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PTS Patch Notes - Towers have no doors???

  • Poxheart
    God_flakes wrote: »
    I legitimately think, if you truly feel that tower farming was an immense plague in the game that merited removing doors by way of "carpenter strike", you need to reevaluate your entire view on cyrodiil.

    Right now it's all speculation as to why the devs did this. And unless they come out and say why we can only speculate. Obviously they are lazy.

    fixed that for you.
    Unsubbed and no longer playing, but still checking the Alliance War forum for the lulz.

    Pox Dragon Knight
    Poxheart Nightblade
    The Murder Hobo Dragon Knight - Blackwater Blade
    Knights of the WhiteWolf
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    God_flakes wrote: »
    I legitimately think, if you truly feel that tower farming was an immense plague in the game that merited removing doors by way of "carpenter strike", you need to reevaluate your entire view on cyrodiil.

    Right now it's all speculation as to why the devs did this. And unless they come out and say why we can only speculate. Obviously they felt it was necessary.

    The devs also thought a lot of things were necessary. Rapid change, every other ability having a snare, aoe caps, proxy and VD, viper/velidreth, mdk, radiant D, stamina dominance, cold harbor siege, troll repairing, IC flags, towns with no significance, and the list goes on and on.
    Hard to maintain a belief that they know what is "necessary" in their own game. A game that abruptly changes every 2-3 months, with no incremental patches to adjust any balance and just plain ignorance regarding testing. But hey at least they are throwing 30 something new sets our way to distract us.
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • God_flakes
    They just can't please everyone. And the sheer amount of notorious tower farmers I see expressing outrage at this tells me the right people aren't pleased by this change.
  • God_flakes
    God_flakes wrote: »
    I legitimately think, if you truly feel that tower farming was an immense plague in the game that merited removing doors by way of "carpenter strike", you need to reevaluate your entire view on cyrodiil.

    Right now it's all speculation as to why the devs did this. And unless they come out and say why we can only speculate. Obviously they felt it was necessary.

    The devs also thought a lot of things were necessary. Rapid change, every other ability having a snare, aoe caps, proxy and VD, viper/velidreth, mdk, radiant D, stamina dominance, cold harbor siege, troll repairing, IC flags, towns with no significance, and the list goes on and on.
    Hard to maintain a belief that they know what is "necessary" in their own game. A game that abruptly changes every 2-3 months, with no incremental patches to adjust any balance and just plain ignorance regarding testing. But hey at least they are throwing 30 something new sets our way to distract us.

    I do agree with you here. Some changes confound me and frustrate me. This just isn't one. I sincerely hope this stops the tower farming.
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    God_flakes wrote: »
    They just can't please everyone. And the sheer amount of notorious tower farmers I see expressing outrage at this tells me the right people aren't pleased by this change.

    But the thing is I'm in no means a tower farmer, and I think the change is moronic. I've been in groups from 1-24 players who have used a tower, I've tower farmed, I've used it to break Aggro reset kill the first wave and go for the flag, I've used it to break Aggro and slip out the back, I've broken tower farms with 1-24 people. The AvAvA argument is bust because if you go by that structure you would want people to distract the enemy and harass them. The gitgud and use the rest f the terrain argument is bust too because to use any of that terrain there would have to be a reason for people to leave the 10% of cyrodiil that actually sees combat. If this game featured troop movment ground erosion, we would all be in the sewers by now having walked the same outpost paths. No matter what people think of it, chokes/los are a huge factor in the game and in a world where we siege first ask questions later, and zero reason to be able to use any terrain out side the precious ring that these die-hard map control players stick in, this was one of the last remaining strategies or tools you could use, to actually fight for more that 2 minutes and have to take a horse ride back because a faction descended on you at a resource.
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    Succinctly, my biggest qualm is that it continues the proliferation of the game basically being dumbed down to a level beyond belief, where the "wow look at that high dmg number dad!" And running over and infant with a steam roller is basically the only "fun factor."

