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Upcoming Racial Passive Changes - Your Thoughts.

  • notyuu
    My two words
    Nord Buff
  • Tan9oSuccka
    I’m sure the yolo meta people will be upset, but the whole concept of balance escapes most of them anyway.
    Of course I like steak. I'm a Nord, aren't I?
    -Berj Stoneheart
  • thanoscopter
    Very Positive
    Only people who don't want the racials to be balanced must be the same ones who already are Redguard, Argonian, Dark Elves and High Elves. The current racials favor certain races for PVE so much that professional guides strongly recommend selecting one of these 4 races and disregarding all the others. In-game, it's gottten to the point where players will get snarky with you if you are an unfavorable race such as a wood elf tank and they will say things like "where's your tail?" with a little smiley after it (aka shoulda went Argonian).

    Nord, Breton, Wood Elf & Orcs especially need buffs badly to be competitive. Heck, certain races that can be above average at a role have certain lemon racials, like the Imperial RNG life steal one. Compare that to a Redguard's Adrenaline Rush in usefulness. Races don't even have to be nerfed, just boost the others up to a respectable level.
    Edited by thanoscopter on November 25, 2018 8:06PM
  • mattaeus01b16_ESO
    I just.... dont care anymore.
  • Cloudless
    Very Positive
    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    Given that strong, unique, and diverse racial passives which impact combat have been a part of all TES games

    That's not as true as people on these forums would like it to be: in no TES game before ESO you were made to feel utterly gimped if you decided to play, let's say, a magicka-focused Khajiit or a non-magicka/weapon-focused Breton.

    The only "big" racial bonuses in previous TES games would be Bretons and Altmer having more magicka than the other races (and before Skyrim, the massive magicka pool of an Altmer came with some pretty heavy downsides), and the obvious stamina-oriented bonuses that Redguards had. But none of these made or broke a character build - and, more importantly, choosing a certain race for a certain role based on personal preferences was not going to prevent you from enjoying certain aspects of those games. Looking at you, trial guilds who won't have anything less than the best race+class FotM combination.

    It's an unpopular opinion, but I still think removing racial passives completely should be the way to go, if ZOS' plan wasn't to pigeonhole certain races into certain roles all along.

    Edited by Cloudless on November 25, 2018 8:09PM
  • BigBragg
    Rungar wrote: »
    race transmutation table.

    Not while Race Change Tokens are available for 3,000 crowns.
  • Mauin
    Very Negative
    I'll be blunt: ZOS trying to balance anything scares me. It started with Morrowind and it hasn't improved at all over the past year. They say they're going to change racials... I fully expect everything to get nerfed. I expect it, and I'll probably still be disappointed.

    Ultimately, I choose the race for the character I have in mind, not for the meta. I intend to keep the ones that I have as they are. I'm just worried some will wind up being even more useless than they already are.
  • Linaleah
    I mostly rolled my characters for Aesthetics rather then to minmax so while some of them kinda ended up minmaxed by the sheer coincidence, most are not. it would be nice if my imperial magika sorc (like I said, I wanted her for the looks) would get to use ALL of her racial passives.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • zaria
    Kreddick wrote: »
    I like playing Nord for the aesthetic, so shiver me timbers when I learn after I git gud that Nords are *** trash tier.
    Yes, that is the obvious trap with ESO racials, nobody think about them then making their first character.
    You don't even have any racials then you start its something you get then you level up.

    Had been way better making it an starting bonuses like in the old games.
    But yes as many other I feel that ZoS will manage to mess this up to.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • TheHsN
    Very Negative
    Ready to pay for race change token for BROKEN GAME
    Magicka SORC - PvE/PvP
    Stamina NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka Templar - PvE
    Stamina Templar - PvP
    Magicka DK - PvE
    Stamina DK - PvE
  • cbritomiranda
    I think Bretons need a change too. If you think in magick character, always Altmer is the rule.
    Arielle Pendragon [] High Elf - Sorcerer [DD]
    Ataena Zastee [] Khajiit - Nightblade [DD]
    Marie Pendragon [] Breton - Nightblade [DD]
    Angeline Pendragon [] Breton - Templar [Healer]
    Freyja Stone-Singer [] Nord - Dragonknight [Tanker]
    Raelys the Flame [] High Elf - Dragonknight [Healer]
    Anne-Marie Pendragon [] Breton - Warden [Healer]
    Fairynn Frost-Moon [] Nord - Warden [Tanker]
    Asrin the Wise [] Khajiit - Sorcerer [DD]
  • temjiu
    Very Positive
    Somehow I don't think this poll is going to do much good, as most people are not voting based on whether they like the idea or not, they are voting based on their faith in ZOS doing it right.

