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DK Fossilize, the next cc that needs to Die

  • Aedaryl
    There is so much stupidities in this thread.

    Fist, leave fossilize alone, nerfing it would heavely hurt dk, just like sorc was gutted when stun was took away from frag.

    Let's start.

    MagDK is easely the second best magicka class, (NB first) and mDK is very and rightfully strong. Dk is better than sorc.

    Dk have :

    -better sustain than sorc (yeah this is a fact.)
    -better ultimate burst than sorc (meteor 100% blocked)
    -better pressure (dots are the power of magdk, they can compete vs stam builds because they have strong pressure and guaranted burst).
    -the ability to chase people with the best gap closer
    -the best stamina managment
    -A good non 100% counterable cheap and strong ultimate
    - Very good healing with PL being stronger than vigor, with ember burst heal, with the HoT buble, with major mending. (Not all used on the same build ofc).
    - The more offensive they are, the better heals they got, they don't need to totaly stop attacking every 5s for 2s to shieldstack.

    The only thing sorc make better than dk is running away and execute. You see it comming ? You can't be a competitive fighter by running away from the fight or by spaming execute with NO way to burst (telegraphed and blocable/dodgeable) aswell as with NO way to pressure (u need to stop for shieldstack, u have no dot or defile and when u land skill, 3 of them are for delayed use).

    MSorc is the worst class in the game for competitive gameplay. This isn't opinion but it's fact.

    For the sad sorc around here, you would need to nerf far too much things to make sorc competitive. Stop that crusade, and ask for revelent buff.
  • pieratsos
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    well when they leave sorcs alone, last 8 patches they nerfed sorc sorcs sorcs

    now DKs fossilize needs to be nerfed too, to the same level as rune cage

    So make it dodgeable but add damage, a glitched unbreakable animation, and a 32m range? I'll take it

    So let me get this straight. You want to remove the root, increase the cost, dodgeable, reduced duration and deal low dmg if ur opponent doesn't break free. And all that just to get more range. Yeah I'm pretty sure u will take it. Lmao

    In fact u already have something better than that and u still don't use it. It's called stonefist
  • josh.lackey_ESO
    Better to add a root to rune cage morph and get rid of the damage, which is useless anyway.
  • DirkRavenclaw
    Luckily ESO does not really listen to all the Nerf Threads, otherwise we would have a sandbox My little Pony Style Game, i really do not like all the Nerf Threats, but well. Of course i accept your Opinion and yes, i find, the latest Nerf aftert a Nerf of Runecage is going to far. Maybe the Devs should stop nerfing things and actually sit down and play the Game :) Especially Cyro in Primetime, lets see how they feel, getting disconnected, running without moving and and and.
    Council Member of AtWritsEnd, Member of LoneWolfeHelp, Donor of GhostSeaTradingCO., Factor of EastEmpireTradingCO.,HonourGuard of ´DominionImperialGuard(DIG/PVP)

    Master Crafter including Jewelry, i craft for Mats and Donation, always happy to help, if Im not in the Middle of PVP, i play since around 14 Months
  • Datthaw
    I don't have a problem with the initial hard cc for fossilize but where this skill gets stupid is with the root after. The root after the stun is too strong. It allows magdk to just abuse ranged mag builds with no snare immunity. You end up stam drained standing in a snare bouncing your own attacks off wings until you die. This wasn't exactly a problem when chains was broke af and no one used it, now it's fixed they have and killer gap closer, range reflecting snare immunity, double cc stun, low cost leap ult with high damage and aoe stunting with killer range.... yeah magdk is strong.

    Magdk is the most broken class to play against as a ranged character

    Yes I play magdk before all you nerds rage to defend your class.
    Edited by Datthaw on August 21, 2018 10:40AM
  • Datthaw
    Luckily ESO does not really listen to all the Nerf Threads, otherwise we would have a sandbox My little Pony Style Game, i really do not like all the Nerf Threats, but well. Of course i accept your Opinion and yes, i find, the latest Nerf aftert a Nerf of Runecage is going to far. Maybe the Devs should stop nerfing things and actually sit down and play the Game :) Especially Cyro in Primetime, lets see how they feel, getting disconnected, running without moving and and and.

    OMG this, the devs totally don't play cyro. They a bunch of pve role players
  • ak_pvp
    Dunno why people talk about old rune, it's gone, it's now

    yeah, I would have to say mDK has a much better toolkit than the completely dodgeable, except curse, no healing, no worthwhile ult (overload is a gimmick that anybody should be able to dodge) mSorc

    Oh and mDK has access to major expedition and mag gap closer, dunno why you people keep saying it's immobile

    Engulfing Flames

    Major expedition + gap closer
    Snare Removal + reflect

    Talons dmg + roots
    Stone fist - range CC + dmg
    Petrify unblockable undodgeable + roots

    Ult gain = .5 per 1 sec on par with sorc 15% reduction

    Ok it doesn't have an execute, but I think the rest makes up for it

    GD work at 4 am
    I don't think you know what you are on about, you list skills and think ooh, shiny, but it doesn't consider the actual performance of it, the meta, or what DKs actually play like.

    You must be able to see the futility of expd on a gapcloser yes. How does that help me get away, how do I use that on demand. DK ideally shouldn't even have a gapcloser, it shows how much the control has declined. The snare immunity is not great. I already said and have been saying from the start. If shuffle isn't enough, wings sure as hell isn't.

    Stonefist is trash outside being some cheesy zergling who spams it with light attacks. Petrify is nice, no doubt. talons is a near never ran ability because roots don't really hurt the majority of players (stambois) its like rune in fact, why would you want to use an ability that barely works.
    Ultgen: Nope, the sorc one works out better. I believe woeler was the one who did a test on akaviri set, and it outperformed other ult gen sets like tavas back in the day. For reference tava gave 3 ult/s.
    As for a 1v1, atro is super good, dawnbreaker works if you want to get closer, and meteor can still land if you use rune, since they get CC'd either or. Leap in this patch is has potential but is bugged out of its arse.

    It doesn't have: Execute, reliable mobility, an escape, good sustain, good defense (wings is lul tier for OW, 90% ignore it, block is bad and bleeds/defiles are meta, so the majority go shields)
    It has, decent healing, decent CC, decent damage, though unreliable.
    I don't think you know how DK works, they already play like a worse magblade, take the CC power away, and then there is no point at all playing it, because then magblade not only has the better offense, mobility, defense/escape, they then also have the better control.

    This isn't a DK is terrible, its that DK isn't as good as you think, like the buffs they have got have been minor, since morrow (FOO, small sustain fix but still worst for mag, 2s immunity on a weak ability) yet took endless tankiness nerfs and some offense (whip, foss range) nerfs and somehow they went from absolute worst to amazing?

