Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

Miat's PVP alerts.

  • Rohaus
    Kill On Sight (KOS) system.

    YouTube channel Rohaus Lives!
    Daggerfall Covenant
    VR16 DragonKnight
  • SanTii.92
    Are you just sharing or is here a passive-aggresive complain? If not, my appologize and thanks for the share.
    Edited by SanTii.92 on December 16, 2016 3:30PM
    When the snows fall and the white winds blow,
    the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.

    Arg | Pc Na | Factionless Mag Warden.
  • Gedalya
    I'm gonna try this; I've been doing a lot more PvP and some of these features look really nice, especially KoS.
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator:
  • alephthiago
    Miat, this is a gem!
    Walks-in-Shadowss AD Magblade
    *** kitty AD Stamblade
    Paarthurnax's Will AD Magicka DK
    agnar cracked skull EP Magicka DK (veteran dragonstar arena bot)
    Klogi Mugdul AD Stamina DK
    Savre Selranni AD Magicka Sorc (being polished)
    Avenar Lolhealing AD Magicka Templar (being polished)

  • AEAltadoonPadhome
    Hmm, the fact that you can know that stealthed enemies are nearby, doesn't this just break some aspect of the game? Isn't that cheating?
  • gard
    More clarification on this please?

    3. Names of stealthed players of enemy factions around you. Provides the names of the players who are currently in stealth. nearby. The list has separate indications for faction and class of the stealthed player.

    because if it works precisely as described - wtf! This information shouldn't be available through the api.
    Unless the player was visible and suddenly isn't, and the addon is making assumptions.

    My wife complains that I never listen to her. (Or something like that.)
    -- I'm a one man smurf zerg!

    My ESO addons:
    Midnight - Find out when midnight is so that you can check for ww/vamp spawn.
    Goto - Adds a tab to the map pane allowing you to teleport to a friend, guildmate, or groupmate for free.
  • Isellskooma
    lol what!? You can see when someone's about to hit you with a channeled before it even hits you.
  • Sallington
    So someone can create this BS, but ZOS is blocking the ability to create group DPS meters?
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
    Does anyone on PC actually want to play the game anymore? If your training wheels got any larger your PC is gonna start looking like Gravedigger.
  • Gilvoth
    why is this allowed ?
    completely removes the stealth effect and surprise of stealth attack.
    this is cheating. and the zenimax employee who authorized this add-on knows it.
  • iTatox
    Soul Shriven
    7. Sound notifications. Different sounds were implemented to play when:

    - you make a killing blow on an enemy player
    - you make a killing blow on an enemy player from your KOS list
    - battle report is shown
    - a friend apprears nearby
    - an enemy KOS appears nearby
    - an attack from stealth started <-- really?, Could you explain this a little better?
    Edited by iTatox on December 16, 2016 4:23PM
  • code65536
    Sallington wrote: »
    So someone can create this BS, but ZOS is blocking the ability to create group DPS meters?

    There is a lot of data flying around in the background that gets ignored by the base game client.

    Many addons, including FTC, Combat Metrics, Group Damage, and this new addon, harvest this previously-unseen data and present it to the user in various ways, whether it's something as pedestrian as a DPS/healing meter or something unique like this.

    Whether or not this sort of data use falls within ZOS's intention is something that is up to ZOS to determine in a case-by-case basis. And that determination may end up being very narrow. For example, they are perfectly fine with something like Combat Metrics (which some ZOS devs even use), but they didn't like Group Damage--well, only a specific aspect of it, and that was the ability to break the damage down by name (Combat Metrics, which was created after the GD nerf, tells you the total group damage and your share of it, so you can still see whether you're being carried or if you are the one doing the carrying--just without any names).

    As for this new addon, I think it's very interesting and a very clever use of the data, so kudos for that. Not sure how I personally feel about it, since I do main a nightblade, but I've also been on the receiving end of many ganks (including being ganked by this addon's author). In any case, I'm very curious to see how ZOS reacts and whether they think it fits with their intent and vision.
    Edited by code65536 on December 16, 2016 4:34PM
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

    Dungeons and Trials:
    Personal best scores:
    Dungeon trifectas:
    Media: YouTubeTwitch
  • mb10
    Lmao remove add ons from most PC players and you'll see their lack of genuine skill
    We need a no UI or add on server stat. Make it as vanilla as possible. Sorry but this is a step too far.
  • Ackwalan

    This add-on needs to be looked at. Having a constant "radar" running identifying everyone around you, doesn't seem legit.
  • Recremen
    I heard this addon makes PvP unplayable for the user in anything close to a big fight, and that it allows super-cheaty info to come through like when an enemy player is stealthed near you. Confirm/Deny?
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • Waffennacht
    Sometiimes I'm really happy to be on console.

