Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Miat's PVP alerts.

  • Magus
    Magus wrote: »
    They could hotfix it but there's so many dependencies it would probably break other things in the game. Also, this only affects PVP not PVE. So, my original estimate of fixing this after February housing patch is what I'm going with. If this affected PVE, it would be changed this week.

    My prediction is that this thread just gets buried and any discussion of this just gets censored. Even though this is also being actively discussed on reddit and other forums and the Kahjiit is well out of the bag.

    But ZOS seems to like to return to the old "Sweep it under the rug" trick. Security by obscurity. Or maybe they can turn a new leaf and start being open and honest with the PvP community, the state of PvP in their game and their vision for the future.

    Comments like this need there to be a LOL button again. A vision for PVP? The only vision for PVP I have heard is that they want you to not know what you abilities do / read tool tips / understand game mechanics, and want abilities to "feel awesome." So, PVP should feel awesome and you shouldn't have to understand game mechanics. That's the only vision I've seen / heard from ZOS for PVP. Find a blob to stand in and fire your siege at the outnumbered opponent. #winningcyrodiil

    But yeah I agree with you, they are going to ignore this as long as possible.
    Duraeon / Maoh
    Former Emperor of Haderus, Trueflame, and Azura's Star
  • geonsocal
    Does anyone on PC actually want to play the game anymore? If your training wheels got any larger your PC is gonna start looking like Gravedigger.

    once again - absolutely killin it @danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO :p
    Edited by geonsocal on December 16, 2016 5:54PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • rteezy
    LOL at people complaining about addons in pvp...

    HERE is the thing, good players will always be ebtter then you all WITH or WITHOUT addons.

    THERE IS A REASON why on ACTUAL competitive pvp mmos top players ALLL USE addons, yet they arew forced to play without them on tournaments.IN THE END theya re STILL the top players.

    ADDONS only make sub par players average....they dont turn a bad player into decent..never did..never will...

    AND ONLY someone with a VERY reduced experience in ANY foRM of high rated competitive pvp in mmos would say otherwise.
  • Waffennacht
    Kodrac wrote: »
    We need a no UI or add on server stat. Make it as vanilla as possible. Sorry but this is a step too far.

    Easy fix. Buy a PS4 or XBox1.


    I play on XBox. We have even too much UI there. Take it all away. No floaty numbers. No quest log. I don't even want to see my abilities.

    I wish I could play like this but doing so would gimp me terribly. Leave standard PVP as it is. Make a hardcore mode and I'd never leave it.

    Then again, I'm the same guy who used to play Tiger Woods without a green grid.

    You mean like just a few months ago? Plus you can turn all of those off
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Gilvoth
    rteezy wrote: »
    LOL at people complaining about addons in pvp...

    HERE is the thing, good players will always be ebtter then you all WITH or WITHOUT addons.

    THERE IS A REASON why on ACTUAL competitive pvp mmos top players ALLL USE addons, yet they arew forced to play without them on tournaments.IN THE END theya re STILL the top players.

    ADDONS only make sub par players average....they dont turn a bad player into decent..never did..never will...

    AND ONLY someone with a VERY reduced experience in ANY foRM of high rated competitive pvp in mmos would say otherwise.

    are you trying to say that people whom use add-ons are not gaining an advantage or that they ARE gaining an advantage ?
    sounds like double speak.
    the fact remains that this add-on is cheating. no matter how you try to slice and dice it, it is cheating to know that there are stealthed players near you.
    it is also cheating to pull those stealthed players out of stealth.

    Edited by Gilvoth on December 16, 2016 6:11PM
  • timidobserver
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    This addon is 2 days old... and this thread is probably the biggest exposure it's gotten so far. Obviously not everyone uses it...... YET.

    2 days public. Lots of private add-ons out there.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Lieblingsjunge
    "As a bonus feature the addon shows Piercing Mark application along with the name of the player who applied it."

    YESSSSS. No more sneaky friends sitting in sneak marking you & following you around,b ecause they know it freaks you out.