    Other classes just got nerfed down and they don't like it. The DKs are just used to it.
    Edited by ak_pvp on August 21, 2018 10:47AM
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • Enslaved
    Aedaryl wrote: »
    There is so much stupidities in this thread.

    Fist, leave fossilize alone, nerfing it would heavely hurt dk, just like sorc was gutted when stun was took away from frag.

    Let's start.

    MagDK is easely the second best magicka class, (NB first) and mDK is very and rightfully strong. Dk is better than sorc.

    Dk have :

    -better sustain than sorc (yeah this is a fact.)
    -better ultimate burst than sorc (meteor 100% blocked)
    -better pressure (dots are the power of magdk, they can compete vs stam builds because they have strong pressure and guaranted burst).
    -the ability to chase people with the best gap closer
    -the best stamina managment
    -A good non 100% counterable cheap and strong ultimate
    - Very good healing with PL being stronger than vigor, with ember burst heal, with the HoT buble, with major mending. (Not all used on the same build ofc).
    - The more offensive they are, the better heals they got, they don't need to totaly stop attacking every 5s for 2s to shieldstack.

    The only thing sorc make better than dk is running away and execute. You see it comming ? You can't be a competitive fighter by running away from the fight or by spaming execute with NO way to burst (telegraphed and blocable/dodgeable) aswell as with NO way to pressure (u need to stop for shieldstack, u have no dot or defile and when u land skill, 3 of them are for delayed use).

    MSorc is the worst class in the game for competitive gameplay. This isn't opinion but it's fact.

    For the sad sorc around here, you would need to nerf far too much things to make sorc competitive. Stop that crusade, and ask for revelent buff.

    You are aware of the fact 99% of mDKs are Dunmer, a.k.a. the worst magicka race when it comes down to sustain?
    Are you aware 90%+ of mSorcs are Altmer, a.k.a. race with more magicka % and 10% more magicka regen than said Dunmers?

    Did you really compare non target required streak that is also a stun on demand with chains?
    Did you know that the most blocked ultimate in history of ESO is leap?
    Did you just compared 15% cheaper ultimates sorc get with 0.5 ulti per second bonus DK can get only while in combat?
    Did you just said sorc has worse sustain?

    You, my good sir are a poor troll. 2/10
    Edited by Enslaved on August 21, 2018 10:40AM
  • IZZEFlameLash
    Datthaw wrote: »
    I don't have a problem with the initial hard cc for fossilize but where this skill gets stupid is with the root after. The root after the stun is too strong. It allows magdk to just abuse ranged mag builds with no snare immunity. You end up stam drained standing in a snare bouncing your own attacks off wings until you die. This wasn't exactly a problem when chains was broke af and no one used it, now it's fixed they have and killer gap closer, range reflecting snare immunity double cc stun low cost leap ult with high damage and aoe stunting with killer range.... yeah magdk is strong.

    Magdk is the most broken class to play against as a ranged character

    Yes I play magdk before all you nerds rage to defend your class.

    Most "broken" class to play against as a ranged character indeed. Not like Crushing Shock is unreflectable and wings are easy to get rid of. MDK is very easily countered by ranged builds by staying at a range (surprise surprise), keeping them at a distance wins the battle. Good players have no trouble dispatching mDK by exploiting mobility and unreflectable attacks. Oh and Rune Cage still works on DK because they are the last class to spam dodgeroll.

    Btw, I really don't think you are a mDK main. Because there's nothing 'killer' about mDK burst combo that has to use ult. And nothing 'killer' about chains because it gives out free CC immunity which as an opponent to a mDK you should welcome it and enjoy the immunity buff. I guess that is the killer part for opponent. Free CC immunity to prevent Petrify.
    Edited by IZZEFlameLash on August 21, 2018 10:47AM
    Imperials, the one and true masters of all mortal races of Tamriel
  • Thrain
    all nerflings cryed about the "op sorcs" with their rune cage
    Zos nerfed them so they arent "op" anymore

    Now you cry about the dks....maybe Zos will nerf them as well

    And what do you want after the dks?
    will you start crying about nightblades and cloak? oh whait you already do

    The game will be completely broke just because of the whole nerflings

    Edited by Thrain on August 21, 2018 10:49AM
  • Enslaved
    Datthaw wrote: »
    I don't have a problem with the initial hard cc for fossilize but where this skill gets stupid is with the root after. The root after the stun is too strong. It allows magdk to just abuse ranged mag builds with no snare immunity. You end up stam drained standing in a snare bouncing your own attacks off wings until you die. This wasn't exactly a problem when chains was broke af and no one used it, now it's fixed they have and killer gap closer, range reflecting snare immunity double cc stun low cost leap ult with high damage and aoe stunting with killer range.... yeah magdk is strong.

    Magdk is the most broken class to play against as a ranged character

    Yes I play magdk before all you nerds rage to defend your class.

    Most "broken" class to play against as a ranged character indeed. Not like Crushing Shock is unreflectable and wings are easy to get rid of. MDK is very easily countered by ranged builds by staying at a range (surprise surprise), keeping them at a distance wins the battle. Good players have no trouble dispatching mDK by exploiting mobility and unreflectable attacks. Oh and Rune Cage still works on DK because they are the last class to spam dodgeroll.

    Wings used to reflect even meteors back then when classes were strong and not this mediocre MLP bs
    Now wings dont reflect half of the things
  • IZZEFlameLash
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Datthaw wrote: »
    I don't have a problem with the initial hard cc for fossilize but where this skill gets stupid is with the root after. The root after the stun is too strong. It allows magdk to just abuse ranged mag builds with no snare immunity. You end up stam drained standing in a snare bouncing your own attacks off wings until you die. This wasn't exactly a problem when chains was broke af and no one used it, now it's fixed they have and killer gap closer, range reflecting snare immunity double cc stun low cost leap ult with high damage and aoe stunting with killer range.... yeah magdk is strong.

    Magdk is the most broken class to play against as a ranged character

    Yes I play magdk before all you nerds rage to defend your class.

    Most "broken" class to play against as a ranged character indeed. Not like Crushing Shock is unreflectable and wings are easy to get rid of. MDK is very easily countered by ranged builds by staying at a range (surprise surprise), keeping them at a distance wins the battle. Good players have no trouble dispatching mDK by exploiting mobility and unreflectable attacks. Oh and Rune Cage still works on DK because they are the last class to spam dodgeroll.