    This is one of those times.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
    Recremen wrote: »
    I heard this addon makes PvP unplayable for the user in anything close to a big fight, and that it allows super-cheaty info to come through like when an enemy player is stealthed near you. Confirm/Deny?

    Pretty much what I'm reading. While it's not drawing an arrow to the ganker, why on earth would you ride solo into a place where 5 "player X is in stealth within X feet" banners scroll onto your screen?

    I'm a Magplar and I feel bad for Nightblades on this one. Also, glad I have 400 invis potions that would be rendered useless when I want to burn siege.

    This is EXACTLY why I play on console. I'm sure there will be a convoluted defense about how this isn't cheating, and how you don't have to use it, but there is no way this could be available and someone not have to use it.

  • DannyLV702
    Wow pc players really do need training wheels huh
  • Nutshotz
    Oh I like.
  • Arthg

    Another show-stopping game-breaker.
    PC/EU. NoCP PvP. sDK Orc IRL. Flawless tamperor. Pro scrub.
  • DocFrost72
    Every thing on this is really cool except for blatantly gimping nightblades of their entire class identity. Sorry man, gotta revisit that one :(
    Edited by DocFrost72 on December 16, 2016 4:47PM
  • Gilvoth
    it says "version 2.6"
    so this is not new, it's been running and Approved by ZenimaX and allowed to run for who know'S HOW LONG, weeks months ?
    there should be a list of the people who are approving these things so we can know the truth.
  • Kodrac
    We need a no UI or add on server stat. Make it as vanilla as possible. Sorry but this is a step too far.

    Easy fix. Buy a PS4 or XBox1.

  • Astanphaeus
    DannyLV702 wrote: »
    Wow pc players really do need training wheels huh

    Only certain players. The names on this do not surprise me in the least.
  • code65536
    it says "version 2.6"
    so this is not new, it's been running and Approved by ZenimaX and allowed to run for who know'S HOW LONG, weeks months ?
    there should be a list of the people who are approving these things so we can know the truth.

    2.6 refers to the version of ESO with which this addon is compatible. It's just a way for the addon's author to signal to people that the addon works with the current version of ESO.

    Also, no addons are ever "approved" by ZOS. ESOUI is an independent site. All addon authors are independent and none of us ever seeks "approval" from ZOS. The only limitations to what we can do is what the game's APIs allow and disallow. The game's APIs allow this addon to be created. Whether or not that is intentional or an oversight from ZOS is yet unknown.

    And as a nightblade, I'd be more offended by this addon, were it not for the fact that the addon's author is also a nightblade (and one that's killed me from stealth a number of times in Cyrodiil).
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

    Dungeons and Trials:
    Personal best scores:
    Dungeon trifectas:
    Media: YouTubeTwitch
    Kodrac wrote: »
    We need a no UI or add on server stat. Make it as vanilla as possible. Sorry but this is a step too far.

    Easy fix. Buy a PS4 or XBox1.


    I play on XBox. We have even too much UI there. Take it all away. No floaty numbers. No quest log. I don't even want to see my abilities.

    I wish I could play like this but doing so would gimp me terribly. Leave standard PVP as it is. Make a hardcore mode and I'd never leave it.

    Then again, I'm the same guy who used to play Tiger Woods without a green grid.
  • timidobserver
    Surprised the OP made this public. Clearly going to get nerfed if something as benign as GroupDamage got nerfed. They'll probably nerf it in a way that breaks other legitimate addons.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • yodased
    lol RIP cancergankers.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Xexpo
    and more pvpers exposed for being addon crutching tryhards lel :D;):D

    quote from the addon author :
    "Yep, it's obvious there will be complaints. My stance is the addon balances stealth before Zos decides to :) "

    more martyrs a la * redacted *

    too funny :)<3:)<3:*<3:)<3:)

    edited for lack of loving emojis
    Edited by Xexpo on December 16, 2016 5:40PM
    Kiki Dickson ~~~ Dixmanian Devil ~~~ Cornelius Buckshank Jr.
    Histy-Fitz ~~~ Boozemer ~~~ Chace X'expo
    Lluvia De'Fuego ~~~ Shakes Spear
    Macro and Cheese NA/PC
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