PTS Patch Notes v3.1.0

  • Mettaricana
    Hysterical laughing sharpened hahahahaha
  • Tanis-Stormbinder
    No changes to two handed weapons and no mention of jewelry crafting :neutral:
  • bubbygink
    Their damage has also been adjusted due to this new scaling and should remain relatively unchanged (with an exception to Burning, which now deals approximately double the damage of before)

    Seems like a pretty solid buff to BSW if burning now does double damage. Is the burning damage a significant amount?
  • paulsimonps
    olsborg wrote: »
    With all the other changes i dare say the most hated proccset in the game (viper) got buffed slightly. Ffs reduce the damage by a fair amount.

    How is this a buff? Making it a 4 second DoT instead of instant damage, this can be more easily out healed, and it can be purged. That sounds like a nerf to me, which is great.
  • Yuke
    where is the change to shield stacking
    Save Us, Microsoft.

    Noricum & Kitesquad™
  • JarlUlfric
    bubbygink wrote: »
    Their damage has also been adjusted due to this new scaling and should remain relatively unchanged (with an exception to Burning, which now deals approximately double the damage of before)

    Seems like a pretty solid buff to BSW if burning now does double damage. Is the burning damage a significant amount?

    Combustion: This passive ability now increases the damage of Burning and Poisoned by 25/50%, down from 33/66%.

    It got nerfed, not buffed. Reread it.
    True High King
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  • Koolio
    Yuke wrote: »
    where is the change to shield stacking

    It didn't need it with shield breaker lightning staff lol
  • Larry78
    vMA nerf, well deserved.. or increase chance(RNG) for better item drops :/
  • Izaki
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Is the Domihaus monster set scale to max stamina/magicka, or is it just random?

    I think that its random. If not, then its BiS for sure.
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hey guys just to clarify, only the new, upcoming homes are currently inaccessible in this patch; you can still purchase and go into the existing homes. Sorry for the confusion! Will edit the patch notes to reflect.
    Gina Bruno
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  • BigBadVolk
    gosh finally nerien'eth is usefull again, and *** knew something was not right when got 3 sharpened maelstrom staff in a row (2 inferno 1 lightning)
    "The ass is similar to the opinion: Everyone has it, but no one cares about the others!"
    I'm 120 years old
  • Lord_Eomer
    Just loving new changes to Mundus Stones and Weapon traits,

    Grind is over for sharpen meta!

    Thanks ZOS, brilliant changes. Awesome patch notes!
  • paulsimonps
    JarlUlfric wrote: »
    bubbygink wrote: »
    Their damage has also been adjusted due to this new scaling and should remain relatively unchanged (with an exception to Burning, which now deals approximately double the damage of before)

    Seems like a pretty solid buff to BSW if burning now does double damage. Is the burning damage a significant amount?

    Combustion: This passive ability now increases the damage of Burning and Poisoned by 25/50%, down from 33/66%.

    It got nerfed, not buffed. Reread it.

    Think he was referring to this:

    "Adjusted Elemental status effects, such as Burning or Concussion, so they now scale with your Max Magicka or Max Stamina, in addition to your Spell Damage or Weapon Damage. Their damage has also been adjusted due to this new scaling and should remain relatively unchanged (with an exception to Burning, which now deals approximately double the damage of before).
    • Burning now lasts 4 seconds and ticks every 2 seconds, previously lasting 3 seconds and ticking every 1.5 seconds. The total damage ticks remain unchanged.
    • Poisoned now deals its total damage over 6 seconds, down from 12 seconds.
    • Concussion and Chilled’s secondary effects (Minor Vulnerability and Minor Maim) now last 4 seconds, down from 6 seconds and 5 seconds respectively."
  • bubbygink
    JarlUlfric wrote: »
    bubbygink wrote: »
    Their damage has also been adjusted due to this new scaling and should remain relatively unchanged (with an exception to Burning, which now deals approximately double the damage of before)

    Seems like a pretty solid buff to BSW if burning now does double damage. Is the burning damage a significant amount?

    Combustion: This passive ability now increases the damage of Burning and Poisoned by 25/50%, down from 33/66%.

    It got nerfed, not buffed. Reread it.

    Huh? You reread... They buffed burning damage across the board by double. So even with the combustion nerf, burning will still do way more damage for Mag DKs.
  • Yuke
    where is the fix that shieldbreaker doesnt work on ABSORBshields anymore
    Edited by Yuke on July 10, 2017 8:36PM
    Save Us, Microsoft.

