To all the negativity here: changes like last patch won't go through unfiltered anymore.
We see what is going to happen, give feedback and since we get to see stuff before it is even coded, we can have an impact before actual decisions are made.
We already had a few rounds of feedback and alterations based on it to make changes as good as possible for the health of the game.
So, since last months there's another instance that combat changes will go through, and we hope that will make the impact you guys are hoping for And prevent sweeping changes that are uncalled for, since it saves effort on ZoS and frustration on the playerbase.
To all the negativity here: changes like last patch won't go through unfiltered anymore.
We see what is going to happen, give feedback and since we get to see stuff before it is even coded, we can have an impact before actual decisions are made.
We already had a few rounds of feedback and alterations based on it to make changes as good as possible for the health of the game.
So, since last months there's another instance that combat changes will go through, and we hope that will make the impact you guys are hoping for And prevent sweeping changes that are uncalled for, since it saves effort on ZoS and frustration on the playerbase.
Savos_Saren wrote: »I'd like to see a few lore-friendly "balance options" for each race that would allow players to develop their characters in various roles. It could be in the form of racial morphs. For instance:
A Khajiit character morph the racial passage, Carnage, to either:
a.) weapon crit
b.) spell crit
Or, perhaps, a Nord could morph the racial passive, Resist Frost, to either:
a.) resist frost
b.) increase frost damage by 7%
@Arato the problem with that is there are not downsides to any of the Racials, other than the absence of an alternate Race's passives.I hope that they DON'T make "every race equally capable at every role" it kind of destroys the elder scrolls feel that the best casters were Altmer, Breton, Dunmer, best archers were Bosmer, best melee were Redguard and Khajiit and Orc, best stealthers were Bosmer and Khajiit, etc.
Only thing I'd maybe like to see is balance between the races traditionally chosen for certain roles like with magicka DPS Breton lags behind Altmer and Dunmer, and for Stamina Bosmer lags behind Redguard and Orc, and Nord lags behind Argonian and Imperial as a tank.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »I noticed a certain regularity / trend when it comes to patches so I would not be surprised if "new approach" is the old approach with different name slapped on it:
ZOS nerfs stuff to take away our progression / power in the name of balance and adds more CP cap to have a feeling that we actually gain power (when in reality our characters lose their power). This was mostly noticeable in Morrowind update when they nerfed a lot of CP & sustain. But it also happened in the past. Hybrids are not a "thing" any longer, Sap tanks are pretty much dead (the most fun I had in a game as a NB tank) etc.
- When selecting a race, players should have multiple effective options for any given gameplay role.
- The combat power provided by each race should be more equalized.
- Players should feel a stronger sense of power progression through racial passives as they level up.
- The unique feeling and flavor each race provides should be retained and enhanced where possible, and remain faithful to established lore.
lordrichter wrote: »
Well... Yes.
I know what people expect... buff, buff, buff. Another famous game did that and backed themselves into a corner. They eventually had to fix that, and it was a major earthquake in the game when they did.
So, yes, they need to take something from over-performing parts of the game. I expect that this will continue.
I think that there is no doubt that some people will be totally dismayed by what they are going to roll out in the next major Update. The pass over races will probably decimate builds. Naturally, the builds are only "decimated" from the perspective of the people using the build. Everyone not invested in that particular build will wonder what all the fuss is about.
This scares the hell out of me. This sounds like racial homogenization. The last thing I want is racial homogenization in this game. I really want race to be more than a cosmetic decision, but I fear that the "unique flavor" will be cosmetic and not reflect any game play considerations.
I want a mix of races so that some are better at one attribute than the others, including health. Yes, I am one of the crazy ones that would actually like to see them refactor the game so that there are three attributes Stamina, Magicka, and Heath, instead of the two we have today.
I want there to be races that are good for tanking, but not as good for healing, and have other races that are better at healing than tanking. Differences are good.
I expect ZOS to homogenize the races simply because they probably have an analysis showing that people pick the wrong class for what they want to do, get frustrated, and leave. If that happens, then it would probably be better if the race was just a cosmetic choice, like the rest of the character appearance, and put everything into the class and class skills. Simplify the combat part of the game down to class and item sets and leave the rest to cosmetics. I will be very sad if this happen.
I am preparing myself for being quite sad with what they come out with in 2019. But, they aren't asking me. I'm not a Racial Representative.
How long will we need to wait on a follow up? Will it be the beginning of the year before we have any indication that this wasn't just a post to patronize us through the holiday season? On the surface, that's really what it seems like, just like the 'we're looking into Cyrodiil performance' offhand remarks that ZOS staff have occasionally made over the years (with only worsening performance to show for it).
If it really takes 2 months (ie into the new year) for them to articulate the vision they have for the road ahead, I have serious concerns about the people in charge of planning all of this. These things should already exist, and just need to be modified for public consumption. If they don't exist, what were they even working towards with the past few rounds of updates?
lordrichter wrote: »
They won't articulate the vision until they are ready to transition to QA for the Chapter release. The next we will hear about it will be in the year-end note from Firor and he will talk about it at the executive level. It will be an off-hand remark and mixed in with a bunch of others.
Yes, this should already exist, and it is somewhat alarming what they said. They make it sound like they have been drifting aimlessly through the game design pasture for the last four years. Maybe they have been, and if so, a desperately necessary move to correct it is what I read in this note. Maybe they have not, and what they are doing is going back and cleaning up the plan to reflect changes that have been made since it was conceived.