    Wings used to reflect even meteors back then when classes were strong and not this mediocre MLP bs
    Now wings dont reflect half of the things

    It's still OP apparently. Daily life in Cyrodiil leaves me with impression that nearly all magicka ranged builds use unreflectable, high penetrating thing called Force Shock. And that constant LA + Skill gets the wing off very easy.
    Imperials, the one and true masters of all mortal races of Tamriel
  • Datthaw
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Dunno why people talk about old rune, it's gone, it's now

    yeah, I would have to say mDK has a much better toolkit than the completely dodgeable, except curse, no healing, no worthwhile ult (overload is a gimmick that anybody should be able to dodge) mSorc

    Oh and mDK has access to major expedition and mag gap closer, dunno why you people keep saying it's immobile

    Engulfing Flames

    Major expedition + gap closer
    Snare Removal + reflect

    Talons dmg + roots
    Stone fist - range CC + dmg
    Petrify unblockable undodgeable + roots

    Ult gain = .5 per 1 sec on par with sorc 15% reduction

    Ok it doesn't have an execute, but I think the rest makes up for it

    GD work at 4 am

    You must be able to see the futility of expd on a gapcloser yes. How does that help me get away, how do I use that on demand. DK ideally shouldn't even have a gapcloser, it shows how much the control has declined. The snare immunity is not great. I already said and have been saying from the start. If shuffle isn't enough, wings sure as hell isn't.

    Stonefist is trash outside being some cheesy zergling who spams it with light attacks. Petrify is nice, no doubt. talons is a near never ran ability because roots don't really hurt the majority of players (stambois) its like rune in fact, why would you want to use an ability that barely works.

    Ultgen: Nope, the sorc one works out better. I believe woeler was the one who did a test on akaviri set, and it outperformed other ult gen sets like tavas back in the day. For reference tava gave 3 ult/s.
    As for a 1v1, atro is super good, dawnbreaker works if you want to get closer, and meteor can still land if you use rune, since they get CC'd either or.

    It doesn't have: Execute, reliable mobility, an escape, good sustain, good defense (wings is lul tier for OW, 90% ignore it, block is bad, so the majority go shields)
    It has, decent healing, decent CC, decent damage, though unreliable.

    I don't think you know how DK works, they already play like a worse magblade, take the CC power away, and then there is no point at all playing it, because then magblade not only has the better offense, mobility, defense/escape, they then also have the better control. This isn't a DK is terrible, its that DK isn't as good as you think, like the buffs they have got have been minor, since morrow (FOO, small sustain fix but still worst for mag, 2s immunity on a weak ability) yet took endless tankiness nerfs and some offense (whip, foss range) nerfsand somehow they went from absolute worst to amazing?
    Nah, other classes just got nerfed down and they don't like it. The DKs are just used to it.

    There is a much I dnot agree with in here. Having a maj tied to a gap closer ins not pointless. It's for those "stambois" as you call instead and the streakers. Gapclose and keep your speed up to stay on top of them. This instant a very mobile patch and everyone whipping around so having mag exp tied to your gapclose is not a loss by any means

    DK soooooooooo does not play like a worse magblade.... do you even play magblade? I don't even understand how you came to that assumption it is so wrong. And btw magdk owns magblade like hard..... like really bad because of the skill you say is "lul tier" WINGS. And btw this skill is not used less open world because guess what it's your mobility. Snare removal and immunity is priceless in cryo.
  • Nyladreas
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    Well since you guys killed the rune cage, then its time to kill fossilize also

    this skill requires two skills to counter, no other skill do that

    time to nerf this also

    No, fossilize is fine. DKs are fine.

    Sorcs need to be nerfed further. If Anything. And NBs need a huge revamp. That's about it.

    Oh yeah and magwarden needs a buff :)
    Edited by Nyladreas on August 21, 2018 10:51AM
  • Qbiken
    Also, following the Wolfhunter update, werewolf builds have become ridiculously strong, with builds allowing for extremely high dps from only light attacking. This was supposedly nerfed after concerns were raised during the PTS cycle, but it's quite clearly still overperforming. It doesn't affect PvP really, so nobody seems to care that it's breaking the balance and removing all skill barriers from PvE stamina dps...

    Werewolf´s main source of damage has always been light attacks (at least for PvP), and WW´s got their LA/HA nerfed in Summerset patch (while everyone else got their LA/HA damage buffed)

    Regarding PvE there´re two changes that made WW´s viable for PvE:
    * The change to Bloodrage (increasing duration in WW-form when dealing damage instead of taking damage)
    * The new "Bloodmoon" set.

    Remove one of these and WW DPS drops immensely and isn´t viable all of a sudden. While it doesn´t take that much effort to get high numbers as a WW, they get carried by certain sets as much as any other stamina non-werewolf class.
    Edited by Qbiken on August 21, 2018 10:52AM
  • Enslaved
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Datthaw wrote: »
    I don't have a problem with the initial hard cc for fossilize but where this skill gets stupid is with the root after. The root after the stun is too strong. It allows magdk to just abuse ranged mag builds with no snare immunity. You end up stam drained standing in a snare bouncing your own attacks off wings until you die. This wasn't exactly a problem when chains was broke af and no one used it, now it's fixed they have and killer gap closer, range reflecting snare immunity double cc stun low cost leap ult with high damage and aoe stunting with killer range.... yeah magdk is strong.

    Magdk is the most broken class to play against as a ranged character

    Yes I play magdk before all you nerds rage to defend your class.

    Most "broken" class to play against as a ranged character indeed. Not like Crushing Shock is unreflectable and wings are easy to get rid of. MDK is very easily countered by ranged builds by staying at a range (surprise surprise), keeping them at a distance wins the battle. Good players have no trouble dispatching mDK by exploiting mobility and unreflectable attacks. Oh and Rune Cage still works on DK because they are the last class to spam dodgeroll.

    Wings used to reflect even meteors back then when classes were strong and not this mediocre MLP bs
    Now wings dont reflect half of the things

    It's still OP apparently. Daily life in Cyrodiil leaves me with impression that nearly all magicka ranged builds use unreflectable, high penetrating thing called Force Shock. And that constant LA + Skill gets the wing off very easy.

    I use wings since they are great against complete newcomers that spam snipe or reach like they have only one button on their keyboard
  • IZZEFlameLash
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Datthaw wrote: »
    I don't have a problem with the initial hard cc for fossilize but where this skill gets stupid is with the root after. The root after the stun is too strong. It allows magdk to just abuse ranged mag builds with no snare immunity. You end up stam drained standing in a snare bouncing your own attacks off wings until you die. This wasn't exactly a problem when chains was broke af and no one used it, now it's fixed they have and killer gap closer, range reflecting snare immunity double cc stun low cost leap ult with high damage and aoe stunting with killer range.... yeah magdk is strong.