    Edit: I mean with siege and group sizes on the rise, there isn't really isn't much "pvp" going on at these vast battles. And from an AvA stand point, if I wanted to sit on a ballista and left click my way to entertainment, I'd be far better off doing 18th century warfare reenactments on the weekends, than being a digital Orc with a yellow broomstick jabbing people before I hit them with my mega-flashlight of smiting.
    Edited by caeliusstarbreaker on September 3, 2016 4:16PM
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • God_flakes
    Come on guys, don't you think you're overreacting a tad? It's just doors being removed from resource towers. The sky isn't falling.
  • NedicWildling
    I legitimately think, if you truly feel that tower farming was an immense plague in the game that merited removing doors by way of "carpenter strike", you need to reevaluate your entire view on cyrodiil.

    We don't have to think it was a "plague" to think removing it was a good change, that's ridiculous.

    Then the statement does not apply to you. If you would like I can loosen the parameters.


    Edited for inappropriate content
    Edited by ZOS_PeterT on September 3, 2016 7:00PM
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Come on guys, don't you think you're overreacting a tad? It's just doors being removed from resource towers. The sky isn't falling.

    I respectfully agree to disagree with you.

    The sky isn't falling, there are still the second and third floors of towers.

    However, in the same frame the argument has been made, you could just not go in the tower.(also insert any other method to counteract it)
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • God_flakes
    Succinctly, my biggest qualm is that it continues the proliferation of the game basically being dumbed down to a level beyond belief, where the "wow look at that high dmg number dad!" And running over and infant with a steam roller is basically the only "fun factor."

    Edit: I mean with siege and group sizes on the rise, there isn't really isn't much "pvp" going on at these vast battles. And from an AvA stand point, if I wanted to sit on a ballista and left click my way to entertainment, I'd be far better off doing 18th century warfare reenactments on the weekends, than being a digital Orc with a yellow broomstick jabbing people before I hit them with my mega-flashlight of smiting.

    Isn't that what tower farming is? Sitting on a siege weapon, aiming it at a door and left clicking your way to victory?
    Edited by God_flakes on September 3, 2016 4:23PM
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Succinctly, my biggest qualm is that it continues the proliferation of the game basically being dumbed down to a level beyond belief, where the "wow look at that high dmg number dad!" And running over and infant with a steam roller is basically the only "fun factor."

    Edit: I mean with siege and group sizes on the rise, there isn't really isn't much "pvp" going on at these vast battles. And from an AvA stand point, if I wanted to sit on a ballista and left click my way to entertainment, I'd be far better off doing 18th century warfare reenactments on the weekends, than being a digital Orc with a yellow broomstick jabbing people before I hit them with my mega-flashlight of smiting.

    Isn't that what tower farming is? Sitting on a siege weapon, aiming it at a door and left clicking your way to victory?

    So we abolish that in favor of people sitting on the outside, on siege, aimed in the now no door, left clicking their way to victory?
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • Rohamad_Ali
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Come on guys, don't you think you're overreacting a tad? It's just doors being removed from resource towers. The sky isn't falling.

    No I am not over reacting . I am one of those that still miss ground oils . Removing doors from towers is goofy . Might as well remove the tower , would be making more sense then leaving a unusable tower . I was looking for more unique architecture inside towns to bring more dimension to fighting , but the did not add anymore building or roof access .

    I like fighting on multiple levels not just on the boring ground all the times .
  • God_flakes
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Succinctly, my biggest qualm is that it continues the proliferation of the game basically being dumbed down to a level beyond belief, where the "wow look at that high dmg number dad!" And running over and infant with a steam roller is basically the only "fun factor."

    Edit: I mean with siege and group sizes on the rise, there isn't really isn't much "pvp" going on at these vast battles. And from an AvA stand point, if I wanted to sit on a ballista and left click my way to entertainment, I'd be far better off doing 18th century warfare reenactments on the weekends, than being a digital Orc with a yellow broomstick jabbing people before I hit them with my mega-flashlight of smiting.

    Isn't that what tower farming is? Sitting on a siege weapon, aiming it at a door and left clicking your way to victory?

