Upcoming Racial Passive Changes - Your Thoughts.

  • Heimdarm
    Very Negative
    Do we know when this might happen? I just tought about creating a new character, but now I fear that ZOS will mess up the whole racial bonuses and I make a bad choice for race. There is no God that I will buy a race change token..
  • FlyingSwan
    ZOS devs seem to be a low skilled team managed by people who have very little grasp of the game, so I expect the usual bodge from them.

    Christ knows why they can't fix the genuinely broken stuff in the game instead of farting about with 'balance'. Still, I guess it's a bit of self-justification for under-performing resources to stay on the payroll.
    Edited by FlyingSwan on November 25, 2018 3:37PM
  • Ri_Khan
    Nerfs? Buffs? Both? I'm neutral until we see what the actual changes are.

    Judging from what's come to pass, they'll nerf the meta races slightly and salt will rain down on this forum for months.
  • Kiralyn2000
    Didn't pay attention to racials before, when picking characters, so the fact they might change? Doesn't mean much.
  • karekiz
    Would be neutral honestly, but I am betting Argonian resource will be nerf so my lizard will be a slightly worse tank.
  • templesus
    Very Negative
    Are we just gonna pretend that ZOS isn’t horrible at balance?
  • ookami007
    Very Negative
    It's negative... Because they SUCK at actually balancing
  • SakuraRush
    It's sort of easy to tell who jumped on the Argonian bandwagon after they got the racial buff.

  • Shantu
    Very Negative
    The last avalanche of nerfs in the name of "balance" made me utterly biased in a negative way. My objectivity and confidence in vision a la ZOS is lost.
  • Radiance
    I'll reserve my judgements until we know more but I am optimistic...
  • sekou_trayvond
    The homogenization of first, classes and now racials, is one of the few things I feel the devs get consistently wrong. I prefer more diversity in options rather than less.
  • FakeFox
    One race will always be better then another, all that will happen is a meta shift. In theory the passives could be balanced better, but I highly doubt that ZOS can manage that. I just hope for free race change tokens.
    EU/PC (GER) - Healermain since 2014 - 50305 Achievement Points - Youtube (PvE Healing Guides, Builds & Gameplay)
  • BigBragg
    I'd say let's wait to see what they are before discussing, but who am I kidding. It's ZOS... we all know this is going to be a heavy handed nerf fest that is over done!

    Edited by BigBragg on November 25, 2018 4:48PM
  • Kadoin
    After seeing the recent changes, it's obvious that the decisions ZOS make will be terrible. I hope they are NOT using "data" to balance anything, because if they are we can expect another round of changes that are completely out of touch.

    I also don't like the idea of prioritizing balance changes over fixing bugs. I know they want the game to stay fresh, but when you have bugs that cause the balance to shift in the first place it should be obvious that those need to be fixed first. Instead they will probably use population data in balancing decisions...meh.
  • Somewhere
    Very Positive
    I'm eager to see if they give us some racial active skills that actually have some kind of impact in the long run. The racial lesser powers are sorely missing out in this game/ The passives were things that nudged you along in the beginning, but at the end of the game your Orc Barbarian and High Elf Barbarian should be fairly identical stat wise anyway.

    I know "ESO isn't Skyrim", I get it. There's a lot to be said however about familiarity between this game and the main series. After all, that's primarily why they chose to make an Elder Scrolls MMO instead of a different IP: to draw in people who were familiar with the main series, not to try to draw in other people to another MMO.