    Magdk is the most broken class to play against as a ranged character

    Yes I play magdk before all you nerds rage to defend your class.

    Most "broken" class to play against as a ranged character indeed. Not like Crushing Shock is unreflectable and wings are easy to get rid of. MDK is very easily countered by ranged builds by staying at a range (surprise surprise), keeping them at a distance wins the battle. Good players have no trouble dispatching mDK by exploiting mobility and unreflectable attacks. Oh and Rune Cage still works on DK because they are the last class to spam dodgeroll.

    Wings used to reflect even meteors back then when classes were strong and not this mediocre MLP bs
    Now wings dont reflect half of the things

    It's still OP apparently. Daily life in Cyrodiil leaves me with impression that nearly all magicka ranged builds use unreflectable, high penetrating thing called Force Shock. And that constant LA + Skill gets the wing off very easy.

    I use wings since they are great against complete newcomers that spam snipe or reach like they have only one button on their keyboard

    Lol, that is about the only use I have for wings. To ward off Snipe spammer and occassional cheeky Overload spammer.
    Imperials, the one and true masters of all mortal races of Tamriel
  • Ragnarock41
    Aedaryl wrote: »
    There is so much stupidities in this thread.

    Fist, leave fossilize alone, nerfing it would heavely hurt dk, just like sorc was gutted when stun was took away from frag.

    Let's start.

    MagDK is easely the second best magicka class, (NB first) and mDK is very and rightfully strong. Dk is better than sorc.

    Dk have :

    -better sustain than sorc (yeah this is a fact.)
    -better ultimate burst than sorc (meteor 100% blocked)
    -better pressure (dots are the power of magdk, they can compete vs stam builds because they have strong pressure and guaranted burst).
    -the ability to chase people with the best gap closer
    -the best stamina managment
    -A good non 100% counterable cheap and strong ultimate
    - Very good healing with PL being stronger than vigor, with ember burst heal, with the HoT buble, with major mending. (Not all used on the same build ofc).
    - The more offensive they are, the better heals they got, they don't need to totaly stop attacking every 5s for 2s to shieldstack.

    The only thing sorc make better than dk is running away and execute. You see it comming ? You can't be a competitive fighter by running away from the fight or by spaming execute with NO way to burst (telegraphed and blocable/dodgeable) aswell as with NO way to pressure (u need to stop for shieldstack, u have no dot or defile and when u land skill, 3 of them are for delayed use).

    MSorc is the worst class in the game for competitive gameplay. This isn't opinion but it's fact.

    For the sad sorc around here, you would need to nerf far too much things to make sorc competitive. Stop that crusade, and ask for revelent buff.

    Why don't you go ask for more nerfs to super overpowered stamDka killing you with bash spam or something,

    instead of acting like you don't have an anti-Dk agenda?
  • ak_pvp
    Datthaw wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Dunno why people talk about old rune, it's gone, it's now

    yeah, I would have to say mDK has a much better toolkit than the completely dodgeable, except curse, no healing, no worthwhile ult (overload is a gimmick that anybody should be able to dodge) mSorc

    Oh and mDK has access to major expedition and mag gap closer, dunno why you people keep saying it's immobile

    Engulfing Flames

    Major expedition + gap closer
    Snare Removal + reflect

    Talons dmg + roots
    Stone fist - range CC + dmg
    Petrify unblockable undodgeable + roots

    Ult gain = .5 per 1 sec on par with sorc 15% reduction

    Ok it doesn't have an execute, but I think the rest makes up for it

    GD work at 4 am

    You must be able to see the futility of expd on a gapcloser yes. How does that help me get away, how do I use that on demand. DK ideally shouldn't even have a gapcloser, it shows how much the control has declined. The snare immunity is not great. I already said and have been saying from the start. If shuffle isn't enough, wings sure as hell isn't.

    Stonefist is trash outside being some cheesy zergling who spams it with light attacks. Petrify is nice, no doubt. talons is a near never ran ability because roots don't really hurt the majority of players (stambois) its like rune in fact, why would you want to use an ability that barely works.

    Ultgen: Nope, the sorc one works out better. I believe woeler was the one who did a test on akaviri set, and it outperformed other ult gen sets like tavas back in the day. For reference tava gave 3 ult/s.
    As for a 1v1, atro is super good, dawnbreaker works if you want to get closer, and meteor can still land if you use rune, since they get CC'd either or.

    It doesn't have: Execute, reliable mobility, an escape, good sustain, good defense (wings is lul tier for OW, 90% ignore it, block is bad, so the majority go shields)
    It has, decent healing, decent CC, decent damage, though unreliable.

    I don't think you know how DK works, they already play like a worse magblade, take the CC power away, and then there is no point at all playing it, because then magblade not only has the better offense, mobility, defense/escape, they then also have the better control. This isn't a DK is terrible, its that DK isn't as good as you think, like the buffs they have got have been minor, since morrow (FOO, small sustain fix but still worst for mag, 2s immunity on a weak ability) yet took endless tankiness nerfs and some offense (whip, foss range) nerfsand somehow they went from absolute worst to amazing?
    Nah, other classes just got nerfed down and they don't like it. The DKs are just used to it.

    There is a much I dnot agree with in here. Having a maj tied to a gap closer ins not pointless. It's for those "stambois" as you call instead and the streakers. Gapclose and keep your speed up to stay on top of them. This instant a very mobile patch and everyone whipping around so having mag exp tied to your gapclose is not a loss by any means

    DK soooooooooo does not play like a worse magblade.... do you even play magblade? I don't even understand how you came to that assumption it is so wrong. And btw magdk owns magblade like hard..... like really bad because of the skill you say is "lul tier" WINGS. And btw this skill is not used less open world because guess what it's your mobility. Snare removal and immunity is priceless in cryo.

    The expedition on gap closer is good vs running targets then. Wow, you know what'd be better. Expedition that you could use whenever. Its close to pointless. Its not a bad gapcloser no, because destro resto builds get a lot of damage out of it, but the expd is pointless.

    Wings is lul tier, a defense that doesn't work vs 90% of the games abilities, has a small limit, and a short snare immunity. Why use wings when I can use (and do use) forward mementum for much much better escape. 2.5s isn't enough for shuffle, on mobile classes, which can be unchained. However dropping nearly 4k magicka on 2s+weak defense is worth? I have dropped it in very many occasions.
    Does it hard counter magblade in a 1v1 yes, but you know what they can do back. Harness, cloak, shade, all these are better than wings. In fact, cloak is infinitely better, i'd trade half my class including wings for it.

