Prepare for the grind you say...
No, no I wont. Gonna give it a pass mostly.
I'll level the skill on my main character and learn the traits along the way, but will not waste any of my time on trying to craft anything with it. Not worth the effort or the time. Any mats I'll come across, I will sell or use for furnishing stuff.
There is a fair bit of information regarding how terribly grindy this is on the PTS and just how unhappy a lot of players are about it.
Here's the link to the feedback thread there.
The grind is utterly rediculous. In my opinion, I don't think most players would mind if this took twice as long or required twice as many upgrade mats as the other other crafting professions in this game. HOWEVER, most players do mind the 10x requirement, the rarity of the nodes "seams" available in the game and the fact that when deconstrucing, you don't get an actual full upgrade material back, but rather a grain.
If this is rolled out on live, the way it is currently, even with the latest update where they supposedly increased the spawn of the seams, there are going to be A LOT of pissed off players. These forums will be inundated with complaints.
Now, if they had made it so that every single crafting node in the game would give a 50% chance of dropping a grain, in addition to the ore, or clothing node that is there (kind of how the housing mats drop), then it wouldn't be nearly as bad and I could understand the numbers a little bit.
But, considering the fact they are taking what was the most anticipated aspect of Summerset and making it into the worst grind in any game I've ever played, tells me as a company ZOS is soooooo out of touch with it's player base and it's Development Department's balls are being strangled by the Marketing Department, in the worst vice grip you can imagine.
I'm going to be making a crapload of popcorn on release weeks for this game, and then again a few weeks later when this hits consoles because these forums are going to blow up like a Hiroshima bomb hit it. And I'm going to sit back and laugh at ZOS's stupidity because the players on the PTS have told them again and again that the grind is far, far too much.
The only players that are going to have a whole lot of success with this grind, are the BOTS. Have fun competing with them!
PS: This thread will likely get moved and hidden like the other threads complaining about how bad the Jewellery Crafting grind are. ZOS moved them over to the crafting section of the forums where we know most forum members don't even look at.
DuskMarine wrote: »why do people whine so much when zos adds something awesome jeese be glad were getting new content. not to mention why would they just hand you golden bis jewelry
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »<snip>
*raises hand* I do - only time I was ever purposely deconning Ornate items, because the mats sold for more than the item would vendor for. IIRC their token change in response to feedback of how horrible it was was to guarantee that each item always dropped one mat. (And only one.) And didn't the nodes in Orsinium only have a 50-50 chance of coming up in the Ruby tier when it was finally added, or am I forgetting?
DuskMarine wrote: »why do people whine so much when zos adds something awesome jeese be glad were getting new content. not to mention why would they just hand you golden bis jewelry
DuskMarine wrote: »why do people whine so much when zos adds something awesome jeese be glad were getting new content. not to mention why would they just hand you golden bis jewelry
DaveMoeDee wrote: »
Seems pretty clear to me why they are complaining.
I think the best response I've read was citing how v15 mats started off. Eventually, the jewelry crafty mats will likely be easier to acquire in the game. But as it stands, it sounds so mind-numbing that it might as well not be a thing.
Not having a hireling really sucks though.
DuskMarine wrote: »
people have no real right to complain about it. its new content for one. for 2 their not gonna hand us gold jewlery on a silver platter. and for 3 if people are mainly miffed about a dumb hireling look at alchemy that has no hireling and weve all gotten along just fine without it. the hirelings are not that helpful their just a waste of a skillpoint 90% of the time.
DaveMoeDee wrote: »
Seems pretty clear to me why they are complaining.
I think the best response I've read was citing how v15 mats started off. Eventually, the jewelry crafty mats will likely be easier to acquire in the game. But as it stands, it sounds so mind-numbing that it might as well not be a thing.
Not having a hireling really sucks though.
DaveMoeDee wrote: »
Consumers always have a right to complain.
No one asked to have gold jewelry handed on a silver platter. There is a chasm between the current implementation and gold jewelry handed on a single platter.
Alchemy has very low materials requirements for crafting and no rare mats. And we get can get free mats most days on top of that anyway from the Dark Brotherhood dude.
DuskMarine wrote: »when their complaining about something they havent even really gotten to try the finished product of yet they dont have a right to complain. do you really think in the end its gonna be that bad.
I am hoping that when Summerset launches, ZOS will have made adjustments to the sourcing of grains and that this thread will be nothing more than an irrelevant curiosity. You're right, Summerset hasn't launched yet, which is exactly why a thread like this is needed, so that these concerns can be communicated and adjustments made before Summerset launches.
If people wait for Summerset to be finalized and launched before they complain, then my question would be, "Why were you silent when we saw on the PTS what the system looked like?" Of course, if you prefer to bury your head in the sand instead of doing your due diligence, that is your prerogative.
