to conclusions until I know what these changes actually are.
  • eso_nya
    i expect heavy nerfs to every race. like in +20% max hp -> +0,2% max hp. There will be one set of passives that outshines all the others. Like back than when decided to make all the weapon traits relevant, resulting in sharpened becoming meh, infused outshining everything else and the rest staying meh.
  • munster1404
    Zeytio wrote: »
    im just salty i've race changed the same character ten times just to keep up to date with the meta. pls no change.

    I race changed 4 characters to Argonians; 2 after Morrowind and most recently another 2 after Infused Jewellery was unlocked :(
    Edited by munster1404 on November 25, 2018 9:49AM
  • Minyassa
    I am of course worried they'll get all nerf-happy and ruin things, but I kind of hope they'll just buff the ones that need catching up instead of weakening what's already there.
  • Heimdarm
    Very Negative
    O_LYKOS wrote: »
    They need to just leave *** alone. Focus on making the game stable and working correctly instead of changing stuff that doesn’t need to be changed.

    I want to be able to log in and play the game without long load screens. Blue screening. I don’t want to be in combat for ten minutes after a fight. I don’t want to pick up a quest and be frozen in place for 10 seconds. I want my skills to actually work as intended.

    Fix the game first Zos before implementing changes and probably breaking the game even more.

    This. ^^

    They put effort into something that should not be touched. They should use their time on actually important things..

    The "best" thing that could happen from this, well the least bad (not counting that they let the racial bonuses alone) is that they make three main different racial skill line and they equally give them to the three factions. So, argonian-khajiit-orc, nord-woodelf-redguard, breton-high elf-dark elf

    Even in this situation, well, actually after the smallest changes they should give everyone as much free race change tokens as how many characters the player owns.

    Edited by Heimdarm on November 25, 2018 10:03AM
  • lokulin
    I was annoyed by class changes that cost me in game gold to fix (new gear, attributes and skill respecs), but changing race has cost me real world money. I race changed once because I made a RP choice when I first started and by the time I got deep in to achievement hunting I decided to race change for that 5-10% extra dps. I race changed a second time to try and build a more reliable end game tank. Both of these were on me. I'm sceptical that upcoming changes won't undo the work I have done and the money I have spent. Some good will would be retained with free race change tokens or the ability to buy race change tokens with ingame gold. 20k gold would be reasonable imho considering how much attribute and skill respecs cost.
    Edited by lokulin on November 25, 2018 10:42AM
    I've hidden your signature.
  • ArchMikem
    Rracials are a whole lot of meh to me cause they dont matter much to gameplay to begin with.

    Except Argonians. I really, really dig that potion bonus passive.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Zorgon_The_Revenged
    Well, they could be planning a CP re-vamp which includes moving some of the racial passives to the CP trees. This would mean choosing a race would be less a choice of power/utility and more a cosmetic/RP choice.
  • Jhalin
    Very Negative
    I mean, if it was actual, well thought out balance changes, then i’d look forward to it, but we’ve all seen enough “balance” to know how this is gonna go
  • eliisra
    If it means all these moderately weaker races gets minor buffs+tweaks and better balance overall, I'm really positive.

    But if it only results in a bunch of nerfs, I'm negative. If it means drastic changes, to such a degree that people are forced to buy costly race change tokens or completely change build, I'm even more negative.

    It's always problematic when a company can make gross cash shop profit directly through gameplay changes. You never really know if they made changes for balance only, or if increased revenue was a factor as well.

    Than gain, the playerbase nagged and begged ZoS for race change tokens for years, so can't really blame them now for selling them.
  • FilteredRiddle
    Every race in Tamriel has a historical, lore based reason for why they have strengths and weaknesses in attributes which are relevant to adventuring. While I’ve only been playing TES since Morrowind’s original release, this has been a core feature in every game since and including that one. To remove or downplay those defining, unique racial features, is to remove a foundational aspect of TES gameplay. I would be extremely disappointed to see race choice boiled down to nothing other than aesthetics or, realistically, anything less than the current system.
    Xbox One NA
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    - Jane McGonigal
  • ATomiX96
    Racials should not have been that impactful in the first place anyways. So its gonna be a good change.
    inb4 nord and breton OP races so everyone has to buy racechange tokens :trollface:
    Edited by ATomiX96 on November 25, 2018 11:21AM
  • Rowjoh
    Nonsensical and totally unnecessary.