    It does play like a worse magblade. You dot, root maybe, and LA+spammable until you can CC+Burst. Rinse and repeat. You spam shields along with wings/cloak to escape. DKs don't even use coag on most of their builds anymore.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • Waffennacht
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Datthaw wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Dunno why people talk about old rune, it's gone, it's now

    yeah, I would have to say mDK has a much better toolkit than the completely dodgeable, except curse, no healing, no worthwhile ult (overload is a gimmick that anybody should be able to dodge) mSorc

    Oh and mDK has access to major expedition and mag gap closer, dunno why you people keep saying it's immobile

    Engulfing Flames

    Major expedition + gap closer
    Snare Removal + reflect

    Talons dmg + roots
    Stone fist - range CC + dmg
    Petrify unblockable undodgeable + roots

    Ult gain = .5 per 1 sec on par with sorc 15% reduction

    Ok it doesn't have an execute, but I think the rest makes up for it

    GD work at 4 am

    You must be able to see the futility of expd on a gapcloser yes. How does that help me get away, how do I use that on demand. DK ideally shouldn't even have a gapcloser, it shows how much the control has declined. The snare immunity is not great. I already said and have been saying from the start. If shuffle isn't enough, wings sure as hell isn't.

    Stonefist is trash outside being some cheesy zergling who spams it with light attacks. Petrify is nice, no doubt. talons is a near never ran ability because roots don't really hurt the majority of players (stambois) its like rune in fact, why would you want to use an ability that barely works.

    Ultgen: Nope, the sorc one works out better. I believe woeler was the one who did a test on akaviri set, and it outperformed other ult gen sets like tavas back in the day. For reference tava gave 3 ult/s.
    As for a 1v1, atro is super good, dawnbreaker works if you want to get closer, and meteor can still land if you use rune, since they get CC'd either or.

    It doesn't have: Execute, reliable mobility, an escape, good sustain, good defense (wings is lul tier for OW, 90% ignore it, block is bad, so the majority go shields)
    It has, decent healing, decent CC, decent damage, though unreliable.

    I don't think you know how DK works, they already play like a worse magblade, take the CC power away, and then there is no point at all playing it, because then magblade not only has the better offense, mobility, defense/escape, they then also have the better control. This isn't a DK is terrible, its that DK isn't as good as you think, like the buffs they have got have been minor, since morrow (FOO, small sustain fix but still worst for mag, 2s immunity on a weak ability) yet took endless tankiness nerfs and some offense (whip, foss range) nerfsand somehow they went from absolute worst to amazing?
    Nah, other classes just got nerfed down and they don't like it. The DKs are just used to it.

    There is a much I dnot agree with in here. Having a maj tied to a gap closer ins not pointless. It's for those "stambois" as you call instead and the streakers. Gapclose and keep your speed up to stay on top of them. This instant a very mobile patch and everyone whipping around so having mag exp tied to your gapclose is not a loss by any means

    DK soooooooooo does not play like a worse magblade.... do you even play magblade? I don't even understand how you came to that assumption it is so wrong. And btw magdk owns magblade like hard..... like really bad because of the skill you say is "lul tier" WINGS. And btw this skill is not used less open world because guess what it's your mobility. Snare removal and immunity is priceless in cryo.

    The expedition on gap closer is good vs running targets then. Wow, you know what'd be better. Expedition that you could use whenever. Its close to pointless. Its not a bad gapcloser no, because destro resto builds get a lot of damage out of it, but the expd is pointless.

    Wings is lul tier, a defense that doesn't work vs 90% of the games abilities, has a small limit, and a short snare immunity. Why use wings when I can use (and do use) forward mementum for much much better escape. 2.5s isn't enough for shuffle, on mobile classes, which can be unchained. However dropping nearly 4k magicka on 2s+weak defense is worth? I have dropped it in very many occasions.
    Does it hard counter magblade in a 1v1 yes, but you know what they can do back. Harness, cloak, shade, all these are better than wings. In fact, cloak is infinitely better, i'd trade half my class including wings for it.

    It does play like a worse magblade. You dot, root maybe, and LA+spammable until you can CC+Burst. Rinse and repeat. You spam shields along with wings/cloak to escape. DKs don't even use coag on most of their builds anymore.

    Everything plays like a worse NB.

    Cuz NB has the best toolkit.

    And why are we suddenly talking about NBs?

    Edit, I also disagree with quite a few of your opinions about DK. But they're just opinions, if you like em or not doesn't change the fact that DK has access to all that I've listed
    Edited by Waffennacht on August 21, 2018 11:34AM
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Malamar1229
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Sure. Give us shieldstacking and give us 41m range on fossilize.

    Last I checked you can stack dampen magicka and healing ward....

  • Enslaved
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Sure. Give us shieldstacking and give us 41m range on fossilize.

    Last I checked you can stack dampen magicka and healing ward....

    last time I checked that combo is inferior to ward + dampen + healing ward.
  • Waffennacht
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Sure. Give us shieldstacking and give us 41m range on fossilize.

    Last I checked you can stack dampen magicka and healing ward....

    last time I checked that combo is inferior to ward + dampen + healing ward.

    Don't worry, Shields are going to be nerfed so healers feel more important
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Enslaved
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Sure. Give us shieldstacking and give us 41m range on fossilize.

    Last I checked you can stack dampen magicka and healing ward....

    last time I checked that combo is inferior to ward + dampen + healing ward.

    Don't worry, Shields are going to be nerfed so healers feel more important

    Im a sDK. I dont care about healers.
  • ak_pvp
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Sure. Give us shieldstacking and give us 41m range on fossilize.

    Last I checked you can stack dampen magicka and healing ward....

    last time I checked that combo is inferior to ward + dampen + healing ward.

    Don't worry, Shields are going to be nerfed so healers feel more important

    That is supposedly a PvE thing only, probably going to half shield strength and then add immunity to battle spirit so PvP stays the same.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • JumpmanLane
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    well when they leave sorcs alone, last 8 patches they nerfed sorc sorcs sorcs

    now DKs fossilize needs to be nerfed too, to the same level as rune cage

    Fossilize has an actual cool down that works.

    You know that you can't even cast Rune Cage on a cc immune target, right?

    With meteor there's always a burst combo.

    I thought it was Meteor, Petrify, whip for MDK?

    And with swift, DK has mobility, all classes have mobility now, especially with race against time

    so in your world DK can burst (on demand and only) with an ultimate? good to know, didnt know that other classes couldnt use an ultimate ON TOP of their regular burst-combos...

    When was the last time you died to a sorc's curse/frags/fury no-ult combo on a build that is worth it's salt?