    Not that its a bad point....ZOS does mess things up and balance can often be a joke. I just wanted to make sure people reading this are aware that people aren't against the idea of balancing class passives in general. I honestly would like to see better balance myself, which is why I voted positive. Whether ZOS can live up to this or not is another point entirely.
  • ezio45
    Very Negative
    Good, I hope they'll nerf all racials, they have no place in a competitive environment. In Dota/LoL/Overwatch you don't have different stats either when you choose to pick another skin for hero xyz.

    those are mobas not mmo. you dont make decisions about what to make your character. races are more then what you look like they add choices to make

    races add variety to builds. do you go more offensive, or have better sustain, defense? it makes everyone not the same. if i wanted to go play against players the exact same as me i would be playing overwatch or leauge. I dont want to. i want variety in my builds
  • ezio45
    Very Negative
    I think Bretons need a change too. If you think in magick character, always Altmer is the rule.

    ya breton a buff but altmer isnt the ruler of magic.

    darkelf is best for pure damage
    altmer is a good mix of damage and sustain
    breton is suppose to be a mix of sustain and defense but it does kinda fall short.
  • ezio45
    Very Negative
    @ZOS_RobGarrett can yall be straight with us for once? what the hell is zos planning
  • Juhasow
    I cannot like or dislike idea that I know barely anything about , so I preffer to wait for more details. I would reccomend others to do the same.
  • ezio45
    Very Negative
    Juhasow wrote: »
    I cannot like or dislike idea that I know barely anything about , so I preffer to wait for more details. I would reccomend others to do the same.

    arnt you one of the players that told me i was exaggerating about the shields changes when gina said they were adding counterplay? and it turned out to be far worse than i ever thought?

    if theres one thing ive learned by know it think of the worse possible scenario from zos then times that by 10 and you might get close to how pissed off the change is going to make you

    they have long lost any benefit of the doubt
  • CrimsonGTX
    Very Negative
    Only people who don't want the racials to be balanced must be the same ones who already are Redguard, Argonian, Dark Elves and High Elves. The current racials favor certain races for PVE so much that professional guides strongly recommend selecting one of these 4 races and disregarding all the others. In-game, it's gottten to the point where players will get snarky with you if you are an unfavorable race such as a wood elf tank and they will say things like "where's your tail?" with a little smiley after it (aka shoulda went Argonian).

    Nord, Breton, Wood Elf & Orcs especially need buffs badly to be competitive. Heck, certain races that can be above average at a role have certain lemon racials, like the Imperial RNG life steal one. Compare that to a Redguard's Adrenaline Rush in usefulness. Races don't even have to be nerfed, just boost the others up to a respectable level.

    I definitely agree with other Races needing to get buff, especially with how the PvE community act to races outside of meta. The only issue is that ZOS is not going to just leave Redguard, High Elf and Dark Elf as is....keep in mind these 3 races are actually true to the lore of TES. Redguard is actually missing a 50% Poison Resistance. The fact that those classes including Argonian are mostly complained about, will cause them to get nerfed more than they should be.

    So I don't see any good from ZOS making changes at all, until i'm proved otherwise. It's likely going to be a new race meta that people will complain about months from now, or a overall nerf to keep everything in-line with races that need buffs.
    Sorc & Warden Main - PC NA(CP 1k+) & Xbox NA (CP 1k+)
  • Jakx
    I'm all for buffing underperforming racials but otherwise nothing should be nerfed. I think that would be a PR disaster for the game and a clear money grab for race change income. There is no overarching need after 4 years to arbitrarily nerf racials. Buff underperforming ones and create more diversity.
    Joined September 2013
  • russelmmendoza
    Very Negative
    Refund me my race change expenditure if youre going to do that.

    Its not enough your nerfing the game to almost kill the fun in playing.