    "Additionally for a player to be registered in both white and colored numbers he has to perform some actions. Afk players or players not using any skills are 'invisible' for the addon."
    Edited by Lieblingsjunge on December 16, 2016 6:13PM
    Ignorance is the greatest weapon of tyranny.
    PC - EU.
    Lieblingsjunge(AD) - Racechanged Argonian :< | AR 50 - No double AP or Bleakers involved |
    Sits-On-Cacti(DC) - Problem?
    Fail-With-Tail(AD) - Healing Springs-spammer :<
    Tiny Liebs(EP) - Very Tiny. Also heals.
    Lieblingsmädchen(DC) - Magplar is love.
    The Dominàtrix(AD) - Chains, whip, whip, whip.
    Fluffy Furball Kitten(DC) - Kittycat, meow.
    Your Face(EP) - People make bad jokes about my name =(
    Liebs-With-Trees(AD) - Male argo with a big tail :>

    Officer/Sandwitch of Zerg Squad
    My title: The Maneater, Destroyer of Maneuvers, Bane of Potatoes, she who devours them, The Black Hole, the humorless, first of her name.
  • alephthiago
    Actually this addon radius seems to be huge, i went to Aleswell 2 hours ago where our scroll was (PC NA TF) and there was AD, EP and DC there, the addon registered 90 players, but i could see probably 30-40, so basically it was counting EVERYONE from the outer FD to the back of the keep or even further.
    Apart from the stealth part that i couldnt really test, its amazing to see the scrolling test "xyz was killed by zyx with abc" and be able to add to KOS list those mofo that spam snipe on you WHILE YOU ARE FIGHTING OTHERS, we all know who they are, im glad now i can put a bounty on their heads lol
    Good job :D
    Walks-in-Shadowss AD Magblade
    *** kitty AD Stamblade
    Paarthurnax's Will AD Magicka DK
    agnar cracked skull EP Magicka DK (veteran dragonstar arena bot)
    Klogi Mugdul AD Stamina DK
    Savre Selranni AD Magicka Sorc (being polished)
    Avenar Lolhealing AD Magicka Templar (being polished)

    Kodrac wrote: »
    We need a no UI or add on server stat. Make it as vanilla as possible. Sorry but this is a step too far.

    Easy fix. Buy a PS4 or XBox1.


    I play on XBox. We have even too much UI there. Take it all away. No floaty numbers. No quest log. I don't even want to see my abilities.

    I wish I could play like this but doing so would gimp me terribly. Leave standard PVP as it is. Make a hardcore mode and I'd never leave it.

    Then again, I'm the same guy who used to play Tiger Woods without a green grid.

    You mean like just a few months ago? Plus you can turn all of those off

    Yes, and I know I can turn them off.

    But ... I want to be on an even playing field with other good players. That is completely impossible when they can use these things like this and I'm not.

    As a point of reference I was 2nd for emperor in the XBox beta the first time an Emp was crowned. I, personally, fair very well with no helpers ... but that doesn't mean I can compete with even an average one who is using them.

    This is the Steroid Era baseball argument. Barry Bonds was the best player on Earth when there were few players using enhancements. He became just another really good player when Sosa and friends started juicing their faces off. That drove Bonds to cheat and he became Darth Baseball.

    So yeah, I can refuse to use the UI. Sure. But not if I want to be as good as those who use it. Same reason why I finally relented and started wearing a proc set.

    In a UI empty campaign I'd take my chances against anyone.
    Edited by THEDKEXPERIENCE on December 16, 2016 6:15PM
  • rteezy
    rteezy wrote: »
    LOL at people complaining about addons in pvp...

    HERE is the thing, good players will always be ebtter then you all WITH or WITHOUT addons.

    THERE IS A REASON why on ACTUAL competitive pvp mmos top players ALLL USE addons, yet they arew forced to play without them on tournaments.IN THE END theya re STILL the top players.

    ADDONS only make sub par players average....they dont turn a bad player into decent..never did..never will...