    I'm also very eager to see what they mean by giving us multiple good options for any role while also making it be lore accurate. ZOS already took a fairly liberal approach with the racial passives in this game, because there's a few races in particular that are pretty good that have racial passives that are basically unique to this game; dark elf and argonian both come to mind.
  • ezio45
    Very Negative
    Im extremely worried about it. I think its more unnecessary changes pushed by zos. The current racial passive aside from nord and maybe breton and orc are fine.

    they have 2 main goals from what I understood from the post. To give multiple race options for each role and to better balance the races.

    multiple options for each role already exist

    Healer: argonian, highelf, breton
    Tank: argonian, orc, imperial
    stam dd: redguard, khajiit, woodelf. orc and imperial to a lesser degree
    mag dd: darkelf, highelf, breton (again breton to a lesser degree

    As for balance, yes as i said above already. Nord, orc and breton could use some love but a complete overhaul of racials isnt necessary. Just some slight buffs to the previously mentioned races.

    overall i really wish zos would stop changing things to balance them. They dont need to change how everything works to add balance, slight tweaks to things would suffice. Making x thing do less or more of what it already does is what i want them to balance with.
  • Solariken
    They might nerf a couple but overall should be for the better if they make the passives more universally useful instead of pidgeon-holing many of them into specific builds.
  • Wildberryjack
    Very Negative
    Going from experience with changes to racials in other games I'm not thrilled at all about them changing the racials in this game. It always ends up with the racials totally ruined and made worthless and sometimes those racials were the only reason I chose the race in the first place when I'd really have preferred another. Maybe they should give us all one free race change token when these racial changes go live.
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • Ragnaroek93
    Very Positive
    Good, I hope they'll nerf all racials, they have no place in a competitive environment. In Dota/LoL/Overwatch you don't have different stats either when you choose to pick another skin for hero xyz.
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • Vahrokh
    Very Negative
    Yes we have lost all classes identity, let's also lose different racial passives.
  • MehrunesFlagon
    Rilis wrote: »
    We all know ZOS way of "balancing" stuff. They are totally out of touch with the game/community. This whole racial passive change idea itself feels like they mostly gonna do it to force people to buy (multiple) race change tokens from the crown store.

    This ^^^

    Plus I have 3 argonians I really like and don't want completely ruined because zos thinks wood elves should have tanking passives.

    and this.
  • MehrunesFlagon
    Keep things as they are.There isn't anything wrong with them.Some are just deluded enough to think they need to change.ZOS needs to get a grasp on wtf to listen.
  • kadochka
    I think I meant Very Negative.
    I like the diversity. Leave it as it is, ZOS!!! Please!!
    if I could make another character, their name would be Cries-For-Character-Slots. AKA, I need more.

  • frostz417
    Very Negative
    Nerfing argonians, redguards, dumners and high elves. Must buy race change tokens as zos waves their middle finger at us.
  • Numerikuu
    Very Negative
    Given how increasingly awful 'balance' updates have been going since Morrowind released, and the disaster that was Murkmire? Zero hope it'll turn out good. This needs to be done delicately. ZoS doesn't do delicate. I expect another sledgehammer approach.

    If they do go ahead with this, then they need to provide everyone a race/name change token for each character, free of charge.
  • MyKillv2.0
    I am meh on this, really.

    I actually enjoy in games like WOW being able to choose a race based on cosmetic or lore options, rather than performance. IMO, the game has too much mid maxing for my taste. So if they removed the importance of pigeonhole certian roles into being a specific race or two, I would be OK with that.

    However I am with people who fear that the company will simply shuffle the power balance to a different race, a low key move aimed to see more race change tokens.

    At the end of the day, all it will really do is change the flavor of the moment race from lizards/red guards to whatever is next.
  • Rungar
    race transmutation table.
    It's 0.0666 of a second to midnight.

    Rungar's Mystical Emporium
  • macsmooth
    Very Negative
    The way Zos balancing goes we pick the worse race at the moment and every other race will be nerfed down to that level

    Zos balancing at work
  • MLGProPlayer
    It's badly needed, but I don't trust ZOS to do it properly. I have a feeling they'll somehow make it worse than it is right now.
  • MLGProPlayer
    macsmooth wrote: »
    The way Zos balancing goes we pick the worse race at the moment and every other race will be nerfed down to that level

    Zos balancing at work

    ZOS actually has a tendency to even nerf the worst off. Look at what they've dine to magicka warden. Worst DPS class in the game since day 1, and they get nerfs every patch.

    ZOS doesn't really understand what is over and udnerperforming in their game.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on November 25, 2018 7:44PM
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