damn u...
Buffing frost would be nice too 'cuz in it's current state, you might as well just get rid of it. That's how bad it is compared to the other elements. I wish I could play a frost mage especially with that awesome upcoming frost motif but I'd be shooting myself in the foot.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Tri Focus: Reverted the bug fix that caused Shock Heavy Attacks to not splash damage to nearby enemies during the entire channeled attack. The tooltip of Tri Focus has been updated to reflect this change.
I see it as another way to make money by playing instead of mindless farming/making pots.
The same argument could be said of when stealing came out/pvp gained that magickal trader but the price per stack/item of the most important raid/pvp items has always stayed within the 10k-30k range based on an available stock/need ratio.
In the end, the zones being open to all will either increase the price of goods or decrease them, not if raiders gain a Unique way to earn gold inside their preferred location. This will be good for the economy.
Buffing frost would be nice too 'cuz in it's current state, you might as well just get rid of it. That's how bad it is compared to the other elements. I wish I could play a frost mage especially with that awesome upcoming frost motif but I'd be shooting myself in the foot.
To prove my point, look at this set. You do flame damage, why not frost damage? I know why, because it sucks.
asneakybanana wrote: »
How does the magical trade which takes gold out of circulation because it allows people to spend large sums of gold at an npc for something useful compare to making large sums of gold at an npc for 0 use? They are actually polar opposites lol. Also the rate at which gold is added into circulation from stealing is nothing compared to the rate that it will be from trials. A solid raid group can complete aa and hrc in ~30-45 minutes, lets say at minimum each complete is going to give people in the raid 10 items to sell so 10k gold. multiply that by 12 for 12 raiders and thats 120k. Most raid guilds will run the trials at least 2 if not 3 or more times on raid nights. So lets say an average of 3 runs thats 360k from just one guild running trials. Now multiply that by 2 or 3 for the average number of raid days and hats 1m gold from just one group running trials being added into circulation every week and then multiply that by however many guilds run trials which is quite a few and you end up w/ a pretty extreme amount of gold being added into circulation every week. I estimate the amount of gold made in trials every week to be about 10x the gold that will be made in pvp from rewards of the worthy gold and vendoring the gear.
Contraptions wrote: »Good number of fixes overall, but have some feedback.
1. Can we have some buffs to dungeons and trials that aren't simply stat buffs like increases to health and damage? I really don't want the old dungeons to be ridiculous damage fests like the vROM and vCOS dungeons. Would like a nerf to those two as well.
2. It's good that you're increasing gold rewards for vet trials but do note that if not done properly this can lead to severe inflation as you are essentially printing 12k gold minimum every time a boss dies. The cost of potions is going to go up further rendering your fix useless. Try investigating ways to reduce potion/consumable related costs instead as that seems to be the root cause. Maybe increase the duration of potions, make potions more like food or drink? Reduce health and resistances of mobs in trials so that potions aren't needed all the time?
3. Writs are consuming too many materials, and with drop rates of surveys getting nerfed overall this is going to impact crafters greatly. When the number of tries at the RNG limited per day I will always prefer something with a high chance but low payout rather than vice versa.
4. The Crown Crates are an absolute ripoff. 400 Crowns for 1 mimic stone and 15 Crown Invis potions. What the actual.
5. Hope there's a way to obtain MA weapons more easily in the future. It's been long enough, vMA needs a nerf.
New Life Festival (9/21-9/28)
Visit the pavilion outside of Windhelm to participate in testing the events for the New Life Festival!
- To begin, you can either travel directly to the Windhelm pavilion, or obtain the quest scroll via the Crown Store.
- Enjoying a drink from the keg at the pavilion will award you with a double XP bonus for 2 hours.
- Note: Indulging in another drink will simply refresh the XP buff.
- There are nine daily quests associated with this event themed for each of the Tamrielic race’s celebrations of New Life.
- You can obtain each quest from Breda, located at the pavilion in Windhelm.
- The quests grant various different rewards including new mementos, recipes, consumables, motifs, achievements, and even a hat!
Anyone else cant find the pavilion???
I haven't looked, but if you aren't able to find it, I think someone else pointed out the start date^^^
New Life Festival (9/21-9/28)
Visit the pavilion outside of Windhelm to participate in testing the events for the New Life Festival!
- To begin, you can either travel directly to the Windhelm pavilion, or obtain the quest scroll via the Crown Store.
- Enjoying a drink from the keg at the pavilion will award you with a double XP bonus for 2 hours.
- Note: Indulging in another drink will simply refresh the XP buff.
- There are nine daily quests associated with this event themed for each of the Tamrielic race’s celebrations of New Life.
- You can obtain each quest from Breda, located at the pavilion in Windhelm.
- The quests grant various different rewards including new mementos, recipes, consumables, motifs, achievements, and even a hat!
Anyone else cant find the pavilion???
SO there isnt anything to make balance again about magicka ..Still too weak compared to stamina
lets wait for next patch notes... we are going to see if things happen like @ZOS_GinaBruno says...???!!!
people want more balance in this patch
nobody wants to wait 4 months more..
Shokasegambit1 wrote: »Can somebody explain this to me please, tryin to wrap my head around this.
Witchman Armor: This item set’s proc now scales with the Ultimate’s cost as well as the item level of the full set. It will heal and restore Stamina for the current value with a 250-cost Ultimate, with values decreasing as the Ultimate cost decreases.