    Lol I know right. It’s easy to lose track of your immunity chasing streaking sorcs. Really it just seemed like they were spamming it since they were running and casting rune cage lol.
  • Aedaryl
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Aedaryl wrote: »
    There is so much stupidities in this thread.

    Fist, leave fossilize alone, nerfing it would heavely hurt dk, just like sorc was gutted when stun was took away from frag.

    Let's start.

    MagDK is easely the second best magicka class, (NB first) and mDK is very and rightfully strong. Dk is better than sorc.

    Dk have :

    -better sustain than sorc (yeah this is a fact.)
    -better ultimate burst than sorc (meteor 100% blocked)
    -better pressure (dots are the power of magdk, they can compete vs stam builds because they have strong pressure and guaranted burst).
    -the ability to chase people with the best gap closer
    -the best stamina managment
    -A good non 100% counterable cheap and strong ultimate
    - Very good healing with PL being stronger than vigor, with ember burst heal, with the HoT buble, with major mending. (Not all used on the same build ofc).
    - The more offensive they are, the better heals they got, they don't need to totaly stop attacking every 5s for 2s to shieldstack.

    The only thing sorc make better than dk is running away and execute. You see it comming ? You can't be a competitive fighter by running away from the fight or by spaming execute with NO way to burst (telegraphed and blocable/dodgeable) aswell as with NO way to pressure (u need to stop for shieldstack, u have no dot or defile and when u land skill, 3 of them are for delayed use).

    MSorc is the worst class in the game for competitive gameplay. This isn't opinion but it's fact.

    For the sad sorc around here, you would need to nerf far too much things to make sorc competitive. Stop that crusade, and ask for revelent buff.

    You are aware of the fact 99% of mDKs are Dunmer, a.k.a. the worst magicka race when it comes down to sustain?
    Are you aware 90%+ of mSorcs are Altmer, a.k.a. race with more magicka % and 10% more magicka regen than said Dunmers?

    Did you really compare non target required streak that is also a stun on demand with chains?
    Did you know that the most blocked ultimate in history of ESO is leap?
    Did you just compared 15% cheaper ultimates sorc get with 0.5 ulti per second bonus DK can get only while in combat?
    Did you just said sorc has worse sustain?

    You, my good sir are a poor troll. 2/10

    You lack knowledge really.

    Sorc sustain is the worst because how shieldstacking work. They have expensive skills like dk but they are forced to spend 6886 magicka every 5s MINIMUM just to stay alive. When the sorc is pressurise the cost is 10788.

    Sorcerers (10% mag recovery) in light armor (20% more recovery, 10% reduce cost), altmer (10% mag recovery) need to wear a full sustain set (lich) to not be OOM, even when harness, the most OP magicka return in the game carry sorc. A heavy armor dunmer dk can sustain with less than 1k mag recovery and 2 reduce cost glyph. A light armor dk sustain with 700 mag recovery and 2 infused reduce cost. It just proove my point.

    Streak as a stun is not reliable and force sorcerer into melee gameplay and it's don't even touch people mooving fast with speed pots and swift being around. I didn't compare chain and streak. DK have chain to go melee, sorc have streak to go away. Different. One just have no cost increase and isn't outperformed by 5 of the 10 class in eso.

    Leap the most blocked ultimate in eso history ? It's a shame at this point. Everyone with a halfbrain can tell you meteor is the most blocked ultimate, because of the HUGE telegraph.

    DK having a bad ultimate regen is a JOKE, read me well all dk lacking knowledge.

    How much second a sorc need to use his offensive ultimate ?

    - Meteor : (170/3 =) 57s
    - Atronach : (170/3) = 57s
    - Dawnbreaker : (107/3) = 36s

    How much second dk need to use his offensive ultimate ?

    - Leap : (125/3.5) = 36s

    You speak about the 15% sorc ultimate passive, but it's good only on paper, SORC NEED MORE TIME to use his ultimate, and if he choose to use a stamina ultimate, he still need the same time, but with worst result.

    How much second a Sorc need to use his defensive ultimate ?

    - Atronach : 57s
    - Resto ulti : (107/3) = 36s
    - For the joke, spell wall = (115/3) = 39s

    How much second a DK need to use his defensive ultimate ?

    - Resto ulti : (125/3.5) = 36s
    - Spell wall : (135/3.5)= 39s

    You want to tell me "it's biased you take cheap ultimate so the 15% sorc passive ins't working at his best", again it's ***.

    How much second a DK need to use a destro ultimate : (250/3.5) = 71.4s

    How much second a Sorc need to use a destro ultmate : (213/3) = 71s

    NO DK DON'T HAVE A WORSE ULTI REGEN THAN A SORC, they have the same, and dk is in a better place because his offensive ultimate (leap) is better than any sorc option.

    Even meteor take the same time on both sorc and DK because how mountain's blessing work :

    Sorc : (170/3) = 57s
    DK : 200 cost, dk get 3 additional ultimate very 6s in fight so it follow like that (6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3) in 57s DK gain 201 ultimate.

    Stop this non sense please.

  • Enslaved
    Aedaryl wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Aedaryl wrote: »
    There is so much stupidities in this thread.

    Fist, leave fossilize alone, nerfing it would heavely hurt dk, just like sorc was gutted when stun was took away from frag.

    Let's start.

    MagDK is easely the second best magicka class, (NB first) and mDK is very and rightfully strong. Dk is better than sorc.

    Dk have :

    -better sustain than sorc (yeah this is a fact.)
    -better ultimate burst than sorc (meteor 100% blocked)
    -better pressure (dots are the power of magdk, they can compete vs stam builds because they have strong pressure and guaranted burst).
    -the ability to chase people with the best gap closer
    -the best stamina managment
    -A good non 100% counterable cheap and strong ultimate
    - Very good healing with PL being stronger than vigor, with ember burst heal, with the HoT buble, with major mending. (Not all used on the same build ofc).
    - The more offensive they are, the better heals they got, they don't need to totaly stop attacking every 5s for 2s to shieldstack.

    The only thing sorc make better than dk is running away and execute. You see it comming ? You can't be a competitive fighter by running away from the fight or by spaming execute with NO way to burst (telegraphed and blocable/dodgeable) aswell as with NO way to pressure (u need to stop for shieldstack, u have no dot or defile and when u land skill, 3 of them are for delayed use).

    MSorc is the worst class in the game for competitive gameplay. This isn't opinion but it's fact.

    For the sad sorc around here, you would need to nerf far too much things to make sorc competitive. Stop that crusade, and ask for revelent buff.

    You are aware of the fact 99% of mDKs are Dunmer, a.k.a. the worst magicka race when it comes down to sustain?
    Are you aware 90%+ of mSorcs are Altmer, a.k.a. race with more magicka % and 10% more magicka regen than said Dunmers?