    AND ONLY someone with a VERY reduced experience in ANY foRM of high rated competitive pvp in mmos would say otherwise.

    are you trying to say that people whom use add-ons are not gaining an advantage or that they ARE gaining an advantage ?
    sounds like double speak.
    the fact remains that this add-on is cheating. no matter how you try to slice and dice it, it is cheating to know that there are stealthed players near you.
    it is also cheating to pull those stealthed players out of stealth.

    correct, the advantage is VERY minimal, and for a semi decent player barelly noticeble. Only bellow average players will gain anythign from it, and only equally as below average players will complain about it.Addosn in mmos have been debated for over a decade..the veredict is ALWAYS the same..IT ONLY matters for the bellow average population AND it wont turn them "decent" either.
  • Xexpo
    rteezy wrote: »
    LOL at people complaining about addons in pvp...

    HERE is the thing, good players will always be ebtter then you all WITH or WITHOUT addons.

    THERE IS A REASON why on ACTUAL competitive pvp mmos top players ALLL USE addons, yet they arew forced to play without them on tournaments.IN THE END theya re STILL the top players.

    ADDONS only make sub par players average....they dont turn a bad player into decent..never did..never will...

    AND ONLY someone with a VERY reduced experience in ANY foRM of high rated competitive pvp in mmos would say otherwise.

    And here we have a pvper out in the wilds of the forums...
    notice the excessive caps locking, very impressive, you can almost hear the mocking rage through your screen
    a superior specimen for all sub par/bad/decent player to take note of

    "you all " have no valid complaints or concerns because "good players will always be better than you" ~rtezzy 2016
    Alcast wrote: »
    People seem to have forgotten that cheatengine still works. This addon is the least of the problems

    Makes me worried for the life of this thread. It's begging to be censored/deleted/ or sunk of the main page so that people don't know this is possible.

    Here is a plea to anyone reading this thread that thinks open discussion (on the general forums section) about this is important. Please consider the following.
    • Do NOT make any personal attacks or accusations of cheating against specific players in this thread
    • Do not discus cheat engine or how to cheat. Discussion of cheats is only allowed in the official cheat thread.
    • Make calm and reasoned arguments using lots of big words, this reduces the chance of your post getting pulled. I have tested it.
    • Don't do anything in this thread that would violate or appear to violate the TOS or trigger the mods so that there is an excuse for censorship.
    • Be calm, happy and use lots of emojiis :smile::grin:

    If you see anyone in this thread doing something that would jeopardize the uncensored status of this thread, send them a PM and ask them politely to edit their comment. Lets keep this thread open and keep the discussion going.

    excellent post...
    I'll do that from now on :#

    here's a different thread focusing on another possibly unintended function of the addon ;)
    not just ganker awareness
    Kiki Dickson ~~~ Dixmanian Devil ~~~ Cornelius Buckshank Jr.
    Histy-Fitz ~~~ Boozemer ~~~ Chace X'expo
    Lluvia De'Fuego ~~~ Shakes Spear
    Macro and Cheese NA/PC
    rteezy wrote: »
    rteezy wrote: »
    LOL at people complaining about addons in pvp...

    HERE is the thing, good players will always be ebtter then you all WITH or WITHOUT addons.

    THERE IS A REASON why on ACTUAL competitive pvp mmos top players ALLL USE addons, yet they arew forced to play without them on tournaments.IN THE END theya re STILL the top players.

    ADDONS only make sub par players average....they dont turn a bad player into decent..never did..never will...

    AND ONLY someone with a VERY reduced experience in ANY foRM of high rated competitive pvp in mmos would say otherwise.

    are you trying to say that people whom use add-ons are not gaining an advantage or that they ARE gaining an advantage ?
    sounds like double speak.
    the fact remains that this add-on is cheating. no matter how you try to slice and dice it, it is cheating to know that there are stealthed players near you.
    it is also cheating to pull those stealthed players out of stealth.

    correct, the advantage is VERY minimal, and for a semi decent player barelly noticeble. Only bellow average players will gain anythign from it, and only equally as below average players will complain about it.Addosn in mmos have been debated for over a decade..the veredict is ALWAYS the same..IT ONLY matters for the bellow average population AND it wont turn them "decent" either.


    Yes it will help below average players more. Until the good ones get annoyed at how it helped close the power gap. Then the good ones will use it and start completely destroying people worse than ever before. This is how the cycle of cheating in sports has always worked and this is no different.

