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Jewelry Crafting: Get ready for the worst grind in ESO's history

  • Debatra
    A step in the right direction, but still bordering on insultingly-bad design.
  • Morgul667
    ZO$ manages to build hype for its updates then kills it with weird design choices

    It killed outfit hype for me with crazy high price for character bound outfit slots
    It killed jewelry hype with nearly impossible grind

    What’s next?
    Edited by Morgul667 on July 24, 2018 1:24AM
  • stitchesofdooom
    I have about 6 or 7 jewelry writs, most of which are for legendary quality. I have exactly 2 Chromium plating and about 2 Chromium grains.

    How is ANYONE supposed to be able to comeplete these master writs? 10 plating grains and pulverized trait materials should be refined into up to 10 platings or trait items. The horrificly low drop rate is appalling.
    Say NO to Crown Crates. Crown Crates are Loot Boxes. Loot Boxes are gambling. Zenimax makes enough money off us.
    ESO+ is part of the "Games as a service" trend. A trend that needs to die. Subscribe only when you need Crowns for DLC.
    Say no to "radiant" junk quests replacing proper side content and the dumbing down of our favorite franchises.
    PCMR EU.
  • Smitch_59
    It's pretty much a joke. I got my main crafter up to level 50, just so I could make the Alinor clock. As soon as I got my first Chromium plating, that's what I used it for. The GRIND is just so silly that I can't see ever crafting jewelry (other than the daily writs). Folks are dumping jewelry master writs in the guild bank because they are so worthless. Awful system, just awful.
    By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!
  • TequilaFire
    The same ones that weren't harvesting the rubedite nodes will just take the dust and leave the ore so the node won't respawn.
  • vometia
    The same ones that weren't harvesting the rubedite nodes will just take the dust and leave the ore so the node won't respawn.
    Why do people do that? It's probably as likely to inconvenience them as it is anyone else. Tired of finding depleted nodes and unlocked chests with one generally random item in them.
  • agn231
    It's been 2 months. I've leveled jewelry to 50, farmed resources, done daily jewelry writs on multiple characters, deconstructed, refined thousands of raw mats and have 1 gold plate. This sucks.
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