    Did you really compare non target required streak that is also a stun on demand with chains?
    Did you know that the most blocked ultimate in history of ESO is leap?
    Did you just compared 15% cheaper ultimates sorc get with 0.5 ulti per second bonus DK can get only while in combat?
    Did you just said sorc has worse sustain?

    You, my good sir are a poor troll. 2/10

    You lack knowledge really.

    Sorc sustain is the worst because how shieldstacking work. They have expensive skills like dk but they are forced to spend 6886 magicka every 5s MINIMUM just to stay alive. When the sorc is pressurise the cost is 10788.

    Sorcerers (10% mag recovery) in light armor (20% more recovery, 10% reduce cost), altmer (10% mag recovery) need to wear a full sustain set (lich) to not be OOM, even when harness, the most OP magicka return in the game carry sorc. A heavy armor dunmer dk can sustain with less than 1k mag recovery and 2 reduce cost glyph. A light armor dk sustain with 700 mag recovery and 2 infused reduce cost. It just proove my point.

    Streak as a stun is not reliable and force sorcerer into melee gameplay and it's don't even touch people mooving fast with speed pots and swift being around. I didn't compare chain and streak. DK have chain to go melee, sorc have streak to go away. Different. One just have no cost increase and isn't outperformed by 5 of the 10 class in eso.

    Leap the most blocked ultimate in eso history ? It's a shame at this point. Everyone with a halfbrain can tell you meteor is the most blocked ultimate, because of the HUGE telegraph.

    DK having a bad ultimate regen is a JOKE, read me well all dk lacking knowledge.

    How much second a sorc need to use his offensive ultimate ?

    - Meteor : (170/3 =) 57s
    - Atronach : (170/3) = 57s
    - Dawnbreaker : (107/3) = 36s

    How much second dk need to use his offensive ultimate ?

    - Leap : (125/3.5) = 36s

    You speak about the 15% sorc ultimate passive, but it's good only on paper, SORC NEED MORE TIME to use his ultimate, and if he choose to use a stamina ultimate, he still need the same time, but with worst result.

    How much second a Sorc need to use his defensive ultimate ?

    - Atronach : 57s
    - Resto ulti : (107/3) = 36s
    - For the joke, spell wall = (115/3) = 39s

    How much second a DK need to use his defensive ultimate ?

    - Resto ulti : (125/3.5) = 36s
    - Spell wall : (135/3.5)= 39s

    You want to tell me "it's biased you take cheap ultimate so the 15% sorc passive ins't working at his best", again it's ***.

    How much second a DK need to use a destro ultimate : (250/3.5) = 71.4s

    How much second a Sorc need to use a destro ultmate : (213/3) = 71s

    NO DK DON'T HAVE A WORSE ULTI REGEN THAN A SORC, they have the same, and dk is in a better place because his offensive ultimate (leap) is better than any sorc option.

    Even meteor take the same time on both sorc and DK because how mountain's blessing work :

    Sorc : (170/3) = 57s
    DK : 200 cost, dk get 3 additional ultimate very 6s in fight so it follow like that (6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3) in 57s DK gain 201 ultimate.

    Stop this non sense please.

    This post might be biggest load of crap ever seen on this forums.
  • Aedaryl
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Aedaryl wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Aedaryl wrote: »
    There is so much stupidities in this thread.

    Fist, leave fossilize alone, nerfing it would heavely hurt dk, just like sorc was gutted when stun was took away from frag.

    Let's start.

    MagDK is easely the second best magicka class, (NB first) and mDK is very and rightfully strong. Dk is better than sorc.

    Dk have :

    -better sustain than sorc (yeah this is a fact.)
    -better ultimate burst than sorc (meteor 100% blocked)
    -better pressure (dots are the power of magdk, they can compete vs stam builds because they have strong pressure and guaranted burst).
    -the ability to chase people with the best gap closer
    -the best stamina managment
    -A good non 100% counterable cheap and strong ultimate
    - Very good healing with PL being stronger than vigor, with ember burst heal, with the HoT buble, with major mending. (Not all used on the same build ofc).
    - The more offensive they are, the better heals they got, they don't need to totaly stop attacking every 5s for 2s to shieldstack.

    The only thing sorc make better than dk is running away and execute. You see it comming ? You can't be a competitive fighter by running away from the fight or by spaming execute with NO way to burst (telegraphed and blocable/dodgeable) aswell as with NO way to pressure (u need to stop for shieldstack, u have no dot or defile and when u land skill, 3 of them are for delayed use).

    MSorc is the worst class in the game for competitive gameplay. This isn't opinion but it's fact.

    For the sad sorc around here, you would need to nerf far too much things to make sorc competitive. Stop that crusade, and ask for revelent buff.

    You are aware of the fact 99% of mDKs are Dunmer, a.k.a. the worst magicka race when it comes down to sustain?
    Are you aware 90%+ of mSorcs are Altmer, a.k.a. race with more magicka % and 10% more magicka regen than said Dunmers?

    Did you really compare non target required streak that is also a stun on demand with chains?
    Did you know that the most blocked ultimate in history of ESO is leap?
    Did you just compared 15% cheaper ultimates sorc get with 0.5 ulti per second bonus DK can get only while in combat?
    Did you just said sorc has worse sustain?

    You, my good sir are a poor troll. 2/10

    You lack knowledge really.

    Sorc sustain is the worst because how shieldstacking work. They have expensive skills like dk but they are forced to spend 6886 magicka every 5s MINIMUM just to stay alive. When the sorc is pressurise the cost is 10788.

    Sorcerers (10% mag recovery) in light armor (20% more recovery, 10% reduce cost), altmer (10% mag recovery) need to wear a full sustain set (lich) to not be OOM, even when harness, the most OP magicka return in the game carry sorc. A heavy armor dunmer dk can sustain with less than 1k mag recovery and 2 reduce cost glyph. A light armor dk sustain with 700 mag recovery and 2 infused reduce cost. It just proove my point.

    Streak as a stun is not reliable and force sorcerer into melee gameplay and it's don't even touch people mooving fast with speed pots and swift being around. I didn't compare chain and streak. DK have chain to go melee, sorc have streak to go away. Different. One just have no cost increase and isn't outperformed by 5 of the 10 class in eso.

    Leap the most blocked ultimate in eso history ? It's a shame at this point. Everyone with a halfbrain can tell you meteor is the most blocked ultimate, because of the HUGE telegraph.

    DK having a bad ultimate regen is a JOKE, read me well all dk lacking knowledge.

    How much second a sorc need to use his offensive ultimate ?