    See Lance Armstrong, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens
  • Blackfyre20
    This makes me less irritated about the lack of a buff/debuff tracker on console. It's the little things.
    Buff Soft Caps
  • timidobserver
    This add-on is bad, but to me add-on stability> ganker community. I'm okay with keeping this add-on in order to avoid ZOS breaking every add-on in the game trying to remove this information.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Jaiden
    I'm just gonna keep trucking along with my simple mini map, quickslot, HP/mag/stam bar, quest tracker, kill counter add ons. This one has all kinds of nope nope noppitty nopestein attached to it.
    Edited by Jaiden on December 16, 2016 6:49PM
    Jaiden V16 nightblade

    That's all I got, 1 toon.
  • G0ku
    People are really surprised about that?

    Our 1337 pvp´ers, how long do you think this has been in use before it was finally revealed? There are some smart players out there, you can bet they kept things like this secret for a long time, Curious why it gets revealed, i put my bet on some epen drama...
    - First AD EU Group to finish DSA VET -
    AD Altmer V16 Templar Alliance Rank 30 - EU - DSA Conqueror (pre-nerf) flawless vMSA
    AD Argonian V16 Dragonknight Alliance Rank 15
    AD Bosmer V16 Nightblade Alliance Rank 16
    AD Kahjiit V16 Sorcerer Alliance Rank 10
    AD Dunmer V16 Dragonknight Alliance Rank 9
    AD Altmer V16 Templar Alliance Rank 10 - flawless vMSA
    DC Altmer V16 Sorcerer Alliance Rank 9 - flawless vMSA
    AD Breton V16 Templar Alliance Rank 10
    AD Altmer V16 Sorceress Alliance Rank 21
    AD Kahjiit Warden
    AD Altmer Nightblade
  • Rohaus
    There is ONE ganking player that I would like to use this against... heh
    YouTube channel Rohaus Lives!
    Daggerfall Covenant
    VR16 DragonKnight
  • gard
    I think there might be a lot of concern about nothing. A little bit of hyped (overexaggerated) advertising perhaps.

    My suspicion (unproven) is that the addon can't detect stealthed players unless the stealthed player uses an ability that would trigger an event. Which is ok I think, because I can't think of any that dont' produce some kind of sound.
    My wife complains that I never listen to her. (Or something like that.)
    -- I'm a one man smurf zerg!

    My ESO addons:
    Midnight - Find out when midnight is so that you can check for ww/vamp spawn.
    Goto - Adds a tab to the map pane allowing you to teleport to a friend, guildmate, or groupmate for free.
  • Astanphaeus
    SanTii.92 wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    Every thing on this is really cool except for blatantly gimping nightblades of their entire class identity. Sorry man, gotta revisit that one :(

    I'm sorry, but that's not addon's author call, but zos to determine if this should or shouldn't be allowed. If anything you should appreciated the hard work Miat has put into this and thank him for the discussion about it's legitimacy to come.
    gard wrote: »
    I think there might be a lot of concern about nothing. A little bit of hyped (overexaggerated) advertising perhaps.

    My suspicion (unproven) is that the addon can't detect stealthed players unless the stealthed player uses an ability that would trigger an event. Which is ok I think, because I can't think of any that dont' produce some kind of sound.

    Snipe has a ridiculous range in PvP. If you think you can hear it from the high end of its range, you are very wrong.
  • Enodoc
    Armitas wrote: »
    Eso now directly links to esoui so if its on there then ot would be ridiculous to ban for it.
    They wouldn't ban the creator, as it's clearly something the API currently allows. If they do anything, they will edit the relevant API functions and make them private, thus effectively banning the add-on (not the author).
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • BigBragg
    Is it just me? Just be cause you can doesn't always mean you should.
  • Astanphaeus
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Armitas wrote: »
    Eso now directly links to esoui so if its on there then ot would be ridiculous to ban for it.
    They wouldn't ban the creator, as it's clearly something the API currently allows. If they do anything, they will edit the relevant API functions and make them private, thus effectively banning the add-on (not the author).

    True, too bad.
  • Waffennacht
    The more I read the more @$!#ing @$!#ed I become at the lack of a response from the Devs.

    I don't gank but this is @$!#ed up!