Khajiits should take less fall damage.
Just saying.
I always thought the bosmer and khajiit 1st passives should have been switched. It was Khajiit that were the better acrobats in the single player games and Bosmer literally have a thing in their culture called right of theft.
I still hope they try to keep some flavor to the races rather than appeasing snowflakes that want to be bosmer mages and somehow be just as good as Dunmer, Altmer, or Bretons at it.
Really, people should look at the races when they choose them, and look at the bonuses, and develop their playstyle around that. Every class has viable magicka, and stamina builds, so they can pick whatever race, whatever class, and adapt.
Arguing for this marxist bs is these people who installed Morrowind on B:\Yourself\ , rolled an Altmer Barbarian and picked up a longsword and then uninstalled after 15 minutes of straight missing claiming this game sucks because all you do is miss when you didn't even try to pick according to skills.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
Redguard is head and shoulders above any other stamina race.
The magicka races are in a better spot with all 3 of them receiving the +9-10% magicka passive. Bretons don't receive any elemental damage boost, but that's not a huge DPS loss.
I'm fine with some classes being better suited for stamina while others being better suited for magicka, even though it doesn't make any sense within the lore (Shalidor is a Nord mage, Naryu is a Dummer assassin, etc.). But at least make the races relatively equal at these roles. Altmer vs. Dunmer is well balanced, for example.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
Redguard is head and shoulders above any other stamina race.
The magicka races are in a better spot with all 3 of them receiving the +9-10% magicka passive. Bretons don't receive any elemental damage boost, but that's not a huge DPS loss.
I'm fine with some classes being better suited for stamina while others being better suited for magicka, even though it doesn't make any sense within the lore (Shalidor is a Nord mage, Naryu is a Dummer assassin, etc.). But at least make the races relatively equal at these roles. Altmer vs. Dunmer is well balanced, for example.
Yeah if they just balance it so that Altmer, Dunmer and Breton all have +10% max magicka and equalish other bonuses that's fine, all 3 races are supposed to be good mages/wizards in lore. With Stamina, Orc, Redguard, and Bosmer/Khajiit should be pretty equal, with Khajiit/Bosmer trading some sustain for stealth and out of stealth burst.
that doesn't solve the lack of diversity IMO
that doesn't solve the lack of diversity IMO
lordrichter wrote: »
I would rather ZOS not solve any perceived lack of diversity, thank you.
I don't care of there are two or three "go to" races for Magicka, and another couple for Stamina, so long as there is a choice of more than one, and those two groups don't overlap.
I want my racial choice to matter and not just be cookie cutter duplicates of each other where we 'make our own race' using passives and morphs. Not even if those passives and morphs are cleverly named to make us think they are different.
I don't give a rip about your marxist bs. That's never been a part of Elder Scrolls. Some races have always been better than others at some things, and I wouldn't have it any other way, as long as between the races that do have bonuses towards one playstyle are balanced vs each other that's enough. I dont need Nord mages being equal to Altmer, that's stupid and inconsistent with the series. If you want to make a Bosmer, Redguard, or Nord magicka based class you'd best be accepting that you're playing an uphill battle, at a disadvantage, and in RP are shunned by your culture, because that's how it's always been, if you encounter a Redguard mage it's always considered an anomaly and they always talk about how they were shunned by their family and friends, because its not normal for them.
GreatGildersleeve wrote: »
Nice if that’s true, but I’m skeptical. ZoS has a behaviour pattern and now they’re all of a sudden saying ‘no, believe us THIS time.’ Well, I’m not going to hold my breath... I’ll believe all these wonderful changes are in the pipe when I finally see something positive...
In the meantime, I have a post apocalyptic game to get back to.
Lord_Dexter wrote: »Thank You @ZOS_RobGarrett for update,
Current racial passives influence players to choose race for their role,
For Example:
PVE Magicka DPS mostly chooses from Altmer/Dumner or Breton, why shall not choose Khajit?, because Carnage passive will be useless and its good to miss. Reaper's March have lot of Khajit NPC mages.
PVE Tank mostly chooses from Argonian, Imperial, Nord or Orc, why shall not choose Bomser?, because its racial passives are not useful for tanking.
Racial passives should be balanced in way that every race can be used for any role (Magicka/Stamina DPS, Tank or Healer)
old list of race ultimates:
- argonian: Histskin - Health regeneration increased by 100 for 15 sec. Activated elite ability.
- dark elf: Ancestral Guardian - 15 seconds, activated, can taunt.
- nord: Battle Cry - 7% AE damage increase anyone in area, activated.
- breton: Dragon Skin – Damage shielded is absorbed as magicka during this period.
- orc: Berserker Rage – Increase damage done by 20% and reduce damage taken by 10%.
- redguard: Power Charge – Increase power by 20% for 15 seconds.
- high elf: Highborn – Increase magicka recovery by 100 for 15 seconds.
- bosmer: Summon Bear – (Instant / Self / 100 Ultimate) Summon a Bear to attack nearby enemies for 15 seconds.
- kitty: Eye of Fear – (Instant / 36 meter range / 120 Ultimate) Fear target and cause it to take 5% additional damage from all attacks for 5 seconds.
- imperial - ?
How about a magic bow. I have been really good this year.