So if i farmed a set of Dragon 15% reduce cost ult and Potentates and 10% and i have a power stone on for 15% thus reducing of ult cost bye 40%. So i am automatically nerfed becuase becuase i do not have alot of ults that high cost cost 250 ? And even if i did its still reduced bye my powerstone passive. And i cant benefit from my powerstone with this set ? This is a DK lover set now... congrats.
I would love ZOS to tailor me a set to my main character.
asneakybanana wrote: »
How does the magical trade which takes gold out of circulation because it allows people to spend large sums of gold at an npc for something useful compare to making large sums of gold at an npc for 0 use? They are actually polar opposites lol. Also the rate at which gold is added into circulation from stealing is nothing compared to the rate that it will be from trials. A solid raid group can complete aa and hrc in ~30-45 minutes, lets say at minimum each complete is going to give people in the raid 10 items to sell so 10k gold. multiply that by 12 for 12 raiders and thats 120k. Most raid guilds will run the trials at least 2 if not 3 or more times on raid nights. So lets say an average of 3 runs thats 360k from just one guild running trials. Now multiply that by 2 or 3 for the average number of raid days and hats 1m gold from just one group running trials being added into circulation every week and then multiply that by however many guilds run trials which is quite a few and you end up w/ a pretty extreme amount of gold being added into circulation every week. I estimate the amount of gold made in trials every week to be about 10x the gold that will be made in pvp from rewards of the worthy gold and vendoring the gear.
I dont know who your fighting in PVP, but im only gaining 3135 health and stam.This set only procs once every 10 seconds and vs a 60k DK meta Dps tank is not viable now. I had a shot with 7440 health and stam. And you speak balance, well when somebody comes up with a creative way to possibly beat the meta, black rose/reactive, malubeth. You must be a dk meta tank. Well have fun with this set becuase it is now tailored toward you. And theres the build i provided.
I will now focus all my efforts in to killing DKs only. 130k soal assaults here i come....
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Equipment Bonus Indicator
Added an indicator to your Character window that shows how effective your equipment is at your current level. Higher level and quality equipment will provide a larger bonus. Equipment with traits, enchantments, and/or item set bonuses will also provide a larger bonus.
OrphanHelgen wrote: »Can my dk get a poison whip now that maelstrom flurry are rip, and explain the logic in magicka dps from 28 meters should have same dps as a 5 meter stam dps.
Thanks for the great updates. I think this is the first time that I have seen patches within a PTS cycle have significant changes, which suggests you all are working really hard to take into consideration feedback and perfect the update.
A lot has been done already, but if there's any chance that we can be blown away with another awesome revision of the PTS, I'd like to see:
1. Nerfing (don't have a nicer way of putting it) the 2h ultimate and S&B. They are way too overtuned with the return ulti factor.
2. More mirror sets for magicka types that resemble some of the new stamina sets (i.e. a monster helm that acts like Velidreth and gives spell damage with its 1 piece bonus (that isn't Kena - that gives both).
3. Look into some artifact sets, like Ice Furnace, that have trait bonuses that are no longer relevant. Ice Furnace has a 4 piece bonus that gives weapon damage (ummm).
4. Some sets had spell damage and weapon damage increased to 450 from 400. Ok. Can we make sure that all other similar sets receive the same boost?
5. Consider our feedback before going live with the loot crates the way they are. This is a huge business decision, and it's not only going to affect the game's balance, and whether or not people will continue playing the game. It will affect your reputation as a company and whether or not people well every play any of your games again. Seriously.
6. I'm also in favor of seeing maelstrom weapons become more accessible to the general population. Keep the solo arena hard if you want, and incentivize it with something - titles, sellable loot, or bragging right or something, but not the BiS weapons that create a gap in both skill AND build between the haves and havenots.
Silver_Strider wrote: »
While I agree with StamDK needing a nerf, I disagree with the rest of your comment.
With the nerf to Cruel Flurry, other stamina builds are now more in line with most magic builds (#Sorclivesmatter), meaning the game is slowly becoming more balanced than it was previously. Stamina Builds still have more damage overall than magic but it's a step in the right direction.
Shokasegambit1 wrote: »@code65536
Omg you are a DK, thats too funny. If you can define cheese that would be great ? Obviously you have never went through all the sets saying to yourself if ZOS made that CP160, vr16, vr14 that would work really well.
There are sets on sets that i already thoery crafted. And to be honest i also have a back up if this happened. Im disappointed but not out of the game. That just means im going back to my mag sorc. Putting on cp160 martial knowledge, and rattlecage and kena light attack twice, entropy, v curse, (non blockable now lol ) frag soul assault, wont need the execution, the dk cant out heal 74k to 84 of true damage in 5.7 seconds when knocked down.
Cheeeeeeese1.6 is coming back to my 1st character.
Dungeons & Group Content
- Ruins of Mazzatun
- Blocking the charge portion of a Xit-Xaht Sludge-Slinger's Feral Blitz when your character lacks the proper stamina to fully block will no longer cause the Xit-Xaht Sludge-Slinger to stagger before continuing the charge.
- Blocking the charge portion of Xal-Nur's Monstrous Blitz when your character lacks the proper stamina to fully block will no longer cause Xal-Nur to stagger before continuing his charge.