    I mean seriously, why would you allow this or at least not mention what you're gonna do about it.

    Especially the post that the player, "whispered to players in stealth that were following me," that just really bent me the wrong way.

    Every player that got that whisper now believes this game is hacked (more than usual) and quite frankly is MAKING PLAYERS QUIT.
    Edited by Waffennacht on December 16, 2016 7:33PM
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
    BigBragg wrote: »
    Is it just me? Just be cause you can doesn't always mean you should.

    This is true ... but it doesn't mean others won't. Which makes the good guys turn to the dark side.
  • rteezy
    rteezy wrote: »
    rteezy wrote: »
    LOL at people complaining about addons in pvp...

    HERE is the thing, good players will always be ebtter then you all WITH or WITHOUT addons.

    THERE IS A REASON why on ACTUAL competitive pvp mmos top players ALLL USE addons, yet they arew forced to play without them on tournaments.IN THE END theya re STILL the top players.

    ADDONS only make sub par players average....they dont turn a bad player into decent..never did..never will...

    AND ONLY someone with a VERY reduced experience in ANY foRM of high rated competitive pvp in mmos would say otherwise.

    are you trying to say that people whom use add-ons are not gaining an advantage or that they ARE gaining an advantage ?
    sounds like double speak.
    the fact remains that this add-on is cheating. no matter how you try to slice and dice it, it is cheating to know that there are stealthed players near you.
    it is also cheating to pull those stealthed players out of stealth.

    correct, the advantage is VERY minimal, and for a semi decent player barelly noticeble. Only bellow average players will gain anythign from it, and only equally as below average players will complain about it.Addosn in mmos have been debated for over a decade..the veredict is ALWAYS the same..IT ONLY matters for the bellow average population AND it wont turn them "decent" either.


    Yes it will help below average players more. Until the good ones get annoyed at how it helped close the power gap. Then the good ones will use it and start completely destroying people worse than ever before. This is how the cycle of cheating in sports has always worked and this is no different.

    See Lance Armstrong, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens

    again, wrong

    it is NOT triggers ONLY WHEN a player starts an event WHICH can always be heard if ur good enough...

    liek i said, it ONLY helps the below average players and STILL wont help them enough to become any has ALWAYS been like that.

  • Crown
    The best thing about this addon is the count of players around you.

    When some 1vPotato streamer starts complaining that they were zerged down and they *never zerg*, it'll be much easier to show a screen shot of the number of their faction in the area along with the number of your own faction and group members. If you're "zerg surfing", you're still running with the zerg.

    On another note, having looked at the addon in more detail, it's very close to the AP timers addon that was around about 18 months ago. It kept track of every person you had participation in killing and put a 5 minute count down timer beside their name so you'd know when they were worth full AP again. Gank someone between Nikel and Ash.. see them again, and you can easily know if you should kill them again or wait another minute for them to be worth more AP.
    Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
    PvP Guides @
  • Waffennacht
    rteezy wrote: »
    rteezy wrote: »
    rteezy wrote: »
    LOL at people complaining about addons in pvp...

    HERE is the thing, good players will always be ebtter then you all WITH or WITHOUT addons.

    THERE IS A REASON why on ACTUAL competitive pvp mmos top players ALLL USE addons, yet they arew forced to play without them on tournaments.IN THE END theya re STILL the top players.

    ADDONS only make sub par players average....they dont turn a bad player into decent..never did..never will...

    AND ONLY someone with a VERY reduced experience in ANY foRM of high rated competitive pvp in mmos would say otherwise.

    are you trying to say that people whom use add-ons are not gaining an advantage or that they ARE gaining an advantage ?
    sounds like double speak.
    the fact remains that this add-on is cheating. no matter how you try to slice and dice it, it is cheating to know that there are stealthed players near you.
    it is also cheating to pull those stealthed players out of stealth.

    correct, the advantage is VERY minimal, and for a semi decent player barelly noticeble. Only bellow average players will gain anythign from it, and only equally as below average players will complain about it.Addosn in mmos have been debated for over a decade..the veredict is ALWAYS the same..IT ONLY matters for the bellow average population AND it wont turn them "decent" either.