    So we abolish that in favor of people sitting on the outside, on siege, aimed in the now no door, left clicking their way to victory?

    In the words of those opposed to this: YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO IN THE TOWER. :smile:
  • Jaronking
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler can you come here and tell us why you decided to remove doors from towers?
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    God_flakes wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Succinctly, my biggest qualm is that it continues the proliferation of the game basically being dumbed down to a level beyond belief, where the "wow look at that high dmg number dad!" And running over and infant with a steam roller is basically the only "fun factor."

    Edit: I mean with siege and group sizes on the rise, there isn't really isn't much "pvp" going on at these vast battles. And from an AvA stand point, if I wanted to sit on a ballista and left click my way to entertainment, I'd be far better off doing 18th century warfare reenactments on the weekends, than being a digital Orc with a yellow broomstick jabbing people before I hit them with my mega-flashlight of smiting.

    Isn't that what tower farming is? Sitting on a siege weapon, aiming it at a door and left clicking your way to victory?

    So we abolish that in favor of people sitting on the outside, on siege, aimed in the now no door, left clicking their way to victory?

    In the words of those opposed to this: YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO IN THE TOWER. :smile:

    Haha but in lieu of someone who offered a specific alternative, but then where will I run too? With the faction chasing me? With snares abound? With gap closing snare? How will I get away? Or by virtue of such a slippery slope should I not be there in the first place? Should I be confined to the same nikel Roebeck highway? Should I in turn just fold solely back into the faction mass behind me? Should my method solely be well if I can't have a measure to even odds against those greater than me should I just come back with greater than them?
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • Rohamad_Ali
    I think the players just could not walk away sometimes . I don't understand why but probably like ...

  • Ernest145
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Ernest145 wrote: »
    Towers were fine imo, if you failed to siege it down before the flagged flip then you paid the price for it. If I'm leading a 12-16 man group I don't really try to tower farm since most pugs wont run in unless you have fewer numbers. You make much more ap just kiting around and funneling them. When I'm playing in a group less than 6 then towers are much more needed since if you try kiting you just get ganked/ gap close spammed/ jesus beam spammed/ etc. and don't have enough healers and rapids to keep the group going. Pretty dumb change that just promotes larger numbers and less thoughtful decision making, like there isn't enough of that already.

    So what I see you saying here is when you have a group of 6 (highly skilled since you're Earnie right?) you "need" tower farms to make ap?

    Lets say a group of 2-6 and you take a resource to find some fights that are away from the zerg v zerg fights, and like a good amount of the time 20+ enemy players come rolling out of the keep. The group needs the tower door to keep them out so they can at least have sometime to regroup. It gave the group a bit of time to get away from the ambush spam/ jesus beams/ snipes/ gankers/ etc and let them get ready to fight again.

    If the pugs outside knew how to play they would siege down the tower and we would be forced to jump out and kite them, which is fine but would just end up leading to the small group getting zerged down the way this cancerous snare and root meta is. Inside the tower you have a smaller confined area where you wont be getting sniped or jesus beam spammed from a mile away and you can use the bottom floor to avoid enemy siege. With the way the game is now it is so much more easier for a large pug zerg to chase down smaller numbers, the only viable way of fighting is basically rock humping which is pretty sad.

    This isn't even a farming ap issue, it mainly just hurts to small groups who need to take a break from the zergs chasing them to reset the fight. It's not their fault for the enemy players poor decisions to not siege it down and just mindlessly just zerg everything they see. Like good luck to the small mans who try to pull off and get other players to pull off the faction stacks, and get them to actually think about what they should do and punish them if they don't make the right decision.


    Big Ernie - Templar - EP Grand Overlord
  • Skyy
    God_flakes wrote: »
    I legitimately think, if you truly feel that tower farming was an immense plague in the game that merited removing doors by way of "carpenter strike", you need to reevaluate your entire view on cyrodiil.

    Right now it's all speculation as to why the devs did this. And unless they come out and say why we can only speculate. Obviously they felt it was necessary.