    I love pvp in noncp but hating the nerf affecting my pve game.

    You guys in zos is starting to tick me off.
  • Rygonix
    The only thing that has me even slightly irked is how tight-lipped they are these days unless you are a rep who agreed to an NDA.
    Ceres Des Mortem-Dark Elf Templar, EP
  • Sylvermynx
    Meh.... middle of the road for sure. I've not been very pleased about the things that have happened since I started playing (I'm not saying nerfs - just changes I wasn't happy about) though at least the changes to warden haven't caused me issues.

    I just.... don't really have a lot of faith in how ZOS defines "balance". And I've only been here 5 months....
  • Iluvrien
    Cloudless wrote: »
    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    Given that strong, unique, and diverse racial passives which impact combat have been a part of all TES games

    That's not as true as people on these forums would like it to be: in no TES game before ESO you were made to feel utterly gimped if you decided to play, let's say, a magicka-focused Khajiit or a non-magicka/weapon-focused Breton.

    The only "big" racial bonuses in previous TES games would be Bretons and Altmer having more magicka than the other races (and before Skyrim, the massive magicka pool of an Altmer came with some pretty heavy downsides), and the obvious stamina-oriented bonuses that Redguards had. But none of these made or broke a character build - and, more importantly, choosing a certain race for a certain role based on personal preferences was not going to prevent you from enjoying certain aspects of those games. Looking at you, trial guilds who won't have anything less than the best race+class FotM combination.

    It's an unpopular opinion, but I still think removing racial passives completely should be the way to go, if ZOS' plan wasn't to pigeonhole certain races into certain roles all along.

    So ZOS should be basing development decisions on the fact that the trial guilds are elitist and exclusionary?

    Endgame should never be a reason for any decision that affects the game as a whole. Ever.
    Edited by Iluvrien on November 26, 2018 2:22AM
  • Bam_Bam
    Zeytio wrote: »
    im just salty i've race changed the same character ten times just to keep up to date with the meta. pls no change.

    And how did you change your race?

    Did it cost crowns?

    Now you know why they're doing it.
    Joined January 2014
    PC EU - PvE & BGs & PvP (Vivec)
    Grand Master Crafter


    Lims Kragm'a
    Bam Bam Bara
  • PrayingSeraph
    Very Positive
    I'm tired of a few races dominating all others

    And this may be a sign of hope to poor nord fans
  • zaria
    Cloudless wrote: »
    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    Given that strong, unique, and diverse racial passives which impact combat have been a part of all TES games

    That's not as true as people on these forums would like it to be: in no TES game before ESO you were made to feel utterly gimped if you decided to play, let's say, a magicka-focused Khajiit or a non-magicka/weapon-focused Breton.

    The only "big" racial bonuses in previous TES games would be Bretons and Altmer having more magicka than the other races (and before Skyrim, the massive magicka pool of an Altmer came with some pretty heavy downsides), and the obvious stamina-oriented bonuses that Redguards had. But none of these made or broke a character build - and, more importantly, choosing a certain race for a certain role based on personal preferences was not going to prevent you from enjoying certain aspects of those games. Looking at you, trial guilds who won't have anything less than the best race+class FotM combination.

    It's an unpopular opinion, but I still think removing racial passives completely should be the way to go, if ZOS' plan wasn't to pigeonhole certain races into certain roles all along.
    This, you had Altmer and Breton +magic, in Morrowind it was an % of inteligence, in Oblivion it was fixed.
    all the other bonuses was skill and attribute starting bonuses and some pretty useless stuff.
    Mind you that the extra magic did not increased damage, it was just an larger magazine so you cast more spells.
    This was most important in Morrowind as you did not generate magic, in Oblivion you would mostly wear +magic on all slots making the 100 magic from Altmer an minor thing at late game.

    In fact playing Morrowind and Oblivion usually as female Bosmers and later Khajiit I found my main issue was strength and carrying capacity at lower level, so even if an magic build you wanted to focus on this.

    And all racials was starting bonuses because it was an property of your race, not something you leveled up. Again this makes sense, an level 1 Altmer should be better in magic than an level 1 Orc. Not in ESO all races start totaly equal.
    ow have the Altmer never cast an spell, the orc uses only magic ones, the Altmer will suddenly have more magic at level 50.

