dwemer_paleologist wrote: »an add-on that is approved and allowed
danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO wrote: »Best players: "Awesome! I can avoid this exact number of gankers, 3 of which are members of the current Emperors' farming group and 1 of which is the current emperor. Now let me warn my entire faction about them and coordinate an assault on an important target because I am certain the other team's best players are hiding behind that rock."
The best players who bother to use that would be more along the lines of: "Hah! One of us act as bait, while the rest use detect pots and kill the gankers, then make our way towards where we expect them to spawn from and kill them again when they try to come back and gank more of my faction!"
Then you have the AP farmer perspective: "It's not worth our time to find and kill a ganker or two, and since we're usually aware enough lets just keep moving on towards our destination. Someone has radiant mage light up right?"
How many times must you spread this nonsense in this thread despite having been corrected? All addons are independent third-party creations, and there is no such thing as vetting or approval of addons.
The extent of the control that ZOS has is what functionality and data they make available via their framework and APIs. The game's API and data promiscuity is such that an addon like this is made possible. This doesn't necessarily mean that ZOS "approves" or "disapproves" of such addons. It may be their intent that such an addon exists, or it might not be, and it simply was not a scenario that they had imagined and thus accounted for when designing their systems.
Wouldn't it just remove stealth "1 shots" from the game? Afaik it just tells you when someone is near, not where they are. The "1 shot" from stealth has always been dumb, I can't seem to dig up any outrage over the loss of that from the game.
Just because they have allowed the API functions to be used, doesn't mean they approve of every single way that someone can make use of it, because they may not have considered that particular usage.dwemer_paleologist wrote: »if it is in elderscrolls online then it was approved by them and allowed to be in thier game.
that is not "non-sence" that is a fact.
they have approved of this and are allowing it.
this is not new information, this thread is not new as well, this has been discussed on reddit as well for quite some time.
this is proof as well that zenimax is aware of it and is allowing it to exist in thier game.
I don't really see insta gib ganking as a valid play style. Stealth is supposed give you the ability to start with an advantage, not a win.
if will be not possible to 1shot people without proc set then ganging at all will be useless because most people after 1st hit are instantly break free if they wasnt afk/searching something in backpack etc and then fast dodge, heal etc and nothing from gang and then ganging will be possible only for noobs, begginers with rare chance to gang average player
Just because they have allowed the API functions to be used, doesn't mean they approve of every single way that someone can make use of it, because they may not have considered that particular usage.
I don't really see insta gib ganking as a valid play style. Stealth is supposed give you the ability to start with an advantage, not a win.
so then just remove NB class, because for what we have class which is created for stealth and is the most squishy class in open fight? if you have no cloak you are dead at all
I don't understand the context of your reply in relation to my post, are you under the belief that NBs are supposed to be an instagib class from stealth?
with perfect environment yes, not everyone but mostly people also who are in heavy armor but no as tank build
if we have assasin class who is unable to 1shot anyone from stealth so for what then is this class?
It's not an assassin class, it's a class with unique access to stealth. The class has no entitlement to 0 gameplay kills. That would be ridiculous.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Hi everyone,
It's not an assassin class, it's a class with unique access to stealth that can be played in a variety of ways. The class has no entitlement to 0 gameplay kills. That would be ridiculous.
take dueal as nb agains dk, templar or sorc, they all have many counters to cloak especially sorc with spam curse on you, you are then without cloak, so no dmg shields, no any class good heal, no anything than this cloak which is not working as intendeed in half of the time its easy peasy to fast kill nb while dk ofc in heavy armor, very good survivability with sustain, magplar same with survivability , sorc also...meh, only nb...just dont let him to use cloak and spam light attacks is enought to finish him without problems
danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO wrote: »@ZOS_JessicaFolsom
Thank you for the detailed reply. Have there been any internal discussions, or any upcoming plans, to institute a no add-ons or no UI PVP campaign?
There are quite a few people who truly enjoy the barebones original UI but are forced into using both add ons and "floaty number" ZOS made UI upgrades in order to maintain competitive balance.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Hi everyone,
Miat’s PVP Alerts addon was brought to our attention earlier in the week, and we’ve been running some internal tests on it to gauge functionality and impact. We are still evaluating this addon, and may make changes to the game’s API as a result. Here’s an explanation of how it works, and what it does and doesn’t do:
Miat’s PVP Alerts addon is built upon actions done by players that the combat log records. This includes sprinting, casting an ability, weapon swapping, drinking a potion, stealthing, etc. If a player executes any of those actions, basic messages are sent to the server and clients. This mod hooks into those notifications and filters them to give information about who is in the area. That info is then turned into either a KOS list determined by the player, a stealthier list, or simply an incremental value of players in the area (all are a rough estimation.)
The KOS list, specifically, is simply another layer on top of the above options, where the addon looks for specific players that you can choose to add to a list. When those players perform an action within your existing area of detection, you will be notified that they are in the area. You are not provided info on exactly where they are. Here are a few specific examples:
- If someone is in your existing area of detection and they fully enter stealth, the addon will notify you of the name of the player character that successfully went fully “hidden.”
- If someone is already stealthed and you’re traveling near then, or enter the area they were initially already stealthed in, you will not be notified of that player.
- If someone uses a Nightblade ability that results in them vanishing, they will not trigger the addon’s alert unless they enter the real “hidden” state (i.e. the eye on the HUD is closed).
Lastly this addon adds a kill spam list which shows you when someone has died in your existing area of detection, and to what ability. When you first get these messages, it simply says “Someone has died to Dark Flare.” When you start to get more information on the players around you, it adds that player name to the Saved Variables file for PVPAlerts.lua, then starts to add that information into your UI while playing.
Note that in all the above examples, you are not notified of exactly where the player is. This addon does not add a little blip to your map or compass, and does not give you an overlay that points out specifically where players are. This addon is not radar, a Doppler, or any other means of giving away another player’s exact position.
We want to thank everyone for sharing your concerns with us about this addon.
Except some of the best nightblades in the game don't even slot cloak.
Cloak is not supposed to be a toggle to combat, it's supposed to have counter measures. NB is just 1 out of 4 classes, it's not a "I get to do what I want with impunity because I play a rogue class." It's meant to be played for the win, not handed the win by virtue of their class type.
Are we allowed to use this addon until you decide upon a judgement?
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
At this time, we will not be taking action on accounts using this addon.