    The devs also thought a lot of things were necessary. Rapid change, every other ability having a snare, aoe caps, proxy and VD, viper/velidreth, mdk, radiant D, stamina dominance, cold harbor siege, troll repairing, IC flags, towns with no significance, and the list goes on and on.
    Hard to maintain a belief that they know what is "necessary" in their own game. A game that abruptly changes every 2-3 months, with no incremental patches to adjust any balance and just plain ignorance regarding testing. But hey at least they are throwing 30 something new sets our way to distract us.

    I agree that half those things you listed are incredibly stupid, but a few of them are actually quite awesome in my opinion. Especially troll repairing, greatest thing ever.
  • emma666
    God_flakes wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Succinctly, my biggest qualm is that it continues the proliferation of the game basically being dumbed down to a level beyond belief, where the "wow look at that high dmg number dad!" And running over and infant with a steam roller is basically the only "fun factor."

    Edit: I mean with siege and group sizes on the rise, there isn't really isn't much "pvp" going on at these vast battles. And from an AvA stand point, if I wanted to sit on a ballista and left click my way to entertainment, I'd be far better off doing 18th century warfare reenactments on the weekends, than being a digital Orc with a yellow broomstick jabbing people before I hit them with my mega-flashlight of smiting.

    Isn't that what tower farming is? Sitting on a siege weapon, aiming it at a door and left clicking your way to victory?

    So we abolish that in favor of people sitting on the outside, on siege, aimed in the now no door, left clicking their way to victory?

    In the words of those opposed to this: YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO IN THE TOWER. :smile:

    Haha but in lieu of someone who offered a specific alternative, but then where will I run too? With the faction chasing me? With snares abound? With gap closing snare? How will I get away? Or by virtue of such a slippery slope should I not be there in the first place? Should I be confined to the same nikel Roebeck highway? Should I in turn just fold solely back into the faction mass behind me? Should my method solely be well if I can't have a measure to even odds against those greater than me should I just come back with greater than them?

    Honestly, these people seem to want smallscale to completely disappear and for PVP to be only zerg vs zerg. It's sad.

    Edited by emma666 on September 3, 2016 5:07PM
    Nymeria - Ebonheart - Grand Overlady - Imperial Templar - Havoc

    I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    Skyy wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    I legitimately think, if you truly feel that tower farming was an immense plague in the game that merited removing doors by way of "carpenter strike", you need to reevaluate your entire view on cyrodiil.

    Right now it's all speculation as to why the devs did this. And unless they come out and say why we can only speculate. Obviously they felt it was necessary.

    The devs also thought a lot of things were necessary. Rapid change, every other ability having a snare, aoe caps, proxy and VD, viper/velidreth, mdk, radiant D, stamina dominance, cold harbor siege, troll repairing, IC flags, towns with no significance, and the list goes on and on.
    Hard to maintain a belief that they know what is "necessary" in their own game. A game that abruptly changes every 2-3 months, with no incremental patches to adjust any balance and just plain ignorance regarding testing. But hey at least they are throwing 30 something new sets our way to distract us.

    I agree that half those things you listed are incredibly stupid, but a few of them are actually quite awesome in my opinion. Especially troll repairing, greatest thing ever.

    I've used it, specifically when it's a few of us holding out till help arrives... But I've also had it used against me when there was 4 of us, with at least 11 counted people on the walls, with 4 siege pointed at us, many times. And in the spirit of fairness incorporated it into the list. I don't think it's a huge problem, but in a pvp game, and you're trying to get into a keep to fight people, because ya know... Pvp.. And you're outnumbered and they won't come out, and they are troll repairing and sieging you and your horde of 4, it gets irritating. Maybe it's a compliment that they view us as that dangerous, but I can assure you im not playing the game for compliments. Haha I'm playing yo kill you.
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • NBrookus
    emma666 wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Succinctly, my biggest qualm is that it continues the proliferation of the game basically being dumbed down to a level beyond belief, where the "wow look at that high dmg number dad!" And running over and infant with a steam roller is basically the only "fun factor."