    Yes it will help below average players more. Until the good ones get annoyed at how it helped close the power gap. Then the good ones will use it and start completely destroying people worse than ever before. This is how the cycle of cheating in sports has always worked and this is no different.

    See Lance Armstrong, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens

    again, wrong

    it is NOT triggers ONLY WHEN a player starts an event WHICH can always be heard if ur good enough...

    liek i said, it ONLY helps the below average players and STILL wont help them enough to become any has ALWAYS been like that.

    You can hear a stealthed player wind up fire staff ha 28 meters away before he attacks you? My speakers would blow out the moment a single normal noise came out.

    Dude players have admitted to, "heard the windup, completely blocked all attacks from the stealthed player, prior to any attack taking place."

    That is complete BS, I know players that ONLY play this way, it's not in game, it's a person finding a quality of life program (noise) and using it to completely nullify an entire playstyle. Not cool.

    And you know what? A good player may not need it, but what happens when a good player DOES use it? What happens when a good player uses it against a mediocre player? God mode, that's what.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Arthg
    There must have been private versions of this thing for ages...

    Clearly you have an edge when you *know* you're being followed by enemies in stealth...

    Competitive players with ethics should unite in cross-faction guilds...

    What with cheat engineers and now this, no wonder PvP is looking more and more like an incestuous brawl.
    PC/EU. NoCP PvP. sDK Orc IRL. Flawless tamperor. Pro scrub.
  • Gilvoth
    if i aim my curser around while im stealthed, there are times when it will "spike" my latency and ping, indicating that at that area is a stealthed player, or players.
    that alone is just wrong. but to have that information now on an add-on that is approved and allowed to be used and is not new ?
    this is not looking good for the devs and what they have allowed in the game!
    rteezy wrote: »
    rteezy wrote: »
    rteezy wrote: »
    LOL at people complaining about addons in pvp...

    HERE is the thing, good players will always be ebtter then you all WITH or WITHOUT addons.

    THERE IS A REASON why on ACTUAL competitive pvp mmos top players ALLL USE addons, yet they arew forced to play without them on tournaments.IN THE END theya re STILL the top players.

    ADDONS only make sub par players average....they dont turn a bad player into decent..never did..never will...

    AND ONLY someone with a VERY reduced experience in ANY foRM of high rated competitive pvp in mmos would say otherwise.

    are you trying to say that people whom use add-ons are not gaining an advantage or that they ARE gaining an advantage ?
    sounds like double speak.
    the fact remains that this add-on is cheating. no matter how you try to slice and dice it, it is cheating to know that there are stealthed players near you.
    it is also cheating to pull those stealthed players out of stealth.

    correct, the advantage is VERY minimal, and for a semi decent player barelly noticeble. Only bellow average players will gain anythign from it, and only equally as below average players will complain about it.Addosn in mmos have been debated for over a decade..the veredict is ALWAYS the same..IT ONLY matters for the bellow average population AND it wont turn them "decent" either.


    Yes it will help below average players more. Until the good ones get annoyed at how it helped close the power gap. Then the good ones will use it and start completely destroying people worse than ever before. This is how the cycle of cheating in sports has always worked and this is no different.

    See Lance Armstrong, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens

    again, wrong

    it is NOT triggers ONLY WHEN a player starts an event WHICH can always be heard if ur good enough...

    liek i said, it ONLY helps the below average players and STILL wont help them enough to become any has ALWAYS been like that.

    If I am understanding you, you're saying that it only starts when the "bad guy is close by" music starts. Ok, I get how that could only help those people unaware enough to play with their volume off.

    But ... what about how it tells you how many people are close by? It's the same bad guy music for one ganker or 50. This is the type of second level thinking that intelligent players go through.

    Bad player: "Awesome! I can avoid a ganker!"

    Good player: "Awesome! I can avoid this exact number of gankers, 3 of which are members of the current Emperors' farming group and 1 of which is the current emperor."

    Best players: "Awesome! I can avoid this exact number of gankers, 3 of which are members of the current Emperors' farming group and 1 of which is the current emperor. Now let me warn my entire faction about them and coordinate an assault on an important target because I am certain the other team's best players are hiding behind that rock."
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