I recon I’ll hold off on race changing to an Argonian. Honestly I do hope they adjust that OP potion passive. It shouldn’t give back to all three resource pools.
Very very sketchy idea imho. Stop adding/tweaking nerfing things just for the sake of it. This is why you COMPLETELY alienate the veterans who have subbe
We don't necessarily use the same skills though, there are different builds, a handful for each class and different builds for PVE and PVP.. Better than just who has the best macro autohotkeys for their rotation.
and frankly youy might as well just go to another game if you want World of Warcraft style 8 hotbars bs. The limited action skillset was a deliberate design choice in this game, it suits consoles which is a big part of the playerbase,, and frankly I prefer it it's a big reason why I play the game. I get really tired of having to keybind 80 f'ing redundant skills on different cooldowns. If that's what you want. just go away, please. Don't suggest ruining this game, just go back to WoW.
[/quote]Maura_Neysa wrote: »Yes 5 is. Also the game is made for Console as well. There are no more buttons
@Maryal how do you handle other player effects? It's Stamblade that gives you the more subtle visuals, not the wood elf passives.The importance of Wood Elf passives-
Wood elfs passives and don't need to be buffed or nerfed. Their racial passives are a great fit for playing a stamblade - one of the few race/class combos that allow people with certain visual disabilities a way to participate in the game in a meaningful way.
A small (but not insubstantial) portion of the population suffers from a type of visual disability caused by flashing/flickering lights (i.e., the visual effects of many skills/abilities) ... this type of exposure can trigger things like motion sickness, nausea, migraines, epilepsy, etc. Many gamers with this problem work around it by playing a stealthy/roguish character. In this game that typically means RP'ing as a stealthy thief and/or a stealthy hard-hitting assassin.
These folks have to be selective about the content they participate in and they don't want to be limited to vanilla pve content. Combining or layering the wood elf racial passives, NB passives, and medium armor passives has given a lot of these folks a way to create the type of build that works with their limitations ... allowing them to participate, in a meaningful way, (have fun, get immersed, RP, etc.) in a fair amount of the content (mostly pve).
I'm not saying that these passives should never be changed. All I am asking is for 'the powers that be' to consider what I've said when making their changes.
It might be OP in PvP but it is nicely balanced when playing a PvE sorc tank as it is pretty much the only way sorcs can get back stamina while blocking mirroring DK class passives.
Maura_Neysa wrote: »
Umm... Hello Dark Deal. Its only 2.5 times the stamina of DK Igneous Shield, plus the over time effect after, thats half as strong as Warden Netch
EpicRekkoning wrote: »It would also make it feel more like the race is proficient with that weapon or armor skill type.
Bretons light armor
Orc heavy armor
Redguard/imperial sword and board
Argonian resto
Dunmer dual weild
Nord 2h
Altmer destro
Bosmer bow
Khajit medium armor
I do not know what I do wrong (or you do wrong) but I do not find those armour/weapon skill lines useful at all as all my lvl 50 chars got all their skill lines maxed before even hitting 50... Yeah - those could help a bit while leveling but honestly - I haven't noticed my my leveling up pace disturbed by different race to class combo - and I already have 16 slots filled with different combos (yes I am an altoholic).
So in short words - instead of having those (above mentioned skill lines) I would rather have something more useful (like haste, magicka or stamina bonuses).
First, you lose block for about 1.5 seconds while using Dark Deal. DKs also have access to "battle roar" in addition to "helping hands" so you need to factor that in to the equation. 9200 stamina from using an ultimate like Magma Shell.
It might be OP in PvP but it is nicely balanced when playing a PvE sorc tank as it is pretty much the only way sorcs can get back stamina while blocking mirroring DK class passives.
Schattenfluegel wrote: »
My SorcTank is an Highelf... ^^ And its going to work in Vettrials too.
Maura_Neysa wrote: »
Helping Hands 990 Stam per cast
1 Shield cast every 6sec
990/3 = 330 Stam/2sec
Battle Roar
War Horn every 50sec
46 Stam per Ulti point
200ulti/50sec*46 = 368 Stam/2sec
DK Total
330+368=698 Regen equivalent
Dark Deal every 20sec
3600 instant Stam + 2400 Stam over 20 second = 600 Stam/2sec
Dark Deal every 10sec
(3600 instat Stam + 1200 Stam over 10 seconds) * 2 = 960 Stam/2 Seconds
Deep Thoughts for the equivalent 3 seconds of cast time, spaced out over 20 seconds.
1914 Stam * 3 second = 5742 Stam / 20 sec = 120 Stam/2sec
Dont forget the sizable heal too. If you are perma-blocking then sure DK (and Warden) can pull that off. However if you can find 1.5sec every 20 sec you are already matching DK, And f you can find more time, it gets even better.
shiningforce wrote: »
Honestly i see both of your comments disheartening. Doing what either of you suggests just forces people to have to play certain races, yes forces (If you want to play magicka to the best of your ability you are forced to play High elf, dark elf and Breton) We dont need more of this we need less of this. I suggest going back to Elder scrolls origins where you pick a race and put in your OWN stats from the get go, what you choose later IN game affects your character. There are Khajit magic user npcs for example all over the place; yet, almost nobody uses them as playable characters because of how their racial passives are set up. Let people choose their races and set up their classes the way they see fit. If Racial passives stay they should be harmless passives like the argonian swim, or wood elf fall damage.
So going back to the original point.
Resourceful gives me back 4620 stam/health/mag.
1 potion every 45s
204 Stam/2sec.
Not even as good as helping hands.
1 Potion Every 25 seconds using two infused potion glyphs
370 Stam/2sec
But then you lose the ability to use other glyphs. Hardly OP.
Of course an Argonian DK tank has access to this and their class passives. So to play devils advocate, would you say that "Helping Hands" and "Battle Roar" are over powered and need be adjusted?
Seems you do not know what you are writting about, just take a look there - racial passives from Elder Scrolls series:
part 2 - Daggerfall :
part 3 - Morrowind :
etc etc
There were ALWAYS races more suitable to play certain roles in Elder Scrolls and min-maxers were always picking those races.
You represent a view of a min/maxer in the game (your words back that up), but I am not. I play whatever race/class combo I like (thus, for example, my stamina based templar is an orcish girl) that's why I already have 16 slots filled in.
BUT -> I do agree with previous posters who demand free race change token for every character owned if some drastic changes to racial passives will be made. People made their choices and commitments based of a state of the game at the certain point of time. Changing that without their consent could be deemed illegal -> Imagine yourself - you parked a car in a free spot in the morning - on your way back to your car in the evening you notice that somebody planted a sign "No Parking Zone" and your car has a clamp on one of its wheels and you are forced to pay a fine for parking in a restricted place. This is what happens to the game when its "developers" gimp/nerf a class or a race from a legal point of view. That's why I oppose any form of nerfing/gimping in any game I play. You may buff other, under powered classes/races but not the other way around.