    Edit: I mean with siege and group sizes on the rise, there isn't really isn't much "pvp" going on at these vast battles. And from an AvA stand point, if I wanted to sit on a ballista and left click my way to entertainment, I'd be far better off doing 18th century warfare reenactments on the weekends, than being a digital Orc with a yellow broomstick jabbing people before I hit them with my mega-flashlight of smiting.

    Isn't that what tower farming is? Sitting on a siege weapon, aiming it at a door and left clicking your way to victory?

    So we abolish that in favor of people sitting on the outside, on siege, aimed in the now no door, left clicking their way to victory?

    In the words of those opposed to this: YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO IN THE TOWER. :smile:

    Haha but in lieu of someone who offered a specific alternative, but then where will I run too? With the faction chasing me? With snares abound? With gap closing snare? How will I get away? Or by virtue of such a slippery slope should I not be there in the first place? Should I be confined to the same nikel Roebeck highway? Should I in turn just fold solely back into the faction mass behind me? Should my method solely be well if I can't have a measure to even odds against those greater than me should I just come back with greater than them?

    Honestly, these people seem to want smallscale to completely disappear and for PVP to be only zerg vs zerg. It's sad.

    With this patch I am 100% certain of it. Magicka is basically relegated to support/buff/healing the stam DPS, and may the biggest zerg win.
  • Joy_Division
    emma666 wrote: »
    I think that anyone who is positive to them removing doors of resources needs to try out playing outnumbered by a f ton. The people who are positive to this change, are probably the people who get rekt in 24mans by 2-5 people in a tower. But then again, ZOS is known for making changes to appeal the zergling PvPers instead of small scale PvPers, that's for sure.

    All in all, removing doors is bad for the people who enjoy playing in small groups because it gives a small advantage for the small man, while the 24man zerg has a HUGE advantage by having so many players compared to the small group.


    I would agree with that sentiment, namely in the the game favors large groups too much.. The problem, however, is the very 24mans "zerglings" you despise are exploiting the door delay and disarm mechanics by hiding in these towers.

    If the enjoyability of Cyrodiil small group play hinges on the idiocy of the tower mechanics and hiding in a indestructible tower in which the people inside get free attacks against those who want to actually fight, then the game is a hopeless cause, just uninstall and wait for CU or something.

    The entrance is still a choke point, they still can't bust the tower down, asking for ZoS to keep the door disarm mechanics is not something I would expect people who want a game based on skill to request or express disappointment that it has been removed. Be disappointed the AoE cap is in place, not that tower doors have been removed.
    Edited by Joy_Division on September 3, 2016 5:30PM
  • emma666
    emma666 wrote: »
    I think that anyone who is positive to them removing doors of resources needs to try out playing outnumbered by a f ton. The people who are positive to this change, are probably the people who get rekt in 24mans by 2-5 people in a tower. But then again, ZOS is known for making changes to appeal the zergling PvPers instead of small scale PvPers, that's for sure.

    All in all, removing doors is bad for the people who enjoy playing in small groups because it gives a small advantage for the small man, while the 24man zerg has a HUGE advantage by having so many players compared to the small group.


    I would agree with that sentiment, namely in the the game favors large groups too much.. The problem, however, is the very 24mans "zerglings" you despise are exploiting the door delay and disarm mechanics by hiding in these towers.

    If the enjoyability of Cyrodiil small group play hinges on the idiocy of the tower mechanics and hiding in a indestructible tower in which the people inside get free attacks against those who want to actually fight, then the game is a hopeless cause, just uninstall and wait for CU or something.

    The entrance is still a choke point, they still can't bust the tower down, asking for ZoS to keep the door disarm mechanics is not something I would expect people who want a game based on skill to request or express disappointment that it has been removed. Be disappointed the AoE cap is in place, not that tower doors have been removed.

    Trust me, I don't despise zerglings. I despise zergers who keep trying to get small groups nerfed even though they have the advantage in their large groups because of how ZoS has nerfed small groups and buffed large ones ever since the game launched.