    Noricum & Kitesquad™
  • Lord_Eomer
    MyKillv2.0 wrote: »
    Lol at all the mid max ppl who spent hours in vMA or vTrials and their trigger responses are going to be funny over the next few weeks. Over under 75 threads claiming to quit because of this.

    Changes are extermely good for new players to not cause frustation..

    I do not mind that i had grinned all those sharpen staff!
  • LiquidPony
    Astrid_V wrote: »
    "While we are happy with the current damage values of these Item Sets, having them deliver that damage in unavoidable bursts has led to an unsatisfying PvP experience"

    Why are you nerfing sets like Ilambris which are purely PvE and NOBODY complained about them? It's not a PvP set! Why (again!) PvE playerbase is getting nerfed because of PvP?

    Because Ilambris was overperforming. Pretty obvious.
  • Rungar
    looks like some great changes.

    well done imo.
    It's 0.0666 of a second to midnight.

    Rungar's Mystical Emporium
  • Countcalorie
    Yuke wrote: »
    where is the fix that shieldbreaker doesnt work on ABSORBshields anymore

    its called git good or play another class :)
  • Avran_Sylt
    Holy hell. this looks to be a very interesting update. Gonna be able to stack even more max magicka for my pets on my sorc, and my dk may just start using a charged staff. They also addressed the Oblivion Damage enchantment bug with infused, dope, that was something I noted in the forums a bit ago.

    Wonder if they have or will address the bleed proc from the DW and 2H passives. (0 seconds doesn't deal damage and it can be overwritten by another proc causing a loss of damage the more %bleed chance you have. Though if this was addressed the bleed proc damage would need to be nerfed, a pain in the arse to fix for something that is balanced with the current numbers.)

    All in all - Praise the MOBA-like combat changes. These are awesome and will provide many,many hours of renewed theorycrafting and gear grinding to properly test.
  • Yuke
    I may risk a ban for spamming but:

    Selene gonna still have a 17.2k Tooltip on my warden (minor berserk) when everything else will be a dot.
    Save Us, Microsoft.

    Noricum & Kitesquad™
  • Neoauspex
    @ZOS_GinaBruno is that correct on the prosperous trait? 11 recovery?
  • olsborg
    Yuke wrote: »
    Selene is still a joke and has to be changed ... like alot.


    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Sandman929
    ✭✭✭✭✭ much information. Really liking what I see so far in terms of PvP though. Nothing for EotS though? Really?
  • ZoM_Head
    Why the constant bombardment of nerfs against the mDK???

    Zenimax, the mDK has been the most beaten down class since imperial city, if anything you NEED to seriously retweak this class in so many areas, have you ever actually played a light build?

    Seriously, this is getting way out of control, reflective fire scales is bugged, once casted you still do not reflect (sometimes) any projectiles, since you messed with this ability in IC update.

    You REALLY need to buff this class or at least rework this class, it is not even competitive in cyrodiil. Go vampire, heavy, mist form and whip, mist and wipe and use is this a "pressure" build??

    It is bad enough that 90% of the projectiles can not be reflected anymore, seriously buff this class already, its just unacceptable.

    *Edit forget the combustion nerf i missed on the burning buff But leaving the mDK the way it is now is just bad, we need to have some changes.
    Edited by ZoM_Head on July 10, 2017 10:53PM
    mDKs still need a lot of love!
  • Lord_Eomer
    Slimecraw: Changed the 1-piece bonus to a double 1-piece bonus of both Weapon and Spell Critical Strike Chance instead of Health Recovery.

    This set is now useful for PVE!
  • bebynnag
    as someone who doesn't have a sharpened vma or master inferno,but does have them in many other traits..

    Edited by bebynnag on July 10, 2017 8:43PM
  • Lord_Eomer
    Astrid_V wrote: »
    Sharpened trait nerfed by nearly a half, still no token system, what about all these people who farmed like crazy their sharpened weapons ZOS? Why are you spit on your players once again? I'm done.

    No need for token system now but sharpen can have some buff like 4k penetration.
  • Anrose
    Koolio wrote: »
    Yuke wrote: »
    where is the change to shield stacking

    It didn't need it with shield breaker lightning staff lol

    Is anyone going to use a Shield Breaker lightning or resto staff when the set's 2, 3, and 4 piece bonuses all benefit stamina?
  • Arthg
    Dang, I like what I'm reading, A LOT.

    PC/EU. NoCP PvP. sDK Orc IRL. Flawless tamperor. Pro scrub.
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