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Shameful Metoer cheats from a top EP guild NA Trueflame

  • rfennell_ESO
    zyk wrote: »
    Cydone wrote: »
    Ran into 3 different ppl tonight that were obviously cheating. 1 guy 2 hit me. Full heavy attack(16k) and a surprise attack(8.5k), in less than 1 second. He did this to 8 other ppl around me. There was another doing multiple attacks(like 5-7) in the matter of 2 seconds. That can only be achieved by using a 3rd part macro program like AutoHotKey. This really needs to stop. Came back to this game about 2 mos ago after about an entire year of not playing. Now my guild and myself as really thinking that this game is still not worth playing. This needs to be fixed NOW. Not later!

    Macros cannot defeat the global cooldown timer. Just as a Macro can execute any keyboard combo a player can, they cannot do anything a player cannot.

    ESO is a very fast paced game. I would not trust myself to how combat unfolded without a good combat log like the Recount addon. CLS is not sufficient because its time stamp does not support milliseconds.

    IMO, most accusations of cheating have no merit. Run with Recount so you can prove it -- to yourself an others. Post screenshots here and ask if what happened was possible. There are many legitimate ways for several attacks from one player to hit within a second.

    The problem with accusations without proof is they give ammunition for true cheaters to create plausible deniability with. Cheater_x can more easily convince the world that his accusers are the "tinfoil hat brigade" when you also accuse his innocent friends who might be very good players who understand the game very well.

    CE with hot key macros can defeat the global timer . Been proven in video .

    There is also the fact that timings with macros can be very short. You can alter the delay, the key press up and down, and activation on press or release.
    Winnamine wrote: »
    Interesting...not very surprising though. ZOS has a really awful approach to cheating in general.
    So many of the top players and guilds abused the heck out of broken mechanics, macros, cheese abilities, exploits, and even outright hacks.
    When I hear people talking about the glory days of whatever top guild, I just want to facepalm.
    It's all a lie

    Many of us always knew them to be lies told by liars.

    Thing is... many of the people that benefited from these things had "rock star" status in game.

    Scarier is that many of them still do... That's with everyone (for the most part) having access to the same gear and at this point the same CP. You have to wonder how someone outperforms what's possible considering those things.

    Removal of softcaps gave them the room to expand... Gave them plausible deniability.

    Where it all led is a host of max damage builds with hacked regen and surviveability. See them everyday, and every single one is a smack talker extraordinaire. They have become so brazen and so awed by their ill gained "fame" that they are blatant and getting more and more so.

    I grade their smack talk an F.

    Edit: Cheat engine aside, what's the deal with macros specifically? Months ago, a year ago, if I mentioned macros people would say it's not true because the way the game works and registers hits and animations or whatever. Now macros get a mention and there is zero pushback. So macros do in fact exist (outside of any cheat engine)?

    They demand a minimum grade of C for attendance, sorry that we need to take your grading privileges away and hand them to someone more reasonable sir.

    As for macros, anyone saying they are useless is either unaware or lying.

    There are certainly scripted sequences being used on top of macros.

    But, as for macros... there is little to no reason why when used situationally they wouldn't improve (or more accurately ease) performance. e.g. every time you use dawnbreaker of smiting you can cancel the animation entirely at the exact moment it's able to be cancelled (once you get the timing down that is).
  • MrTtheDK
    This was a very entertaining thread...I bet the player is just fed up with the game and this blatant violation of TOS is a final goodbye. I just wished that more content was added to Cyro to prevent dedicated players from doing this...Man can only run around the emp ring so much before giving up.
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  • altemriel
    Laggus wrote: »
    Shame on you. You know who you are and hopefully with all the reports gone in this evening you will be perma banned. Vids taken and screen shots by many. Actually I'm disappointed in all honesty, its not like your guild needs to do this.

    Proc'ing multiples of meteors on no CD if anyone hasn't heard and you've been off-line tonight. Surprised the server hasn't been brought to its knees. As for those in that guild not cheating I suggest you steer clear from those that are. It's difficult to see whos not doing it when you are all bunched up on Alessia bridge and running with those that are cheating.

    if dat true, will be banned, permabanned :smiley: ?

    almighty reports will show all, no fear :smiley: !!
    Edited by altemriel on April 16, 2017 10:18PM
  • Publius_Scipio
    I never leave "page 1" of the forums. What the hell are you people doing digging up thread corpses and it's not even Halloween?

    Edit: But since I am here I might as well. ZAZEBRA!
    Edited by Publius_Scipio on April 16, 2017 10:45PM
  • t3hdubzy
    Just think about the people doing it who are throttling back to give the appearance of not cheating, and for how long?
  • Soul_Demon
    Armitas wrote: »
    It's a 3rd party add on that is TGM. It's not just meteor, it lets you set your own stats including ultimate regen. It's not just EP using it. People are setting their own sustain recovery with it. It's only obvious now because people are doing the seemingly impossible; spamming meteors.

    While what EP is doing is dead wrong, at least this 3rd party software has entered the light now where it can finally get ended by ZOS.

    Last night found an old guild 'visiting' over on Haddy playing what appeared to be never ending regen DK's and Temps only in a group. This explains a lot.
  • Nifty2g
    damn almost a year later, good to see zos picked up well on this and acted accordingly fixed most of the issues
  • NightbladeMechanics
    Soul_Demon wrote: »
    Armitas wrote: »
    It's a 3rd party add on that is TGM. It's not just meteor, it lets you set your own stats including ultimate regen. It's not just EP using it. People are setting their own sustain recovery with it. It's only obvious now because people are doing the seemingly impossible; spamming meteors.

    While what EP is doing is dead wrong, at least this 3rd party software has entered the light now where it can finally get ended by ZOS.

    Last night found an old guild 'visiting' over on Haddy playing what appeared to be never ending regen DK's and Temps only in a group. This explains a lot.

    Look at the original date of this thread. What you encountered is called CP.
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  • Earthewen
    Saw that same group in Haddy as well last night. Same @ names but on DC toons. I recognized some of those names for sure on the video. This needs to be addressed for sure.
  • RinaldoGandolphi
    Earthewen wrote: »
    Saw that same group in Haddy as well last night. Same @ names but on DC toons. I recognized some of those names for sure on the video. This needs to be addressed for sure.

    Doesn't surprise me.

    CE use is still going on(under a different name now of course), its just more subtle then it used to be. Modify a few regen values, a few damage values, nothing over the top, just more stats then you could get with a regen focused build. Speed hacks most certainly are still being used off and on. I just grew to accept it if I was going to play (Not anymore of course because I don't pay ZOS any money, they won't get another red cent from me)

    The game is fundamentally broken in other ways as well, but the CE engine use is just icing on cake. CE is an open source project and has a few forks, the CE code alone was last updated on Github 14 hours ago....whatever protections ZOS put into place on ESO were broken many months ago, and then the CE was simply forked to a new name and binary and all that to avoid detection....

    This is just basic stuff.

    The only way ZOS could stop Cheat Engine is by literally re-writting a LARGE part of their client and server side code and netcode(we know they simply won't do that) so they will change their memory obfuscations client side every so often, and the CE folks will break it within a week or two, and its business as usual...

    They will ban people who drop multiple Meteors and such, but those who just adjust a few of their stat values? Those folks probably slip by completely.
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  • CyrusArya
    Guys make sure to wear your tinfoil hats while you post completely unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.
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  • ZOS_Bill
    This thread is being closed since it's a necro from several months ago and some of the information posted is out of date.
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