    When me and my small group of 2-4 players use a tower, it's not to ''exploit'' the door when they load in, it's to be able to get your resources up and sometimes siege because we normally fight 15-24mans by these resource towers, and the only time we go in the tower instead of fighting on the resource is when their numbers overwhelm us.

    I'll have you know these people we fight against put up oils and siege against us in the tower even though we are mostly just 3 people even though they outnumber us by ALOT. Just yesterday we we're fighting a 24man in a tower, killed about 10 or so, then they put up oils over us. 3 players, and the 24man has to put up oils to kill us.

    Fact is, towers give a small advantage to smaller groups because we get a small time to prepare for the large group who already has the advantage by having so many players compared to my group. Remove the door, you buff zergs.


    Hold the door, pls zos

    Nymeria - Ebonheart - Grand Overlady - Imperial Templar - Havoc

    I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.
  • Satiar
    Joy isn't wrong. The disarm mechanic is cheese and we've all exploited it.


    Can we just have one place in Cyrodiil to fight without getting pounded by siege pls?
    Vehemence -- Commander and Raid Lead -- Tri-faction PvP
    Knights Paravant -- Co-GM and Raid Lead -- AD Greyhost

  • caeliusstarbreaker
    Satiar wrote: »
    Joy isn't wrong. The disarm mechanic is cheese and we've all exploited it.


    Can we just have one place in Cyrodiil to fight without getting pounded by siege pls?

    I concur. And thusly offer you the church in cheydinhal? And by fight I mean hold guild meetings, or emote battles.
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • Elong
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Elong wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    Elong wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    Hempyre wrote: »
    Dumb AF.

    Who would build a tower without doors?

    If folks want to lemming at a tower then that's their option. As of this change the structure has no purpose.

    Complete waste of time.

    Can you not set up meatbag and cold fire on the first floor and oil on the second floor?

    Of course you can.

    The reason you want a door is the .5 seconds you inside can see the enemy without the enemy seeing you.

    If there was no delay in the door animation load, you would not have a problem with that?

    Tower farms are bad for the game, sorry if that makes you sad.

    Why. Don't. You. Just. Not. Go. In. To. The. Tower?

    why. do. you. feel. its. ok. to. farm. other. players?

    I don't know how to break this game any simpler, if you're not there, there's no farm is there? Why are you not grasping something a kindergarten kid could?

    Wow what a Freudian slip there: "I don't know how to break this game any simpler". Yes. You farmers have lost yet another way to stack on top of one another and break this game. B-o-o H-o-o.
    emma666 wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    I am a solo player, I don't join groups, so I am not sure really why you would lump me into that.

    LOL You think I am a LFG person, I get it. That makes sense, but alas no, if I am in a group it is a 2 person group.

    You can present yourself as noble, I don't know you, but your above post says more about your attitude than anything.

    Presenting me with a kill death ratio and then attributing that to somehow your opinion is more valid than mine is strange, isn't it?

    His opinion is more valid than yours because he is a great player, has played since beta and has seen how ZOS has nerfed small groups patch after patch since the launch of the game.

    You don't get it because you are simply a bad player and don't understand that this change favours zergs and not the small group who is already always at a disadvantage.

    How is this hard to understand???

    You got hella nerve acting like you're some elite small man queen, Nymiria. Any time I ever see you in game you're firmly embedded in a zerg. In fact I'm sure you guys were sobbing when your meat shields PM left TF. :cry:

    Can't remember the last time I was in a tower farm to be honest Jauriel.
  • Elong
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Come on guys, don't you think you're overreacting a tad? It's just doors being removed from resource towers. The sky isn't falling.

    Nobody is overreacting, it's called a debate, you're the one throwing emotion around at it.
  • Skyy
    Skyy wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    I legitimately think, if you truly feel that tower farming was an immense plague in the game that merited removing doors by way of "carpenter strike", you need to reevaluate your entire view on cyrodiil.

    Right now it's all speculation as to why the devs did this. And unless they come out and say why we can only speculate. Obviously they felt it was necessary.

