Yes 5 is. Also the game is made for Console as well. There are no more buttons1) Five slots is not enough for our bars (Add more skill slots).-
ZoS has repeated stated this isnt an issue. As well as many players believing its an important part of player skill progression. And honestly, other than actual Block canceling which isnt used all that often, it just comes naturally. To the point where my issue is needing to slow down because I go to fast.2) Fix Animation Canceling.-
Yes, yes this is what ZoS needs to do. I hope this is what they mean when they say they aren't going to do much with U213) No more DLC's (First fix the base game: Lag)
1) Five slots is not enough for our bars (Add more skill slots).-
2) Fix Animation Canceling.-
3) No more DLC's (First fix the base game: Lag)
Ty in advance
1) Five slots is not enough for our bars (Add more skill slots).-
2) Fix Animation Canceling.-
3) No more DLC's (First fix the base game: Lag)
Ty in advance
5 skills + ultimate are fine (10 + 2 ultimates really) limited action skill systems make your build more important. Meaningful CHOICES in gameplay help make the game more interesting and fun.
Like with any racial bonuses, if they homogenize all racial benefits to be the same then race becomes another meaningless uninteresting choice. I want some more meaningful choices, race, and the skills you slot and weapon setups you choose and whether you go full stam full magicka, or tank are about the only meaningful choices in the game.
I hope they do this right. (...) I learned how to cancel my ESO + subscription last night.
Maura_Neysa wrote: »
Interesting choices yes, the trouble with race right now is that there is no interesting choice. Its Argonian support, Redgaurd stam, Dark Elf mag or GTFO.....
It should be more like MagDK Dark Elf,, MagSorc Altmer, Magplar Breton , MagDen Nord, MagNB Argonian or something close to that. Make it so that what is important is the combination. Not just whether you are mag or stam
You already have it, it is called destruction staff.
lordrichter wrote: »
Well... Yes.
I know what people expect... buff, buff, buff. Another famous game did that and backed themselves into a corner. They eventually had to fix that, and it was a major earthquake in the game when they did.
So, yes, they need to take something from over-performing parts of the game. I expect that this will continue.
I think that there is no doubt that some people will be totally dismayed by what they are going to roll out in the next major Update. The pass over races will probably decimate builds. Naturally, the builds are only "decimated" from the perspective of the people using the build. Everyone not invested in that particular build will wonder what all the fuss is about.
This scares the hell out of me. This sounds like racial homogenization. The last thing I want is racial homogenization in this game. I really want race to be more than a cosmetic decision, but I fear that the "unique flavor" will be cosmetic and not reflect any game play considerations.
I want a mix of races so that some are better at one attribute than the others, including health. Yes, I am one of the crazy ones that would actually like to see them refactor the game so that there are three attributes Stamina, Magicka, and Heath, instead of the two we have today.
I want there to be races that are good for tanking, but not as good for healing, and have other races that are better at healing than tanking. Differences are good.
I expect ZOS to homogenize the races simply because they probably have an analysis showing that people pick the wrong class for what they want to do, get frustrated, and leave. If that happens, then it would probably be better if the race was just a cosmetic choice, like the rest of the character appearance, and put everything into the class and class skills. Simplify the combat part of the game down to class and item sets and leave the rest to cosmetics. I will be very sad if this happen.
I am preparing myself for being quite sad with what they come out with in 2019. But, they aren't asking me. I'm not a Racial Representative.
5 skills + ultimate are fine (10 + 2 ultimates really) limited action skill systems make your build more important. Meaningful CHOICES in gameplay help make the game more interesting and fun.
Like with any racial bonuses, if they homogenize all racial benefits to be the same then race becomes another meaningless uninteresting choice. I want some more meaningful choices, race, and the skills you slot and weapon setups you choose and whether you go full stam full magicka, or tank are about the only meaningful choices in the game.
IZZEFlameLash wrote: »
Yeah build sure is important with everyone running the same skillsets basically for any particular weapon/class setup.
No, we paid for a game that was going to be launched on consoles and PC, and that was to be played in a big mega server.
If you want to play a game with more buttons, just pick anyone in the market different from this one.
5 skills + 1 ulti + 2 bars is more than OK
1) Sorry if my english is not perfect.-
2) You wrote "on consoles and PC" in that order but DLC's always hit PC first and LATER on consoles.-
3) I used to play Aion....and there you have ALOT of skill slots.-
4) "Big mega fail server" ?.-
1) I'm waiting for Ashes of Creation too !!! so much hype !
2) After +4 years i did the same: No more eso plus here.-
Interesting... We'll still have the Dunmer Master Race though right? Please?
Thanks Rob, these are the kinds of updates which help give people an idea where game direction is going.
Edit: Whilst looking at racial balancing can you please go and take a look at the Orc Craftsman skill. Whilst it's awesome for new characters it's the only racial passive which doesn't remain useful throughout the game (once you've leveled all crafting skills it's useless).
There's always going to be meta builds or cookie cutter builds, sure, but it's still more interesting than having all skills available at all times and the deciding factor is how many keyboard shortcuts you can macro and frankly a lot of redundant skills that the only difference in them is that they're on different cooldowns.
IZZEFlameLash wrote: »
Point was that we all use the same skill sets more or less regardless of builds. We cannot have variety. Might as well have all skills available. We cannot specialize in the way older games of this genre offered. I cannot specialize in one skill for example to kill people. So yeah...
No way, Redguard has been nerfed over and over. As it stands, Redguard has a slight advantage in PvE while being a very balanced race in PvP. The better route would be to buff the PvE sustain of some other races. Redguard is ideally the power level other races should be at.
The only races which are actually overloaded when it comes to stats, especially in a PvP context, are Orc and Argonian.
This is how I personally see racial strength:
Overtuned- Orc, Argonian
Well tuned- Redguard, High Elf, Dark Elf, Khajiit, Wood Elf, Breton
Undertuned- Imperial, Nord