    The constant chopping and changing that has gone on for nearly 5 years is indicative of developers and decision makers that don't really understand their product very well.

    If they did then the game would have reached a stage of balance years ago with only occassional tweaking required.

  • iiYuki
    Thought they had nerfed enough when they killed sorcerers looks like they want to kill racial's now too.

    "Play how you want... unless its not how we intended you to play in which case we'll nerf it".
    - ZO$

    - The ZO$ Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmUJWP_ebsQ
  • prototypefb
    if they do this correct, i'm extatic but they often drop the ball so....
    i hope they do this the right way then it would lead to more balanced game, there are 3-4 dominant races atm which are wastly overperforming , few are underperforming.
  • NupidStoob
    Balance has way more glaring issues than races in this game, yet they waste time and effort on this.
  • maboleth
    Ok ok ok, before being negative read dev's words, so far:

    The Combat team is focusing specifically on the combat-related passive abilities. We currently don't have any changes planned for the non-combat racial passives.

    - When selecting a race, players should have multiple effective options for any given gameplay role.

    - The combat power provided by each race should be more equalized.

    - Players should feel a stronger sense of power progression through racial passives as they level up.

    - The unique feeling and flavor each race provides should be retained and enhanced where possible, and remain faithful to established lore.

    IF they follow the above, the changes in the passives shouldn't be bad. I was/am mostly concerned about not making an Orc being a thief or a nightblade. Or making a woodelf a tank. BUT if they follow the lore and unique feeling and flavor each race provides should be retained and enhanced where possible then it should be ok.
  • Iluvrien
    Zeytio wrote: »
    im just salty i've race changed the same character ten times just to keep up to date with the meta. pls no change.

    Race change tokens are why ZOS will continue to change racial passives.

    As long as people keep buying them, the incentive for ZOS is to continue the cycle of changes. Indefinitely.
  • del9
    I’d rather see underperforming racials brought up to par with ‘meta’races, than see several nerfs.

    If the changes are significant, I hope they provide players with a free race change token or two per account. At the very least a 50% or more discount. If this doesn’t happen I’m afraid this is just a thinly veiled ploy to take our money.

    Re-gearing our builds for a meta is one thing, but making us pay IRL money to stay PVP/PVE competitve is crossing the line.

  • Rungar
    i'm interested to see what they will come up with.
    It's 0.0666 of a second to midnight.

    Rungar's Mystical Emporium
  • WeerW3ir
    Very Negative
    Whats wrong with races @zos? everything is fine with them. I understand you nerf skills or classes. BUT RACES BECAUSE TOO MANY? rly.. *** off. Dont dare to nerf argonian potion buff. buff bosmers and bretons instead. keep them lore based. (they are now)
  • theyancey
    Reserving judgement until actual stuff goes down. Hopefully we do not become homogenized. An Altmer should never be as strong and sturdy as an orc. Orcs should never be as quick to learn and wield magic. Yes, no race should be 100% precluded from playing any role but each should have their strong and weak areas.
  • Urvoth
    I hope things get balanced in such a way that allows for new races to be easily added.
  • Cillion3117
    I have no idea what the changes are going to be. So I'm not happy or mad about them.
  • Czeri
    I'd be nice to have more of a choice in race selection without gimping oneself down the line. The only problem is I just don't trust them to really make races equal.
  • Starlight_Knight
    I expect to be disappointed by another change nobody asked for.
    I've also race changed a lot of times to try to figure out what suits me best, and now what i've settled on with be something else that's taken away.

    i just pray for buffs not nerfs but thats not how ZO$ do things.
    Edited by Starlight_Knight on November 25, 2018 3:24PM
  • Salvas_Aren
    Very Negative
    I don't trust them in terms of sticking to the meta identities.

    Adding some flexibility would not do harm. However, I rather expect something like Altmer becoming the new stam meta. Something that messes things up.
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