DuskMarine wrote: »
theres a difference between finished and not finished weve only seen what maybe 3 pages of patch notes worth. according to one of the devs theres still 20 something pages floating around. so were not even sure if the values are put in right their tweaking them every single day. yelling about a grind(that you knew was gonna happen before it was even a thing) you really have zero right to do. now if you cant get ahold of them and stuff like that yea thats a issue but complaining about how grindy it is isnt a valid point. your gonna run into that in any mmorpg no matter how long you wait or how long you sift through the results you search for.
Um, you realize that we're nearing the close of the third week of PTS, right? There are only two PTS patches left before launch. Have you ever participated in the PTS? I've been a tester during every PTS cycle since the IC PTS in fall 2015.
Way to miss the point. Too many words, no meme and no video?
Meh, I am sure that ZOS will make mats more available as time goes on. I wish they wouldn't though.
Before I go into my primary reason for this there are a couple of other points that need making:
1) People flipped out about the RNG in this game and asked for a token system - That is what this system represents. It is a slow, low-RNG progression towards gold gear. They just applied a token system to a crafting skill.
2) The competitive content crowd that trumpets "keep drops as an incentive to do content" should love this system as it is. Similar gear may well take a similar time requirement to achieve.
3) You need to refine X raw mats to make a gold ring - Most probably, however while you are refining those mats to get gold tempers you will also be getting tempers to upgrade to other levels. So isn't this actually not a "refine X to get a gold rings" but a "refine X to get 1 gold, 2 purple, 3 blue and 4 green rings".
All that said, perhaps 10x is a little much. For me? Not so much. My primary reason for this is crafting itself.
There isn't an assumption that all players will be able, or willing, to complete vet trials.
There isn't an assumption that all players will be able, or willing, to complete vet dungeons.
There isn't an assumption that all players will be able, or willing, to complete vet maelstrom arena.
There isn't an assumption that all players will be able, or willing, to compete at the highest levels of PvP.
... yet there is an assumption that all players should be able to willing to craft any and all items in the game.
That assumption needs to die in a fire.
If you actually regard crafting as a playstyle in, and of, itself then this system makes perfect sense. The time put into gathering materials, refining, deconning, researching traits is time that a player is not putting into a different activity. The pay-off? Crafted items will have, and retain, high value because of the difficulties inherent in their creation.
You want to do other things with your time? Excellent, don't worry about learning jewelry crafting just buy the final result.
This feels like a crafting system for the Crafters.
As I said earlier, this system feels inappropriate for the entire spectrum.
Meh, I am sure that ZOS will make mats more available as time goes on. I wish they wouldn't though.
Before I go into my primary reason for this there are a couple of other points that need making:
1) People flipped out about the RNG in this game and asked for a token system - That is what this system represents. It is a slow, low-RNG progression towards gold gear. They just applied a token system to a crafting skill.
2) The competitive content crowd that trumpets "keep drops as an incentive to do content" should love this system as it is. Similar gear may well take a similar time requirement to achieve.
3) You need to refine X raw mats to make a gold ring - Most probably, however while you are refining those mats to get gold tempers you will also be getting tempers to upgrade to other levels. So isn't this actually not a "refine X to get a gold rings" but a "refine X to get 1 gold, 2 purple, 3 blue and 4 green rings".
All that said, perhaps 10x is a little much. For me? Not so much. My primary reason for this is crafting itself.
There isn't an assumption that all players will be able, or willing, to complete vet trials.
There isn't an assumption that all players will be able, or willing, to complete vet dungeons.
There isn't an assumption that all players will be able, or willing, to complete vet maelstrom arena.
There isn't an assumption that all players will be able, or willing, to compete at the highest levels of PvP.
... yet there is an assumption that all players should be able to willing to craft any and all items in the game.
That assumption needs to die in a fire.
If you actually regard crafting as a playstyle in, and of, itself then this system makes perfect sense. The time put into gathering materials, refining, deconning, researching traits is time that a player is not putting into a different activity. The pay-off? Crafted items will have, and retain, high value because of the difficulties inherent in their creation.
You want to do other things with your time? Excellent, don't worry about learning jewelry crafting just buy the final result.
This feels like a crafting system for the Crafters.
No, as a maxed-out crafter the attempt to make crafting something inaccessible to players doing other things needs to die. This isn't a game where people putting in an effort still should need to engage with specialization of labor. It hasn't been yet and it should never move towards that. The entire history of the game has been to make sure people CAN do All The Things. We aren't limited in which crafts we can learn, we have enough skill points to support a crafting hobby AND multiple other combat skill lines, the entire Outfit system confirms motif learning as a universally-attainable goal, etc. etc. You want to have crafting be something only you can do, go play another game. ESO is here for people who like engaging with multiple game systems.
No. Wrong. Post-launch crafting wants a word with you. Crafting was considerably harder then*. Before the Enchanting changes, writs, intricate items, research scrolls, additional skill points due to DLC and so on.
You are happy with the steps ZOS has taken to trivialise crafting and want that to continue? Fine.
I want this system to reflect how things were, the way there were described in the interviews that got me to trust that ZOS could turn TES into an MMO in the first place.
[*and to suggest it wasn’t is disingenuous at best]