    - Meteor : (170/3 =) 57s
    - Atronach : (170/3) = 57s
    - Dawnbreaker : (107/3) = 36s

    How much second dk need to use his offensive ultimate ?

    - Leap : (125/3.5) = 36s

    You speak about the 15% sorc ultimate passive, but it's good only on paper, SORC NEED MORE TIME to use his ultimate, and if he choose to use a stamina ultimate, he still need the same time, but with worst result.

    How much second a Sorc need to use his defensive ultimate ?

    - Atronach : 57s
    - Resto ulti : (107/3) = 36s
    - For the joke, spell wall = (115/3) = 39s

    How much second a DK need to use his defensive ultimate ?

    - Resto ulti : (125/3.5) = 36s
    - Spell wall : (135/3.5)= 39s

    You want to tell me "it's biased you take cheap ultimate so the 15% sorc passive ins't working at his best", again it's ***.

    How much second a DK need to use a destro ultimate : (250/3.5) = 71.4s

    How much second a Sorc need to use a destro ultmate : (213/3) = 71s

    NO DK DON'T HAVE A WORSE ULTI REGEN THAN A SORC, they have the same, and dk is in a better place because his offensive ultimate (leap) is better than any sorc option.

    Even meteor take the same time on both sorc and DK because how mountain's blessing work :

    Sorc : (170/3) = 57s
    DK : 200 cost, dk get 3 additional ultimate very 6s in fight so it follow like that (6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3) in 57s DK gain 201 ultimate.

    Stop this non sense please.

    This post might be biggest load of crap ever seen on this forums.

    Proove it.
  • pieratsos
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Aedaryl wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Aedaryl wrote: »
    There is so much stupidities in this thread.

    Fist, leave fossilize alone, nerfing it would heavely hurt dk, just like sorc was gutted when stun was took away from frag.

    Let's start.

    MagDK is easely the second best magicka class, (NB first) and mDK is very and rightfully strong. Dk is better than sorc.

    Dk have :

    -better sustain than sorc (yeah this is a fact.)
    -better ultimate burst than sorc (meteor 100% blocked)
    -better pressure (dots are the power of magdk, they can compete vs stam builds because they have strong pressure and guaranted burst).
    -the ability to chase people with the best gap closer
    -the best stamina managment
    -A good non 100% counterable cheap and strong ultimate
    - Very good healing with PL being stronger than vigor, with ember burst heal, with the HoT buble, with major mending. (Not all used on the same build ofc).
    - The more offensive they are, the better heals they got, they don't need to totaly stop attacking every 5s for 2s to shieldstack.

    The only thing sorc make better than dk is running away and execute. You see it comming ? You can't be a competitive fighter by running away from the fight or by spaming execute with NO way to burst (telegraphed and blocable/dodgeable) aswell as with NO way to pressure (u need to stop for shieldstack, u have no dot or defile and when u land skill, 3 of them are for delayed use).

    MSorc is the worst class in the game for competitive gameplay. This isn't opinion but it's fact.

    For the sad sorc around here, you would need to nerf far too much things to make sorc competitive. Stop that crusade, and ask for revelent buff.

    You are aware of the fact 99% of mDKs are Dunmer, a.k.a. the worst magicka race when it comes down to sustain?
    Are you aware 90%+ of mSorcs are Altmer, a.k.a. race with more magicka % and 10% more magicka regen than said Dunmers?

    Did you really compare non target required streak that is also a stun on demand with chains?
    Did you know that the most blocked ultimate in history of ESO is leap?
    Did you just compared 15% cheaper ultimates sorc get with 0.5 ulti per second bonus DK can get only while in combat?
    Did you just said sorc has worse sustain?

    You, my good sir are a poor troll. 2/10

    You lack knowledge really.

    Sorc sustain is the worst because how shieldstacking work. They have expensive skills like dk but they are forced to spend 6886 magicka every 5s MINIMUM just to stay alive. When the sorc is pressurise the cost is 10788.

    Sorcerers (10% mag recovery) in light armor (20% more recovery, 10% reduce cost), altmer (10% mag recovery) need to wear a full sustain set (lich) to not be OOM, even when harness, the most OP magicka return in the game carry sorc. A heavy armor dunmer dk can sustain with less than 1k mag recovery and 2 reduce cost glyph. A light armor dk sustain with 700 mag recovery and 2 infused reduce cost. It just proove my point.

    Streak as a stun is not reliable and force sorcerer into melee gameplay and it's don't even touch people mooving fast with speed pots and swift being around. I didn't compare chain and streak. DK have chain to go melee, sorc have streak to go away. Different. One just have no cost increase and isn't outperformed by 5 of the 10 class in eso.

    Leap the most blocked ultimate in eso history ? It's a shame at this point. Everyone with a halfbrain can tell you meteor is the most blocked ultimate, because of the HUGE telegraph.

    DK having a bad ultimate regen is a JOKE, read me well all dk lacking knowledge.

    How much second a sorc need to use his offensive ultimate ?

    - Meteor : (170/3 =) 57s
    - Atronach : (170/3) = 57s
    - Dawnbreaker : (107/3) = 36s

    How much second dk need to use his offensive ultimate ?

    - Leap : (125/3.5) = 36s

    You speak about the 15% sorc ultimate passive, but it's good only on paper, SORC NEED MORE TIME to use his ultimate, and if he choose to use a stamina ultimate, he still need the same time, but with worst result.

    How much second a Sorc need to use his defensive ultimate ?

    - Atronach : 57s
    - Resto ulti : (107/3) = 36s
    - For the joke, spell wall = (115/3) = 39s

    How much second a DK need to use his defensive ultimate ?

    - Resto ulti : (125/3.5) = 36s
    - Spell wall : (135/3.5)= 39s

    You want to tell me "it's biased you take cheap ultimate so the 15% sorc passive ins't working at his best", again it's ***.

    How much second a DK need to use a destro ultimate : (250/3.5) = 71.4s

    How much second a Sorc need to use a destro ultmate : (213/3) = 71s

    NO DK DON'T HAVE A WORSE ULTI REGEN THAN A SORC, they have the same, and dk is in a better place because his offensive ultimate (leap) is better than any sorc option.

    Even meteor take the same time on both sorc and DK because how mountain's blessing work :

    Sorc : (170/3) = 57s
    DK : 200 cost, dk get 3 additional ultimate very 6s in fight so it follow like that (6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3-3-3-3-6-3-3) in 57s DK gain 201 ultimate.

    Stop this non sense please.

    This post might be biggest load of crap ever seen on this forums.

    Sure as hell not bigger than saying that DKs have worse sustain because they choose to play dark elves. Key word is choose in case you didnt understand it.
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