    Finally the racial pasives exist because they was ignored during beta because of soft caps, they planned racial ultimates but it was shot down because of balance.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • zaria
    Iluvrien wrote: »
    Cloudless wrote: »
    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    Given that strong, unique, and diverse racial passives which impact combat have been a part of all TES games

    That's not as true as people on these forums would like it to be: in no TES game before ESO you were made to feel utterly gimped if you decided to play, let's say, a magicka-focused Khajiit or a non-magicka/weapon-focused Breton.

    The only "big" racial bonuses in previous TES games would be Bretons and Altmer having more magicka than the other races (and before Skyrim, the massive magicka pool of an Altmer came with some pretty heavy downsides), and the obvious stamina-oriented bonuses that Redguards had. But none of these made or broke a character build - and, more importantly, choosing a certain race for a certain role based on personal preferences was not going to prevent you from enjoying certain aspects of those games. Looking at you, trial guilds who won't have anything less than the best race+class FotM combination.

    It's an unpopular opinion, but I still think removing racial passives completely should be the way to go, if ZOS' plan wasn't to pigeonhole certain races into certain roles all along.

    So ZOS should be basing development decisions on the fact that the trial guilds are elitist and exclusionary?

    Endgame should never be a reason for any decision that affects the game as a whole. Ever.
    Well most changes has been because of end game. The Morrowind war on sustain is the most obvious one but also the late shield nerf.

    All the sets who got nerfed, and they should not been added as they was in the first time, Zaan and mechanical accuracy is the most obvious ones.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • notimetocare
    TheYKcid wrote: »
    It could be a decent idea in theory, but I've very little faith ZOS will handle things in a reasonable manner.

    Argo and Orc are top in PvP because they provide a wide variety of strong bonuses that are all highly applicable to the gametype, where you need a well-rounded build.

    Redguard is top in PvE because it offers the two most valuable metrics for stamDPS: damage and sustain. It's actually quite meh in PvP and far from meta. Argo on the other hand is BiS for tanking and healing too.

    Of these, only Argo is genuinely overtuned, evidenced by how it can excel at all roles, from both gametypes, whether stam or mag.

    The other races are good at their niche but nothing special beyond that—and that's great. It makes race a meaningful choice beyond mere cosmetic appearance and gives players the option to specialise into a unique build.

    But I'm almost certain we'll receive heavy-handed, indiscriminate nerfs to the above, based on superficial factors like popularity.

    Speaking of which, weren't Altmer reported to be the most universally popular race in the stats ZOS published recently? Great, expect some Altmer nerfs too just to ream Magsorcs even further.

    Or argonian is the desired balance?
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    I only care for khajiit since last time we got !@#$% with the currently nimble passive we just got a new icon and name and that was it!... so no im not really eager to have a new change like that...would love to see skinning added in this game though...since all other professions have nodes only clothing 1/2 has this bad scrap looting from animals...its ok to get scraps but do it via nodes just like the rest that way you cant have afk looters while 1 kills the animals...2nd which is not rly that would literally put the grave stake in botting since right now that's the only reason trains that and the matter its 90% solved...oh also adds up to immersion...and u can even shape the RP passives with it for khajiit I flayer passive? or bonus... 25% faster skinning than the others cuz u know...cats...claws...etc... you took us our claw took us our night vision...when are you gona take our tails as well?!
  • MLGProPlayer
    zaria wrote: »
    Kreddick wrote: »
    I like playing Nord for the aesthetic, so shiver me timbers when I learn after I git gud that Nords are *** trash tier.
    Yes, that is the obvious trap with ESO racials, nobody think about them then making their first character.
    You don't even have any racials then you start its something you get then you level up.

    Had been way better making it an starting bonuses like in the old games.
    But yes as many other I feel that ZoS will manage to mess this up to.

    And race makes a huge difference in endgame.

    The difference between Altmer/Dunmer/Breton and any other class is ~4000 magicka at max level, or 400 effective spell damage. That's a huge DPS boost that will help a player of any skill level out (whether someone pushing leader boards or someone trying to clear their first dungeon).

    That's why racial passives should be purely RP-related. People shouldn't be punished in such a major way because of a cosmetic choice they made when they started the game.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on November 26, 2018 3:10AM
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