    The devs also thought a lot of things were necessary. Rapid change, every other ability having a snare, aoe caps, proxy and VD, viper/velidreth, mdk, radiant D, stamina dominance, cold harbor siege, troll repairing, IC flags, towns with no significance, and the list goes on and on.
    Hard to maintain a belief that they know what is "necessary" in their own game. A game that abruptly changes every 2-3 months, with no incremental patches to adjust any balance and just plain ignorance regarding testing. But hey at least they are throwing 30 something new sets our way to distract us.

    I agree that half those things you listed are incredibly stupid, but a few of them are actually quite awesome in my opinion. Especially troll repairing, greatest thing ever.

    I've used it, specifically when it's a few of us holding out till help arrives... But I've also had it used against me when there was 4 of us, with at least 11 counted people on the walls, with 4 siege pointed at us, many times. And in the spirit of fairness incorporated it into the list. I don't think it's a huge problem, but in a pvp game, and you're trying to get into a keep to fight people, because ya know... Pvp.. And you're outnumbered and they won't come out, and they are troll repairing and sieging you and your horde of 4, it gets irritating. Maybe it's a compliment that they view us as that dangerous, but I can assure you im not playing the game for compliments. Haha I'm playing yo kill you.

    Sure it's annoying. I've tried taking back Drake with just me (actually I've tried many many times) and had three people sitting inside troll repairing. No way I was gonna break that even with 4 siege going. However, I don't really mind people using a keep for what a keep is typically meant for. If you have 4 people sieging and 11 people just sitting inside, chances are they are too stupid to notice if you send one around to get the other side and get that to 94% and then pull everyone over there. In general it adds an extra layer to strategy and gives a tiny group a chance to hold out against a huge zerg until reinforcements get there.
  • WreckfulAbandon
    As someone who has run to the safety of tower doors many times in the past, I can support this change.
    PC NA

    All my comments are regarding PvP
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    Skyy wrote: »
    Skyy wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    I legitimately think, if you truly feel that tower farming was an immense plague in the game that merited removing doors by way of "carpenter strike", you need to reevaluate your entire view on cyrodiil.

    Right now it's all speculation as to why the devs did this. And unless they come out and say why we can only speculate. Obviously they felt it was necessary.

    The devs also thought a lot of things were necessary. Rapid change, every other ability having a snare, aoe caps, proxy and VD, viper/velidreth, mdk, radiant D, stamina dominance, cold harbor siege, troll repairing, IC flags, towns with no significance, and the list goes on and on.
    Hard to maintain a belief that they know what is "necessary" in their own game. A game that abruptly changes every 2-3 months, with no incremental patches to adjust any balance and just plain ignorance regarding testing. But hey at least they are throwing 30 something new sets our way to distract us.

    I agree that half those things you listed are incredibly stupid, but a few of them are actually quite awesome in my opinion. Especially troll repairing, greatest thing ever.

    I've used it, specifically when it's a few of us holding out till help arrives... But I've also had it used against me when there was 4 of us, with at least 11 counted people on the walls, with 4 siege pointed at us, many times. And in the spirit of fairness incorporated it into the list. I don't think it's a huge problem, but in a pvp game, and you're trying to get into a keep to fight people, because ya know... Pvp.. And you're outnumbered and they won't come out, and they are troll repairing and sieging you and your horde of 4, it gets irritating. Maybe it's a compliment that they view us as that dangerous, but I can assure you im not playing the game for compliments. Haha I'm playing yo kill you.

    Sure it's annoying. I've tried taking back Drake with just me (actually I've tried many many times) and had three people sitting inside troll repairing. No way I was gonna break that even with 4 siege going. However, I don't really mind people using a keep for what a keep is typically meant for. If you have 4 people sieging and 11 people just sitting inside, chances are they are too stupid to notice if you send one around to get the other side and get that to 94% and then pull everyone over there. In general it adds an extra layer to strategy and gives a tiny group a chance to hold out against a huge zerg until reinforcements get there.

    Yea I hear ya. I suppose to further clarify I don't always want to fight in or around a keep. And I've yet to find the door bell so I'm forced to knock with stone.
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
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